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Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2011-03-02 06:02:01)

Всего программ в каталоге: 8851
Размер каталога: 149996.14 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 3808
Новинок: 3978

HDDlife Pro 3.1.172 (shareware $25; 7298 Кб)
BinarySense Inc.

Фотографии ваших близких, видео фильмы из путешествий, ваш ежедневник и записная книжка, письма друзей, служебная информация и документы - вы готовы потерять всё это в один момент?
Узнать о возможном сбое жесткого диска заранее - значит иметь время для предотвращения потери всех данных. HDDlife Pro - это удобная в использовании программа, которая позволит вам контролировать здоровье вашего жесткого диска в интуитивно понятной форме. Просто запустите программу - и она покажет список ваших дисков с указанием какой процент здоровья остался и какова их температура. HDDlife Pro может работать в профилактическом режиме, регулярно контролируя здоровье жестких дисков и информируя вас в ненавязчивой форме о результатах проверок. Имея предупреждение о возможном сбое жесткого диска, вы обезопасите себя от потери ваших, разумеется бесценных, личных данных.
JustNow! - принципиально новая технология, позволяющая узнать состояние здоровья и производительности жестких дисков немедле! нно, как при первом, так и при последующих запусках программы! Нет необходимости в длительном предварительном контроле дисков!
Контроль производительности диска
Для эффективной работы необходимо знать не только здоровье, но и уровень производительности жесткого диска. Используя HDDlife Pro вы сможете увидеть когда она приблизится к критическому уровню и успеете заменить жесткий диск до того, как он станет сверхмедленным и парализует вашу работу.
Предупреждающий контроль
О предстоящих бедах и неприятностях всегда хочется знать заранее. Регулярное и постоянное использование HDDlife Pro позволит вам узнать о возможном сбое жесткого диска заранее и предупредить потерю личных данных.
Градусник для ваших жеcтких дисков
При увеличении температуры жесткого диска всего на 10 градусов его надежность падает почти в 2 раза! HDDlife Pro позволяет решить и эту проблему - реальная температура диска постоянно отображается в системной области (возле часов).
Загру! зите сейчас!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/3263.html ]

Workspace Macro Pro - Macro Software 6.5.4 (shareware $39.95; 3871 Кб)
Automation Anywhere, Inc.

Автоматизация задач и график легко. Макро Надежные программы Windows и программного обеспечения для автоматизации задач в планировщике. Макросов в считанные минуты. Записи клавиатуры и мыши или использовать макро редактор. Предварительное определены шаблоны Интернет как чистых, настройка уда-, FTP загружать / загрузить и т.д., пусть вам автоматизировать общие задачи в считанные минуты. Особенности технологии SMART макро, горячие клавиши, повторяю и Turbo - скорость проигрывания. "Запись еще и играть в любое время" макро программное обеспечение для автоматизации.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11076.html ]

Free YouTube to MP3 Converter 3.9.33 (freeware; 23226 Кб)
DVDVideoSoft Ltd

Free YouTube to MP3 Converter позволяет скачивать любое аудио в формате MP3 не только из отдельных видеороликов, но и из целых плейлистов, каналов пользователей, видеоответов, программ и чартов.
Выходные файлы скачиваются в форматах MP3 (экономичного, стандартного, высочайшего и сумасшедшего качества) или WAV (аудио без потерь) и помещаются в папку “Мои Документы”, сохраняя при этом оригинальное имя источника видео.
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter упрощает вашу работу: Программа автоматически добавляет обложку к скачанным MP3 файлам и заполняет теги, которые отображаются в iTunes, Winamp или Проводнике Windows.
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter имеет режим пакетной обработки, что позволяет скачивать несколько файлов или плейлистов одновременно.
Теперь возможна загрузка потокового видео по протоколу RTMP.
Free YouTube to MP3 Converter не содержит вирусов и шпионских программ. Эта программа абсолютно бесплатна и безопасна как при установке, так и в процессе исп! ользования.
Новые функции: Загрузка потокового видео по протоколу RTMP, загрузка встроенных YouTube-видео с других сайтов, загрузка лучших YouTube-плейлистов с других сайтов, загрузка YouTube плейлистов, загрузка YouTube каналов, загрузка избранного YouTube пользователей. Это, возможно, лучшая программа для загрузки файлов с YouTube.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8795.html ]

Регистрация заявок LAN 2.7.7 (shareware 1700 руб; 18000 Кб)

Система Help Desk для учета и отслеживания заявок и вопросов от пользователей в локальной сети.

Предположим, что у пользователя возникла какая-либо проблема или вопрос, который он хочет направить IT-персоналу или администратору. С помощью программы-клиента он создает заявку, которая поступает на сервер и обрабатывается программой-сервером.
Главный администратор (диспетчер) получает уведомление о поступившей заявке и обрабатывает её. Он может назначить исполнителя и перенаравить заявку ему. Исполнитель в свою очередь получает об этом уведомление.
Пользователь, который подал заявку, имеет возможность просматривать изменение её статуса, в котором может быть указан скрок выполнения заявки или ответ на вопрос.

Основной набор функций:
- Регистрация и отслеживание заявок от пользователей в локальной сети TCP/IP (поддержка удаленных соединений).
- Уведомления о заявках в программе и по e-mail.
- 3 уровня описания заявок: общее название, уточнени! е и подробное описание.
- Редактируемая база знаний.
- Клиент-Серверная технология (3 программных модуля).
- Авторизация.
- 4 типа пользователей программы.
- Возможность формирования отчетов на основании полученных заявок.
- Возможность отправлять файлы.
- Задачи и напоминания.
- Календарь.
- Обновления модулей.
- Дополнительные функции.
- Поддержка многоязычности. В программе доступны 2 языка: русский и английский.

Программа обладает простым интерфейсом, который будет понятен любому пользователю и не требует специального обучения. Исполнителям предоставляется удобный механизм контроля поступивших заявок, а каждому пользователю - возможность мониторить состояния его заявки.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8258.html ]

Кадры Плюс 4.2.5 (shareware 3900 руб; 19500 Кб)

Программа для отдела кадров!

- Возможность ведения от 1-й до любого количества организаций.
- Структурированная система организации.
- Классификатор должностей.
- Ведение базы данных сотрудников, работающих по трудовым договорам.
- Ведение базы данных сотрудников, работающих по договорам гражданско-правового характера.
- Автоматическая подготовка приказов. Формирование приказов по формам T1, T1а, T5, T5a, T6, T6a, T8, T8a, T9, T10, T10a, T11, T11a, штатного расписания по форме T-3, графика отпусков по форме T-7.
- Учет рабочего времени сотрудников и печать табелей.
- Учет движения сотрудников и ведение кадровой статистики.
- Журнал документов.
- Расчет стажа.
- Формирование стандартных отчетов (более 60 готовых).
- Создание своих отчетов.
- Экспорт отчетов.
- Экспорт сведений о сотрудниках в XLS.
- Загрузка из xls-файла списка сотрудников и структуры организации.
- Поддержка шаблонов документов.
! - Шаблоны типовых бланков.
- Сетевые возможности.
- Онлайн функции.

Легко устанавливается и настраивается!

Наиболее удобное и интуитивно понятное управление всеми кадровыми функциями по сравнению с другими программными аналогами.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/6160.html ]

ViewFD v2.5.6 (freeware; 1910 Кб)
Евсеев Сергей Валентинович

Менеджер. Видео и аудио проигрыватели (DirectShow, MCI), работающие со своими списками (M3U, PLS). Быстрый просмотр файлов в неактивной панели и полноэкранное слайд-шоу для графических файлов. Настройка изображений, в том числе с использованием цветовых и геометрических эффектов. Изменение размеров группы изображений, создание HTML альбомов и AVI файлов. Просмотр и редактирование таблиц баз данных форматов TXT, DBF, DB, SQL (BDE, ADO). Контроль использования подключений, запуска процессов, выбора окон, выбора заголовков, нажатия клавиш, содержимого экрана. Калькулятор формул с возможностью построения графиков. Управление автозагрузкой, InCD. Очистка файлов, директорий, дисков обеспечивающая конфиденциальность данных и предотвращающая накопление мусора. Резервное копирование. Редактирование тегов и переименование MP3 и WMA файлов. Просмотр реестра с возможностью расширенного поиска. Управление архиваторами WinRAR и 7-Zip (4.42). Кодирование файлов, без заголовка и контрольно! й суммы, что значительно затрудняет несанкционированное обнаружение и декодирование. Просмотр дисков с возможностью копирования фрагментов и создания образов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/5570.html ]

Falco Viewer 1.1.3 (freeware; 4708 Кб)
Falco Software Company

Falco viewer - программа для быстрого
просмотра графических файлов. Имеет
удобный интерфейс, возможность вращения,
приближения и отдаления изображения и
сохранение его в популярных форматах.
Главная особенность от стандартного
просмоторщика Windows это очень высокая
скорость обработки изображений. Так же
очень быстро обрабатывается приближение
и отдаление картинки с высоким
разрешением, от снимков цифровых фото


Вращение изображения.

Увеличение/Уменьшение изображения.

Отражение изображения по

Возможность распечатки изображения на

Открытие и привязка программы ко всем
популярным форматам:


Возможность сохранения(конвертирования)
изображения в форматах:


Несколько цветовых схем интерфейса.

Высо! кая скорость обработки изображения,
по сравнению со стандартными средствами
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10594.html ]

Steam Clock 3D Screensaver 1.0 (shareware $9.99; 41660 Кб)

Бьемся об заклад, еще ни один механизм не вызывал у вас такого неподдельного любопытства! Этот анимированный 3D-скринсейвер доказывает, что точное время рождается и в паровых машинах! Секрет работы этих чудо-часов знает только гном, который то и дело подбрасывает уголь в топку. Крутятся шестеренки, шипят трубы, ходят поршни, вращаются турбины, блестят цилиндры, бушует пламя — работа идет полным ходом, ведь каждая секунда на счету!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/11075.html ]

MyShop 4.93 (shareware 760 руб; 2780 Кб)

Программа позволяет учитывать наличие товаров на нескольких складах или торговых точках. Есть все необходимые отчеты и графики. Интерфейс программы очень удобен и понятен. С помощью программы MyShop вы можете вывести на печать все необходимые документы, получить нужный отчет за любой период, вести базу клиентов и поставщиков, вести прайс-лист, учитывать остатки на любом из складов или торговых точек, работать от лица нескольких организаций, и это еще не все.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/1110.html ]

DVD Ripper Platinum 2010 2010.07.28 (shareware $39.95; 7171 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD Ripper Platinum is design for backup your favorite DVD movie to your computer by converting DVD to AVI, DivX, XviD, VCD, WMV, MPEG4 format video files, with almost same quality, but just only 10% size. With optimized profiles, you can convert DVD Movie to iPod Video, Microsoft Zune, Pocket PC, 3GP Mobile Phone or any other MP4 player, such as iRiver, Archos, Creative Zen Vision and more. It also support ripping MTV, music DVD to MP3 audio, you can listen to your favorite movies on your iPod now! Key features: 1. Convert DVD Movie to AVI(DivX, XviD...) format. 2. Convert DVD Movie to WMV,ASF format. 3. Convert DVD Audio to MP3/Wav/WMA format. 4. Split DVD by chapters, by Size or by Custom Time. 5. Auto shutdown when completed Copy DVD and Rip DVD. 6. Optimized for P4, Copy DVD and Rip DVD with super high speed. 7. Support custom watermark(use bmp or text)
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10339.html ]

Менеджер Курьерских Доставок 2.1 (shareware $2000; 108769 Кб)
Донских Сергей

"Менеджер Курьерских Доставок" - программа для курьерской компании. Располагает всем необходимым инструментарием для успешной деятельности. Простой интуитивно понятный интерфейс сочетает в себе функциональность, так необходимую для быстрой работы в курьерской компании.

Курьерская программа позволяет вести базу заказов, клиентов, сотрудников, делать расчет зарплаты, как агентам, так и курьерам, настраивать тарифы для заказов, курьеров, агентов. Позволяет печатать и экспортировать во многие форматы все печатные формы, как заданные по умолчанию, так и созданные Вами. Для удобства использования, между курьерскими компаниями создан удобный экспорт и импорт манифестов и подтверждения о доставках, которые позволяют избавиться от ручного ввода данных в программу. Во всех таблицах с данными существуют контекстные меню, позволяющие убирать столбцы, добавлять скрытые, группировать, а так же фильтровать по необходимым столбцам. В меню для быстрого доступа вынесены наиболее часто! используемые пункты меню, такие как: тарифный калькулятор, который позволяет сразу же добавить заказ с добавлением уже внесенных данных, календарь, который позволяет добавить напоминание, а также панель детализации данных, которая позволяет выбирать данные за необходимый промежуток времени. Для уменьшения времени добавления заказа создана возможность автоматического заполнения необходимых граф в карточке заказа, тем самым позволяя добавлять заказ за пару секунд.

Большой набор тем и визуальных стилей позволяет каждому пользователю наиболее удобно настроить программу под себя. Отчетность в программе имеет 2 типа: простая и сложная, но обе настраиваются. В простой отчетности (быстрый экспорт/печать) можно настроить порядок и набор столбцов для вывода на печать или экспорта. В сложной отчетности существует возможность подводить итоги, суммировать данные, группировать и создавать разнообразные отчеты в конструкторе отчетов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10315.html ]

Cucu iPhone iTouch iPod Transfer 2010 2010.7.23 (shareware $29.95; 1102 Кб)
zhang guangye

iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is an easy to use iPod/iPhone utility designed to help you backup all your files from your iPod/iPhone/iTouch. Recover lost or missing music or backup and restore all of your iPod/iPhone/iTouch content; including your favorite songs, videos, photos, Play Lists and more. If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a must have utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safe. Features: * Top-rated iPod transfer software - Easy and simple to use, powerful as well. * Supports all iPod/iPhone/iTouch models. * Auto-scans your iPod/iPhone devices. * Auto-searches by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Simple to install and operate. * Advanced settings supports Backup Folder Rule. * Index by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Easily and quickly backup your songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and more from your iTouch/iPhone/iPod to any folder on your PC. * Supports manage iPhone/iTouch/iPod content, import and export files between devices and computer. * ! Supports not only iPod/iPod Nano/iPod shuffle, also iPhone and iTouch. * Supports play media file directly in our program without third party player. * Supports manage your iPod device on any computer. * Supports transfer photos from iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer. * Supports locate music or video by ablum/artist/genre easily. * Supports multiple languages. (English, Spanish, Deutsch, Japanese, Chinese...) * Good value for money.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10316.html ]

DeGo Free Video to iPod Converter 2.4.2 (freeware; 11518 Кб)
Nicholas Whaley

DeGo Video To iPod Converter - это программа для конвертации и создания видео для любых моделей iPod / iTouch / iPhone / iPad / iTunes-а. Она поможет вам сконвертировать видео из любого формата, включая DVD/VOB, HD-video (H264/AVC, MTS/M2TS/AVCHD, MOD/TOD и TS), AVI, WMV/ASF, MPEG/MPG, QuickTime Video (QT, MOV, MP4 и M4V), Real Video (RM и RMVB), Matroska Video (MKV video), DivX, 3GP и 3G2 и др. в формат iPod-а. Вы сможете сами создать видео, необходимого вам качества и размера, благодаря развитой системе профилей.

Программа содержит встроенный редактор, при помощи которого вы сможете отредактировать ваше видео. Редактор обладает следующими основными возможностями: удаление ненужных фрагментов, склейка нескольких видео файлов в один, разбивка одного файл на несколько частей и прочее. Также имеет полноценный видео плеере, при помощи которого вы сможете просматривать видео в полноэкранном режиме.

И наконец, вы сможете скачивать видео из Интернета с различных! сайтов, например с сайта YouTube (в том числе в HD-качестве) и затем сконвертировать его для вашей модели iPod-а.

Итак основные особенности нашего продукта:
1. Поддержка всех ключевых видео форматов и моделей iPod / iTouch / iPhone / iPad / iTunes.
2. Встроенный видео плеер и наличие видео редактора.
3. Возможность скачивания видео с различных сайтов.
4. Возможность конвертации нескольких файлов за раз.
5. Высокая скорость конвертации за счет использования аппаратного ускорения и многопроцессорности.
6. Высокая качество конвертации.
7. Простота освоения программы.
8. Поддержка скинов.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10311.html ]

MIE Quote IT Pro 2010-2 (shareware $1000; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Solution is a leading provider of Quoting Software Technology and Estimating software Solutions. We offer full featured quote and estimate software that will help organizations increase sales, respond to market opportunities, and deliver quality products. MIE Solutions comprehensive quoting and estimating solution, MIE QuoteIT Pro, is an integrated application that will also reduce time, costs, and errors allowing organizations to achieve the best price and quote estimate, maximizing overall sales activities.

The software enables companies to manage critical business functions including: quotes, estimates, customers, sales and executive information and data. Users can track costs, price, create assemblies, view history, email, documents and calculate costs. Its easy to use as it simplifies the estimating and quoting process along with helping companies reduce errors.

QuoteIT Pro is easy to set-up, maintain and integrate within your organization. It is a ! server-based sales management solution that allows you to configure, price, quote, propose and sell your offerings across multiple sales and distribution channels, anytime, anywhere. Its a leading supply chain management software tool developed to meet the unique quoting needs of organizations, manufacturers, job shops, fabricators and companies in almost every industry. Using QuoteIT Pro, your sales force easily creates professional quotes and proposals. Management has complete visibility and control of the process. Additionally QuoteIT Pro includes CRM functionality such as action alerts, task management, follow up records, pipeline and reporting. Implementing QuoteIT Pro helps increase productivity along with closing more sales by simplifying and speeding up the price estimating processes
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10309.html ]

Quote IT Estimating Software 10.5 (shareware $500; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Solution is a leading provider of Quoting Software Technology and Estimating software Solutions. We offer full featured quote and estimate software that will help organizations increase sales, respond to market opportunities, and deliver quality products. MIE Solutions comprehensive quoting and estimating solution, MIE QuoteIT Pro, is an integrated application that will also reduce time, costs, and errors allowing organizations to achieve the best price and quote estimate, maximizing overall sales activities.
The software enables companies to manage critical business functions including: quotes, estimates, customers, sales and executive information and data. Users can track costs, price, create assemblies, view history, email, documents and calculate costs. Its easy to use as it simplifies the estimating and quoting process along with helping companies reduce errors.
QuoteIT Pro is easy to set-up, maintain and integrate within your organization. It is a server-b! ased sales management solution that allows you to configure, price, quote, propose and sell your offerings across multiple sales and distribution channels, anytime, anywhere. Its a leading supply chain management software tool developed to meet the unique quoting needs of organizations, manufacturers, job shops, fabricators and companies in almost every industry. Using QuoteIT Pro, your sales force easily creates professional quotes and proposals. Management has complete visibility and control of the process. Additionally QuoteIT Pro includes CRM functionality such as action alerts, task management, follow up records, pipeline and reporting. Implementing QuoteIT Pro helps increase productivity along with closing more sales by simplifying and speeding up the price estimating processes
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10308.html ]

MIE Quote IT CadSolid Software 2010-2 (shareware $500; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Quote IT CadSolid Software is a quoting and estimating package that helps companies prepare estimates consistently regardless of who is estimating with the use of tables and formulas. MIE QuoteIt is a multi-user package which can handle 100В’s of concurrent users. MIE QuoteIt gives the user the ability to create formulas for each operation so that as long as the estimators can read a drawing and have basic knowledge of manufacturing the estimators should be within pennies of each other on the per part price. MIE QuoteIt gives the ability to have multiple quotes per item to really evaluate different manufacturing methods and their costs in order to come up with the best price for the customer. In MIE QuoteIt just enter the labor operations and bill of material and a true cost and price are readily available quick and easy. MIE QuoteIt uses the latest technology from a DOT Net GUI through to a SQL Server backend database to handle your enterprise requirements. Finally, abi! lity to take Cad data imports into the calucations speeds up the quoting process and creates more accuarte quotes.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10307.html ]

MIE Trak Pro SQL 2010-2 (shareware $500; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Trak ERP SQL Software is a fully integrated business software solution. Modules include Quoting, Order Entry, Purchasing, Scheduling, Data Collection, Routing, Work Orders, Accounting, Quickbooks Integration, Inventory Control, BOMs, Invoicing, etc.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10306.html ]

MIETrak ERP Software 10.5 (shareware $2000; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIETrak ERP Software is a fully integrated business software solution. Modules include Quoting, Order Entry, Purchasing, Scheduling, Data Collection, Routing, Work Orders, Accounting, Quickbooks Integration, Inventory Control, BOMs, Invoicing, etc.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10305.html ]

MIE Tasks 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Tasks is a revolutionary business management and collaboration tool. MIE Tasks is intended for businesses whose employees want to share information, collaborate, chat, manage tasks, manage documents and files and other business related tasks. MIE Tasks can be used in organizations with 1000s of users who want to easily manage their daily business activities. Document management system designed for a single user up to an organization of 1000s of users.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10304.html ]

MIE Maintenance CMMS Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Maintenance is a revolutionary Machine and Equipment maintenance and preventive maintenance application. This software helps companies in asset intensive industries maintain their investments by managing these assets. MIE Maintenance handles both maintenance requests and predefined maintenance tasks to notify your maintenance teams to perform work. Maintenance requests can be denied or approved. Once a maintenance request is approved a work order is created to perform the work. All the work can be logged into MIE Maintenance for historical reporting and fixed asset reporting.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10303.html ]

MIE Kiosk Data Collection Software 2010-2 (shareware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Kiosk Data Collection and Whiteboard Scheduling Software is a fully integrated data collection and time clock software solution. Features include Employee Time Clock, Packing Slips, View Cad Files,Scheduling, etc.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10302.html ]

MIE Journal 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Journal Software is a revolutionary business management and collaboration tool. MIE Journal Software is intended for businesses whose employees want to share information, collaborate, chat, manage tasks, manage documents and files and other business related tasks. MIE Journal Software can be used in organizations with 1000s of users who want to easily manage their daily business activities. Document management system designed for a single user up to an organization of 1000s of users. File management systems are designed to solve the problems associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization. Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10301.html ]

MIE Exhange B2B Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Exchange enables buyers and suppliers to communicate through communities which then allows Request For Quotes (RFQ), Bids, Bid Management, Purchase Orders, Catalog Management, Document Management and Inventory Management.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10300.html ]

MIE Docs File Managent Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Docs can be used in organizations with 1000s of users who want to easily manage their daily business activities. Document management system designed for a single user up to an organization of 1000s of users. File management systems are designed to solve the problems associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization. Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups. MIE Docs File Management lowers the costs of handling and storing your documents and saves staff time by providing both instant access to your documents and business process automation. MIE Docs centralizes the storage of files into an easy to use virtual drive.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10299.html ]

MIE Dashboard Collaboration Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Dashboard Workgroup Collaboration Software is a revolutionary business management and collaboration tool. MIE Dashboard is intended for businesses whose employees want to share information, collaborate, chat, manage tasks, manage documents and files and other business related tasks. MIE Dashboard can be used in organizations with 1000s of users who want to easily manage their daily business activities. Document management system designed for a single user up to an organization of 1000s of users. File management systems are designed to solve the problems associated with storing, managing, finding and tracking files used throughout an organization. Organizations with hundreds of thousands of files lose files each day when files are stored on multiple computers, hard drives and backups. MIE Docs File Management lowers the costs of handling and storing your documents and saves staff time by providing both instant access to your documents and business process automation. M! IE Docs centralizes the storage of files into an easy to use virtual drive.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10298.html ]

MIE CRM Software 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE CRM Software delivers Customer relationship management across sales, service, and marketing functions.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10297.html ]

MIE Chat 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Chat Software Collabration Software is a revolutionary chat software and collaboration tool. The chatting system is for intercompany chatting where users do not have access to chat outside the company. Its small chat server runs on your file server and each client now has the ability to chat, attach chats to files or tasks.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10296.html ]

MIE Calendar 2010-2 (freeware; 2772 Кб)
David Ferguson

MIE Calendar Software is a revolutionary calendar and collaboration tool. MIE Calendar is intended for businesses whose employees want to share calendars, information and tasks.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10295.html ]

Hamster Free Video Converter (freeware; 282 Кб)
Pavel Potasuev

Hamster Free Video Converter мощный бесплатный видеоконвертор на русском языке. Легко, в 3 клика конвертирует видео в любой видео формат (свыше 100 форматов): AVI, 3GP, MPEG, FLV, WMV, MP4, XviD, DivX, MKV, M2TS и пр. При помощи Hamster Free Video Converter можно подготовить любой видеофайл для просмотра на более чем 200 устройств: DVD player, iPod, iPhone, iPad, Archos, Zune, PSP, HTC, Nokia, Blackberry и другие. Также возможность делать аудиофайлы MP3 из видео. Встроенный видеоплеер. Можно сразу конвертировать несколько файлов. Гибкая система настроек кодеков, AudioVideo bitrate, Frame Rate и др.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10292.html ]

iPod Rip (shareware $25.95; 21547 Кб)
tunny Inc.

As all-around iPod rip software, iPod Rip supports transferring music, videos and photos among iPod, iPhone and PC, and importing files from iPhone to iTunes. It helps you easily create, edit and delete iPod playlists and manage multiple iPods at the same time. You can manage your photos and use iPhone like a portable hard disk under its assistance. High ripping speed and concise interface design make iPod/iPhone content management on your computer simple and convenient. All types of iPod and iPhone are supported. It is the only iPod/iPhone transfer that supports iPhone OS 3.1.3 and iTunes 9.0.3. New features: 1.Supports iPhone 4 2.Switches to QT platform Key Features: 1. Transfer iPod/iPhone music, video and photo to your PC at high speed. 2. Add and Transfer music or movies on your iPod/iPhone to iTunes library. 3. Feature friendly interface and easy-to-handle process. 4. Allow you to create, rename and delete a playlist on iPod/iPhone. 5. Support drag-and-drop. 6. Support! all types of iPod and iPhone,including iPod nano5 and iPhone 4. 7. Manage your iPod on any computer- Once you install iPod Rip, you can use the software to manage your iPod on any computer. 8. Filter and quick search - Find what you want as quickly and easily as iTunes. 9. Device information display-All info about your iPod, e.g. type, capacity, version number, etc. will be shown on the main interface. 10. Two modes for viewing music, movies and photos- thumbnails and list. iPod Rip provides an ideal solution for you to manage, rip, backup, restore your iPod/ iPhone on personal computer. Corporation focuses on the users experience all along, offering the most easy-to-use software and consummate service.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10288.html ]

Repair ZIP files Tool 6.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 8570 Кб)
zip recovery freeware Tool

Zip repair recovery software repairs and recovers corrupted .zip files and restores the corrupted zip file. zip repair software extracts files from corrupted Zip archives. Zip Recovery Software or Zip Repair Tool for Windows XP can also repair and restore password protected Zip files WinZip 5.0 to WinZip 8.0. Zip File Recovery tool for Zip recovery to repair corrupt zip file, extract zip files and open zip files. Zip repair software is competent enough to repair corrupt Zip files after almost all corruption cases like, broken downloads, CRC errors, incomplete download, virus hits, file system damage.
ZP File Repair Software Features- password-protected archives recovery
Zip recovery software Fix broken zip Files Tool repair corrupted zip archives, repairs corrupt Zip files.
Data recovery program for corrupted Zip archives (.ZIP) repairs corrupt .zip files/archives, Repairs .zip files up to 800 MB file size.
Download Advanced Archive Repair Tool Repairs and ! restores all sub-types of zip files, which are not password protected, for 8.1 to WinZip 12.1.
Corrupt Zip Repair Tool Fix zip software recover Zip files compatible with Windows 7, Vista, 2003, XP, and 2000.
Free ZIP Repair zip repair software provide complete install and uninstall support.
Zip recovery application repair winzip archive provides preview of all repairable zip file(s) displaying the extractable files.
Zip Recovery extracts files from corrupted Zip archives (.zip).
Data recovery software for corrupted Zip archives highly interactive user-interface recovers data from corrupt or damaged Zip.
zip file recovery tool easily work with all Microsoft operating system like 98, 2000, 2003 server, NT, ME, XP professional and all editions of Vista.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10287.html ]

Zip File Repair Software 6.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 8576 Кб)
Zip File Repair Software Tool

Zip repair recovery software repairs and recovers corrupted .zip files and restores the corrupted zip file. Corrupt Zip Repair Software 7-Zip compressed archive File Recovery utility fixes and repair corrupt damaged and broken zip files. FIX Broken ZIP File Software can repair corrupted ZIP files which showing error like "Cannot open file:not a valid archive". No extra technical skills are required by the user to use the software. Zip repair utility or Free Zip Repair Tool easily recover images, pictures, music files, document files etc from corrupt Zip Archives or compressed files corrupted due to CRC errors in downloaded zip, Virus Corruption, Broken downloads etc. Fix zip file vista freeware support all formats of ZIP files such as spanned ZIP files and split ZIP files. Zip Recovery Software tool can recover corrupt zip files of any size. Zip file repair software recover all Zip file items having CRC errors, Virus Corruption, Broken downloads.

Zip Recovery Softwa! re Features- Repair and Recover Files from Corrupt ZIP
Corrupted ZIP Archive Repair software Zip Recovery Tool extracts files from corrupted ZIP archives.
Zip Repair Tool for Windows 7 compatible with Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista and Windows 7.
Tool recovers files from ZIP archives recovers data from corrupted damaged ZIP files created using WinZip, WinRar or other utility Archives.
Repair ZIP File Utility Zip Recovery Software repairs all .zip files that can be password protected, from WinZip 5.0 to WinZip 8.0 (Zip 2.0 Compatible encryption.
Free Broken ZIP Repairer Software repairs corrupt .zip files archives tool repairs all sub-types of zip files created in WinZip 5.0 to WinZip 12.1.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10280.html ]

Windows Vista Mail password recovery utility 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб)
Windows Mail Passwords Recovery Tools

Windows Mail password revealer application email password recovery tools can extract the password and display it in plain text. Windows Mail password viewer tool recovers all types of Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail saved passwords including POP3, IMAP, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP accounts. Windows Vista Mail password recovery utility decrypt Windows Mail account passwords directly from Windows registry files. Advanced Mail password restoration program can recover local Vista Windows Mail e-mails and news accounts data and passwords
Windows Mail Password Recovery Features
Windows live mail password finder recovers all types of Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail saved passwords: POP3, IMAP, SMTP, NNTP and LDAP accounts.
Windows Mail Password Recovery decrypt windows mail account passwords directly from Windows registry files.
Windows Mail Password Recovery Tools will help you to recover your lost Windows Mail / Windows Live Mail logins and passwords.
Windows ! live mail passwords unlocker support multilingual passwords with full install/uninstall support.
Windows (Live) Mail password recovery utility Demo Version of Windows Mail Password Recovery shows only first 2 characters of the decrypted passwords.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10273.html ]

Disk Data Wiping Tool 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 1400 Кб)
Disk Wipe Tools

Data Wiper removes completely all deleted confidential files folders from your hard drive and USB drives. Generally when a user delete a file from hard disk, deleted data can be recovered by data recovery softwares. Data wiping tool easley wipe data and no data recovery software will recover your data after wiping. Data erasure utility supports both FAT and NTFS file system and runs under all major windows operating systems including Windows XP, Win 2000, Windows 98, Win ME and Vista. It can wipe system files like clipboard contents, administrator s temporary files, recent folder, system registry traces, recycle bin, recent documents. It removes data permanently from hard drive that can never be recovered by any data recovery tools. Data wiping utility is able to permanently remove files and folders from hard drives, USB Removable Storage media, memory cards, compact flash cards, SD cards, and other flash drives.
Data wiper software features - Erasing and destroying all ! the deleted files wipes all the activity
Data wiper tool easily wipes free unused memory space clean all online-offline activities, auto complete forms, recently opened documents.
Software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Data eraser software permanently delete temporary files folders remove internet history web address bar URL records from hard disk and other removal medias.
Powerful security application which ensures better system performance by completely erasing and destroying all the deleted files and folders from your PC or laptops.
Software completely wipes out unused space on the hard disk and destroy all online/offline activities, internet files, history details, cookies, opened document list, recently visited websites and typed URLs, temporary files, recycle bin, clipboard content.
Laptop hard disk data wiper is a SAFE data remover.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10272.html ]

Floppy Disk Data Recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1800 Кб)
Floppy Repair Tools

Floppy data recovery tool recover data from floppy disks and user can rescues various deleted files. Floppy Recovery tool can recover data from formatted floppy disks. Rescue damaged file from floppy disk utility is compatible with all Windows Operating System Technical and non technical users both are easily operate it without having the knowledge of data recovery. Data recovery software for floppies user can recover accidentally deleted files on floppy disk. Recover inaccessible data on floppy disk and rescue lost files from floppy disk. Inaccessible floppy disk data recovery restores floppy disk deleted files and recovers quick formatted floppy disk data.
Floppy Disk Recovery Software Features
Floppy recovery tool recover floppy disk data and files recovers corrupt or lost data from floppy disks.
Floppy disk data retrieval rescues various corrupt files from a inaccessible floppy disk.
Recover data from floppy disks that Microsoft Windows identifies as "not! formatted", "not accessible", or prompts you to format.
Recover Data Corrupted and unopenable files on floppy disk.
Floppy Disk Recovery works under all Windows family operating systems including Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows 2003, Windows XP.
Floppy disk undeletes recover accidentally deleted files on floppy disk

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10271.html ]

MSSQL to MS Access DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 828 Кб)
Database Converter Tools

MSSQL to MS Access Database converter convert SQL Server database into MS Access Database. Database converter tool supports Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005 support. MSSQL database file converter software runs easily on all windows Operating Systems including Windows 98, Windows 98 (SE), Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP and Windows VISTA. Software convert individual tables and easy-to-use wizard-style interface with full install/uninstall support. MSSQL to MS access database conversion tool application support Unicode architecture and maintains database integrity.
MS Access File Repair Features
Microsoft SQL Server to MS Access database converter tool converts its tables into MS Access database table.
MSSQL to MS Access database conversion utility supports all versions of Microsoft SQL Server including SQL Server 2000/ 2005 and Microsoft Access.
Converts attributes, primary key, unique key constraints, not null constraint! s, index files and all other properties of MS SQL database.
Convert MS SQL to MS Access database utility supports windows operating system like windows 98, windows 2000, 2003, 2003 server, NT, NT Server, NT workstation, XP home edition, Windows XP Media centre edition 2005, Me, windows pro edition, and Vista.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10270.html ]

MySQL to MS Access DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 885 Кб)
DB Converter Tools

MySQL to MS Access Database Conversion Tool convert entire or selected data base rows or columns of MySQL database to Microsoft Access database. MySQL to MS Access database conversion tool support all major MS access database datatype attributes, default value and Unicode architecture for better database conversion results. Software support all major MS Access database data type and attributes with support all major version of MySQL and MS Access database server.
MySQL to MS Access Database Converter Features
MySQL to MS Access database converter software converts MySQL database records into MS Access database records.
MySQL Server to Microsoft MS Access database migration software support all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Converts selected individual tables or entire database records.
Freeware MySQL server to Microsoft MS Access database migration software has full install/uninstall support.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10269.html ]

MSSQL to MySQL DB Converter 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 824 Кб)
DB Converter MSSQL-MySQL Tools

MSSQL to MySQL Database Converter Software converts database records created in MSSQL server to MySQL server database record format. MSSQL to MySQL database converter is compatible with all windows based operating system including windows XP, Windows vista starter, vista home basic, vista home premium, vista business, vista enterprise and vista ultimate, Win 98, Win 2000, Win ME, NT, 2003 server. Free MySQL to MS SQL database converter can converts individual tables or more than one table depending on user selection and work with all major versions of MS SQL Server.
MSSQL to MySQL Database Converter Features
MSSQL to MySQL database conversion tool supports all data types, constraints, keys and other attributes used in MySQL server.
MSSQL to MySQL database migration software support all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Convert MySQL to MS Sql Server Utility converts table, fields, indexes, rows and column fro! m source database (MSSQL) to destination database (MySQL).
MSSQL to MySQL converter software provides highly interactive easy to use wizard style graphical user interface.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10267.html ]

Yahoo Archive Decoder Tool 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1500 Кб)
Yahoo archive .DAT log file decoder Tools

Yahoo messenger archive recovery software recover chat messages like instant messages, conferences and mobile SMS messages read and recover data from archive .dat files. Retrieve chat conversations data. Yahoo Messenger Chat Recovery Program recovers all chat conversations data that are stored on your personal computer, Laptop, Notebook. You can decodes all your private chat messages like instant messages conferences and mobile SMS messages and saves it in RTF rich text format file. Yahoo messenger chat message archive decoder can easily monitor all versions of Yahoo Messengers incoming and outgoing chat text messages. Monitor yahoo chat history of your kids, friends, family members, husband, wife, girlfriend and boyfriend or, view yahoo chat conversations of your employees, spouse.
Yahoo Messenger Chat Recovery Features
Yahoo Messenger Archive Reader Tool Read your Yahoo messenger archives .dat files.
Yahoo messenger archive recovery software Decrypt yahoo me! ssenger chat conversations and decode archive .dat files.
Yahoo chat files (.dat files) software works with ANY version of Yahoo! Instant Messenger!.
Yahoo chat .dat reader decrypts yahoo chatting read chat history and you can take backup all yahoo chat archive messages without login to yahoo account.
Deleted SMS Reader recovers deleted sms from phone and user can view deleted SMS.
Yahoo chat decryption tool provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features.
Yahoo archive reader tool smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10266.html ]

word recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Repair Word Files Tools

Word File Recovery Software Extracts all the text from the corrupt word document. Professional word document repair software recovers restore and repair corrupted word doc document files created using MS Word 2000, MS Word XP, Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95, Word 200 3, Word 2007 fails to open due to virus attacks, unexpected system shutdown etc. Word repair tool can fix damaged docx and recover documents of different formats including (*.doc, *.docx, and *.rtf) and extract the data and fix docx file from any removable media. Free Microsoft Word Recovery Software can restores damaged Word files after instances of virus attacks, unexpected system shutdown, media read error.
Word Repair Features - Data recovery program for Microsoft Word documents
Word recovery software tool corrupt word recovery and damaged doc repair tool fix repairs corrupt Word document files
Advanced Word Repair Software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 200! 0 and Vista operating system.
Extracts text even from heavily damaged *.doc files and recovered documents text can be saved as Word *.doc or plain-text *.txt files.
Restore and restore headers and footnotes
Software is useful in following cases: Word Cannot open the document, Instance of virus attack, unexpected system shutdown.
It can open the corrupt word file, preview the recoverable text in the preview window and save this text to a new error free word file.
Recovers embedded images including jpg, jpeg, gif.
Doc restore tool will repair Microsoft Word 6.0, Word 95, Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP, and Word 2003, Word 2007 for Windows and supports Rich Text Format (RTF), DOCX, DOC.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10264.html ]

Mobile phone sim card SMS recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $65.00; 1600 Кб)
Mobile SIM Card Data Recovery Tools

Sim Card Recovery software recovers all deleted lost text SMS messages and lost data from your mobile phones sim card. USB sim card reader can easily recover your lost and deleted cell phone sim card SMS messages. Mobile phone data recovery software SIM card is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Simcard SMS recovery software restore accidentally deleted data like phone text SMS from your mobile phone. Please use any USB SIM Card reader (Phoenix Standards based Reader) to use our software to recover data from sim card.
Deleted SMS Recovery Features
Sim Card Lost SMS Recovery Tool restore deleted text sms messages restore lost contact address.
Sim Card Deleted SMS Recovery utility recover accidentally erased unread inaccessible text messages from inbox outbox sent items.
Deleted SMS Reader recovers deleted sms from phone and user can view deleted SMS.
SIM car! d files rescue software provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features.
Mobile phone sim card SMS recovery software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10263.html ]

MS Outlook Password Retrieval 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 624 Кб)
MS Outlook password recovery Tools

Outlook express password recovery software recovers all types of Outlook saved passwords. Password recovery tool is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows 2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Outlook password Recovery utility shows only first 2 character of the decrypted passwords. Recover outlook password decrypts outlook account passwords directly from windows registry files. Outlook password recovery tool recover forgotten or lost passwords to e-mail accounts. Advanced Outlook Password Recovery Program helps the user display logins and passwords for all e-mail accounts.
Password Retrieval Features
Outlook and Outlook Express Password Retrieval Software Recover forgotten or lost password of Microsoft Outlook mail account.
Outlook and Outlook express email password recovery software tool for restoring lost or forgotten passwords of Microsoft Outlook.
Decrypt Outlook account passwords ! directly from Windows registry files with multilingual passwords support.
Microsoft Outlook mail account passwords recovery has full Install/uninstall support.
Outlook and Outlook express password recovery software provide user friendly GUI interface with full Install/Uninstall features.
MS Outlook Password Recovery Tool smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10259.html ]

NTFS Data Recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1600 Кб)
NTFS Data Recovery Tools

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10257.html ]

Mobile phones data recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Mobile phone data recovery Tools

Memory card data recovery software recover restore rescue deleted formatted flash memory card mmc, sD, xD, Memory stick, Micro drive data. Memory card files recovery tool support all brands of memory cards like Samsung, sony, Olympus etc. Free Memory Card data recovery is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, XP Professional, Windows 2000 and Vista Operating systems. Technical and non technical users both are easily operate this software without having the knowledge of data recovery. Flash memory card data recovery software is useful for home users as and IT professionals. Try our demo version software before purchasing it. Software has simple GUI interface with full install/uninstall support. Recover MMC SD flash cards easily restore accidentally deleted formatted corrupted pictures images photos audio video files folders.
Restore Memory Card Data Features
Memory cards data recovery utility recover restore retriev! e DELETED DATA from SD compact flash multimedia mmc card, scandisk memory card, XD Card, SD Card, Flash card.
Memory card files backup utility data recovery software supports all kind of memory cards.
Undelete deleted pictures retrieval program has easy installation process.
Flash Memory Card data retrieval software recover and restore lost accidentally deleted formatted corrupted pictures images photos audio video files folders.
Digital Flash Card Restore Software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10254.html ]

Data recovery tool 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
Data Recovery Tool

Hard drive data recovery software restore retrieve recover windows Partition formatted deleted FAT NTFS partition data. Free data recovery software retrieves and restores all deleted, corrupted and damaged files. Recover deleted hard drive tool is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Technical and non technical users both are easily operate this software without having the knowledge of data recovery.
Hard Disk Data Recovery Features - Software Screenshot Product Help
File recovery software supports file recovery from FAT16, FAT32, FAT12, NTFS file systems.
Retrieve and restore all deleted formatted data from hard disk drive.
NTFS hard drive recovery software provides user friendly interface GUI and recover all deleted data from hard disk.
File recovery software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating syste! m.
Windows data recovery software can restore data even when Recycle bin is emptied or Shift+Del keys are pressed.
Windows Recovery Software support IDE, SATA, ATA, EIDE and SCSI disk devices.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10252.html ]

Freeware keylogger 5.0.1 (shareware $45.00; 3000 Кб)
Monitor keyboard activities Tool

Keylogger employee monitoring software tool monitor your employees online offline computer activity in real time. You can easily find out what are your employees searching for on Google, Yahoo and MSN. keylogger can secretly record users all computer activities and internet activities including email, instant message (MSN, ICQ, AOL and Yahoo Messenger), keystrokes, screenshots, websites visited, searching keywords, applications used, etc. Web Monitoring tool also can block unwanted or harmful websites, block chat conversations from unwanted people. Keylogger advance computer monitoring tool secretly record pressed keystrokes monitor laptop PC keyboard activities. It works in the hidden mode and invisible on Windows operating system including Windows VISTA, XP, 2000, 98 etc. It easily records voice chat conversation.
Find out which employees are printing sensitive documents in working time.
Find out which employees may be leaking company confidential information via r! emovable media like flash drives, pen drives, CDs and DVDs.
Find out which employees are sending the most emails with attachments.
Which employees chat through Hotmail, Yahoo mail, gmail, rediffmail ?
Find out which employees are spending the most time surfing web sites.
KeyLogger Features
Use Parental Control Software if your employees using company computers to view child pornography, gaming in online casinos, sexually or racially harass colleagues or engage in other inappropriate or illegal activities.
Computer Keyboard Activities monitoring tool records everything typed, including emails, instant messages, chats, website addresses, and absolutely invisible and undetectable runs invisibly as the background process.
Keyboard logging software keylogger monitor utility support all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
Secretly monitors all internet browsing, website URLs, links, web site pages,! chat conversation, emails, login id password, screen snapshot! s and store it to a secret log file.
Keylogger utility not visible in start menu, add remove programs, task manager and control panel.
[Monitor captures screenshots of user activity and records keystrokes, websites and applications, chats and emails, file system usage, and much more.
It is password protected and it is not detected by any of the antivirus scan.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10251.html ]

Windows Ipod Recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1400 Кб)
iPod Recovery Tools

iPod data recovery software recover and restore deleted mp3 mp4 music video songs. User can recover data from all Apple iPod models and restore all audio, video, image and document files. Ipod data recovery tool is compatible with all Windows Operating System such as Windows 98/ME, Windows XP/2000, XP Professional and Vista Operating systems. Free iPod data recovery software can restore corrupted, damaged iPod files from iPod media damaged or lost due to virus attack. iPod music recovery software can saves recovered data at user specified location on your storage media.
IPod music recovery Features - Software Screenshot Product Help
Ipod data recovery software recover deleted music files, videos, songs, mp3, mp4, avi, mid, midi wav files, deleted or corrupted ipod data .
Recover Audio, Video, Image Form Inaccessible iPod.
Apple iPod recovery retrieves all important lost deleted music files from your iPod digital media players.
iPod Data recovery utilit! ies runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
iPod recovery software support all brand of Ipods models like iPod shuffle, iPod mini, iPod Hi-Fi, iPod nano etc.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10250.html ]

FAT data recovery 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 1500 Кб)
FAT data recovery Tools

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10245.html ]

Word Repair 5.0.1 (shareware $69.00; 812 Кб)
Microsoft Word recovery Tools

Advance word recovery tool repairs word files restore corrupt or damaged MS Word documents. Data recovery tools for word files corrupted by virus restore & repair word files that gets corrupted or damaged due to virus attacks, sudden system shut down, unexpected software shutdown etc. Word repair supports repairing of word document files created in Microsoft Word 95, MS Word 97, Word 2000, Word XP and 2003. Recover corrupt word doc software for virus corrupted file repair can recover text from corrupt word documents which gets heavily damaged or corrupted. Word Recovery is compatible with Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP SP2, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista.
Repair Corrupt Word Documents Features
Corrupted MS word file recovery software restore and repairs corrupt .doc files data
Repair corrupt word file software rescues most unopenable Microsoft Word files, and makes them openable, repair word files corrupted due to virus.
Free d! ameged files repair restore corrupted, damaged, or unopenable Word files.
Word repair works for documents created by Microsoft Word 95, 97, 2000, XP, 2003 and Word 2007.
Microsoft word document repair tool restore and restore headers and footnotes.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10244.html ]

Deleted files restore 5.0.1 (shareware $30.00; 1400 Кб)
Deleted File Recovery Tools

Data recovery software utility that can effectively recover deleted files. Deleted Document File Recovery Software supports windows VISTA, Windows XP, Win 2000, Win 2003 Server Operating Systems and support FAT, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, file systems. Undelete deleted files utility can recover any deleted file, including documents, photos, mp3 and zip files, or even folders and damaged disks. Program supports any type of storage media including music sticks, cameras, flash drives, USB drives, etc. It is easy to use and cost effective data recovery software facilitates with highly interactive GUI interface. Deleted file recovery tool can restore lost files from missing, corrupted or deleted partitions. You can recover all your valuable data, files, images, videos, clips, movies, picture, documents, photos, songs & many more.
Deleted Document Recovery features - Shift Delete File Recovery, File Recovery After Emptied Recycle Bin
Quickly recovering deleted files that were acc! identally deleted, files deleted by application programs.
Recover deleted files utility supports data loss recovery from FAT / FAT / FAT32 and NTFS file systems,
Recovering deleted files software smothery runs on all Windows operating systems like windows 98 ME XP 2000 and Vista operating system.
NTFS deleted file recovery tool is compatible with Microsoft Windows Vista, 2003, XP and 2000 and recover lost missing or inaccessible Windows files and folders.
Deleted file recovery freeware can also recover files that have been emptied from the Recycle Bin, permanently deleted files within Windows using the Shift + Delete command.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/10243.html ]

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