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Программы софт-каталога ProtoPlex (2010-05-07 06:02:01)

Всего программ в каталоге: 7876
Размер каталога: 133070.22 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 3349
Новинок: 3054

Dynamic Notes 3.49 (shareware $18; 1773 Кб)
Power Soft

Программа Dynamic Notes - это многофункциональный планировщик, напоминалка, записная книжка для Windows, позволяющая создавать электронные записки (стикеры) и показывать их в нужный момент времени. Программа очень проста в использовании и нетребовательна к ресурсам. Планировщик находится в трее, не мешая работе, при необходимости его можно отобразить в виде небольшой панели на рабочем столе. Настройке поддаются все нужные параметры: записка может быть любого размера, любой цветовой гаммы (что позволяет, например, отличать заметки по одной теме от другой), имеется возможность использования различных стилей записок (скинов). Также поддерживаются звуковые схемы показа заметок. Кроме мастера создания стикеров, предусмотрена возможность как быстрого, так и расширенного редактирования. Кроме того, программой поддерживается многоязыковой интерфейс. Пользуйтесь Dynamic Notes и вы никогда ничего не забудете!!!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/2342.html ]

Recovery Toolbox for Zip 1.0.10 (shareware $27; 734 Кб)
Recovery Toolbox, Inc.

Утилита Recovery Toolbox for Zip предназначена для восстановления файлов из поврежденных ZIP-архивов. Программа сканирует архив, выделяет структуру данных и пытается восстановить максимум информации из поврежденного файла. Используя несколько различных алгоритмов восстановления, утилита позволяет добиться минимальной потери полезных данных, содержащихся в испорченном архиве. Также производится проверка целостности данных, что позволяет повысить качество восстановления. Во время работы программа выдает полный отчет о восстановлении данных.

Интуитивно понятный и удобный интерфейс дает возможность легкой работы с программой даже для неподготовленного пользователя. При этом процесс восстановления делится на несколько этапов, каждый из которых последовательно выполняется в отдельном окне, что еще больше упрощает работу с программой.

Алгоритмы работы программы позволяют восстанавливать данные из архива, защищенного паролем, для этого необходимо ввести его при зап! росе программы. Во время восстановления данных программа никаким образом не модифицирует сам поврежденный архив, она лишь извлекает данные и сохраняет их на жесткий диск. При сохранении папок и файлов структура данных соответствует исходной, также неизменными остаются имена файлов и директорий.

Основные возможности программы Recovery ToolBox for Zip:
- Восстановление зашифрованных данных
- Работа с ZIP-архивами, защищенных паролем
- Работа с ZIP-архивами, размер которых превышает 4 Гб
- Восстановление данных с поврежденных носителей информации (дискеты, компакт-диски, Zip-Drive и другие)
- Возможность работы с ZIP-архивами через локальную сеть
- Использование нескольких независимых алгоритмов работы позволяет восстановить максимум полезной информации из поврежденного архива

Программа Recovery ToolBox for Zip является платной. Незарегистрированные пользователи не могут сохранять данные на жесткий диск.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/5196.html ]

MAPILab POP3 Connector 2.2.0 (shareware $89; 7835 Кб)
ООО "Мапилаб"

MAPILab POP3 Connector позволяет максимально просто и эффективно решить актуальную для многих организаций задачу - загрузка почты с POP3 серверов и доставка её получателям на сервере Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010. Использование внешнего сервера для приема почты позволяет полностью ограничить доступ к серверу Exchange из сети Интернет, что существенно повышает безопасность системы обмена сообщениями и снижает стоимость её поддержки. Главные достоинства программы: -Неограниченное число почтовых ящиков. Программа решит любую задачу по загрузке электронной почты вне зависимости от размера организации и числа почтовых ящиков на внешних POP3 серверах. - Персональные настройки для каждого почтового ящика. Управление почтовыми ящиками осуществляется по раздельности, что позволяет Вам настроить каждый почтовый ящик в зависимости от настроек почтового сервера или пожеланий получателя писем. - Поддержка защищенного протокола SSL. MAPILab POP3 Connector позволяет забирать почту по безопа! сному протоколу SSL. - Работа с персональными и catch-all почтовыми ящиками. Программа позволяет забирать почту с персонального почтового ящика на внешнем POP3 сервере и доставлять её указанному получателю, или забирать почту с многопользовательских почтовых ящиков типа catch-all, автоматически определяя получателя на сервере Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 и доставлять ему сообщение. -Гибкие настройки периодичности опроса почтовых ящиков. Для каждого почтового ящика Вы можете указать, как часто программа должна проверять наличие новой почты. Частота опроса задаётся от 1 секунды! -Простота настройки и администрирования. Управление программой осуществляется через оснастку Microsoft Management Console, что позволяет включать ее в уже существующие оснастки для сотрудников ИТ. -Настраиваемая и удобная система контроля и аудита. В любой момент Администратор может получить сведения о работе программы и обработанной почте в собственных сохраняемых журналах и журналах событий Windows ! Server.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/6913.html ]

Recovery Toolbox for RAR 1.1.12 (shareware $27; 1580 Кб)
Recovery Toolbox, Inc.

Утилита Recovery Toolbox for RAR предназначена для восстановления файлов из поврежденных RAR-архивов. Программа сканирует архив, выделяет структуру данных и пытается восстановить максимум информации из поврежденного файла. Используя несколько различных алгоритмов восстановления, утилита позволяет добиться минимальной потери полезных данных, содержащихся в испорченном архиве. Также производится проверка целостности данных, что позволяет повысить качество восстановления. Во время работы программа выдает полный отчет о восстановлении данных.

Интуитивно понятный и удобный интерфейс дает возможность легкой работы с программой даже для неподготовленного пользователя. При этом процесс восстановления делится на несколько этапов, каждый из которых последовательно выполняется в отдельном окне, что еще больше упрощает работу с программой.

Алгоритмы работы программы позволяют восстанавливать данные из архива, защищенного паролем, для этого необходимо ввести его при зап! росе программы. Во время восстановления данных программа никаким образом не модифицирует сам поврежденный архив, она лишь извлекает данные и сохраняет их на жесткий диск. При сохранении папок и файлов структура данных соответствует исходной, также неизменными остаются имена файлов и директорий.

Основные возможности программы Recovery ToolBox for RAR:
- Восстановление зашифрованных данных
- Работа с RAR-архивами, защищенных паролем
- Работа с RAR-архивами, размер которых превышает 4 Гб
- Восстановление данных с поврежденных носителей информации (дискеты, компакт-диски, RAR-Drive и другие)
- Возможность работы с RAR-архивами через локальную сеть
- Использование нескольких независимых алгоритмов работы позволяет восстановить максимум полезной информации из поврежденного архива

Программа Recovery ToolBox for RAR является платной. Незарегистрированные пользователи не могут сохранять данные на жесткий диск.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/5197.html ]

Продажа транспортных средств 4.4.6 (shareware $50; 7203 Кб)
Сапожников Сергей

Программа, позволяющая автоматизировать процесс подготовки комплекта документов при продаже транспортных средств: печатать договора купли-продажи и справки-счета для ГИБДД/ГТН, автомобильные и тракторные транзитные знаки, паспорта транспортных средств/самоходных машин/шасси транспортных средств, договора комиссии и акты для юридических и физических лиц, заявление в ГИБДД на регистрацию траспортного средства, заявления и полисы ОСАГО, формировать аналитические и статистические отчеты по продажам; подготавливать отчеты по реестру выданных справок-счетов для ГИБДД и ГТН (с возможностью их обработки в Excel); создавать и подключать свои отчетные формы. Гибкая система настроек делает программу универсальной в использовании. Является идеальным решением для производителей АМТС, а также для организаций и ИП, осуществляющих торговлю новым и комиссионным автотранспортом.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/744.html ]

RadioClicker (freeware; 3809 Кб)
Радио Кликер

Интернет-радиоприемник «RadioClicker» предназначен для прослушивания РАДИО на компьютере через Интернет. В дополнении, с помощью RadioClicker можно просматривать русское интернет-телевидение.
В дополнении, с помощью RadioClicker можно просматривать русское интернет-телевидение.В программе собранны почти все РАДИО и ТВ каналы вещающие на русском языке.Среди популярных станций в списке программы можно выделить: Русское радио, Радио Шансон, Радио Европа плюс, Наше радио, Радио Хит ФМ, Радио 7 на семи холмах, Радио Максимум, Радио Эхо Москвы, Радио D-FM, Радио Ретро ФМ, Радио NRJ, Серебряный дождь, Радио Дача, Первый канал, РТР-Планета, телеканал Мир ТВ, телеканал Вести, телеканал РБК ТВ, телеканал ЕвроСпорт Новости и другие.РадиоКликер умеет работать в фоновом режиме, что позволяет заниматься другими делами на компьютере под звуки любимого радио.Программа с лёгкостью сохранит выбранную радиотрансляцию или композицию в формат mp3.С РадиоКликер слушать интернет-радио и смотре! ть телевизор удобно и легко.All Radio in one!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/3662.html ]

RonyaSoft Poster Printer (ProPoster) 3.01.06 (shareware; 3835 Кб)
Rostyslav Marchuk

RonyaSoft Poster Printer программа для создания и печати больших плакатов, постеров, рекламних баннеров и фотообоев без использования широкоформатных плоттеров на обычном принтере. Для изготовления плаката может быть использован любой рисунок, изображение, документ Microsoft Word, таблица или график Excel. Также поддерживается получение изображения с цифровой фото камеры или со сканера.
Удобный интерфейс и простота использования позволяют за считанные минуты создать красивый плакат.
Просто выбери рисунок, задай размеры и распечатай страницы. Склей отдельные части вместе и плакат готов. Сделай классный постер сам!
Программа может печатать как постеры стандартных форматов А3, А2, А1, А0, так и большие широкоформатные плакаты размерами до 10 x 10 метров;
Встроенные алгоритмы оптимизированного увеличения изображения позволяют создать плакат максимального качества.
Поддерживаются популярные форматы изображений (bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff, wmf, emf! );
Поддерживаются принтеры и плоттеры от HP, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Samsung и других производителей.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4653.html ]

Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Password 1.1.12 (shareware $19; 794 Кб)
Recovery Toolbox, Inc.

Утилита предназначена для восстановления забытых или утерянных паролей к почтовым аккаунтам и файлам *.pst почтового клиента Microsoft Outlook.
Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password это программа, которая восстанавливает забытые или утерянные пароли к учетным записям электронной почты, а так же пароли сервисов LDAP, которые использует в работе почтовый клиент Microsoft Outlook. Утилита Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password также восстанавливает пароли к файлам данных (файлам с расширением pst) Microsoft Outlook защищенным паролем, которые почтовый клиент Microsoft Outlook использует для сохранения данных пользователя (контактов, писем, напоминаний, заметок, задач). Утилита восстанавливает пароли и визуализирует настройки учетных записей почтового клиента Microsoft Outlook для следующих аккаунтов почты и служб: Microsoft Exchange Server, POP3 mail servers, IMAP mail servers, HTML mail servers (e.g. Hotmail and MSN), Microsoft LDAP Directory, Microsoft Mail.
Утилита Re! covery ToolBox for Outlook Password может быть использована для восстановления паролей к учетным записям электронной почты, а так же для отображения настроек почты и сервисов всех версий почтового клиента Microsoft Outlook: (начиная от Microsoft Outlook 97 до Microsoft Outlook 2003).
Утилита Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password так же может быть использована для восстановления забытых или утерянных паролей к файлам *.pst созданным в разных версиях почтового клиента Microsoft Outlook: Microsoft Outlook 97 - Microsoft Outlook 2002 и Microsoft Outlook 2003.
Утилита Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password совместима со всеми версиями операционной системы Microsoft Windows старше Microsoft Windows 95.
В качестве дополнительной функции, в программе Recovery ToolBox for Outlook Password реализована возможность сохранения конфигурации профилей почтового клиента Microsoft Outlook в обычный текстовый файл.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4437.html ]

Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Express 1.1.12 (shareware $27; 976 Кб)
Recovery Toolbox, Inc.

Утилита восстанавливает письма, сообщения и поврежденные папки почтового клиента Outlook Express.
Утилита Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Express извлекает и сохраняет письма пользователя из файлов с расширением *.dbx, которые почтовый клиент Outlook Express использует для хранения папок, писем и новостей пользователя на локальном диске.
Утилита Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Express это мощное программное средство, использование которого даёт пользователю возможность восстанавливать утерянные письма из поврежденных папок почтового клиента Outlook Express. Такие проблемы нередко возникают в результате вирусной атаки, сбоев электропитания, либо как следствие некорректной работы приложений и, особенно, антивирусных программ.
Помимо этого, программа Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Express может быть использована при реиндексировании больших файлов файлов *.dbx, что служит восстановлению нормального функционирования почтового клиента Outlook Express. В этом случае, её функци! я состоит в извлечении корреспонденции пользователя из поврежденного файла *.dbx с последующим сохранением в отдельных файлах писем формата *.eml (стандарт RFC822), которые могут быть легко скопированы во вновь созданную, пустую папку почтового клиента Outlook Express.
Так же, в качестве дополнительной возможности, в программе реализована функция восстановления случайно удаленных писем из папки Удаленные почтового клиента Outlook Express. Письма, которые по неосторожности были окончательно уничтожены при удалении из папки Удаленные программа, возможно, сумеет восстановить.
Восстановленная утилитой Recovery Toolbox for Outlook Express корреспонденция пользователя может просматриваться и сохраняться пользователем в файлах писем - файлах с расширением eml (стандарт RFC822).
Утилита является надежной защитой вашей корреспонденции от потерь и повреждений, в результате некорректной работы приложений, вирусных атак, последствий использования антивирусных средств и сбое! в питания электросети.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/4435.html ]

Memo Bank 4x4 «Платёжки в банк» (freeware; 2376 Кб)
Генадий Ляшенко

Бесплатная, сетевая программа для подготовки платежек в банк.
Обновление справочника кодов банков (БИК) через сеть Intrernet.
Архив документов, проверка реквизитов и экспорт в MS Word / OO Writer.

Несколько настроек параметров новых документов и счетчик банкнот.
Платежка в формате документа MS Word и OpenOffice.org Writer по шаблону.

Экспорт / импорт справочника контрагентов в / из MS Excel и OpenOffice.org Calc;
Настройка форматов отображения списков;
Загрузка справочников БИК и КБК для РФ и Украины из сети Internet.

Программа с открытым исходным текстом (Open Source).
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/1507.html ]

iPhone Transfer SMS Tool 2.1.3 (shareware $19.95; 855 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Transfer SMS Transfer SMS from iPhone to computer. iPhone Transfer SMS can provide you: Backup SMS in iPhone to computer before iPhone reject receiving new SMS. View and Manage old iPhone SMS in your computer. View SMS in Text file format (.txt file) or ANTS file format (.ants file) on PC. Password protection support (ANTS file only). All iPhone users cant backup the SMS to anywhere until the SMS box is full, then you have to delete all of them to prevent iPhone rejecting new SMS receiving. With iPhone Transfer, you can transfer the iPhone SMS to computer as a txt file or a ANTS file before the event above happens. Before the transfer, you can choose to transfer from all contacts or a single contact, further more, you can choose transfer the SMS to a TXT file or a ANTS file. In ANTS file condition, you can protect the file with a password to keep your privacy. No more words, please watch how to backup iPhone SMS to computer, a step by step guide or process the order ! With secure Tunny online store, you can process your order safely. We accept Credit Card, PayPal, Bank/Wire Transfer, Check/Money Order, Invoice... You can immediately get the keycode after purchase automatically. Tunny products can run on almost all the windows operating systems: Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003,Windows Vista. Quick Email Support! has established two support teams for building a fast response to customs. Any questions, email to support Team 1 or support Team 2, we will answer your e-mail within 24 hours all year round! Upgrade Free! Tunnys product will upgrade with iPhone synchronizing, prepare for the next generation iPhone! Just one time fee, you can copy SMS in next generation iPhone. You can only copy the first 100 items for each contact under unregistered version, purchase full featured version and enjoy copying for just $19.95
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9045.html ]

iPhone Transfer Photo Tool 2.1.3 (shareware $19.95; 855 Кб)
tunny Inc.

When use iPhone Transfer Photo copy iPhone photos out? - Backup or copy photos in iPhone to PC. - Copy iPhone photos to new computer or notebook. - Computer crashed. - Share your iPhone photos with friends. - Copy all photos to a new iPhone.iPhone Transfer Photo is an easy to use backup software that lets you copy photos from your iPhone to a Windows based PC with the least effort. Apple had integrated all your photos into an ithmb file which user can not access the content directly, iPhone Transfer Photo utilizes iPhones internal database to display and transfer your iPhones photos instantly. With iPhone Transfer Photo, iPhone users can transfer iPhone photos to PC easily.iPhone Transfer Photo had many special settings for your personal iPhone photo backup, you can customize browser style, backup file format (.BMP or .JPEG)... . We had also realized iPhone auto detection feature, whenever you plug your iPhone to the computer,iPhone Transfer Photo could display all the iPhon! e photos instantly. From now on, you can backup all your iPhone photos to any computer. Try it, you will find more!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9044.html ]

iPhone Copy Pack Tool 2.1.3 (shareware $19.95; 1889 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Copy Pack - Copy songs/videos/photos from iPhone to computer. Tansee iPhone Copy Pack is a life saver when - Sending your iPhone for repair - Backup songs/videos/photos to a new PC - Moving to a new iPhone - Computer crashed - Share your iPhone songs/videos/photos with friends - Copy all songs/videos/photos to a new iPhone iPhone Copy Pack is an all-in-one iPhone copy solution. This Pack includes 2 software -- " iPhone Transfer $19.95" and "iPhone Transfer Photo $19.95". Now you can get this iPhone Copy Pack at a very competitive price $29.95! Save $10! iPhone Copy Pack is the ultimate backup tool for your iPhone. It enables to easily copy your iPhones songs/videos/photos to your PC. Whether you need to send your iPhone for repair, retrieve your songs/videos/photos because of a computer / hard drive crash, or just to backup to a different drive, Tansee iPhone Copy Pack will create an iPhone copy effortlessly.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9043.html ]

iPhone / iTouch / iPod to pc Transfer 2.3 (shareware $29.95; 1102 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone/iTouch/iPod to Computer Transfer is an easy to use iPod/iPhone utility designed to help you backup all your files from your iPod/iPhone/iTouch. Recover lost or missing music or backup and restore all of your iPod/iPhone/iTouch content; including your favorite songs, videos, photos, Play Lists and more. If you have any iPod/iPhone device, this software is a must have utility to keep your iPod/iPhone safe. Features: * Top-rated iPod transfer software - Easy and simple to use, powerful as well. * Supports all iPod/iPhone/iTouch models. * Auto-scans your iPod/iPhone devices. * Auto-searches by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Simple to install and operate. * Advanced settings supports Backup Folder Rule. * Index by Album/Artist/Genre/Type. * Easily and quickly backup your songs, videos, photos, playlists, podcasts and more from your iTouch/iPhone/iPod to any folder on your PC. * Supports manage iPhone/iTouch/iPod content, import and export files between devices and computer. * ! Supports not only iPod/iPod Nano/iPod shuffle, also iPhone and iTouch. * Supports play media file directly in our program without third party player. * Supports manage your iPod device on any computer. * Supports transfer photos from iPhone/iTouch/iPod to computer. * Supports locate music or video by ablum/artist/genre easily. * Supports multiple languages. (English, Spanish, Deutsch, Japanese, Chinese...) * Good value for money.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9042.html ]

DVD to Zune Converter tool 2.6 (shareware $29.95; 5020 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD to Zune Converter is the easiest to use DVD to Zune converter software available. It can convert almost any type of DVD to play on Microsoft Zune Video player. It a powerful DVD to Zune converter with very fast conversion speed. The output also supports full screen viewing. You can enjoy your favorite DVD on your Zune as a portable DVD Player. Now you can get this DVD to Zune Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9041.html ]

DVD to PSP Converter Tool 2.5.3 (shareware $29.95; 3565 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD to PSP Converter is the easiest-to-use and fastest DVD to PSP converter software for Apple PSP Movie and PSP Video. It can convert almost all kinds of DVD to PSP Movie / PSP Video format. It is also a powerful DVD to PSP converter due to the conversion speed is faster than real-time. And the output iPos movie/video supports PSP screen, you can enjoy your favorite DVD on your PSP as a portable DVD Player. And DVD to PSP Converter software also include PSP Movie/Video Converter for free. Now you can get this DVD to PSP Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9040.html ]

DVD to iPod Converter tool 2.6 (shareware $29.95; 4952 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD to iPod Converter is the easiest-to-use and fastest DVD to iPod converter software for Apple iPod Movie and iPod Video. It can convert almost all kinds of DVD to iPod Movie / iPod Video format. It is also a powerful DVD to iPod converter due to the conversion speed is faster than real-time. And the output iPos movie/video supports iPod screen, you can enjoy your favorite DVD on your iPod as a portable DVD Player. And DVD to iPod Converter software also include iPod Movie/Video Converter for free. Now you can get this DVD to iPod Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9039.html ]

DVD to iPhone Converter Tool 2.3.3 (shareware $29.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD to iPhone Converter is the easiest-to-use and fastest DVD to iPhone converter software for Apple iPhone on the market. It can convert almost all kinds of DVD to iPhone format. It is also a powerful DVD to iPhone converter due to the conversion speed is far faster than real-time. You will enjoy your favorite DVDs on your iPhone as a DVD Player. Now you can get this DVD to iPhone Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9038.html ]

DVD to iPhone Converter Suite Tool 2.5.3 (shareware $39.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

iPhone Video Converter Suite is an all-in-one iPhone video Conversion software solution. This Suite includes 2 software -- "iPhone Video Converter" and "DVD to iPhone Converter". So with this iPhone Video Converter Suite, you can convert both DVD media and video file to iPhone. You can enjoy your favorite DVDs and video on your iPhone. Now you can get this DVD to iPhone Converter Suite at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9037.html ]

DVD to Apple TV Converter Tool Suite 2.3.3 (shareware $39.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Apple TV Video Converter Suite is an all-in-one Apple TV video Conversion software solution. This Suite includes 2 software "Apple TV Video Converter" and "DVD to Apple TV Converter". So with this Apple TV Video Converter Suite, you can convert both DVD media and video file media to Apple TV. You can enjoy your favorite DVD and video on your Apple TV. Now you can get this DVD to Apple TV Converter Suite at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9036.html ]

DVD to Apple TV Converter Tool 2.3.3 (shareware $29.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

DVD to Apple TV Converter is the easiest-to-use and fastest DVD to Apple TV converter software for Apple Apple TV on the market. It can convert almost all kinds of DVD to Apple TV format. It is also a powerful DVD to Apple TV converter due to the conversion speed is far faster than real-time. You will enjoy your favorite DVDs on your Apple TV as a DVD Player. Now you can get this DVD to Apple TV Converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9035.html ]

Apple TV Video Converter Tool 2.3.3 (shareware $29.95; 5439 Кб)
tunny Inc.

Apple TV Video Converter is a powerful Apple TV Video conversion software which provides an easy and completed way to convert Apple TV video from all popular video formats, including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb,dvr-ms, MPEG, WMV, AVI, ect. you can enjoy your favorite video/movies on your Apple TV as a DVD Player. Now you can get this Apple TV video converter at a very competitive price!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9034.html ]

Logaholic Web Analytics & Web Stats 2.4.3 (commercial $67.00; 2037 Кб)
Michael Erkelens

Increase the performance of your website with Logaholic Web Site Statistics Software. Visualize Click-Thru Rates on all pages, deep user analysis, conversion tracking, in-depth keyword, search engine analysis, Trends, A/B Split testing, Funnels, Rss feeds. Mobile reporting and much more Detecting problems and testing improvements is easy with Logaholic. Logaholic will help you increase your bottom line, making each visitor much more valuable! Check our website for a Free Trial.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9023.html ]

SQL Schema Sync API (shareware $150; 6878 Кб)
Elena Radaeva

При работе с БД, Вы часто сталкиваетесь с ситуацией, когда потраченная на программу сумма удваивается, потому что необходимо установить дополнительное программное обеспечение на стороне клиента или купить лицензии для конечных пользователей, и даже утраивается, потому что Вы тратите деньги на обучение персонала. Содействуя разработчикам в уменьшении их финансовых и трудовых затрат, компания Perpetuum Software предлагает новый .Net компонент: SQL Schema Sync API для синхронизации структур баз данных. SQL Schema Sync API является не приложением, а компонентом, встраиваемым в Вашу программу. Таким образом, Вам не придётся устанавливать дополнительное программное обеспечение на стороне клиента. Более того, однажды купив лицензию, Вы может распространять продукт в составе Вашего приложения без каких-либо дополнительных лицензионных отчислений. Исходный код, поставляемый с профессиональной редакцией, даёт возможность полностью контролировать процесс разработки и синхронизации баз! данных. Удобный интерфейс SQL Schema Sync позволяет разработчику быстро и без лишних усилий разобраться в функциональности продукта. Итак, Вы экономите деньги на лицензиях для Ваших конечных пользователей, обучении персонала и получаете мощный компонент с набором передовых характеристик. SQL Schema Sync API позволяет сравнивать структуры баз данных, обновлять их, производить реорганизацию данных, указывать, какие именно объекты нужно синхронизировать, контролировать ход синхронизации, сохранять структуру в виде xml файла. SQL Schema Sync API также станет незаменимым инструментом для тех проектов, где структура базы данных полностью определятся структурой бизнес-объектов. Однажды написанная процедура, формирующая структуру базы данных в виде графа объектов на основе мета-данных о бизнес-объектах вашего приложения и учитывающая специфику вашей задачи и используемые средства маппинга, позволит решить проблему с обновлением базы данных навсегда. SQL Schema Sync API разработан ! для SQL Server 2008.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/9020.html ]

Icon Maker (freeware; 3999 Кб)
Download Upload

Icon Maker can edit and creat icons, cursors and animated cursors - using the common editing tools and effects, Import icons from images and files, and export icons in a custom size and color depth. Icon Maker can Create or Edit an Icon or Cursor in various color depths ( 2, 16, 256 and true color), Create an Icon with a preset sizes (16, 24, 32, 48, 64) include the ability to set custom size, Use a dynamic transparent color for icons, Create a Cursor with free Hotspots, Create and/or View Animated Cursors, Extract an icon from any file or folder, Paste any image from the clipboard, Select Regions for Import from .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .wmf image files greater than 64X64 pixels, Drag and Drop any files to the Program for open, Associate ICO files with the program, Store the most recent 5 files opened before, Unlimited undo and redo steps, Support Multi Language interface and Implement the most editing tools and effects. Free Icon Editor works like a Swiss Army Knife of icon, ! cursor manipulation. Features find, manage icons on your system, image-editing features such as effects, filters, rotation, cropping, as well as a huge color palette, easy-to-use editor that has all the functions for creating/editing ICO, ANI, CUR, GIF, JPEG, WMF, EMF, TGA, and WBMP files, image filters, including Blurring, Sharpening, Embossing, and Color Balance, image effects...etc. Icon Maker can Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors. Standard icon sizes are 16x16, 32x32, 48x48 including Linear Gradient, Radial Gradient, Rectangular Gradient, WAV, 3D Shadow, 3D Button, Text Gradient Effects, Noise, and Arbitrary Rotation, create icons with a preset sizes, use dynamic transparent colors, create cursors with free hotspots, create, view animated cursors, extract icon from any file or folder, paste images from clipboard, select Regions for Import from .bmp, .jpg, .gif, or .wmf images, Drag and Drop files for editin! g.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8998.html ]

3 замечательных логических игры IQFun.ru 1.0 (freeware; 5190 Кб)
Сергей Мельников

В программе 3 игры: Крестики-нолики на поле 4х4 по новым правилам (1-му игроку для выигрыша нужно поставить 4 крестика в ряд или заставить соперника поставить 4 нолика в ряд. Иначе выигрывают нолики); Крэм на поле 8х8 (игра из книги М. Гарднера. Игроки ставят одинаковые фишки в пустые клетки. Выигрывает тот игрок, после чьего хода получается "3 в ряд"); Супер Ним - наша идея (на поле 8х8 имеются фишки. Игроки по очереди снимают все фишки с выбранной вертикали или горизонтали. Выигрывает тот, кто снимет последние фишки. Все игры имеют 4 уровня сложности - от новичка до мастера. Читайте наши статьи об этих играх на www.iqfun.ru/articles/.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8997.html ]

iPod Manager (freeware; 5064 Кб)
Download Upload

iPod Manager is very easy to use tool to manage your iPod Device(Any Type), You will not need any other software with iPod Manager. With iPod Manager, you can Add, Edit, Delete Audio/Video Tracks to your iPod; Also you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. iPod Manager is compatible with other iPod programs like iTunes. Also with iPod Manager you can 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Add Video/Audio Tracks to iPod. 3- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 4- Add Audio/Video Tracks to the iPod. 5- Delete Audio/Video Tracks from the iPod. 6- Modify the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 7- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 8- Clean duplicated (repeated) Audio/Video tracks from the iPod. 9- Rebuild the iPod Data Base using all existing Audio/Video files in the iPod in case of damaged Database. 10- Reset the iPod Database. 11- Format the iPod. 12- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 13- Suppor! t All iPod Types. The Supported Audio file Formats are: AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), WAV, and AIFF. The Supported Video file Formats are: H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; H.264 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline Profile up to Level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8996.html ]

Data Shredder (freeware; 3672 Кб)
Download Upload

Data Shredder literally destroys files, free space and your Recycle Bin contents instead of only deleting them. That means your data contents once overwritten and destroyed It cant be recovered.
The user therefore should be sure of the files, folders .etc. he/she wants to shred.There are many safeguards built into the Data Shredder program to warn the user.Windows allocates clusters for new files (and extending existing files) from one end of the disk and moving towards the other end. Accordingly, the user for example if deleting files near the end of the disk, it might be very long before those clusters get used again.Therefore, shredding a disks free space ensures that any deleted data stored in unallocated clusters will be completely shredded, and all the bits and pieces of left over data from deleted files will be destroyed.Generally speaking Windows stores files using two steps:A directory entry and A series of one or more clusters on a disk.When the user deletes a f! ile using windows the files data doesnt actually get deleted from disk. Windows simply marks the files clusters as available for reuse, then marks that files directory entry as deleted (from the directories available) by replacing the first character of the files name with a special character. Now if those clusters dont get reused for another file, they are vulnerable and can be retrieved by those who know where and how to look for it.Adding one byte to the directory that was deleted will allow the retrieve of the entire file that has been deleted. This is used in most of the "Unerase" utilities functions. Data Shredder makes it virtually impossible to retrieve data from a file because it literally overwrites the files data clusters before deleting the file. A "quick" shred overwrites the file once, filling its data clusters with zeroes. A "Thorough" shred overwrites the file maximum 10 times, using varying bit patterns each time.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8993.html ]

Clean N Optimize (freeware; 4047 Кб)
Download Upload

Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Se! ttings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8988.html ]

Audio Converter Extractor Max (freeware; 3358 Кб)
Download Upload

Audio Converter Extractor Max is an easy to use tool to convert audio files to various audio formats and extract audio from video files to various audio formats. The program can also rip audio CD tracks to the supported formats. Features:
1) Supported Input Audio Formats: cda,wav,wma,mp1,mp2,mp3,mp4,ogg,aac,alac,flac,ac3,spx,mpc,tta, ape,ofr,midi,adx,mod,mo3.
2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv,asf,avi,mpg,mp2,mpeg,mp4,mov,dat
3) Supported Output Audio Formats: wav,wma,mp3,ogg.
4) Supports Ripping Audio CD Track using fast and direct method for ripping.
5) Easy-to-use design.
6) Support the most popular audio formats.
7) Supports multiple CD-R/RW drives for Ripping.
8) Play back toolbar for listening to files before converting.
9) Automatic generation for track names.
10) Variety range of encoders.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8986.html ]

Recover IE Passwords (shareware $38; 1024 Кб)
Password Recovery

Download internet explorer passwords recovery software which can fetch useful information like IE cached passwords of websites as well as ftp sites such as Cute FTP, Coffee Cup Free FTP, Auto complete field and network passwords. Freeware password recovery software can unhide all passwords stored in auto complete strings forms and dial-up entries. Asterisk password recovery application is a read-only and non-destructive utility which rescue forgotten password without editing original data. Forgotten password recovery tool can easily extract hidden passwords, with having restoration support to passwords which consists special keys. Email password reset tool unmasks lost or missing passwords of web based email accounts such as Yahoo, Gmail, Orkut, Rediff, indiatimes and as many others. Tool can restore forgotten internet explorer saved email, online shopping, newsgroup accounts passwords including FTP passwords, IE auto forms and auto complete passwords. Password restoration s! ervices can be accessed without using any specific technical help or knowledge. Software provides instant recovery of passwords of any length and complexity. Recover IE passwords software can recover the passwords stored behind the asterisks in password text-boxes, dialog boxes, web pages and ActiveX controls.
*Internet explorer passwords recovery is the best solution to unmask all type of email accounts passwords.
* Asterisk password revealer utility can successfully reveals the password of FTP client software like CuteFTP, FlashFXP, SmartFTP etc.
*Utility is reliable in get back passwords of all web based email accounts.
*Retrieved password can be saved to user defined location.
*24x7Online technical supports for user is available through email, dedicated phone lines for password recovery.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8983.html ]

Convert MSSQL database (shareware $45; 2234 Кб)
Database Converter Software

MSSQL to MySQL database converter utility provides fast, reliable and sophisticated database conversion facility to the users who want to convert database records created in MSSQL to MySQL database server in safest mode. MSSQL to MySQL database migration application either converts entire MSSQL database records or converts user selected database table record from Microsoft SQL database format to MySQL database server. Shareware MSSQL database to MySQL database migrator software merges converted MSSQL database in to already present MySQL database or stores in new database destination. Professional MSSQL to MySQL database convertor program supports null value, default value, primary key, unique key, entities, attributes, indexes or all data types of MSSQL server. MSSQL to MySQL converter utility saves money and valuable time while converting the MSSQL to MySQL database records. Advance MSSQL to MySQL database converter tool converts single or group database records into MySQL ! database server. Migrate MSSQL to MySQL database program can be installed on any windows operating systems including Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows Vista, Windows ME, Windows XP and many more. MSSQL to MySQL database application supports all major Microsoft SQL data types, attributes and works with all major versions of MS SQL. MS SQL to MySQL converter software takes few minutes to converts in MySQL database records with optimum result. Shareware database migration application provides secure and accurate conversion of database records.
* MSSQL database convertor software provides both install and uninstall supports.
* MSSQL to MySQL database translator converts indexes with all necessary attributes.
* MSSQL to MySQL database converter tool maintains integrity constraints after conversion process.
*Advance MSSQL to MySQL database convertor application converts your entire large database records irrespective of its length and com! plexity.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8981.html ]

My iPod Cleaner (freeware; 1814 Кб)
Myipod Center

IPod Cleaner is an easy to use tool to to cleane up your itunes library contents. You can remove duplicates using duplicate filter and delete dead tracks from the library.You can also view any track information by double click on the track.Your system must have iTunes 4.7 or later installed. iPodCleaner will automatically search for the iTunes application and load its library contents. Library Play Lists: You can do the following with the library contents: View track info: this will show you the track information (You can get the track info also by double clicking the track or right click on the library list). Remove Duplicates: This will remove the duplicates from the library, A duplicate filter will appear like the following:- If iPodClener detects more than one track which share the same selected filter items, it will keep one and remove all the others. Restore Library DB: This will restore the previously backed-up library DB files this can help you in case of system c! rash or the library has damaged.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8973.html ]

My iPod Manager (freeware; 5064 Кб)
MyiPod Center

My iPod Manager is very easy to use tool to manage your iPod Device(Any Type), You will not need any other software with iPod Manager. With iPod Manager, you can Add, Edit, Delete Audio/Video Tracks to your iPod; Also you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. iPod Manager is compatible with other iPod programs like iTunes. Also with iPod Manager you can 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Add Video/Audio Tracks to iPod. 3- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 4- Add Audio/Video Tracks to the iPod. 5- Delete Audio/Video Tracks from the iPod. 6- Modify the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 7- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 8- Clean duplicated (repeated) Audio/Video tracks from the iPod. 9- Rebuild the iPod Data Base using all existing Audio/Video files in the iPod in case of damaged Database. 10- Reset the iPod Database. 11- Format the iPod. 12- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 13- Sup! port All iPod Types. The Supported Audio file Formats are: AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), WAV, and AIFF. The Supported Video file Formats are: H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; H.264 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline Profile up to Level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8970.html ]

My iPod Image Extractor (freeware; 2690 Кб)
MyiPod Center

My iPod Image Extractor Program allows you to view and extrtact photos from the iPod to your PC ,The extracted Photos will be in thepng format.The iPod Photo Database is created by iTunes, and is stored in "/Photos/Photo Database" When you run the program , it will try to detect the iPodautomatically . if the program didnt found the photos database, it allow the user to browse for the photos database.The Main iPod Image Extractor Viewers are : The image browser and The image viewer.It is recommended that your machine meets these minimum requirements:Pentium4 1.4Ghz;20 Mb free memory;24bit 800x600 resolution is required although the ImgPod Extractor GUI looks much better under 32bit 800x600 mode. The ImgPod Extractor Image Browser enables you to view thumbnails of 100 photos at one time, you can scroll up ,down , left or right using the scrollbar.The ImgPod Extractor Image Viewer view the selected photo and its ID.The Extracted Images Directory option allows you to determine ! the Directory in which the photos will be extracted.You can use the Browse Button to select the Extraction Directory.The Theme option allows you to choose one of the themes : DefaultMetal ,Ocean ,WhiteSatin or MoodyBlue theme.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8969.html ]

Clean N Optimize (freeware; 4047 Кб)
MyiPod Center

Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Se! ttings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8964.html ]

Audio Converter Extractor Max (freeware; 3358 Кб)
MyiPod Center

Audio Converter Extractor Max is an easy to use tool to convert audio files to various audio formats and extract audio from video files to various audio formats. The program can also rip audio CD tracks to the supported formats. Features:
1) Supported Input Audio Formats: cda,wav,wma,mp1,mp2,mp3,mp4,ogg,aac,alac,flac,ac3,spx,mpc,tta, ape,ofr,midi,adx,mod,mo3.
2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv,asf,avi,mpg,mp2,mpeg,mp4,mov,dat
3) Supported Output Audio Formats: wav,wma,mp3,ogg.
4) Supports Ripping Audio CD Track using fast and direct method for ripping.
5) Easy-to-use design.
6) Support the most popular audio formats.
7) Supports multiple CD-R/RW drives for Ripping.
8) Play back toolbar for listening to files before converting.
9) Automatic generation for track names.
10) Variety range of encoders.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8963.html ]

Algorithm 2.2.11 (freeware; 8074 Кб)
Alexandr Trofimov

Это программа для создания программ. Как научиться программировать? Создание программ с помощью Алгоритма, не требует никаких знаний программирования. Теперь каждый может создать программу или игру! Всё делается мышкой и основано обычной логике, присущей каждому человеку. Сделать программу или игру - это просто! Современные объекты позволят вам создавать свои плееры, браузеры, текстовый редакторы, работать с файлами и папками, экраном компьютера, реестром, управлять мышкой и клавиатурой. Со всем этим легко и просто работать. Можно создать программу в exe-файл и сразу же выложить в интернет или начать продавать, зарабатывая на своем уме! Возможно писать программы станет вашей работой. Программу для создания программ Алгоритм 2 вы можете скачать бесплатно. Программа разработана в России, имеет русский интерфейс и полную техническую поддержку на официальном сайте и форуме!

Внимание!!! Для работы программы необходим набор библиотек Microsoft Framework 2: http://mi! crosoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=ru&FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5
Если у вас его нет или вы не знаете что это, то скачайте и установите.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8958.html ]

Web Video To iPod (freeware; 9670 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

Web Video 2 iPod has the option of either monitoring Windows clipboard for video links to the above (12) sites and once a video link is detected, the video or movie will be automatically downloaded. Or you can simply copy and paste the web page URL (Or link URI) that contains the video from the (12) supported sites to the download page. Then you can start downloading the list. The program Features are: 1- Download using grab and keep flash movies or videos and you can there after burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing from the following twelve (12) Sites : "You tube, Google Video, Daily Motion, iFilm.com, Myspace.com, Angryalien.com,ThatvideoSite.com, ZippyVideoes.com, Blip.TV, Break.com, Putfile.com and Bolt.com. (Other video social Sites will be added in future versions.). 2-Web video 2 iPod has the capability of batch downloading multiple video streams from multiple video sharing sites and also batch conversion. 3-The Web video 2 iPod is an easy to use program to dow! nload video files from Google, Youtube,iFilm,DailyMotion and 8 other popular video sharing sites. (Other sites will be added in the future version.) and convert them to iPod video format. Thus, the user can obtain the downloaded RAW video file and also the converted file which are located on the users hard drive (H.D) and in his folder of choice. After the user grabs and keeps the flash movies or videos ,he can burn them to CD and DVD for offline viewing.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8957.html ]

Video Decompiler (freeware; 12558 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

Video Decompiler is one of the greatest tools ever used for capturing snapshots from your video files.We support three tools for capturing snapshots: 1. Single snapshot: Captures a single snapshot from the video. 2. Continuous snapshots: Allows you to capture a portion of the video as a sequence of images. 3. Timed snapshots: Allows you to capture snapshots every certain amount of milliseconds.The main window is composed of three main parts which are Media Actions, Media Tools and the Main Menu Bar.There is also a frame at the bottom of the window which lets you change where you save your snapshots quickly without entering the Options window.In the part of Media Actions you will see a collection of buttons which includes the main media commands which are: rewind, play, pause, stop and fast forward.Also in the right side, you will find a button for mute/sound and a slider for setting the desired volume level. There a bar also which shows the progress of the movie.In the part ! of Media Tools you will find the functionality we provided for you to capture snapshots: By clicking the first button, you will capture a single snapshot. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F1.By clicking the second button, you will start to capture a sequence of images until you click it again. You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F2.By clicking the third button, you might be asked to enter a number in terms of milliseconds (depends on how you set your options), you may check the checkbox shown in this dialog to use the number you specified as the default without showing the dialog again. Video Decompiler will then capture a snapshot automatically and will use that number as the interval of time to be waited after each snapshot.You can use the shortcut key Ctrl + F3.Theree two buttons that you can use for speeding up and down the video.The Main Menu Bar consists of the File Menu: In this menu you can either open an existing video or exit, Edit Menu,Tools and help.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8955.html ]

SVLotto (shareware $15.00; 25980 Кб)
SV Soft

генератор, регистратор лотерейных билетов со штрихкодами
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8952.html ]

DVD Rip N Burn (freeware; 10899 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

With DVD Rip N Burn, You can easily rip your Video DVDs to your local hard drive, then you can burn them back to a blank DVD disc. Also you can burn anything else using the burner. The program features are: 1) Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to one of the following video output types: AVI,MPEG,MPG,ASF,WMV,MPE, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (ES,PS,TS). 2) Convert to any other format from one of the supported video codec. 3) You can adjust the settings of the output video file (i.e. the size, bit rate...etc "Video Settings and Audio Settings Pages "). 4) Writes any type of file formats on CD/DVD. 5) ASPI and SPTI writing are supported which allows writing on all versions of Windows. 6) You may add files/directories onto DVD Burner to add them to the CD compilation. 7) Fully ISO compliant data CDs, DVDs, HD DVDs and Blu-ray disks with Joliet extension. 8) Files/Directories can be written multisession to add tracks at a later time. 9) You can burn in ! test mode [simulate burning 10) You can erase CD/DVD before burning.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8948.html ]

Media Player Max (freeware; 16327 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

Media Player Max is an easy-to-use program with amazing interface to play almost all media files with an easy-to-use playlist, The player can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3 , mp4 , ogg , aac , 3g2. 2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv , asf , avi , mpg , mp2 , mpe , mpeg , mp4 , m4v , ogm , mov , hdmov, 3gp , 3gpp , 3g2 , flv. 3) Supports Video DVDs . 4) Easy-to-use design. 5) Smart playlist with thumnails view. 6) Variety range of codecs. The file menu contains the basic menu items that enable you to open your media file you have many choices to open media file as follow: 1) Open Media File: To open supported media files. Like (wmv, asf, avi, flv, ogm, 3gp, etc. 2) Open DVD: Let you choose the DVD-Drive to play the inserted video DVD from it. 3) Recently played files: Open from the recent files that you played. The play Menu supports full playback control it contains ma! ny menu items as follows: 1. Play/Pause: Playing and pausing the media and you can do that by using the short key (Ctrl+P). 2. Stop: Stopping the video play and you can use (Ctrl+S) short key. 3. Play Mode: Change the playback mode between three states Normal, Continuous and Shuffle. 4. Repeat Mode: No Repeat: After the end of playlist or the end of the file the program stops playing, Single Repeat: the program repeats the current file only and Repeat All: Repeats all files. 5. Full Screen: Toggle full screen mode and you can use (Ctrl+F) short key. 6. Increase Speed:Doubles the playback speed and make the playing faster you can use (Ctrl+Up Arrow) shortkey. 7. Decrease Speed:Decreses the playback speed and make the playing slower, you can use (Ctrl+Down Arrow) shortkey. 8. Reset Speed: Normal playback speed. (Ctrl+R) short key. 9. After file Playing finished: Choose what you want after playback finishes. Do Nothing: after playing nothing to do. Exit Media player Max: Exit ! the program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8946.html ]

iPod Manager (freeware; 5064 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

iPod Manager is very easy to use tool to manage your iPod Device(Any Type), You will not need any other software with iPod Manager. With iPod Manager, you can Add, Edit, Delete Audio/Video Tracks to your iPod; Also you can copy tracks from iPod to your local hard drive. iPod Manager is compatible with other iPod programs like iTunes. Also with iPod Manager you can 1- View all Audio/Video iPod Contents. 2- Add Video/Audio Tracks to iPod. 3- Play Audio/Video Tracks of the iPod. 4- Add Audio/Video Tracks to the iPod. 5- Delete Audio/Video Tracks from the iPod. 6- Modify the properties of the Audio/Video tracks of the iPod. 7- Copy Audio/Video tracks from iPod to local hard drive. 8- Clean duplicated (repeated) Audio/Video tracks from the iPod. 9- Rebuild the iPod Data Base using all existing Audio/Video files in the iPod in case of damaged Database. 10- Reset the iPod Database. 11- Format the iPod. 12- Search in the tracks properties to easily find the desired track. 13- Suppor! t All iPod Types. The Supported Audio file Formats are: AAC (8 to 320 Kbps), Protected AAC (from iTunes Store), MP3 (8 to 320 Kbps), MP3 VBR, Audible (formats 2, 3, and 4), WAV, and AIFF. The Supported Video file Formats are: H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; H.264 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline Profile up to Level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8940.html ]

SMS Messages Broadcasting Software (shareware $45; 1996 Кб)
Professional Data Recovery Software

PC to mobile text messaging software is an easy to use and cost effective tool that facilitate user to send any number of short text messages to thousands of receivers at a time. Bulk messaging freeware can be useful to sends messages like job and event alert notification, promotional and marketing messages, season greetings, invitational and group messages etc. Cell phone bulk SMS sender program sends messages to any national and international network on CDMA and GSM mobile connection from pc connected to a mobile. Bulk messages broadcasting application supports all type of cell phones, PDA, smart phone, Windows mobile and other similar devices of all major brands like Sony, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, Spice etc. SMS broadcasting software allows user to create and send messages in different Unicode languages such as English, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Thai, French, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Korean etc. Application provides user friendly graphical user interface and includes an inb! uilt help manual which makes it easier to access even for the non technical users. Mobile text message sender tool load contact numbers manually or from the phonebook of your mobile phone. Bulk messaging tool can be very helpful for company authority to simultaneously keep in touch with their employees.
Features of PC to mobile bulk messaging software:
* Program requires Windows operating system to work which includes Windows 98, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, XP, Vista and Windows 7.
* Application does note requires internet connection to send SMS using your PC.
* Software easily sends text messages to all National and International network of GSM and CDMA connection.
* It allows user to add receivers contact number from the phonebook memory.
* Sends alert notification, marketing messages, season greetings, group messages, personalized messages etc.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8939.html ]

SMS Messages Broadcasting Software (shareware $45; 1996 Кб)
Professional Data Recovery Software

PC to mobile text messaging software is an easy to use and cost effective tool that facilitate user to send any number of short text messages to thousands of receivers at a time. Bulk messaging freeware can be useful to sends messages like job and event alert notification, promotional and marketing messages, season greetings, invitational and group messages etc. Cell phone bulk SMS sender program sends messages to any national and international network on CDMA and GSM mobile connection from pc connected to a mobile. Bulk messages broadcasting application supports all type of cell phones, PDA, smart phone, Windows mobile and other similar devices of all major brands like Sony, Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, Spice etc. SMS broadcasting software allows user to create and send messages in different Unicode languages such as English, Hebrew, Arabic, Hindi, Thai, French, Greek, Russian, Chinese, Korean etc. Application provides user friendly graphical user interface and includes an inb! uilt help manual which makes it easier to access even for the non technical users. Mobile text message sender tool load contact numbers manually or from the phonebook of your mobile phone. Bulk messaging tool can be very helpful for company authority to simultaneously keep in touch with their employees.
Features of PC to mobile bulk messaging software:
* Program requires Windows operating system to work which includes Windows 98, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, XP, Vista and Windows 7.
* Application does note requires internet connection to send SMS using your PC.
* Software easily sends text messages to all National and International network of GSM and CDMA connection.
* It allows user to add receivers contact number from the phonebook memory.
* Sends alert notification, marketing messages, season greetings, group messages, personalized messages etc.

[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8938.html ]

DVD Player (freeware; 12396 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

DVD Player is one of the most efficient and powerful tools ever used to play DVD movies. By using this player, you will be able to grab snapshot and save it as an image and grab snapshot and save it directly as wallpaper; you can also set how you want to set the wallpaper (Tile - Stretch - Center). Also you can grab snapshot and save it to the clipboard. Using this player is so easy. To play a DVD, just select the DVD drive you wish to use by pressing the DVDs button. Use the media buttons to have full control over the movie. You can use the menu buttons as well to use the DVDs menu. You can physically eject your DVD, alter the volume, switch to full screen mode, grab a snapshot or enter to the Options dialog. In the Options dialog you can choose one of the available languages. Also you can set how you want to save your snapshot. If youre experiencing poor video quality; you may use the hardware acceleration to improve it. You are allowed to disable screen saver to watch you! r movie without being interrupted. You may turn the Auto Play option on to add a command to the context menu for your DVD, as well as adding "DVD Player" to your Auto Play list.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8934.html ]

DVD Ripper To iPod (freeware; 9122 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

DVD Ripper To iPod is the powerful easy to use tool to rip your DVD-Video Discs to iPod video format file that can easily loaded into your iPod. With DVD Ripper To iPod you can do the following: 1- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to MP4 iPod supported format. 2- Rip from most Video DVDs [PAL/NTSCwith different encryptions to one of the following video output types: AVI, MPEG, MPG, ASF, WMV, MPE, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (ES, PS, TS). 3- Convert to any other format from one of the supported video codec. 4- Adjust the settings of the output video file (i.e. the size, bit rate...etc "Video Settings and Audio Settings Pages "). 5- Preview movie while ripping. With output audio settings window you can: Change common options for audio (Codec, Bit rate, Channels, Sample Rate). With output video settings window you can: Change common options for video (Codec, Bit rate, Scale, Encapsulation method). With output General settings window you can: Disable! user request when output movie file already exist in the output directory, Shutdown PC when ripping complete, Open output directory when ripping complete, Lock DVD drive while ripping and Eject DVD when ripping complete. You can rip your DVD movie both PAL and NTSC systems, with the following output formats which are Container formats: ASF, AVI, MOV (QuickTime), MP4, MPEG-2 (PS,TS), OGG, MPG1. Video codecs: DivX, H.263, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MJPEG, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, WMV, Xvid. Subtitles: DVD, SVCD, DVB, OGM, Matroska, MPEG-4 Timed Text, Text files, Vobsub. Audio codecs: AAC, AC3, MP3, Speex, Vorbis, MPA, MP2A.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8933.html ]

DVD Copier (freeware; 3512 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

DVD Copier is a program for Windows that allows you to grab data DVDs, HD DVDs, Video DVDs and Blu-ray disks (ISO) containing any type of files into a blank DVDV disc or to an Image file (like ISO format). It grabs any type of DVD. SPTI (SCSI Pass through Interface) and ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) device access are supported which allows grabbing on all versions of Windows. DVD Copier can copy DVD directly to another blank DVD and copy DVD to an image file in your local drive. It burns DVD image file from your local hard drive to a blank DVD, erase Erasable DVD discs in Full and Quick modes and Fully ISO compliant data DVDs, HD DVDs and Blu-ray disks with Joliet extension. The System Requirements are: 1. Windows NT4/95/98/2000/Me/XP/2003/Vista, 2. Pentium with at least 16MB RAM (32MB for 2000/XP), 3. DVD-R or DVD -RW drive. To copy from DVD disc to DVD disc from the read drive combo, select the DVD-R drive which you will put the source DVD in. then put the DVD! disc that you want to copy. From the write drive combo box, select the DVD-RW drive that you will burn the blank DVD disc with. Then insert a blank Recordable DVD (any type) to copy the source DVD into. To copy from DVD disc to image file From the read drive combo, select the DVD-R drive which you will put the source DVD in then put the DVD disc that you want to copy. You can ignore bad blocks while copying by checking the "Ignore bad blocks" check box. From the write drive combo box, select the "Image Writer". You can specify the output image file. To burn Image File to DVD disc from the read drive combo, select the "Image File" item. An "Input Image File Path" button will appear. Click the "Input Image File Path" button to specify the input image file that will be burned out. From the write drive combo box, select the DVD-RW drive that you will burn the blank DVD disc with. Then insert a blank Recordable DVD to copy the source DVD into. Click the "Copy" button to start t! he burn process.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8932.html ]

Clean N Optimize (freeware; 4047 Кб)
BullDog Ftp

Clean N Optimize has highly customizable cleaning options and supports the most common web browsers and chat applications. It has a built in Shredder, so the cleaned files/folders can not be recovered again and separate shredder to manually shred files, folders, drives empty space, and recycle bin with the most famous and secure shredding algorithms. It is a powerful optimizer for Internet connection, System like optimizing hard drive, Windows Explorer like disable save settings at shutdown and Privacy like locking some hard drive partitions. Also it has Startup Manager to modify the applications that launch at windows startup and Uninstall Manager to modify or uninstall the user-installed applications. With Clean N Optimize you can clean your system with One Click. It has easy to use interface. The main window is just the start guide for you to use Clean N Optimize in efficient and easy way. Read the instructions and follow the links to start using the program. The Clean Se! ttings Window consists from 3 main sections: 1)Internet items includes the following, categories Browsers: in the browsers tabs, you can check items that will be cleaned in each installed browser and Chat: in the chat tabs, you can check the items that will be cleaned in each installed chat program. 2)System Items consists of the windows category which consists from History Cleaner: check the history items that you want to clean which are related to windows system and Recent Files Cleaner: check the recent files that you want to clean which are related to windows built-in, the hard drive cleaner will free up the hard drive space by deleting the temporary and unnecessary files, you can include files with specific Extensions to be deleted. 3)Registry Items: the Broken registry items means the leftover registry keys that should be deleted from the system registry. With shredder you can shred 3 categories:1)Shred Files/Folders, 2)Shred Empty Space, 3)Shred Recycle Bin.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8931.html ]

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