Всего программ в каталоге: 5875
Размер каталога: 86021.36 Мб
Бесплатных программ: 2364
Новинок: 1759
DBF Viewer 2000 3.25 (shareware $39.95; 1255 Кб) HiBase Group
DBF Viewer 2000 - чрезвычайно простая в использовании программа, позволяющая просматривать, редактировать и распечатывать содержимое DBF-файлов (в т. ч. используемых в Clipper, dBase, Foxpro и других СУБД). Вы можете редактировать файлы в Windows или DOS-кодировке, просматривать информацию о полях; искать, сортировать, удалять данные с использованием групповых символов; распечатывать и упаковывать записи. Вы можете экспортировать информацию в формат HTML, настраивать цвета и шрифты, составлять запросы по
шаблонам. Можно также редактировать многостроные текстовые поля в формате dBase III, dBase IV, FoxPro, VFP и DB2K. При этом вам не требуется внешних ODBC или BDE-драйверов для работы с базами данных. Самое главное DBF Viewer 2000 от других аналогичных программ состоит в том, что эта программа работает действительно быстро. Кроме того, DBF Viewer 2000 поддерживает файлы больших размеров (более 2 Гб), работая с ними так же корректно, как и с любыми другими. Ключев!
ые возможности DBF Viewer 2000: поддержка DBF-файлов любых баз данных (Clipper, FoxPro, Visual Foxpro, dBase III/IV, dBase Level 7, HiPer-Six); экспорт данных в форматы CSV, TXT, XML, Excel, HTML, PRG, SQL; экспорт данных в SQL-запросы для СУБД MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL; поддержка просмотра и редактирования memo-полей во внешних файлах (.fpt, .dbt, .smt); поддержка работы с DBF-файлами размером более 2 Гб; автоматическое определение кодировки; создание запросов по примерам
("Query by Example"); режим быстрого просмотра; быстрое удаление дублирующихся записей; возможность оптимизации структуры DBF-файлов; импорт данных из DBF, CSV и Paradox-файлов; поддержка восстановления удалённых записей; статистическая информация для каждого поля (минимум, максимум, среднее, сумма); изменение кодировки и регистра символов; многоуровневые списки отмены/повтора выполненных операций; возможность экспорта!
и замены данных через командную строк
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8579.html ]
Oxygen Phone Manager II for Symbian OS phones 2.18.18 (demo $46; 11535 Кб) Oxygen Software
Oxygen Phone Manager для смартфонов на платформе Symbian OS позволяет осуществлять управление Вашим Symbian смартфоном через ПК. Программа обеспечивает работу с Телефонной книгой, Календарем, Картинками, Мелодиями, Сообщениями, Приложениями, Режимами и Журналом звонков.
Вы можете считывать телефонную книгу из телефона, редактировать ее, выбирать персональные картинки и мелодии для контактов, определять формат имени для каждого из них, импортировать данные из MS Outlook, WAB (адресная книга Windows) и
экспортировать телефонную книгу обратно в эти и другие распространенные форматы файлов. Возможен просмотр подробной информации контакта через окно vCard.
Секция "Календарь" представляет возможность работы с событиями как в виде таблицы, дающей возможность просмотреть все события одновременно, так и в планировщике с интерфейсом, похожим на Microsoft Outlook.
Секция "Картинки" позволяет производить различные операции с картинками вашего телефона. Кроме!
того, обозреватель изображений дает возможность просмотреть картинку не открывая ее с помощью окна предварительного просмотра. Секция "Мелодии и Звуки" позволяет прослушивать разные типы мелодий, а также записи диктофона Вашего телефона, добавлять новые мелодии и удалять ненужные.
Секция "Сообщения" служит для доступа ко всем видам сообщений телефона и позволяет считывать содержимое папок Входящие, Исходящие, Черновики, Отправленные, Мои Папки, Mailbox, а также просматривать основные типы сообщений
(SMS, MMS, E-mail), просматривать приложения MMS сообщений, сообщений электронной почты и сообщений, полученных через устройство Bluetooth или ИК порт.
Секция "Журнал" позволяет просматривать информацию о звонках, сообщениях, трафике передачи данных с ПК.
"Диспетчер Приложений" позволяет управлять приложениями и играми: увидеть полный список, запустить и установить новые приложения. Секция поддерживает как приложения Symbian, так и Java.
Boom Voyage 1.1.8 (shareware $19.95; 8773 Кб) KraiSoft Entertainment
Пришло время для незабываемого аркадного путешествия во времени и пространстве. Направляйте шарик своей ракеткой, чтобы разбить все блоки на уровне и двинуться дальше через 6 эпох от древнего Египта до Дикого запада. Ловите полезные призы, используйте помощь механических друзей и остерегайтесь неприятностей на своём пути. Великолепная трёхмерная графика, реалистичная физика, Всемирный зал славы и многое другое.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7179.html ]
Memo Cod 4x4 «Справочник банков РФ и Украины (БИК)» (freeware; 1905 Кб) Генадий Ляшенко
Бесплатная, сетевая программа для просмотра справочника кодов банков (БИК).
Есть возможность сортировки справочника по любым параметрам и контекстный поиск по всем реквизитам банков. Поддерживается обновление справочника через сеть Intrernet и из файлов формата DBF.
- Возможность ведения от 1-й до любого количества организаций. - Структурированная система организации. - Классификатор должностей. - Ведение базы данных сотрудников, работающих по трудовым договорам. - Ведение базы данных сотрудников, работающих по договорам гражданско-правового характера. - Автоматическая подготовка приказов. Формирование приказов по формам T1, T1а, T5, T5a, T6, T6a, T8, T8a, T9, T10, T10a, T11, T11a, штатного расписания по форме T-3, графика
отпусков по форме T-7. - Учет рабочего времени сотрудников и печать табелей. - Учет движения сотрудников и ведение кадровой статистики. - Журнал документов. - Расчет стажа. - Формирование стандартных отчетов (более 60 готовых). - Создание своих отчетов. - Экспорт отчетов. - Экспорт сведений о сотрудниках в XLS. - Загрузка из xls-файла списка сотрудников и структуры организации. - Поддержка шаблонов документов. !
- Шаблоны типовых бланков. - Сетевые возможности. - Онлайн функции.
Легко устанавливается и настраивается!
Наиболее удобное и интуитивно понятное управление всеми кадровыми функциями по сравнению с другими программными аналогами.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/6160.html ]
Кадры Плюс Украина 4.1.5 (shareware $80; 14000 Кб) ЭндиСофт
Кадровый учет - это важный аспект для автоматизации работы отдела кадров любой организации. Мы предлагаем программу, которая значительно ускорит подготовку любых видов кадровых документов и позволит обеспечить максимальную отдачу от выполнения должностных обязанностей специалистов по кадрам Вашей организации. Программа разработана с учетом законодательства Украины!
Основные особенности и возможности программы:
* Ведение базы данных сотрудников, работающих по трудовым договорам, со всеми необходимыми
данными; * Ведение базы данных сотрудников, работающих по договорам ГПХ; * Учет рабочего времени сотрудников. Использование официально утвержденных условных обозначений и кодов Украины; * Формирование и печать табелей по форме П-5, а также печать табеля и статистики за месяц. Учет нерабочих праздничных дней Украины; * Учет движения сотрудников и ведение кадровой статистики: приемы на работу, переводы на другие должности, увольнения, аттестаци!
, командировки, профессиональные переподготовки, поощрения, отпуска, присвоения званий/разрядов, повышения квалификаций. Изменения в табелях сотрудников и формирование отчетов, на основе этих данных; * Автоматическая подготовка кадровых документов: приказы (П1, П3, П4), штатное расписание, график отпусков; * Автоматическое составление личной карточки сотрудника (П-2); * Автоматическое составление заявлений на прием, перевод, увольнение, отпуск сотрудников; * Ведение общего журнала документов, а
также журнала документов каждого сотрудника; * Расчет всех видов стажа; * Ведение базы данных детей сотрудников, социальных льгот; * Возможность прикрепления трудовых договоров и должностных инструкций к сведениям о сотруднике; * Создание своих отчетов. Разработана удобная форма для создания отчета, которая автоматически генерирует SQL-запрос к базам данным. Возможность сохранения и загрузки созданных отчетов; * Формирование стандартных отчетов;* Более 50-ти дополнительных отчетов; * Все отчеты экспо!
ртируются в популярные форматы: xls, rtf, xml, htm; * Создание своих шаблонов для связи с документами типа doc, docx. Вы можете легко выводить любые сведения о сотрудниках в утвержденные Вашей организацией документы; * Предупреждения о следующих событиях, которые произойдут в ближайшие 7 дней: дни рождения, окончание трудовых договоров/ сроков окончания работы, окончание испытательных сроков; * Возможность работы с программой в локальной сети и авторизация пользователей; * Работа с базами данных:
переиндексация, архивация, очистка; * Возможность экспорта списка сотрудников из xls-файла; * Поддержка MS Vista; * Наиболее удобное и интуитивно понятное управление всеми кадровыми функциями по сравнению с другими программными аналогами.
Формы, обозначения и коды, используемые в программе, утверждены приказом Госкомстата Украины №489 от 05.12.2008.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/6407.html ]
Табель Сотрудников 4.1.5 (shareware 990 руб; 7500 Кб) ЭндиСофт
Программа для ведения учета отработанного времени и печати табелей по формам Т-12, Т-13 и форме программы.
* Ведение базы данных сотрудников организации со всеми необходимыми данными; * Учет рабочего времени сотрудников; * Формирование и печать табелей по формам (T-12, T-13), а также печать табеля и статистики за месяц; * Формирование итоговых значений учета времени работы за год; * Авторизация пользователей; * Работа с базами данных: переиндексация, архивация, очистка; * Возможность
экспорта списка сотрудников из xls-файла; * Поддержка MS Vista, MS Windows 7.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/6238.html ]
Reset Password Vista (shareware $38; 1034 Кб) Mobile Phone Data Recovery
Internet explorer email account password restoration tool effectively regains lost or missing IE passwords regardless their size and complexity. Email account password breaker software is specially developed using latest techniques and advanced recovery algorithms to regain misplaced or lost IE passwords. IE secret key retrieval program provides best and reliable password recovery solution to unmask different types of IE account passwords like email account passwords, website login, online shopping account passwords,
internet banking passwords, news group account passwords, FTP passwords, Auto complete field passwords etc. Internet explorer password backup utility effectively save recovered passwords in text format at user desired location. Software supports all major versions of internet explorers like IE3, IE4, IE5, IE6 and IE7. IE secret key retrieval utility is capable to display encrypted password characters of Yahoo, Gmail, MSN, EarthLink, Hotmail, Orkut etc. Encrypted!
key rescue program is compatible with all advanced versions of Windows OS including Windows xp and Windows Vista. Internet explorer password salvage application provides an interactive and easily understandable graphical user interface which help users to operate this software without any technical skill or knowledge. Features: * IE password breaker software recovers all kind of lost or forgotten passwords in easy way. * Secret key salvage application easily restores Internet explorer account saved
passwords including Yahoo, MSN, Gmail, Orkut, Hotmail and Rediff passwords. * Email account password recovery tool supports all major versions of Internet explorer including IE6 and IE7. * Internet explorer password unmask program is read-only or non-destructive in nature.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8128.html ]
Quick Free Keylogger 3.0 (freeware; 864 Кб) John Miller
WideStep Software presents light and affordable monitoring utility Quick Keylogger that supports 64 bit Windows as well as other OS. Simple download and deployment guarantees a smooth start of your work with the optimal set of features: keystrokes, websites and other monitoring options. Simple but clear HTML reports make Quick Keylogger a great solution for everyone. Quick Keylogger will save keystrokes by application, date and time, it will capture absolutely all keystrokes, all buttons pressed in your system.
Unfortunately unlike Elite Keylogger it is not that invisible to anti-keyloggers and anti-viruses. Designed for Windows 9x, Windows XP and Windows Vista Quick Keylogger offers you stability and simplicity with the most usable number of features. Quick Keylogger works seemlessly in the background and you are the only one who knows the password to view the logs. Quick Keylogger is equipped with a calendar that lets you sort and review logs by specific dates and time. A!
ll recorded sessions are combined by user, date, month, and time. Quick Keylogger is easy-to-use, very simple and small (instant free download) tool, which you can carry on a floppy disk drive for your mobility and fast response.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8110.html ]
Capsa Packet Sniffer 7.1.2 (shareware $549; 22342 Кб) Jane Hu
ЦСНВСК сети пакетной снифер (анализатор сети или сети снифер) для мониторинга сети и устранения неполадок. Она выполняет пакетной съемки, мониторинг сети, протокол анализа, пакет расшифровке, и автоматической диагностики. Предоставляя вам взглянуть на все ваши сети операций CAPSA позволяет легко изолировать и решить проблемы с сетью, выявить узкие места сети и пропускной способности сети, а также выявления уязвимостей сети.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8122.html ]
NTFS data retrieval utility recovers lost data from bad sector infected files including MS Office documents, digital pictures, mp3 songs and zip files, even partition table is lost or badly corrupted. NTFS data recovery software explore the lost data either using standard search or advance search. Standard search mode recovers accidentally deleted data, file lost due to human fault and hardware failure etc. Advance search mode provides option to recover the file from formatted file system. NTFS data retrieval
software recovers formatted NTFS NTFS5 partition hard disk drive data. NTFS data recovery software supports Windows operating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003 server, NT, ME, Windows XP (Home, Media center) and Windows Vista. NTFS data recovery utility support all major file formats including doc, txt, bmp, mpeg, gif, mpg, aac, wav, mov, jpg, mid, midi, mpa etc. NTFS lost data restoration utility supports all hard disk drives partitions including IDE, SATA, EIDE !
and SCSI disk drives of Desktop and laptop. NTFS data recovery software allows saving the status of partial recovery process which save time to restore lost data files back. Features * NTFS data recovery software preview files contents before recovery. * NTFS data recovery software world most advanced data recovery technology used for the data recovery. * NTFS data recovery software provides easy to use GUI (Graphical user interface). * NTFS data recovery software provides standard windows explorer
style interface. * NTFS data recovery software is non-destructive, easy and safe to use.
FAT data recovery software is a non destructive and read-only data salvage program used to recover damaged files, pictures, images and folders from windows FAT partition volume of crashed hard disk drive. Vista FAT data salvage program retrieves lost files missing due to accidental deletion, virus attack, software malfunction or power failure etc. Windows FAT partition data recovery software easily supports FAT32, FAT16, FAT12, VFAT file system. Application provides easy and quick recovery of office documents
(word, excel, access etc) lost due to formatting, overwritten or deleted partitions of logically crashed hard disk drive. Vista FAT data recovery software installs on all windows operating system like windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME, NT, 98. Windows FAT data restoration tool rescue data after the loss of MBR, boot sector or partition table entries. Software provides a complete scanning of the damaged or corrupted disk to locate and restore the lost and deleted partiti!
ons, files and folders on your specified safe location. FAT data recovery software provides restoration of data in tree-structure format. FAT data retrieval application supports GUI interface so it is easy to use and does not require any technical skills to operate it. Features: * Software restores deleted files lost due to accidental deletion, improper functioning of the hard drive, power failure and virus attack etc. * Application support file recovery from deleted partition, lost partition or formatted
logical hard disk drive. * Software supports all windows operating system such as 2000, XP, 2003, ME, NT, Vista. * FAT data backup program provides in-built step-by-step data recovery process help manual option. * Software also supports FAT32, FAT16, FAT12, VFAT file systems. * Tool provides graphical user interface (GUI) for easy data recovery.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8107.html ]
Вам нужно настроить СМС-уведомление или поставить СМС-сервис на веб-сайт, но Вы не хотите использовать СМС-шлюзы? Тогда Вам необходимо использовать GSM-модем. Многофункциональная <a href="http://www.headwind.ru">программа отправки СМС</a> "Персональный SMS Сервер" позволит Вам интегрировать СМС-сервисы с базой данных, веб-сайтом или приложением. Уникальным свойством этой программы является автоматическая конфигурация соединения с модемом в соответствии с возможностями последнего, что делает Персональный
SMS Сервер совместимым с большинством GSM-устройств. Персональный SMS Сервер имеет функцию автозапуска, что позволяет реализовывать надежный сервис на базе Вашего компьютера.
Программа имеет множество полезных функций, в частности, она позволяет отправлять сообщения, сразу появляющиеся на экране телефона, сообщения-ссылки (WAP Push) и USSD-команды (например, для запроса баланса SIM-карты или для заказа СМС-пакетов), принимать отчеты о доставке, и многое д!
ругое. Соединение с модемом настраивается с помощью удобного мастера соединения, автоматически настраивающего GSM-модем. Персональный SMS Сервер предоставляет программный интерфейс COM, который может использоваться приложениями (например, написанными на .NET) для СМС-связи.
Персональный SMS Сервер предоставляет также удобный интерфейс источников СМС (отправка коротких сообщений из файла или с удаленного веб-адреса) и обработчиков СМС (это команды, исполняемые после получения сообщения, или адреса, загружаемые
из интернета). Этот интерфейс позволяет интегрировать программу с любой системой, как находящейся на том же компьютере, так и удаленной.
Описание программы, а также различные примеры ее использования, можно увидеть на веб-сайте разработчика <a href="http://www.headwind.ru">http://www.headwind.ru</a>.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8095.html ]
The African Plots 1.0 (freeware; 5479 Кб) Gordon Freeman
Эта заставка понравится любителем экзотических стран и африканского сафари. В каждой их трех представленных анимированных сцен Вы найдете африканских обитателей. Это и хозяин здешних мест, царь зверей- лев. Это и жирафы, величественные слоны, носорог, бегемот, купающийся в озере, змеи, черепахи, бабочки, стрекозы, птицы. Зачем ехать в далекие и экзотические места, когда все это можно увидеть на своем компьютере? Установите этот красочный анимированный скринсейвер с цифровыми часами, натуральными звуками далекого
черного континента и начните свое путешествие в далекую и загадочную Африку прямо у себя дома!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8092.html ]
Restore Apple iPod (shareware $69; 1116 Кб) Free Data Recovery Software
Apple iPod data recovery program provides advance data restoration solution which damaged due to virus attack, software malfunction, human error, improper usage and other similar reasons. iPod music file salvage tool quickly recovers corrupted files, formatted or damaged data even if iPod device is not detected by your Desktop/Laptop computer. iPod songs data restoration utility is safe and reliable software to retrieve various types of file formats such as mpeg, jpg, bmp, aac, mid, midi, mp3, mp4 and tiff etc.
iPod data backup application supports all Apple iPod models like iPod first generation to latest next generation series and other available models. iPod data restoration utility supports all storage capacities including 512 MB, 1GB, 2GB, 4GB and 40 GB. Apple iPod music file retrieval tool easily restores lost music collection, photographs, snaps, video songs, frozen iPod data before any major data loss occurs in your iPod media player. iPod data recovery tool easily i!
nstalled/uninstalled on any Windows operating system including windows 98, 2000, 2003, NT, ME, XP and Vista. Apple iPod data restoration utility restores deleted or corrupted data from iPod models including shuffle, touch, nano, mini, U2, Hi-Fi. Features: * Apple iPod data salvage tool provides complete recovery of iPod media player. * iPod data recovery utility quickly recovers all deleted or missing files and folders like digital pictures, images, photographs, audio video music collection. * Apple
iPod music file backup program is very helpful to restore lost or damaged data from virus infected iPod device. * iPod data retrieval software is very easy to use and non destructive tool which quickly recover formatted files and folders.
MDB to MySQL Converter (shareware $45; 1413 Кб) Drive Recovery Software
MS Access database transformation application converts records from MS Access to MySQL even when database is password protected and this software supports all major data types and attributes such as tables, view, index, trigger, schema, null value, default value, unique key, primary key and foreign key. MDB to MySQL database conversion program is capable to converts all kind of Access records in MySQL created in any edition of MS Access including 2003 and 2007. Database migration utility is specially developed
to convert large size of MS Access records in MySQL in single click. MS Access database changer tool works properly with all advanced versions of Windows operating system including Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista. MDB to MySQL database converter application provides an interactive and systematic wizard based GUI environment with user help manual which make this program easy to operate. Software facilitates users to install!
and uninstall this software as per their requirement. Features: * MS Access to MySQL database changer application provides fast and secure database conversion solution with all attributes and key constraints. * MDB to MySQL converter software easily converts password protected database records. * Database transformation program supports all editions of MS Access including 2003 and 2007. * MDB conversion tool is compatible with all major versions of Windows operating system. * MS Access to
MySQL migration utility is read-only or non destructive in nature.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8071.html ]
Corrupted memory stick data recovery software offers safe and secure method to rescue lost images, office documents, audio video files from formatted and logically damaged compact flash memory card. Expert secure digital card data salvage program unerase all erased files including wma, wav, mpeg, mp3, riff, bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, avi, midi etc from all types of mobile or digital camera memory card. Sony memory stick file rescue program recover all misplaced data from various types of memory card like compact flash
card, memory stick duo, secure digital card, memory stick micro M2, smart card, XD-picture card, MMC micro card and other memory card storage devices. Multimedia card data recovery tool with simple functionality rescues all those missing contents due to mistakenly pull out the card from cell phone or camera, infected by virus, accidental format, hardware or software failure or other loss reason. Memory stick micro M2 image recovery program supports all manufactures o!
f memory card like HP, Kodak, Nikon, Canon, Samsung, Sanyo, Sony, Panasonic, Philips, Toshiba, Casio, Epson, Fuji film, Olympus etc in all different capacities including 512 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB, 4 GB and even higher capacity drives. Smart card data recovery software proficiently works with Microsoft windows operating system like Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000, ME, NT, 98 and provides user friendly GUI support. Features: * Compact flash card data recovery tool retrieves deleted or formatted files, folders, pictures,
images, music, photos from various memory cards. * File restoration tool recovers data from different types of memory card including smart media, compact flash card, multimedia card, picture card etc. * Memory card data restoration application offers GUI interface and contains inbuilt help option that helps users to understand the working of software and operate without requiring technical skills.
Displacement Map это забавный Фотошоп совместимый плагин для Windows, разработанный компанией ImageSkill Software. Он предназначен для пространственной деформации изображений, позволяющий пользователю придавать забавные геометрические искажения форме объектов. Пользователь вправе выбрать любую из имеющихся в его распоряжении карт деформаций и, тем самым, задать характер геометрических искажений. Сила этих искажений может регулироваться с помощью специального контрола. При этом в центре изображения искажения
будут всегда отсутствовать, а к периферии они будут увеличиваться. В плагине реализован высококачественный Mip-Map метод интерполяции, позволяющий сохранять непрерывность мелких деталей. Этим он выгодно отличается от других конкурирующих продуктов. Предназначен для художественной обработки изображений и снабжен набором карт деформаций. Плагин имеет стильный, интуитивно-понятный и дружественный мульти-язычный интерфейс. Выбор языка производится при инсталляции плагина, но!
в процессе работы пользователь в случае необходимости может легко переключаться с одного языка на другой. Displacement Map снабжен удобным инсталлятором и деинсталлятором и может работать как плагин для таких популярных графических редакторов, как: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel (Jasc) Paint Shop Pro, Microsoft Digital Image Suite, IrfanView, XnView.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8065.html ]
Keylogger software is the best monitoring tool run invisibly and not appears in Desktop items, Startup Menu, Program files and even from installation folder path hence no one can access the software excepting system owner. Keylogger monitoring program easily accessed by setting hot key combination (like F4, ShifT+Alt keys) and Run command feature (such as PCDM) of your choice while running in complete stealth mode. Keylogger Software records users activities in encrypted log file which can be mailed at specified
email ID. Keylogger monitoring Software runs automatically when PC is started by enabling un at Windows Startupoption to keep eye on external user activities from first to last character typed on PC without getting noticed by anyone. Keylogger is completely undetectable superior stealth surveillance keyboard monitoring e-mail recording snapshots taking passwords capturing chat activities user friendly utility. Keycapture monitoring software supports windows 98/2000/N!
T/XP/VISTA. Key logger restore previously typed text password and login account in case you have lost it. Monitoring Utility also helps to recover some important data which lost due to application crash like word excel power point notepad files. * Keylogger software trace every keyboard activities on user pc by taking visual screen shots, photos, images, picture, and record all key stroke. * Keylogger utility is used by computer owner or network administrator to prevent accidental damage and lost data. *
Keylogger prevents inappropriate browsing activities of their kids by monitoring their chats. * Users can recollect their passwords that have forgotten or to recover lost e-mail.
Data Recovery Software for iPods (shareware $69; 639 Кб) Data Recovery Software
Data Doctor Recovery is the standard excellence in the data recovery industry by constantly providing premium and pioneering recovery services for all storage media including hard drives, memory cards, USB drives etc. Music recovery software for Windows has been designed as an effective and low-cost solution for recovering data in any unfavorable situation like power surge, hardware malfunction, worm/virus attack etc from iPod music device. Data Doctor Recovery has teams of experienced IT professionals who put
their joint efforts to develop improved data restoration utilities. Company makes very good data recovery and data back-up software is available for immediate download through datarecoverysoftware.com. Features: Compatibility: Data Doctor iPod music file recovery utility effectively runs under all latest versions of Windows operating systems from Windows 98 to Windows Vista. User Friendly: The most significant feature that made our recovery tool more admira!
ble is its simplicity and wizard style GUI interface by which non technical users can also easily operate the software. Robust: By using advanced tools and techniques our well qualified team of IT professionals has developed data recovery solutions such that it can recover data in any adverse condition like power failure, hardware malfunction, crashed disk partition etc. Versatile: Data Doctor Recovery provides useful and efficient file retrieval utilities through which user can easily recover erased
or deleted data of any file format like as mp3, mp4, avi, mpeg, gif, jpeg etc from iPod library. Online support: Data Doctor most talented and highly dedicated teams of engineers are always (24X7) available to help its valuable clients in each and every possible manner.
Mobile text messaging software is reliable, secure and easy to use text SMS tool that facilitates users to send single or unlimited text messages from computer PC to any mobile phone in just single click. Mobile text messaging software creates and sends text messages for professional SMS marketing campaigns, contacting employees, contest participants, personalized communications, recruitment notifications, season greetings, invitation, peer to peer messaging, event notification and similar other type of SMS.
Application is useful to send unlimited bulk SMS to all national or international mobile networks at any time without requiring any internet connection. Advanced text messaging utility also provides an option to see all sent messages history (with delivery date and time) and you can save this information if you require for your future reference. Text messaging software is compatible with all windows based mobile phones (Samsung, Sony, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic etc). App!
lication provides user friendly graphical user interface and does not require advance technical knowledge to operate the software. PC to mobile text messaging program safely installs and uninstalls on all windows operating system such as windows 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP and Vista etc. Features: * Software is compatible with all windows based mobile phones (Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Motorola etc). * Application sends text messages supported by Unicode character. * PC to mobile SMS software send
number of massive messages from PC to all national or international mobile networks. * Utility provides complete detail of all sent SMS or text messages with exact date and time. * Software provides user friendly GUI interface and no advance technical knowledge or skills are required to operate the software.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8056.html ]
Retail Inventory Software (shareware $45; 6051 Кб) Restore Windows
Inventory tracking software track and manage record details of each and every sales and purchase order. Retail inventory software manages point of sale invoicing, sales and purchase order and handling multi job service order. Inventory systems also keep track of remaining stock and also helpful to take purchasing decisions as well. Invoice software generate various reports including item report, ledger report, purchase order report, expenses ledger report as well as creates professional invoices to be printed
or emailed. Accounting software allows changing the company control setting including security, invoice and company description setting. PC invoice software can be useful for sales forecasting, production planning and demand management, transportation activities, inventory handling and storage fulfillment. Financial accounting program creates professional invoices automatically, based on the projects and hours that you have entered. Software can easily be installed in a!
ny windows operating system like 98, 2000, 2003 server, XP, NT, ME and Vista. Software comes with easy to understand interface and can be handled even by a layman supporting any organization (small or large) without having knowledge of any technical skills. Software performs several available operations including adding, editing and deleting details of company, party and so on. Features: * Billing and inventory management software efficiently records all details of sales and purchase order. * Tool
provides ready to use templates and the user-friendly interface let you easily and quickly manages your invoices, quotes, contract requests. *Tool can organize all customer orders and issue invoices details. *Software helps to keep the inventory always in stock so that users can not loss an order. * Utility is compatible with windows 98, NT 3.x, NT 4.x, 2000, 2003, XP, windows XP media center 2005 and Vista.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8057.html ]
Mobile text messaging software is reliable, secure and easy to use text SMS tool that facilitates users to send single or unlimited text messages from computer PC to any mobile phone in just single click. Mobile text messaging software creates and sends text messages for professional SMS marketing campaigns, contacting employees, contest participants, personalized communications, recruitment notifications, season greetings, invitation, peer to peer messaging, event notification and similar other type of SMS.
Application is useful to send unlimited bulk SMS to all national or international mobile networks at any time without requiring any internet connection. Advanced text messaging utility also provides an option to see all sent messages history (with delivery date and time) and you can save this information if you require for your future reference. Text messaging software is compatible with all windows based mobile phones (Samsung, Sony, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic etc). App!
lication provides user friendly graphical user interface and does not require advance technical knowledge to operate the software. PC to mobile text messaging program safely installs and uninstalls on all windows operating system such as windows 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP and Vista etc. Features: * Software is compatible with all windows based mobile phones (Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Motorola etc). * Application sends text messages supported by Unicode character. * PC to mobile SMS software send
number of massive messages from PC to all national or international mobile networks. * Utility provides complete detail of all sent SMS or text messages with exact date and time. * Software provides user friendly GUI interface and no advance technical knowledge or skills are required to operate the software.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8055.html ]
Mobile text messaging software is reliable, secure and easy to use text SMS tool that facilitates users to send single or unlimited text messages from computer PC to any mobile phone in just single click. Mobile text messaging software creates and sends text messages for professional SMS marketing campaigns, contacting employees, contest participants, personalized communications, recruitment notifications, season greetings, invitation, peer to peer messaging, event notification and similar other type of SMS.
Application is useful to send unlimited bulk SMS to all national or international mobile networks at any time without requiring any internet connection. Advanced text messaging utility also provides an option to see all sent messages history (with delivery date and time) and you can save this information if you require for your future reference. Text messaging software is compatible with all windows based mobile phones (Samsung, Sony, Motorola, Nokia, Panasonic etc). App!
lication provides user friendly graphical user interface and does not require advance technical knowledge to operate the software. PC to mobile text messaging program safely installs and uninstalls on all windows operating system such as windows 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP and Vista etc. Features: * Software is compatible with all windows based mobile phones (Nokia, Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Motorola etc). * Application sends text messages supported by Unicode character. * PC to mobile SMS software send
number of massive messages from PC to all national or international mobile networks. * Utility provides complete detail of all sent SMS or text messages with exact date and time. * Software provides user friendly GUI interface and no advance technical knowledge or skills are required to operate the software.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8054.html ]
Undetectable Keylogger Program (shareware $45; 784 Кб) Password Recovery
Download keyboard activity watcher software to record computer keyboard activities in a hidden encrypted log file. Free keylogger application is useful in watching your kids and employees computer internet activities in your absence. Stealth keyboard activity recorder software works easily and efficiently under the environment of windows 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP (Home, Professional, Media Center), 2003 and Vista (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate) operating system. Keylogger software helps to
recover your forgotten or missing email Id and passwords. Invisible keylogger program provides highly interactive graphical user interface for user to work proficiently without need of technical skill. Keyboard activity tracker application records all keystrokes, typed password, username, visited URL, chat conversation, search engine searches and other computer activities. Stealth keystroke tracker software works in invisible mode and does not display on desktop, control!
panel, taskbar. Keyboard activity watcher tool provides user help manuals to guide user in working with software. Keystrokes recorder application is password protected and no other user can know about its presence in computer, only administrator can access software. Features: * Keystroke logger software does not show its presence on desktop, control panel, taskbar when it works. * Free keyboard activities recorder program records every single keystrokes, typed password, username, visited URL, chat
conversation, search engine searches and other computer activities. * Keylogger application provides both install and uninstall facility. * Keyboard activity surveillance program provides highly interactive graphical user interface for user to work easily without need of technical skill.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8047.html ]
AlfaEbooks 0.7.1 (shareware $19.95; 6411 Кб) Alex Lysenkov
Alfa Ebooks Manager - программа предназначена для создания каталога электронных книг. При помощи Alfa Ebooks Manager можно просто и быстро каталогизировать ваши электронные книги, разбросанные на жестком диске, а также получить информацию о книгах из интернета и сохранить в базе. Вы можете вести учет всех ваших электронных книг, находящихся на различных носителях, с сохранением любых параметров в базе, обновлять информацию о книгах из интернет-источников, быстро находить нужную книгу, просматривать книги в PDF
и 3D, публиковать вашу электронную библиотеку в интернете
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8046.html ]
Mil Firewall 2.2 (shareware $29.90; 2868 Кб) Ilko Tcenov
There are many programs that relentlessly try to breach into your computer from the Internet. The surveys show that a new computer can be infected in less than half hour with spyware and trojan horses. Another increasingly alarming trend is the number of non-malicious programs that send information about you and your online habits to their authors without any consent from you.
Mil Firewall blocks all attempts to exploit a security problem in the programs that are running on your PC. Mil Firewall will
also protect your computer from infection with many viruses, trojan horses and spyware programs. It will also block any attempts of legitimate or spyware program to send your private information over the internet or to download ads and other content to show in pop-up windows.
You can use specific network access rules for each program or use global rules for all programs. There are predefined rules for most frequently used programs but you can change them.
l network access can be temporarily disabled with one click of the mouse, which gives you plenty of time to change the network access permissions without worrying that you computer may be infected while you are doing this.
Additionally, you can allow access only for some of the network adapters or for specific addresses, protocols and ports. The firewall rules are very flexible and allow very fine degree of control.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8039.html ]
Titan Free Casino Games 2009 1.2 (freeware; 287 Кб) John Miller
Появилась новая казино платформа с великолепными характеристиками от производителя Titan Poker - совершенно новое Titan Casino! Более 100 игр, беспрецедентно высокий бонус для новых игроков (4000 евро) - все это вам обязательно понравится. Такого вы нигде еще не видели!
Titan Casino создано на основе новейшего программного обеспечения от компании Playtech; его современнейшая графика и анимация в режиме реального времени просто потрясающие. Вы почувствуете разницу сразу же, как только зайдете на страницу
лобби, отметите оригинальную графику в футуристическом стиле и удобную навигацию по сайту, так что вы очень быстро найдете свои любимые игры - и новые, недавно появившиеся в казино. И это только начало. Titan Casino постоянно проводит фантастические рекламные акции и предлагает щедрые бонусы для игроков во многие игры - от блекджека до видеопокера, баккара, рулетки и - особенно любимые прекрасными дамами - джекпоты, достигающие в Titan Casino просто титанических раз!
Titan Casino является партнером двух крупнейших в Сети игровых сайтов - Casino Tropez и Europa Casino. Так же, как и Titan, эти сайты предлагают отличную поддержку пользователей, которой славятся эти бренды, включая круглосуточную поддержку и функцию "получить помощь в режиме онлайн", специально встроенную в программное обеспечение.
WinX Free DVD to iPhone Ripper 3.2.10 (freeware; 6564 Кб) Jack Han
WinX Free DVD to iPhone Ripper is fully compatible to rip and convert DVD to iPhone, iPod + touch, Apple TV and even iTune video formats, remaining all the features and without any video degradation after ripping. And audio files could be extracted from DVD disc into MP3 music. This one-click easy-to-use free software has handy options which enable you to watch DVD movies with your iPod, iPhone, or Apple TV at anytime, anywhere.
Main Functions:
Easy to Use This cost-free software caters for
you to modify video and audio parameters. It also allows you to add or remove subtitles as you like with a few clicks. Functional handy options assist you full controlling whole process.
Fast Ripping Speed WinX Free DVD to iPhone Ripper has high efficiency on ripping speed. It is up to 300%-500% real time at this stage, thus lots of time will be saved during the ripping process.
Powerful Functions It is the first DVD ripper that could read D!
VD sector-by-sector around the world. Time is dramatically reduced for the conversion. Support ripping in single and batch mode. Support separating or extracting DVD audio to MP3 music format, and support Dolby Surround Audio Coding-3.
Key Features:
Extract DVD audio to MP3 Music Easy to add or remove DVD subtitles to output video file Easy video splitting, fully control the output video quality and image size Fully control other audio and video parameters to optimize the video Support
all common DVDs Excellent picture quality and high sound quality like original DVD Fastest converting speed, up to 300% real time 100% Clean, No Spyware, No Malware, No Adware, No Virus No Watermark, No Time Limit, No Functions and features reserved
Мобильный Менеджер "Хедвинд" - это удобная система новостных СМС-рассылок и мобильного маркетинга, предназначенная для предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса. Назначение программы - информирование клиентов о новых товарах и специальных предложениях по SMS, рассылки новостей по спискам, рассылки СМС-уведомлений персоналу. В программе реализовано удобное управление списками рассылки, есть рассылка СМС по расписанию (абонент не будет разбужен коротким сообщением ночью). Списки рассылки могут быть импортированы
из текстового файла, что позволяет перенести базы данных абонентов из 1С, Outlook, Excel и других популярных офисных программ. Мобильный Менеджер разработан в соответствии с концепцией "рассылки по предварительной подписке" и позволяет добавлять или удалять абонентов из списков рассылки одним нажатием кнопки мыши.
В отличие от большинства систем СМС-рассылок, в программе "Мобильный Менеджер" для отправки сообщений используется GSM-ус!
тройство, подключенное к компьютеру. Это дает множество преимуществ, например, конфиденциальность Ваших списков рассылки, возможность приема ответов (в том числе звонков) от абонентов, а также полный контроль над Вашими рассылками. Программа поддерживает большинство мобильных телефонов и GSM-модемов, поддерживающих стандарт отправки СМС с ПК; модуль подключения устройства автоматически настраивается на оптимальный режим работы в соответствии с возможностями GSM-устройства. Для работы программы не нужно постоянное
соединение с Интернетом и не требуются какие-либо СМС-шлюзы.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8031.html ]
Media Player Max (freeware; 16128 Кб) MyiPod City
Media Player Max is an easy-to-use program with amazing interface to play almost all media files with an easy-to-use playlist, The player can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3 , mp4 , ogg , aac , 3g2. 2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv , asf , avi , mpg , mp2 , mpe , mpeg , mp4 , m4v , ogm , mov , hdmov, 3gp , 3gpp , 3g2 , flv. 3) Supports Video DVDs . 4) Easy-to-use design. 5) Smart playlist with thumnails
view. 6) Variety range of codecs. The file menu contains the basic menu items that enable you to open your media file you have many choices to open media file as follow: 1) Open Media File: To open supported media files. Like (wmv, asf, avi, flv, ogm, 3gp, etc. 2) Open DVD: Let you choose the DVD-Drive to play the inserted video DVD from it. 3) Recently played files: Open from the recent files that you played. The play Menu supports full playback control it contains ma!
ny menu items as follows: 1. Play/Pause: Playing and pausing the media and you can do that by using the short key (Ctrl+P). 2. Stop: Stopping the video play and you can use (Ctrl+S) short key. 3. Play Mode: Change the playback mode between three states Normal, Continuous and Shuffle. 4. Repeat Mode: No Repeat: After the end of playlist or the end of the file the program stops playing, Single Repeat: the program repeats the current file only and Repeat All: Repeats all files. 5. Full Screen: Toggle full screen
mode and you can use (Ctrl+F) short key. 6. Increase Speed:Doubles the playback speed and make the playing faster you can use (Ctrl+Up Arrow) shortkey. 7. Decrease Speed:Decreses the playback speed and make the playing slower, you can use (Ctrl+Down Arrow) shortkey. 8. Reset Speed: Normal playback speed. (Ctrl+R) short key. 9. After file Playing finished: Choose what you want after playback finishes. Do Nothing: after playing nothing to do. Exit Media player Max: Exit !
the program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8027.html ]
Media Player Max (freeware; 16128 Кб) MyiPod City
Media Player Max is an easy-to-use program with amazing interface to play almost all media files with an easy-to-use playlist, The player can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3 , mp4 , ogg , aac , 3g2. 2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv , asf , avi , mpg , mp2 , mpe , mpeg , mp4 , m4v , ogm , mov , hdmov, 3gp , 3gpp , 3g2 , flv. 3) Supports Video DVDs . 4) Easy-to-use design. 5) Smart playlist with thumnails
view. 6) Variety range of codecs. The file menu contains the basic menu items that enable you to open your media file you have many choices to open media file as follow: 1) Open Media File: To open supported media files. Like (wmv, asf, avi, flv, ogm, 3gp, etc. 2) Open DVD: Let you choose the DVD-Drive to play the inserted video DVD from it. 3) Recently played files: Open from the recent files that you played. The play Menu supports full playback control it contains ma!
ny menu items as follows: 1. Play/Pause: Playing and pausing the media and you can do that by using the short key (Ctrl+P). 2. Stop: Stopping the video play and you can use (Ctrl+S) short key. 3. Play Mode: Change the playback mode between three states Normal, Continuous and Shuffle. 4. Repeat Mode: No Repeat: After the end of playlist or the end of the file the program stops playing, Single Repeat: the program repeats the current file only and Repeat All: Repeats all files. 5. Full Screen: Toggle full screen
mode and you can use (Ctrl+F) short key. 6. Increase Speed:Doubles the playback speed and make the playing faster you can use (Ctrl+Up Arrow) shortkey. 7. Decrease Speed:Decreses the playback speed and make the playing slower, you can use (Ctrl+Down Arrow) shortkey. 8. Reset Speed: Normal playback speed. (Ctrl+R) short key. 9. After file Playing finished: Choose what you want after playback finishes. Do Nothing: after playing nothing to do. Exit Media player Max: Exit !
the program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8026.html ]
Media Player Max (freeware; 16128 Кб) MyiPod City
Media Player Max is an easy-to-use program with amazing interface to play almost all media files with an easy-to-use playlist, The player can also play DVD-Video discs and Video-CD discs. The program features are: 1) Supported Input Audio Formats: wav , wma , mka , m4a , mp3 , mp4 , ogg , aac , 3g2. 2) Supported Input Video Formats: .wmv , asf , avi , mpg , mp2 , mpe , mpeg , mp4 , m4v , ogm , mov , hdmov, 3gp , 3gpp , 3g2 , flv. 3) Supports Video DVDs . 4) Easy-to-use design. 5) Smart playlist with thumnails
view. 6) Variety range of codecs. The file menu contains the basic menu items that enable you to open your media file you have many choices to open media file as follow: 1) Open Media File: To open supported media files. Like (wmv, asf, avi, flv, ogm, 3gp, etc. 2) Open DVD: Let you choose the DVD-Drive to play the inserted video DVD from it. 3) Recently played files: Open from the recent files that you played. The play Menu supports full playback control it contains ma!
ny menu items as follows: 1. Play/Pause: Playing and pausing the media and you can do that by using the short key (Ctrl+P). 2. Stop: Stopping the video play and you can use (Ctrl+S) short key. 3. Play Mode: Change the playback mode between three states Normal, Continuous and Shuffle. 4. Repeat Mode: No Repeat: After the end of playlist or the end of the file the program stops playing, Single Repeat: the program repeats the current file only and Repeat All: Repeats all files. 5. Full Screen: Toggle full screen
mode and you can use (Ctrl+F) short key. 6. Increase Speed:Doubles the playback speed and make the playing faster you can use (Ctrl+Up Arrow) shortkey. 7. Decrease Speed:Decreses the playback speed and make the playing slower, you can use (Ctrl+Down Arrow) shortkey. 8. Reset Speed: Normal playback speed. (Ctrl+R) short key. 9. After file Playing finished: Choose what you want after playback finishes. Do Nothing: after playing nothing to do. Exit Media player Max: Exit !
the program
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8025.html ]
MySQL to Microsoft SQL Converter (shareware $45; 1423 Кб) Business Utilities
Database conversion application converts entire database or selected table records from MySQL to MSSQL database server format. MySQL to MSSQL database converter utility provides option to overwrite converted data upon the contents of existing MSSQL database or save the converted MySQL database records at user specified location. DB migration utility supports all MySQL data types and attributes including null values, indexes, primary, unique or foreign key constraints. MySQL to MSSQL DB converter provides full
support to Unicode architecture and multibyte character set for efficient DB conversion. Database conversion software is compatible with all Windows based operating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003 server, XP, ME, NT and Vista. MySQL to MSSQL DB migrator is an advance utility to convert MySQL database tables into Microsoft SQL server format without any data loss. DB migration tool maintains database integrity and consistency of records during whole conversion. Da!
tabase conversion utility requires very less space of your hard disk and time to perform conversion process. DB conversion tool is read only and non destructive utility converts table records without affecting the original structure and functionality of database design. MySQL to MSSQL DB migration tool is password protected application prevents unauthorized users to change or modify program configuration settings. Features: * MySQL to MSSQL DB conversion software provides you a complete solution to convert
entire database or selected tables from MySQL to MSSQL server. * Database migration tool supports all latest versions of MySQL database server. * Database converter has interactive graphical user interface with inbuilt help manual providing step by step assistance. * DB conversion software is easy to use and takes very less time to complete database conversion.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8023.html ]
MySQL to Microsoft SQL Converter (shareware $45; 1423 Кб) Business Utilities
Database conversion application converts entire database or selected table records from MySQL to MSSQL database server format. MySQL to MSSQL database converter utility provides option to overwrite converted data upon the contents of existing MSSQL database or save the converted MySQL database records at user specified location. DB migration utility supports all MySQL data types and attributes including null values, indexes, primary, unique or foreign key constraints. MySQL to MSSQL DB converter provides full
support to Unicode architecture and multibyte character set for efficient DB conversion. Database conversion software is compatible with all Windows based operating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003 server, XP, ME, NT and Vista. MySQL to MSSQL DB migrator is an advance utility to convert MySQL database tables into Microsoft SQL server format without any data loss. DB migration tool maintains database integrity and consistency of records during whole conversion. Da!
tabase conversion utility requires very less space of your hard disk and time to perform conversion process. DB conversion tool is read only and non destructive utility converts table records without affecting the original structure and functionality of database design. MySQL to MSSQL DB migration tool is password protected application prevents unauthorized users to change or modify program configuration settings. Features: * MySQL to MSSQL DB conversion software provides you a complete solution to convert
entire database or selected tables from MySQL to MSSQL server. * Database migration tool supports all latest versions of MySQL database server. * Database converter has interactive graphical user interface with inbuilt help manual providing step by step assistance. * DB conversion software is easy to use and takes very less time to complete database conversion.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8022.html ]
online casino 3.2 (freeware; 601 Кб) johan lock
Once you register at CasinoKing you will be offered a 300 Welcome Bonus. This bonus is split over two deposits with a 100% match bonus up to 100 on your first deposit and a 50% match bonus up to 200 on your second deposit. You will also enjoy an additional 10%-15% alternative payment bonus when you use Moneybookers, Neteller, BD, InstantWT, Ukash or UseMyBank, PaySafeCard, Click2Pay, Instadebit, WT and SOLO. Furthermore, CasinoKing efer a Friendpromotion gives you a 25% bonus on your friend first deposit if
he/she makes a purchase within 7 days of receiving your invitation. The Bonuses at CasinoKing keep on coming, as you will always find exciting bonuses in your account. Here at CasinoKing your loyalty is important, so many bonuses are awarded to you, the loyal casino player all you have to do is play casino games regularly. Beyond the loyalty bonuses, Casino King has a prestigious VIP programme for the high rollers. As a VIP player you will be assigned with a VIP Account M!
anager designated to your account, a wide array of exclusive bonuses and promotions to choose from that are not just offered to anybody and more. The VIP club includes three levels - Emerald, Diamond and Black Diamond - each tailored to your exclusive casino needs. When it comes to the online casino games software, on a high-speed connection it does not take more than a few minutes before you fill in your personal details on that registration form and open your account. Once you are done, all that is left to
do is login, fund your account and play casino games! The sophisticated online casino software is offered to you by Playtech, one of the world leading online gambling software manufacturers. This advanced casino software brings you more than 80 casino games such as online blackjack, poker, bingo, roulette among many other fantastic casino games. While you enjoy a wonderful collection of casino games, our dedicated and professional support team is here to assist you 24/7!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8021.html ]
iPod Rescue (shareware $69; 616 Кб) Data Recovery Software
Accidentally reset your iPod setting and your saved music and multimedia files become lost, try this user friendly iPod data recovery application which uses advance and secure erased files recovery algorithms and get back almost 100% of your lost information from corrupted iPod. Software scan entire disk of your iPod Mini, iPod Touch, iPod Nano, iPod Classic, iPod U2, iPod Shuffle etc of all generation series and storage capacity to recover lost pictures, media songs, animation file, graphics documents and many
more. iPod disk files restoration application display preview of entire recovered data at system screen and facilitate user to save them at user specified location. Professional data recovery software works even your iPod become corrupted, virus infected or formatted on Windows or Macintosh operating system. This application gets back your lost files like m4a, mp3, mov, QuickTime and jpeg in their original file extension without modifying their original structures. Fr!
ozen iPod file rescue tool support all Microsoft windows operating system from 98 to all Vista edition even iPod music player is not recognized by your laptop or desktop computer system. Free trial edition available with inbuilt help manual and helps you to aware with software working and procedure. Apple iPod music files recovery software features: * Capable to scan entire drive and display preview of each recovered data at system screen. * Undelete file lost because of a virus attack, corruption
or any users malicious behavior. * Recover deleted pictures, music songs, graphics file and other saved multimedia files. * Free to try, download trial edition from website and aware with software working. * Support all models of Apple iPod of all storage capacity. * Provide real time worldwide customer support by Email address. * Comes with interactive GUI and does not require any additional hardware or software.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8006.html ]
Eltima SWF Decompiler - это мощный конвертер SWF файлов в FLA, может декомпилировать Flash видеоролики, экспортировать SWF элементы в разнообразные форматы и редактировать SWF ролики (тексты, гиперссылки и др.). Всего лишь одним кликом мыши Вы можете сохранять звуки, видео, картинки, шейпы, морф-объекты, шрифты, тексты, кнопки, спрайты и ActionScript из любого SWF файла непосредственно на жесткий диск. SWF Decompiler Вы можете экспортировать Flash видео в AVI, MPEG, FLV и FLA, сохранять звуки как WAV
или MP3, изображения - как PNG, JPEG и BMP, текст как RTF, TXT и HTML. SWF Decompiler позволяет конвертировать весь SWF файл во FLA, или экспортировать отдельные Flash источники во FLA формат. SWF Decompiler полностью поддерживает Flash 5, 6, 7, 8 и Flash 9, а также Flex.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8004.html ]
Fish Aqua 3D Screensaver 1.51.2 (shareware $5.99; 715 Кб) Ted Miukou
Превратите экран вашего компьютера в красивейший аквариум! В полной версии: реалистичная трехмерная графика, 4 вида рыбок, реалистичные световые эффекты, возможность установить рабочий стол в качестве фона.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/8002.html ]
EarthMediaCenter online sports TV 1.0 (freeware; 428 Кб) RD Department
EarthMediaCenter: бесплатные спортивные online TV каналы. Загрузите очень маленький файл и смотрите онлайн футбол, баскетбол, хоккей и многое другое. Количество каналов онлайн-ТВ на несколько порядков больше пакета спутникового телевидения, даже самого дорогого. В режиме онлайн можно смотреть тысячи каналов со всего мира, на многих языках. Причем выбирает каналы зритель, а не фирма-поставщик услуг спутникового ТВ. То же и с интернет-радио ни один радиоприемник не "поймает" столько каналов, сколько можно слушать
в режиме онлайн, причем без помех. И при этом - никакой дополнительной абонплаты. Для того, чтобы получить доступ к онлайн ТВ и интернет радио, как правило, используется специальное прикладное программное обеспечение, которое на данный момент имеет ряд недостатков: зачастую такое ПО способно работать только на определенных операционных системах, строго на определенных типах мультимедийных устройств, его нужно инсталлировать, или же оно требует дополнительных !
аппаратных средств и т.д. Бесплатный программный продукт EarthMediaCenter этих недостатков полностью лишен. Загрузите очень маленький файл, кликните на иконку, выберите телеканал или радиостанцию и слушайте!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7994.html ]
SD card files salvage application is best and unique data recovery utility that helps users to retrieve their valuable documents lost due to any reason like software corruption, memory crash or hardware problem. Memory card backup software is capable to recover deleted picture, image, photo, audio, video clips and word files from Compact Flash, mini SD, micro SD, SDHC, SDHC plus or PC card even error message rive Not Detectedis displayed on computer screen. MMC card recovery program restores all file formats
data including picture formats jpeg, jpg, gif, audio formats mp3, mp4, video formats mpeg, mpg and text formats txt, doc, ppt, xls. Compact Flash card repair tool scans corrupted or inaccessible files and save retrieved data at desired location without any change in original format. Software is compatible with all advanced versions of Windows operating system including Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows XP and Windows Vista. SD memory card data res!
cue utility provides an interactive and easily understandable GUI environment which help users to regain their lost documents in easy way. * SD card salvage program recovers photo, picture, song, video clips and other general office documents lost due to any reason. * MMC card file recovery tool restores data from Compact Flash card, PC card, mini SD, micro SD and SDHC card. * SD card data repair software supports all legendary brands of memory cards including Sony, Samsung, SanDisk, Canon, Nikon and
Toshiba. * Compact Flash card rescue utility facilitates users to install and uninstall this software as per their requirement. * SD memory card files backup application is read only or non destructive in nature.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7993.html ]
Download camcorder photos restoration application to restore pictures, videos, audios lost in case of formatting, accidental deletion, virus attack from handycam. Camcorder pictures undelete program supports various manufacturers made digital camera like Mitsubishi, Samsung, LG, Sony, Panasonic, Canon, Kodak, Olympus, Toshiba, HP etc. Advance handycam pictures restoration tool easily works under the environment of windows 98, NT, ME, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista (Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Ultimate)
operating system. Camcorder data retrieval software restores photographs also when Device Not Formatted or Device Not Recognized message displays. Free camcorder data restoration program provides highly interactive graphical user interface for user to work proficiently without need of technical knowledge. Camcorder lost pictures recovery software supports restoration from all types of memory card like micro card, mini card, flash card, SD, XD card which can plug in the!
camcorder. Handycam data retrieval utility supports various file formats like wav, avi, 3gp, jpeg, riff, bmp, midi, mpeg, gif, jpg, tiff, mov, wma etc of image, videos and other data file. Digital camera files recovery utility provides user help manual guide to assist user in usages of this software. Features: * Digital camera pictures recovery program can restore data from camcorder even when Device Not Formatted or Device Not Recognized message is displayed. * Advance camcorder lost pictures restoration
application also recovers data from undetected or inaccessible digicam. * Handycam data retrieval program restore all types of pictures video like avi, gif, mov, jpeg, bmp, tiff, mpeg, 3gp from digital camera. * Camcorder data recovery software provides both install and uninstall facility.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7989.html ]
MySQL to Microsoft SQL (shareware $45; 1423 Кб) Photo Recovery
DB migration software converts MySQL database tables into Microsoft SQL server format easily. DB migration tool supports all MySQL data types, attributes, indexes, primary key, unique key, foreign key constraints etc while converting database records from MySQL to MSSQL database server. MySQL to MSSQL DB migrator facilitates users to overwrite the converted data upon the contents of existing MSSQL database or save the converted MySQL database records at user specified location. Database conversion tool maintains
database integrity and consistency of records during conversion process. Database converter utility requires less space of your hard disk and time to perform data conversion process. Database migration tool runs easily on all Windows based operating system including Windows 98, 2000, 2003 server, XP, ME, NT and Vista. Database migration software provides full support to multibyte character set and Unicode architecture for efficient conversion. MySQL to MSSQL databas!
e conversion application has interactive graphical user interface and does not require any technical skill to operate the software. MySQL to MSSQL database transformation utility is password protected application prevents unauthorized users to change or modify the software configuration settings. Features: * Database migration software converts entire database or selected table records from MySQL to MSSQL database server. * MySQL to MSSQL database converter utility works with all major MySQL server
versions. * MySQL to MSSQL database migrator is read only and non destructive utility converts data without affecting the original structure of database tables. * Database conversion application has interactive GUI with inbuilt help manual for user assistance.
Internet explorer password recovery software is design and develops for all internet users who using Microsoft windows operating system with laptop or desktop computer. Password recovery software display entire saved lost password with corresponding user name and website address at your system screen and you can save it in text file for further reference. It is simple to use, just drag mouse pointer over password textbox and you will get original character hidden behind asterisks of any application. IE secret
code revelation program recover forgotten password of all email account, game account, chat messenger, windows screensaver, encrypted Microsoft office documents, acrobat file, network folder, private documents and other similar application. Best password recovery software show you Autocomplete string information, auto form, billing and shipping address, your credit card numbers / password etc even you have deleted your entire IE history and related files. This internet !
explorer password recovery software supports all IE editions including IE7 and beta version of IE8. Software is capable to recover password of any length even it contains any alphabets, numbers, special characters or Unicode characters. Freeware trial edition helps you to understand with software working and procedure. Internet explorer password recovery software features: * Recover password of all web login form (Gmail, Yahoo etc), chat messengers (MSN, AOL etc) and other internet based form. * Support
all available edition of internet explorer with windows operating system. * Retrieve your credit card numbers, Autocomplete string and auto form. * Securely reveal secret code of windows application, screensaver, encrypted folder etc. * Work even entire internet history, cookies and temporary files has been deleted. * Unmask asterisks character string of any authenticated application. * Reveal password even it contains Unicode character or spe!
cial character.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7981.html ]
Photo Gallery 1.3 (freeware; 90 Кб) Ruslan Dmytrakovych
Photo Gallery is a tool, which helps you to create gallery from your digital photos. Program works with JPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg) files. You can use different page templates, resize and rotate your photos.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7980.html ]
Mp3 playlist creator 1.0 (shareware $9; 200 Кб) Ruslan Dmytrakovych
Mp3 Playlist Creator is a simple tool, which helps you to create new Mp3 playlists and to organize your audio files by artist name, album and songs title. If you have Mp3 player you can use Mp3 Playlist Creator to arrange your Mp3 files in playlists. Mp3 Playlist Creator helps you to view and change ID3 tags, rename Mp3 files by tag information, generate tags by filenames, add and remove leading numbers in song titles. You can operate with many files simultaneously and make changes to ID3 tags of all of
them. Mp3 Playlist Creator will help you to create well-organized playlist easily and quickly.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7979.html ]
Mp3 Joiner 1.0 (shareware $12; 106 Кб) Ruslan Dmytrakovych
MP3 Joiner is a simple tool for joining MP3 files into one large file. You can do it easily and quickly without any efforts. You can edit ID3 Tags of your mp3 files after joining. Mp3 Joiner works with *.mp3. Program help includes step by step instructions on how to join files.You can add and remove files from the file list, and put it to rights. Files must be the same format.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7978.html ]
Movie Splitter 2.1 (shareware $19; 149 Кб) Ruslan Dmytrakovych
Movie Splitter is a simple tool, which helps you to split your video/audio files to small parts. Movie Splitter supports AVI, DIVX, MPEG, MP3 files.Movie Splitter has simple and easy to use interface.You can split file on: specified time parts, specified size parts, equal-time parts, equal-size parts, custom time parts.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7977.html ]
Movie Joiner 4 (shareware $21.95; 5970 Кб) Ruslan Dmytrakovych
Movie Joiner v4 мощная и простая в использовании утилита для объединения нескольких видео файлов. Movie Joiner позволяет задавать различные параметры результирующего файла: размер картинки, кодеки, битрейты. Программа позволяет сохранять результирующий файл в любом из форматов: MPEG, AVI, WMV, MOV, RM, VOB. Используя Movie Joiner вы получаете:
* MPEG Joiner для соединения MPEG файлов (*.mpg, *.mpeg, *.m1v, *.m2v, *.mp3, *.mp4). * AVI Joiner для соединения AVI файлов(*.avi, *.divx).
* WMV Joiner для соединения Windows Media файлов(*.wmv, *.asf, *.asx, *.wma). * RM Joiner для соединения Real Media файлов(*.rm). * MOV Joiner для соединения QuickTime файлов(*.qt,*.mov). * VOB Joiner для соединения файлов с DVD (*.vob).
Movie Joiner v4 - конвертирует и соединяет файлы всех популярных форматов.
Если вы используете файлы одинакового формата, Movie Joiner v4 не изменяет качество и параметры результирующего виде!
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7976.html ]
Movie Downloader 2.1 (shareware $29.90; 200 Кб) Ruslan Dmytrakovych
Movie Downloader is a tool that helps you to download multiply media files (movie, music, pictures) from your favorite websites. Some websites are really big, they have a huge amount of links, so it takes much time to click all of them and to find something you really need. Then you have to save found files one-by-one and to close annoying pop-up windows. Movie Downloader will do all this automatically in a matter of minutes. It will search the website (no matter how big it is) for the specified in your profile
files. To create a profile you will need to define its name, file formats, minimum and maximum file sizes. When the search is over you will see the list of all found on this website files that suit to your profile. You can remove unwanted files from the list and download those you like to your hard drive. Besides, Movie Downloader allows you to view downloaded files immediately. Movie Downloader saves you long hours of doing unnecessary job.
[ http://protoplex.ru/soft_show/7975.html ]
Вся информация, содержащаяся в данной рассылке, является интеллектуальной собственностью своих законных авторов. При перепечатке материалов из рассылки для соблюдения закона об авторских правах необходимо указывать имена и все ссылки авторов. Также необходимо
ставить видимую ссылку на Российский мультипортал ProtoPlex