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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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ODFDOM for Java: Simplifying programmatic control of documents and their data, Part 2

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 317 от 2010-04-02
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Lotus Developer2010 is in its 9th consecutive year and delivers real-world Lotus training to help IT professionals working in Lotus software and systems development increase productivity and efficiency, advance their skills, and squeeze the most from their current environment. Sessions cover development on 8.x, XPages, mobile application development, Web applications, Rich Internet Applications, and more. Register before April 10 and save.

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Denny Russell's users can use iNotes with Internet Explorer. For some it works fine. Some get an error that asks them to install additional software while for others the error just doesn't go away. He's wondering what the difference is.

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Kathy Brown has used Lotus programming languages long enough to recognize some inconsistencies. In this post she points out one that could catch the unwary by surprise.

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Marc Champoux found an issue with using Smart Upgrade to move R7.0.1 CCH2 clients to R8.5.1 FP1. He's posted some information and even provides a work around.

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Neil Gower is looking for some help. He has some applications that have been changed but, apparently, no one wrote anything down. Now Neil is looking for a tool that will count up the changes for him.

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Try IntelliPRINT, The world's leading Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis solution for Notes & Domino

  • Don't spend unproductive time maintaining different versions of the same spreadsheet
  • Preserve data integrity and security in multi-user environments
  • Create reports in minutes INSIDE Notes
  • Get freedom from iterative report requests, deliver self-serve capabilities

Experience Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis INSIDE Notes!

Try IntelliPRINT NOW!

Sean Cull has been studying how to put Domino on Amazon's EC2. He's written up his findings - from what it costs to how fast it runs - so you can try it out.

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Jeanmarie White has posted links to on Fix Central and the Release notice detailing what's included in the fix.

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This is a free, 60-minute webinar on the messaging and collaboration product family roadmap, including plans for Lotus Notes and Domino in 2010 and beyond. Kevin Cavanaugh and Ed Brill are leading this session on April 6, 2010.

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Register by April 10, 2010, to save $200.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Axel Schreiber
Tags: maildatabase export
Sometimes mail databases gets corrupt, even fixup will not help. Or tables are getting messed up.
I would like to see a tool, which is trying to get almost everytthing out of a mail database, puting it either in the filesystem (as dump) or into a new maildatabase.
Together with a report, what has been able to 'save' and what not.
Maybe a GUI for choosing, which infos should be tried to dump/export would be very helpfull.

Author: Mark Westerham
Tags: community rating ratings visit count
We upgraded to Connections 2.5 a few weeks ago and really like what you did with Communities.  Here at 3M, Blogs are very active and effective because of the rating feature (stars), visit count, and comment count.  This would be very useful in Communities to see how active they are.  It's hard to know if people are going in and reading.

Author: Cristina Cannone
Tags: lotus notes eMail security attention indicator address book intranet address personal address

I was invited append this ThinkPlace idea onto IdeaJam, and get people internally and externally comment it. It's about the possible adoption of an attention indicator in Lotus Notes.

ThinkPlace is a web application for facilitating innovation through idea generation, collaboration, and refinement at IBM. For more details/feedback, I would therefore suggest that you also log on to ThinkPlace and read the comments so far posted. This idea, in fact, could serve other purposes too, and not only security. However, please note that the link to ThinkPlace would only work for IBMer's behind the firewall.


                                      *    *    *    *    *   



Add a new option feature into Lotus Notes to alert users when confidential information is about to be sent to certain e-mail addresses. For instance, by storing external recipients' e-mail addresses in red.


The purpose of this idea is to allow IBMers -- and all Lotus Notes customers at large -- to customize the names and addresses contained in their contact files with colours. When you wish to send an email and type the sender's name in the "To" field, Lotus Notes automatically searches all the contact files stored for the person's email address. But there's no difference yet among the addresses retrieved, and by mistake a user might select an inappropriate e-mail address. A red colour, instead, or any other given colour chosen by the users, would immediately alert the sender that a confidential document is being sent, say, to an external recipient.    


Add an option into Lotus Notes to allow users to also edit email address with colours.


To increase productivity, security, and Lotus Notes sales.

Author: Cristina Cannone
Tags: lotus notes eMail security attention indicator address book intranet address personal address
Idea: I was invited append this ThinkPlace idea onto IdeaJam, and get people internally and externally comment it. It's about the possible adoption of an attention indicator in Lotus Notes.

ThinkPlace is a web application for facilitating innovation through idea generation, collaboration, and refinement at IBM. For more details/feedback, I would therefore suggest that you also log on to ThinkPlace and read the comments so far posted. This idea, in fact, could serve other purposes too, and not only security. However, please note that the link to ThinkPlace would only work for IBMer's behind the firewall.


Add a new option feature into Lotus Notes to alert users when confidential information is about to be sent to certain e-mail addresses. For instance, by storing external recipients' e-mail addresses in red.


The purpose of this idea is to allow IBMers -- and all Lotus Notes customers at large -- to customize the names and addresses contained in their contact files with colours. When you wish to send an email and type the sender's name in the "To" field, Lotus Notes automatically searches all the contact files stored for the person's email address. But there's no difference yet among the addresses retrieved, and by mistake a user might select an inappropriate e-mail address. A red colour, instead, or any other given colour chosen by the users, would immediately alert the sender that a confidential document is being sent, say, to an external recipient.    


Add an option into Lotus Notes to allow users to also edit email address with colours.


To increase productivity, security, and Lotus Notes sales.
Author: Cristina Cannone
Tags: lotus notes eMail security attention indicator address book intranet address personal address

The aim of this idea is to add an attention indicator in Lotus Notes, to alerts the users when they are about to send confidential information outside their own company's domain. For instance, by colouring e-mail recipients' names, just as colours can be added to senders' names.

I was invited append this ThinkPlace idea onto IdeaJam, and get people internally and externally comment it. It's about the possible adoption of an attention indicator in Lotus Notes.

ThinkPlace is a web application for facilitating innovation through idea generation, collaboration, and refinement at IBM. For more details/feedback, I would therefore suggest that you also log on to ThinkPlace and read the comments so far posted. This idea, in fact, could serve other purposes too, and not only security. However, please note that the link to ThinkPlace would only work for IBMer's behind the firewall. https://w3.ibm.com/jct03008ws/thinkplace/viewIdea.wss?c=122120&t=0&refresh=4


Add a new option feature into Lotus Notes to alert users when confidential information is about to be sent to certain e-mail addresses. For instance, by storing external recipients' e-mail addresses in red.


The purpose of this idea is to allow IBMers -- and all Lotus Notes customers at large -- to customize the names and addresses contained in their contact files with colours. When you wish to send an email and type the sender's name in the "To" field, Lotus Notes automatically searches all the contact files stored for the person's email address. But there's no difference yet among the addresses retrieved, and by mistake a user might select an inappropriate e-mail address. A red colour, instead, or any other given colour chosen by the users, would immediately alert the sender that a confidential document is being sent, say, to an external recipient.    


Add an option into Lotus Notes to allow users to also edit email address with colours.


To increase productivity, security, and Lotus Notes sales.

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: forums
Have an option to show only the unanswered questions within the different forums & community - this would eliminate the unnecessary reposting of unanswered questions because it is no longer at the top of the list...

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: forums
Have an option to show questions that have been resolved - I believe this was mentioned in the monthly meeting

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: forums
Have an option to show questions that have not been resolved but answered

Author: Foua Vang
Tags: forums
It would also be nice if I could see all of my posts across the different forums & community, etc.

Author: Vincent Pihouee
Tags: Hide properties field security private confidential
When creating a new field in lotus notes it will be good to have the possibility to choose if the field will be hide or not in the document properties .
Actually it's not easy to do it:
- Replace design and hide Formula\Lotuscript -> will hide all fields sometime we need to see some of them for troubleshooting.
- Add $KeepPrivate in the doc, but you can see the beginning of the contains of the field .
- Encrypt field, or create document in other database is really not a usefull solution.

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