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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 103 от 2008-11-17

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 103 от 2008-11-17
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Путь нажмет кнопку в виде (крайняя правая) "Показать все" (Show all) или через меню "Действия\Показать все" (Action\Show all)
Как можно поправить кодировку???
Путь нажмет кнопку в виде (крайняя правая) "Показать все" (Show all) или через меню "Действия\Показать все" (Action\Show all)
Lotus Notes 6. Проблема с орфографией. Словари установлены (russian.dic), настройка сделана. В чем проблема? Есть ли возможность использования других средств для проверки или подгрузить другие словари? (Кроме Штрих.2).
Большое спасибо!
Большое спасибо!
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Tips. Советы

Last week I finished a blog about learning JavaScript by saying "more on that next week". I don't know why I make promises like that. I should just say nothing and surprise you with the "more" when I get round to it.

What happened as a result of my (empty) promise was that I felt pressure (especially after a couple of you said you were looking forward to it) to write something concise and meaningful at some point last week. What actually happened was I never felt the inspiration needed in order to do so. Hence the solitary blog entry last week.

The real reason is that I just haven't had the time to write such an in-depth blog. A typical blog entry can take an hour or so to write. Something along the lines of what I was planning would take at least twice as long as that, if not longer still. I just don't have that much time spare right now.

You'll have to make do with more seemingly-random entries until I get more time.

In the mean time here's a copy of the file I have on my desktop at the moment. It's a HTML file with some JavaScript in it (see source). What I'm doing is going back to basics. Instead of reading I'm just doing. I've started by creating objects in JavaScript and seeing what happens when I mess around with them and add prototype functions etc. In testing what I think is true I'll hopefully learn what actually is.

Back to normal from now on though. Hope I haven't disappointed any of you. I'll try and talk about JavaScript at some point. Just don't expect anything amazing!

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Sue Topliss
Tags: picklistcollection pickliststrings local replica
In R6.5 the NotesUiWorkspace.picklistcollection returns values even if the database being used is local, however in R7 (& it looks like R8 too) the return value is empty.
Set ddc = uiws.PickListCollection(3,True,db.server,db.filepath,"Keywords","Exclusions",damageprompt,"Damage Type")
returns a document collection if db is on a server but not if its a local replica.
Please make it work the same both for server based databases and local.   Yes, I know that hitting shift + F9 will get the values but it don;t please my users to have to do that.

Author: Oystein Mollestad
Tags: SameTime
Idea: We need mulitple columns in a view to be SameTime awareness enabled. Today (release 8.0.2) it works only for one column.
Author: Ben Langhinrichs
Tags: virtual sessions
I posted this idea on my blog first, but then thought it really belonged here: 
Adam Gartenberg proposed an idea on his blog, and I wanted to take it one step further. He suggested an UnLotusphere where people could post the sessions they had that were rejected to let people see them on slideshare or some such services.
Since I am in a rather unique position with my Lotusphere Sessions db, I suggested that I would be willing to list the "virtual sessions" along with the "real sessions", although listed as unscheduled. I have been bouncing the idea of a few others, and decided I'd rather not focus on "rejected sessions" as much as "supplemental sessions". Whether you have a session/presentation that you suggested, or one that you would never have suggested because you are shy or it is too narrow in focus, we could list it. For example, I could do a presentation on LSX development that would be too specific for Lotusphere, but might be perfect for some who are or are not attending Lotusphere. If you have a presentation, we could link to it. If you want to go further and have samples or audio or even video, we could link to that. You could then be listed as a "speaker" in the sessions database and your sessions would show up on a search for "SameTime" or "XPages" or "LSX" or whatever.

The idea is not to water down the impact of Lotusphere, but to add the power of the infinite slots that other track managers don't get. I think of it as a Virtual Lotusphere Annex, adding the blogophere and web to the Swan and Dolphin and Yacht Club as potential venues. Of course, I would not have to deal with the limitations of scheduling or fitting people into the room. I haven't had a lot of time to think this true, but I'd be curious to hear your views/ideas.

Author: Daniel Nashed
Tags: traveler linux
Traveler is a great product and I would wish it would run on a Domino Server on Linux.
That would give is a lot more options to run Traveler in customer and BP environments.
- Daniel

Author: Stephan H. Wissel
Tags: feeds rss subscriptions usability
When discovering a new blog it takes one click on the RSS icon in the title bar to start the subscription process. In FF there is Blog Lines, Google Reader, FeedDaemon, RSSOwl, LiveBookmarks. Notes Client is missing, so it is cumbersome to add a feed. Add it to the list when installing/configuring Notes.

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Статьи и Документация

When you attempt to save a document using the user interface or programmatically using Functions or the LotusScript Save method (NotesUIDocument class or NotesDocument class) you see the following error message: "Field is too large (32k) or View's column & selection formulas are too large".
This technote provides information on migrating from Lotus Notes® and Domino® 7.x to Notes® and Domino 8.x.
Your Domino server crashes frequently throughout the day on the HTTP task running a LotusScript agent.
Domino crashes on the HTTP task when a Domino Web Access (DWA) user runs spell check.
SPR# WMUH74XRPR - Added a test for corrupt data, which generated an error return that causes an error message that said the operation failed (rather than crashing the server). Also added code in fixup to delete the corrupted note.
SPR# YXIG6MMSUT - Fixed a panic, "PANIC: OSVBlockAddr: Bad VBlock handle (0\0)" with a lost port handle. This problem has only been seen on AIX and is not reproducible.
SPR# HANA6QLPX3 - If there is no terminal available and the Java console is being used, NSD sometimes reports a 'ps' error. The error is fixed and no longer appears on the console.
SPR# RWAH6HPQ8B - This iSeries specific fix allows daylight savings time and standard time changes without recycling the Domino server.
SPR# GRCE6HWR8X - Fixed a full text highlighting crash that may occur under low memory conditions.
Notes 8.0.2 IFR1 delivers additional Sametime Entry features for Notes 8.0.2. Notes CCH1 (or higher) is needed to enable the Sametime features in the Notes Embedded Client.
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