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KeyKOS http://www.cis.upenn.edu:80/~KeyKOS/

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Выпуск 10.



Разработка начата в 1975г... ;-) nanokernel, полностью функциональное при 100Kб памяти.

"The following papers provide a general overview of the KeyKOS system. If you are interested in learning about KeyKOS, my recommendation is to read all of these papers in the order listed:

GNOSIS - A Prototype Operating System for the 1990's  (1979)
Provides a general introduction to some of the ideas in KeyKOS, with particular attention to the benefits of the capability approach.

KeyKOS - A Secure, High-Performance Environment for S/370  (1988)
Provides more history on KeyKOS, and a concise rationale for its construction. Most importantly, this paper provides a clear presentation of the KeyKOS architecture.

The KeyKOS Architecture  (1985)
Provides an extremely dense and precise description of the KeyKOS architecture. This is, in most respects, the definitive description of the architecture. This paper is also available in postscript form.

The Checkpoint Mechanism in KeyKOS  (1992)
Provides a detailed description of the checkpoint mechanism in KeyKOS and it's implementation. The KeyKOS checkpoint mechanism imposes less than 0.8% overhead. The techniques make interesting reading.

The KeyKOS NanoKernel Architecture (1992)
The most recent attempt to provide an architectural overview, this one intended for readers who are coming from the UNIX perspective. In addition, this paper provides an overview of KeyNIX, the prototype UNIX implementation that runs on top of KeyKOS. This paper is also available in postscript form.

Object Oriented Transaction Processing in the KeyKOS Microkernel  (1993)
Describes the KeyKOS transaction processing facility. Among other things, this paper presents a clear example of how the journaling facility is used, and represents an interesting cut on dividing up the functionality of a database system.

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