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Stress Testing IBM Sametime, Collecting Measurements, and Making Intelligent Decisions for Your Deployment, Part 2
Stress Testing IBM Sametime, Collecting Measurements, and Making Intelligent Decisions for Your Deployment, Part 1

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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Stress Testing IBM Sametime, Collecting Measurements, and Making Intelligent Decisions for Your Deployment, Part 2

    Welcome to Part 2 of this series highlighting the benefits, tools, and methods of a proper Sametime Community Server and Sametime Proxy Server stress test. Part 1 covered the benefits of doing a stress test, methods for configuring the run, and ways to view the performance as the run continues. Part 2 explains how to understand if the run was successful and how to use the results to compare with production by utilizing Watchit, a performance-collecting mechanism, turned toward production. The Watchit dashboard provides detailed metrics on Sametime login, user/group resolves, and LDAP binds and searches. These metrics are critical to evaluating how well the system held up under stress. Part 2 also illustrates ways these statistics can be useful in production to enable the administration team to become more proactive and informed when problems do occur than in the past. The Sametime/LDAP relationship is one of the most critical aspects of a deployment. When using Watchit in production, with the addition of the email/instant messaging (IM) alert mechanism, teams can be notified about problems and consult the dashboard to understand what servers and functions are impacted. Understanding these performance metrics can be key to quick, targeted action. Part 1 ended with the stress run under way; Part 2 continues from that point, analyzing the run to determine if it is successful.

    2. Stress Testing IBM Sametime, Collecting Measurements, and Making Intelligent Decisions for Your Deployment, Part 1

    Instant communication has become integral to organizations' ability to conduct business, making it vital to choose the correct platform to be used. To deliver a mission-critical solution, it is imperative to validate any proposed change to the production environment in the lab or pre-deployment setting. Given the nature of instant communication, the only method to return the highest confidence in deploying a change is to stress test the proposed update. This article provides a detailed introduction to Watchit, a no-cost Sametime stress testing and monitoring tool. This stress test capability increases the value of Sametime itself because a solution without proper stress test capability is not delivering a crucial component in achieving high-availability service-level agreements (SLAs). This first of a two-part series includes:
    • An explanation of the true need of a IBM Sametime Stress test (also considering LDAP capacity)
    • An introduction Watchit, a no-cost tool for monitoring, stress testing, and performance analysis
    • Instructions to set up the Sametime Community and Sametime Proxy server stress tests
    • Steps explaining how to prepare the Sametime servers with specific debug to help analyze the run results
    • Details for staging the run to ramp up the necessary user load
    The article covers the entire blueprint for performing the necessary steps of a proper stress run, learning configuration options, and monitoring the run as it progresses. To get the most from a stress test, specific metrics must be analyzed for an understanding of response times of all components and user functions. The run must also be easily repeatable to allow for comparisons if changes are made. In addition, it is necessary to be able to compare performance metrics with the production solution to ensure performance expectations are met. Stress testing Sametime affects the success of the deployment as a whole.

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