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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (4)

Easy Access to Sub-Collections of the DocumentWrapper Class | Blog
Creating New Documents Based on the DocumentWrapper Class | Blog
How to Do Infinite Scrolling in Domino | Blog
Comparing Approaches to Mobile Development

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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Easy Access to Sub-Collections of the DocumentWrapper Class | Blog

    My favourite feature of the Wrapper Classes I keep going on about is the ready access they can give to any given class's related sub-classes.

    For example, let's say you have an object based on the Customer class and you want to find all their Invoices. Wouldn't it be nice to write code like this in a WQO agent:

    Dim customer As Customer, invoice As Invoice
    Set customer = New Customer(web.document)
    If customer.Invoices.Count > 0 Then
      Set invoice = customer.Invoices.getFirst()
      While Not invoice Is Nothing 
        'Do what you like here
        Set invoice = customer.Invoices.getNext()
    End If

    When you start using code like this in your day-to-day LotusScripting that's when it all starts to gel and there's no going back.

    Imagine also that you wanted to know how many other invoices the customer for any given invoice has. You can do it like this:

    Print "This invoice's customer has " + Cstr(invoice.Customer.Invoices.Count - 1) + " other invoices"

    Cool, no?

    Adding Collection Properties

    But how do we add this "Invoices" property? Easy. Just do something like this in the Invoice class:

    Class Customer as DocumentWrapper
     Private Invoices_ As InvoiceCollection
     Private Factory_ As InvoiceFactory
     Property Get Invoices As InvoiceCollection
      'lazy load the invoices!
      If Invoices_ Is Nothing Then
       Set Factory_ = new InvoiceFactory()
       Set Invoices_ = Factory_.GetInvoicesForCustomer(Me)
      End If
      Invoices = Invoices_
     End Property
    End Class

    Noticed we've defined a class-level InvoiceCollection and InvoiceFactory (we need to do this so they stay in scope). We then "lazy load" them the InvoiceCollection when it's first requested.

    Here we're only going one level of sub-class deep. But you could go as many levels deep as you needed.

    In the example above I've called a method called GetInvoicesForCustomer(). How this works depends on how your data is structured. Maybe the invoices are child documents of the Customer. Maybe they're just tied together by an "id" field. Either way, it doesn't really matter.

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    2. Creating New Documents Based on the DocumentWrapper Class | Blog

    So far, we've seen how to "wrap" an existing document inside a custom class, which is based on the DocumentWrapper subclass. But the document we wrap doesn't have to exist. We can use the DocumentWrapper classes to handle creation of new documents.

    Imagine that, anywhere in your LotusScript, you could write this:

    Set invoice = New Invoice(web.database.CreateDocument)
    invoice.Number = factory.GetNextInvoiceNumber()
    invoice.Value = 12345.98

    Wouldn't that be cool!?

    It's quite simple to do. To help take some of the pain out creating new documents of a certain type you can use the "New()" method of the derived class to check if it's a new document being created. If it is new then we can "initialise" it by adding some of the key fields and values. Such as the "Form" field.

    So, for the Invoice class the New() method would look like this:

    Class Invoice As DocumentWrapper
     Sub New(doc As NotesDocument), DocumentWrapper(doc) 
        If doc.IsNewNote Then 
             SetFieldValue "Form", "Invoice" 
             AllowedEditors = web.user.Canonical
             AllowedReaders = Split("*/ACME;[Administrators]", ";")
            'Any other fields this form *needs* to have!?
        End If 
     End Sub
     Property Set Value As Variant
      SetFieldValue "Value", CCur(Value)
     End Property
     Property Set Number As String
      SetFieldValue "Number", Number
     End Property
    End Class

    So far the derived classes I've shown only had "getter" properties, which returned field values. But the above two snippets of code demonstrate the user of "setter" properties also.

    Notice the AllowedEditors and AllowedReaders properties. These are a new addition to the base DocumentWrapper class, which we can use to add Names-type fields. In turn they rely on a new AddNamesField method, like so:

    Property Set AllowedEditors As Variant
     AddNamesField "DocAuthors", AllowedEditors, AUTHORS 
    End Property
    Property Set AllowedReaders As Variant
     AddNamesField "DocReaders", AllowedReaders, READERS
    End Property
    AddNamesField(FieldName As String, UserNames As Variant, FieldType As Integer) Dim item As New NotesItem(document_, FieldName, UserNames, FieldType) End Sub

    All document creation logic for each business class/model can now be encapsulated in one place. Then, no matter where in your code you find yourself creating new instances from, you don't need to worry about what the form name is or what fields are needed.

    As I keep saying: the more I use and extend these three classes the more I wonder how I got by without them...

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    3. How to Do Infinite Scrolling in Domino | Blog

    Last week I linked to a Domino-based infinite-scrolling view demo and promised I'd write up how I did it. Even though the reaction to the demo was mixed I'm a man of my word, so here goes.

    It always surprises (worries!) me when I'm asked to either share a downloadable copy of a demo or write a how-to about it. Particularly when it's something that's all but completely web-based. The code is there to see; just a click away.

    That said, in this case, unless you're familiar with jQuery and/or jQuery plugins it might not make much sense and warrants some explaining, so here goes.

    First bit of code you see is at the very bottom of the scrolling view page and looks like this:

    //Setup the "infinite" scrolling view
            URL: "(getInvoices)?OpenAgent",
            viewName: "InvoicesByDate",
            pageSize: 40,
            itemTemplate: "<tr><td><%=Document.Created.Formatted%><td><%=Title%></td><td><%=Customer.FullNameReversed%></td><td style="\"text-align:" right;\"><%=Value.Formatted%></td>"+
            "<td><span class=\"label <%=Status.LabelClass%>\"><%=Status.Description%></span></td>"+
            "<td><a class=\"btn btn-link\" href=\"0/<%=Document.UNID%>?Open\">View &raquo;</a></td></tr>",
            endTemplate: "<tr><td colspan=\"6\" style="\"text-align:center\"><strong>There" are no more invoices to load!</strong></td></tr>"

    You may recognise the .ready() bit as being jQuery's way of having the enclosed code run as soon as the document is done loading/rendered.

    But what about that $().infiniteScroller() bit!? Well, that's a call to the jQuery plugin part that I wrote. That might sound difficult, but it's not.

    In essence you can define a jQuery plugin, which I've done in the "Application.js" file, like this:

    (function ($) {
        var Scroller = function (element, options) {
            this.$element = $(element);
            this.options  = options;
            //Do what you like here.
            //Remember that this.$element always points to
            //the HTML element we "invoked" infiniteScroller on!
        $.fn.infiniteScroller = function (options) {
                return new Scroller(this, options);

    Notice the part in bold! This is where we extend jQuery's $() selector with our own method name. Simple, but so powerful.

    Obviously I've missed out most of the actual code above. All that the missing code does is call an Agent via Ajax and append the resulting data as HTML <tr> elements on to this.$element.

    The only tricky part is handling the auto-scrolling. To do this we bind an event handler to the windows onScroll event when the page has loaded, like so:

    $(window).bind('scroll', {scroller: this}, this.scrollHandler);

    This adds the Scroller's scrollHandler method as a listener and passes a reference to the current Scroller in to the event's data. Which we can use in the scrollHandler method, like so:

    Scroller.prototype.scrollHandler =  function(event){
        var $this = event.data.scroller; 
        //Are we at (or as near) the bottom?
        if( $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - $this.options.pixelBuffer ) {

    Fairly simple, no? It just tests to see if you're at the bottom of the page. Using the "pixelBuffer" option you can make it so they don't need to be right at the bottom, if, for reason, scrolling needs to happen before they get to the bottom. You could even pre-empt them getting there by loading when they're getting close to the bottom and they'd never need to wait.

    What About the Backend?

    Back on the server things are actually quite simple. Perhaps you thought that wasn't the case?

    To get it to work the first thing I did was extend the DocumentCollection wrapper class I talked about a few weeks back by adding a getNth() method to it.

    Now, all my Agent needs to do is this:

    Dim factory As New InvoiceFactory Dim invoices As InvoiceCollection Dim invoice As Invoice Dim start As Long, count As Integer, i As Integer Dim View As String start = CLng(web.query("start", "1")) count = CInt(web.query("count", "40")) view = web.query("view", "InvoicesByTitle") Set invoices = factory.GetAllInvoices(view) 'Invoice to start at Set invoice = invoices.getNth(start) Print "content-type: " + JSON_CONTENT_TYPE Print "[" While Not invoice Is Nothing And i<count Print invoice.AsJSON + |,| i = i + 1 Set invoice = invoices.getNext() Wend Print |null]| 'NASTY, NASTY hack to avoid dropping last , from array. Yack!

    Note that the "web" object referred to above is based on the WebSession class which has been a mainstay of my Domino development for the past 5 or 6 years.

    The more I use these new "wrapper classes" in LotusScript the more I kick myself for not having thought of them earlier on in my career. Although I am now using them on a daily basis and they're saving me time I keep thinking of how much time they could have saved over the years.

    Having said that, just last week, for the first time in ages, I pressed Ctrl+N in Domino Designer and started a new Domino project from scratch (who says Notes is dead!?). The wrapper classes are an integral part of this new project.

    Talking of the wrapper classes. I'll be updating and talking about them shortly. I've made significant changes to them and I think you'll like.

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    4. Comparing Approaches to Mobile Development

    Readers have asked for help comparing and contrasting the options covered in the series on mobile development. This article reviews a number of solutions, each of which has its own strengths and challenges, depending on the environment in which it will run as well as developers' skills and the organization's available budget. The author assesses the solutions' relative value and makes broad recommendations based on his experience with the various approaches.

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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. RT @VADUHA23: malazonija19774.pp.ua/kroco/lotus-no... lotus note описание

    RT @VADUHA23 : malazonija19774.pp.ua/kroco/lotus-no... lotus note описание

    2. Klaus_Backes downloaded Lotus Domino Designer.:

    Klaus_Backes downloaded Lotus Domino Designer.: Klaus_Backes0700000CQQ downloaded Lotus Domino Designer. buildersolutions.com

    3. HelpDesk специалист

    Знание Lotus Notes на уровне администратора - желательно

    4. How to merge desktop6.ndk and desktop8.ndk together

    HI Guys, I would like to merge desktop6.ndk and desktop8.ndk together because i have lot of icons on my both 8.5 workspace as well as 7 workspace. Any help on this will be greatly appreciated. I Tried to open the desktop6.ndk database in the designer but i can not see documents in it. I thought i ...

    5. Есть Вакансия Для ста

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    6. Фундаментальная проблема: Различия в репликах на уровне полей

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    7. What's New in IBM Domino 9.0 Social Edition

    What's new in IBM Domino 9.0 Social Edition? This topic describes the new features of the IBM® Domino® server and Domino Administrator client in release 9.0 Social Edition. It also describes new Domino Administrator functionality that supports IBM Notes® installation and upgrade, Notes federated ...

    8. Warehouse Manager (Khabarovsk)<br>Requirements are: <br> ∙ Higher education

    Execution Manual is understood and followed by all people ∙

    9. Lotusscript *.lss

    Доброго времени суток уважаемые форумчане! i20.gif

    Прошу строго не судить т.к. я не прогер и попытаюсь объяснить ситуацию своими словами:
    В далеком 2005 году на группу компаний приобрели документооборот, в одной компании он работает другая в свое время отказалась и с моим приходом как обычно бывает, вспомнили что надо восстановить забытое прошлое.

    Поднял домино, скачал в головной компании базы лотусовые и поставил их на сервер. Начал тестировать это дело и наткнулся на сообщения что якобы документооборот в тестовом режиме (что за ерунда подумал я, ведь мы его купили и имеются все документы, но той компании больше на рынке нет и искать кто в то время разрабатывал совсем бессмысленно) начал смотреть код, и есть такая строка %INCLUDE "corrdoc_monitor_a2kz.lss" которая ссылается на эти файлы, посмотрел их в resources-file - нету, в папке data - нету, запустил поиск на сервере где брал базы не находит, но там же работает без ошибок. Скажите где можно найти эти файлы? 19.gif буду Вам очень признателен за помощь!

    10. Re: С внешнего почтового сервера приходят письма с запорчеными вложениями

    Какого характера "кривизна" вложения (изменяется само вложение, невозможно открыть и т.д.)?
    Включали ли SMTP Debug для анадиза прохождения письма? Т.е. необходимо выяснить цикличность возникает при передаче с внешних источников на Ваши MX сервера, либо это присходит уже по внутренним коммуникациям.

    11. Re: Отправка почты по SMTP с использованием SSL

    Спасибо. В принципе так я и предполагал, только данные статьи не попадались. Теперь вопрос снят. Спасибо.

    12. Learning Widget for IBM Notes 9

    a name"top" a p The IBM® Lotus® Learning Widget for IBM® Notes® is a sidebar widget that is used to view and filter learning materials inside your IBM Notes 9 client. p If you are using Lotus Notes 8.x, see the learningpluginforibmlotusnotesLearning Widget for Lotus Notes ...

    13. атрибуты Лотус

    Lotus Notes Adapter attributes on the Notes account form

    14. Updated Notices information for all IBM iNotes Administrator 9.0 Social Edition documentation

    This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM® may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. ...

    15. Защита от фишинговых схем

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