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IBM - Documents copied using CopyToDatabase method reuse same UNID

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 667

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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (1)

Easy Access to Sub-Collections of the DocumentWrapper Class | Blog

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IBM - Documents copied using CopyToDatabase method reuse same UNID
IBM - Documents copied using CopyToDatabase method reuse same UNID
Domino URL cheat sheet
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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Easy Access to Sub-Collections of the DocumentWrapper Class | Blog

    My favourite feature of the Wrapper Classes I keep going on about is the ready access they can give to any given class's related sub-classes.

    For example, let's say you have an object based on the Customer class and you want to find all their Invoices. Wouldn't it be nice to write code like this in a WQO agent:

    Dim customer As Customer, invoice As Invoice
    Set customer = New Customer(web.document)
    If customer.Invoices.Count > 0 Then
      Set invoice = customer.Invoices.getFirst()
      While Not invoice Is Nothing 
        'Do what you like here
        Set invoice = customer.Invoices.getNext()
    End If

    When you start using code like this in your day-to-day LotusScripting that's when it all starts to gel and there's no going back.

    Imagine also that you wanted to know how many other invoices the customer for any given invoice has. You can do it like this:

    Print "This invoice's customer has " + Cstr(invoice.Customer.Invoices.Count - 1) + " other invoices"

    Cool, no?

    Adding Collection Properties

    But how do we add this "Invoices" property? Easy. Just do something like this in the Invoice class:

    Class Customer as DocumentWrapper
     Private Invoices_ As InvoiceCollection
     Private Factory_ As InvoiceFactory
     Property Get Invoices As InvoiceCollection
      'lazy load the invoices!
      If Invoices_ Is Nothing Then
       Set Factory_ = new InvoiceFactory()
       Set Invoices_ = Factory_.GetInvoicesForCustomer(Me)
      End If
      Invoices = Invoices_
     End Property
    End Class

    Noticed we've defined a class-level InvoiceCollection and InvoiceFactory (we need to do this so they stay in scope). We then "lazy load" them the InvoiceCollection when it's first requested.

    Here we're only going one level of sub-class deep. But you could go as many levels deep as you needed.

    In the example above I've called a method called GetInvoicesForCustomer(). How this works depends on how your data is structured. Maybe the invoices are child documents of the Customer. Maybe they're just tied together by an "id" field. Either way, it doesn't really matter.

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    • IBM Connections V4.0: Reinventing how people innovate and work together

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    • Integrating SPNEGO with IBM Sametime components on a federated deployment

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    • Using IBM Connections more as a platform than an application

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    • Developing an IBM SmartCloud for Social Business application

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    Composite applications are a key element in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). They enable you to easily integrate different types of components and technologies to create contextual applications.



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    3. О, вже відкрили доступ мені доIBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration Operating

    О, вже відкрили доступ мені доIBM Lotus Domino 8.5 System Administration Operating Fundamentals

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    Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" No 541 от 2013-03-20"

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    8. FF3P_Tomas_Herrera downloaded Lotus Notes.:

    FF3P_Tomas_Herrera downloaded Lotus Notes.: FF3P_Tomas_Herrera270005FF3P downloaded Lotus Notes. buildersolutions.com

    9. konart: Господа, а тут есть пользователи IBM Lotus Notes? Эта дрянь почту по ...

    Господа, а тут есть пользователи IBM Lotus Notes?

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    1. Lotus Notes Administrator

    Id : 13900 Category : System Admin - Other Location/City : TX - Austin Job Type : Contract Recruiter Name : Brad Durham Thompson Technologies is seeking an seasonedLotus Notes Administratorfor a 6-9 m...

    2. Lotus Notes Support Analyst

    Lotus Notes Support Analyst Tracking Code 97966 Job Description Customer Tier 2 Lotus Notes Support Lotus Notes (Notes) is the Purchaser's application for sending emails, managing calendars, and ot...

    3. Lotus Notes Designer

    Lotus Notes DesignerRandstad in Wichita, KS posted on02/20/2013| 580 viewsemail to a friendprint salary$ 20.00 ...

    4. Sr Lotus Notes Developer With Poly

    Job Description: Analyze functional business applications and design specifications. Develop block diagrams and logic flow charts. Translates detailed design into Lotus Notes based solutions. Tests, ...

    5. Sr Lotus Notes Developer with Poly

    Job Description: Analyze functional business applications and design specifications. Develop block diagrams and logic flow charts. Translates detailed design into Lotus Notes based solutions. Tests, ...

    6. Lotus Notes Administrator - DK

    Title: Lotus Notes Administrator - DK Location: United States-Virginia-Reston Other Locations: null Where Technology and Teamwork come together.Northrop Grumman Information Systems sector is seeking a...

    7. Lotus Notes Administrator 5

    Title: Lotus Notes Administrator 5 Location: United States-Virginia-McLean Other Locations: null Roles and Responsibilities: The qualified candidate will be part of a global operations center Tier 2 a...

    8. Lotus Notes Administrator 4

    Title: Lotus Notes Administrator 4 Location: United States-Virginia-McLean Other Locations: null Roles and Responsibilities: The qualified candidate will be part of a global operations center Tier 2 a...

    9. Lotus Notes Administrator 3

    Title: Lotus Notes Administrator 3 Location: United States-Virginia-McLean Other Locations: null Roles and Responsibilities: The qualified candidate will be part of a global operations center Tier 2 a...

    10. Lotus Notes Administrator 2

    Title: Lotus Notes Administrator 2 Location: United States-Virginia-McLean Other Locations: null Roles and Responsibilities: The qualified candidate will be part of a global operations center Tier 2 a...

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