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Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 647

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Статьи. Публикации. Пресс-релизы (5)

Mashup-страницы, больше чем просто отчеты
Управление серверами Domino на IBM i при помощи программных интерфейсов
Отображение корпоративных данных на динамических HTML-страницах с помощью IBM Mashup Center
Миграция с PDF-форм на IBM Lotus Forms
Технология IBM для систем работы с клиентами на финансовых рынках: Часть 1. Обзор плана интеграции систем работы с клиентами на финансовых рынках

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (5)

How Well Do You Know LotusScript? | Blog
Simulate Server Load and Data Growth on Domino Servers Using a Custom-built Tool
Streamline Your XPages Development Using the Domino Designer XPages Extension Library, Part 2
Building a Configurable and Extensible XPages Navigation
Create a Mobile App with a Lotus Notes Domino Backend for Under $100 Using Adobe PhoneGap

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (48)

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Вакансии для специалистов (12)

C/C++ embedded developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Sr Lotus Notes Developer With Poly
Sr Lotus Notes Developer with Poly
Lotus Notes Administrator - DK
Sr. Lotus Notes Developer
Collaboration Engineer-Lotus Notes (Att. SH)
Lotus Notes Administrator
Lotus Notes Developer - 2
Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions
Lotus Notes/Domino Analyst
Lotus Notes/Domino Analyst
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Поиск по сайтам о Lotus Notes/Domino
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Хостинг на Lotus Domino

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  • Нормально. Могу читать
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  • Статьи. Публикации. Пресс-релизы

    1. Технология IBM для систем работы с клиентами на финансовых рынках: Часть 1. Обзор плана интеграции систем работы с клиентами на финансовых рынках

    В первой статье серии приведен высокоуровневый обзор плана интеграции, сформированного в рамках проекта. Этот план демонстрирует, как взаимодействуют компоненты в сценарии.

    2. Миграция с PDF-форм на IBM Lotus Forms

    В мире электронных форм двумя наиболее популярными продуктами являются IBM® Lotus® Forms и PDF-формы. Большинство проектов создания форм решает задачу миграции с PDF-форм на Lotus Forms.

    3. Отображение корпоративных данных на динамических HTML-страницах с помощью IBM Mashup Center

    Узнайте, как сгенерировать HTML для более выразительного представления данных, используя интерфейс Data Mashup Builder платформы IBM Mashup Center.

    4. Управление серверами Domino на IBM i при помощи программных интерфейсов

    В данной статье описывается набор программных интерфейсов (API), которые обеспечивают программный доступ к серверам Domino на системе IBM i и управление ими. Статья содержит примеры исходного кода, демонстрирующие использование интерфейсов для выполнения этих задач.

    5. Mashup-страницы, больше чем просто отчеты

    Иногда возникает необходимость создания приложений для выполнения простых обновлений таблиц БД. В этой статье рассказывается, как создать виджет IBM Mashup Center, отображающий HTML-форму, позволяющую обновлять таблицы реляционной БД.
    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. How Well Do You Know LotusScript? | Blog

    The danger in LotusScript is when you spend time in other "proper" languages and then return to LotusScript, foolishly thinking you can use what you use elsewhere.

    Take this as an example:

    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 to 2
       Dim isIAnOddNumber As Boolean 'Defaults to False!
       If i Mod 2 = 1 Then
           isIAnOddNumber = True
       End If
       Print isIAnOddNumber

    What would you expect the output to be?

    Click here to post a response

    2. Simulate Server Load and Data Growth on Domino Servers Using a Custom-built Tool

    IT managers often need to acquire hardware resources for new applications and their integration into the existing IT infrastructure. This strategy is called sizing or capacity planning. As part of the process of sizing Domino servers, it's critical to know how non-stop data growth affects server resources while performing maintenance tasks. In this article, learn how to generate bulk data (i.e. server load) using the Mail Attachment and Load Generator for Domino (MALGD) tool to simulate data growth on Domino servers. Find out why MALGD is needed as well as lessons learned from load testing. Step through preparing and setting a load test environment and learn which test cases the tool is suitable for.

    3. Streamline Your XPages Development Using the Domino Designer XPages Extension Library, Part 2

    This is the second article in the two-part series on the XPages Extension Library. Part 1 explained how to access and install the Extension Library, as well as identified some of the most useful ready-to-use controls the Extension Library offers and how to use them. In this article, get a handle on more advanced topics like a Scrolling Dataset and iNotes Virtual List. Learn how to add some eye candy using Dojo effects and the iNotes Calendar Control. Walk away with some tips and tricks regarding another useful calendar control and more interesting Extension Library controls.

    4. Building a Configurable and Extensible XPages Navigation

    This article provides step-by-step instructions for building a visually appealing XPages navigation that includes sub-level navigation choices in a way that's much more extensible than the standard OneUI approach. By leveraging the ability of custom controls to have configurable properties, this approach lets you build a single navigator that can be used throughout your XPages site.

    5. Create a Mobile App with a Lotus Notes Domino Backend for Under $100 Using Adobe PhoneGap

    Learn how to create a mobile app that allows users to send a photo and information from an iPhone/iPad, Android phone, or tablet to a Lotus Notes Domino database using Abobe PhoneGap and Adobe PhoneGap Build. This will facilitate more accurate and timely data collection. It will also allow the information to be accessed from a centralized database, eliminating the need for paper forms.

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    Lotus software | IBM collaboration and social software

    Technical resources for IBM collaboration and social software

    New Release Of The IBM Social Business Toolkit SDK

    A new version of the IBM Social Business Toolkit is available on OpenNTF. The release features improvements to the Communities and Profiles Service APIs and improved exception handling and run-time error reporting.  More >

    Tabs showing key topics and featured content for developerWorks Lotus.

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    • IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition Public Beta Now Available!

      IBM is pleased to announce that the IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition Public Beta is NOW AVAILABLE. IBM Notes and Domino 9.0 Social Edition Public Beta is a preview of the next release of Notes, iNotes, Domino Designer, Domino and Notes Traveler.

    • IBM releases the new IBM Social Business Toolkit SDK as Open Source

      The IBM Social Business Toolkit SDK, now available on OpenNTF as Open Source, lets Web and Java developers easily access the IBM Social Platform, including IBM Connections and IBM SmartCloud for Social Business.

    • App Dev Throwdown at IBM Connect 2013

      IBM will be holding its annual App Dev Throwdown at IBM Connect 2013 to showcase social business innovation from our partner community. Submit your social business application for a chance to compete on the main stage at Connect 2013!

    • Learn about IBM iNotes Social Edition

      IBM iNotes Social Edition software is Web access to e-mail and collaboration. You can equip your employees with capabilities similar to those included in IBM Lotus Notes® client software, but delivered through a Web browser. Try this demo to learn more.

    • Using Reseller and Distributed Software in IBM SmartCloud for Social Business

      This article describes what Reseller is, how it works, and how to create a Distributed Software (DSW) order in IBM SmartCloud for Social Business.

    • Developing OpenSocial gadgets for IBM Connections 4.0

      This white paper explains how to develop gadgets for IBM Connections 4.0, primarily focusing on using the developer bootstrap page for quickly testing gadgets.

    • IBM Connections Mail

      IBM Connections Mail is a new, simple and compelling way to perform essential email and calendar tasks right from IBM Connections, your social software platform.

    • Experience IBM Connections

      Inspired by feedback from customers, Experience IBM Connections shows you the Top 4 ways that IBM Connections makes your job easier. In addition to providing an overview of IBM Connections benefits, the site highlights favorite tips and features from select IBMers and IBM Champions and includes resources to learn more.

    • IBM Connections 4.0 Reviewer’s Guide

      This Reviewer's Guide provides an extensive overview of the latest version of IBM’s social software, IBM Connections 4.0, and its nine applications: Home, Profiles, Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, and Wikis.

    • IBM Connections V4.0: Reinventing how people innovate and work together

      IBM Connections V4.0 provides an exceptional social platform that helps enable you to access the right people and internal and external content in your professional networks and communities.

    • Integrating SPNEGO with IBM Sametime components on a federated deployment

      This paper explains the steps on how to configure Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) on a federated deployment for IBM Sametime Community Server, Meeting Server, Proxy Server, Media Manager, Advanced Server, and the Connect Client

    • Using IBM Rational Performance Tester V8.2 to load test IBM Lotus Notes Standard Client in a Citrix XenApp environment

      Learn how to use IBM's Rational Performance Tester to load test the IBM Lotus Notes Standard Client in a Citrix XenApp Environment.

    • Experience Lotus Notes

      This single-page site is intended to drive user adoption of Lotus Notes and enhance the total client experience. This effort was inspired by feedback from customers requesting materials to help promote Notes to end users.

    • Measuring the distribution and skew of transaction response times for IBM Enterprise application datasets

      This white paper describes our analysis and approach to measuring the distribution of transaction times during a five-day workload run of the IBM Lotus Domino, IBM SmartCloud Engage, and IBM Lotus Quickr for Domino Enterprise applications and provides a qualitative assessment of each dataset.

    • Behind-the-scenes look at ZK Spreadsheet for IBM Lotus Domino Designer XPages

      Learn how ZK and ZK Spreadsheet are integrated into IBM Lotus Domino Designer XPages. This white paper explains the concepts and implementation of ZK, ZK Spreadsheet, and XPages.

    • Using IBM Connections more as a platform than an application

      IBM Connections provides the support for infinite possibilities of extension, integration, and third-party development, which makes it more like a platform than an application.

    • Developing an IBM SmartCloud for Social Business application

      Learn how to develop an application that integrates with IBM SmartCloud for Social Business by authenticating via the Open Authorization protocol, calling the SmartCloud for Social Business service APIs to do a useful task, and extending the UI to show an integrated look.

    • IBM Connections: Managing Communities

      This series of articles explain how to plan, launch, and sustain successful online communities using IBM Connections.

    • Develop next generation social applications

      IBM announces over 100 new, fully-supported XPages controls and objects. Now design and develop mobile, web and social applications faster than ever. And when you're ready to deploy your XPages applications, use IBM XWork Server to bring them to life. The result: connected employees, activated professional networks, and improved knowledge sharing.

    • IBM Redbooks: Customizing IBM Connections 3.0.1

      IBM Lotus and IBM Redbooks have partnered together to show you how to customize your Connections deployment. IBM Connections 3.0.1 is social networking software that consists of several applications. You can customize IBM Connections by changing the user interface, adding features to applications such as the Home page and Profiles, integrating Profiles with external data, and exploiting the IBM Connections API, among other aspects. This Redbooks Wiki provides details about these and other ways of extending and changing IBM Connections.

    • IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.3 server performance: IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.3 performance

      IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.3 and IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.3 have been optimized to reduce the transactions from the client to the server

    • Introducing the IBM XWork Server

      The IBM XWork Server provides an XPages Application Server for your social applications that will help you to extend applications to web and mobile devices, and connect applications to social communities for broader knowledge sharing. XWork Server leverages XPages technology from Lotus Domino and Domino Designer 8.5.3.

    • IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.3 delivers usability and productivity enhancements to help power social business

      IBM Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.3 includes a vast array of end-user feature enhancements to increase personal productivity of Lotus Notes, Lotus iNotes™, and Lotus Notes Traveler for users and developers using Domino Designer. See this announcement for more details.

    • Configuring SSL encryption for IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1

      This article provides the detailed steps on how to configure Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption for IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1.

    • Announcing IBM Web Experience Factory 7.0.1

      IBM Web Experience Factory 7.0.1, formerly IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory, delivers the fastest and easiest way to develop multichannel exceptional web experiences across desktop, mobile, and tablet platforms.

    • IBM Connections 3.0.1 Reviewer's Guide

      This Guide provides an extensive overview of the latest version of IBM’s social software, IBM Connections 3.0, and its nine applications: Home, Profiles, Activities, Blogs, Bookmarks, Communities, Files, Forums, and Wikis. In addition, this guide explains how to extend the features and functions of IBM Connections to your existing applications.

    • IBM Redbooks: Optimizing Lotus Domino Administration

      This IBM Redbooks wiki provides you with information on how to optimize Lotus Domino administration. The focus is to provide Lotus Domino administrators with information on how to get most of their valuable time. Optimization of a Lotus Domino environment is not only a matter of how to set specific configuration parameters on a server or on a client; it is more a conceptual approach on how to address specific needs of the environment.

    • Tips for moving from Microsoft Outlook to IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2

      Have you just moved away from Microsoft® Outlook® to IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2? This article discusses some key tips on what preferences to set and ways to configure Lotus Notes to be compatible with the functionalities you were accustomed to in Microsoft Outlook. It addresses tips for mail, calendar, and contacts, along with general tips for across the Notes client.


    Download Get the no-charge download today!

    The premier Eclipse-based open development environment for the Lotus Notes and Domino software platform.

    Utilize your existing development skills to build industry-standard Web and Lotus Notes and Domino applications.

    Download now


    Start here if you are new to XPages and Lotus Domino Designer.

    Explore Domino Designer and XPages with this guide that will help get you up to speed quickly.

    Learn how to use the Lotus Expeditor Toolkit to build and test Java™ applications for Lotus Notes.



    Join Lotus Domino developers around the world who are working on over 10 million Lotus Notes applications.

    · Lotus Notes & Domino Application Development wiki
    · XPages development forum
    · XPages.info: THE home for XPages developers
    · OpenNTF.org
    · Planet Lotus


    Lotus downloads

    XPages & Composite apps

    XPages utilize JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and HTML. Yet, deep programming skills are not required to build powerful, compelling Web and Lotus Notes and Domino applications.

    Composite applications are a key element in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). They enable you to easily integrate different types of components and technologies to create contextual applications.



    Start here to learn about XPages with links to overview content, videos, tutorials, and other content that will get you up to speed quickly.

    Watch this two-part video series demonstrating how you can use XPages components in a Lotus Notes application.

    Discover the power and benefits of composite applications.

    Explore detailed examples, sample projects, and more in the IBM Composite Applications wiki.


    Read the XPages blog to learn from a worldwide group of IBM Domino XPages experts.

    Listen to Pete Janzen, Senior Product manager for Lotus Domino Designer, talk about the decision to offer a no-charge development license for Domino Designer.

    XPages demo app
    Sample composite app


    • The Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1 Redbooks Wiki outlines the significant improvements in Lotus Domino 8.5.x as a web development platform. It introduces XPages technology, showing how it dramatically shortens the learning curve for Domino developers and enables you to incorporate Web 2.0 features into your web applications.

    Download Lotus Domino Designer

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    IBM Redbooks in Lotus wikis


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    The Notes Tips Podcast series

    Check out the Notes Tips podcast, where we help you become more productive with Lotus Notes. We'll be talking about everything from getting started with Notes, to decluttering your inbox, to managing meetings better. Join us on the second and fourth Fridays of each month.

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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. MikalaiBeliashou:

    Радует меня Lotus Domino под Linux.

    2. Радует меня Lotus Domino под Linux.

    Радует меня Lotus Domino под Linux. Начало место на системном разделе заканчиваться. Оказалось, что непомерно разд… juick.com/2219579

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    Особый тип документов составляют записи баз данных специализированных систем автоматизации групповой работы, таких как документы Lotus Notes или электронные формы Microsoft Exchange.

    24. IT-координатор

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    26. Технологии электронного документооборота

    Большинство систем такого типа, популярных в России, построено на основе Lotus Notes/Domino.

    27. Внедрение систем электронного документооборота: проблемы и решения

    В этом смысле определенное преимущество предоставляет среда Lotus Notes, в которой указанные компоненты содержатся в базовой поставке.

    28. Пять главных проблем внедрения сэд

    Например, если в компании используется Lotus Notes/Domino, то желательно, чтобы интерфейс СЭД был похож на интерфейс Lotus.

    29. Выбор системы электронного документооборота: взгляд заказчика

    Стоимость базы данных и программных платформ варьируется от 900$ (MS SQL Server 2005) до 4000$ (Lotus Notes Domino).

    30. Исследование российских систем электронного документооборота

    СУБД Lotus Notes/Domino

    31. Разработчик Lotus Domino, SQL, web

    В динамично развивающуюся компанию требуется разработчик программного обеспечения на Lotus Domino, SQL и web-технологиях

    32. Никак не могу разобраться, в чём же проблема того, что открытые Lotus Notes, Chrome

    Никак не могу разобраться, в чём же проблема того, что открытые Lotus Notes, Chrome и Firefox при 2 Гб RAM нещадно насилуют HDD.

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    35. Administrator's guide to IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.x Attachment Object Store

    Introduction IBM® Lotus® Domino® Database Attachment Object Service (DAOS), also known as Attachment Consolidation, is a new feature in version 8.5 whereby all file attachments are stored in a separate repository on the server and are no longer stored in individual NSF’s. Multiple copies of ...

    36. Администратор

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    Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
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    1. C/C++ embedded developer

    LuckyWare Pro company works with well-known Companies from Germany, Switzerland, UK, US, and Canada. We are looking for a smart, hard working and self-motivated C/C++ embedded developer to work on interesting projects!

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    2. Lotus Notes Developer

    Posting Job Title: Lotus Notes Developer Region: Americas Job Category: Corporate Support - IT Job Function: Corporate Support Posting Location: Evanston, IL, USA Job Description: ZS Associates is a g...

    3. Sr Lotus Notes Developer With Poly

    Job Description: Analyze functional business applications and design specifications. Develop block diagrams and logic flow charts. Translates detailed design into Lotus Notes based solutions. Tests, d...

    4. Sr Lotus Notes Developer with Poly

    Job Description: Analyze functional business applications and design specifications. Develop block diagrams and logic flow charts. Translates detailed design into Lotus Notes based solutions. Tests, d...

    5. Lotus Notes Administrator - DK

    Title: Lotus Notes Administrator - DK Location: United States-Virginia-Reston Other Locations: null Where Technology and Teamwork come together.Northrop Grumman Information Systems sector is seeking a...

    6. Sr. Lotus Notes Developer

    Sr. Lotus Notes Developer Location: Omaha, Nebraska Category: Database Developer Type: Contract Posted: 1/25/2013 Apply Now Back to Job Listings Companies across Nebraska ...

    7. Collaboration Engineer-Lotus Notes (Att. SH)

    Collaboration Engineer-Lotus Notes (Att. SH) Location: McLean, Virginia Category: Architect - IT Type: Contract Posted: 1/14/2013 Apply Now Back to Job Listings Name: Coll...

    8. Lotus Notes Administrator

    Position: Lotus Notes Administrator Category: Database Design and Administration Location(s): Peoria IL Department: LRS Consulting Services Job Number: 7280 Job Description: Time to get to work! Our c...

    9. Lotus Notes Developer - 2

    Lotus Notes Developer - 2 Location: Herndon, VA # of openings: 1 Description LGS Innovations, a leader in government telecommunications and network integration, is seeking a Lotus Notes Developer at ...

    10. Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions

    Title: Lotus Notes Developer - Multiple Positions Location: USA-Washington D.C. Other Locations: If you are working or aspiring to work in today''s United States Intelligence Community, NOW is the tim...

    11. Lotus Notes/Domino Analyst

    Ты особенный! Присоединяйся к профессионалам!

    Все очень просто: компания - это ее сотрудники. В SoftServe, мы делаем все возможное, чтобы наши коллеги имели широкие перспективы для полной реализации их потенциала и мы это доказали: согласно результатам исследования, проведенного Hewitt Associates и HR Center, SoftServe является лучшим работодателем Украины 2010 и 2011 годов среди IT компаний.

    Мы - международная компания, предоставляющая IT услуги высочайшего качества и имеющая сильную концепцию развития мирового рынка в будущем.

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    ∙ Дисконтную программу;
    ∙ Спортзалы и зоны для отдыха;
    ∙ Полностью оборудованные кухни.

    Мы ищем Lotus Notes/Domino Analyst с хорошими знаниями и рабочим опытом в:

    Особые знания:

    Банковская DWH-система:

    ∙ Опыт работы в сфере IT не менее 5-ти лет;
    ∙ Опыт по сбору и формализации требований, разработке технических заданий сопутствующей проектной
    ∙ документации, желательно крупных комплексных проектов автоматизации в Банковской сфере;
    ∙ Знания методологии проектирования хранилищ данных;
    ∙ Знания методологии проектирования ETL процедур;
    ∙ Умение работать с case-инструментом PowerDesigner 12.0.

    Lotus Notes/Domino:

    ∙ Знание платформы и архитектуры Lotus Notes/Domino;
    ∙ Знание сервисов и служб Lotus.

    www.softserve.ua, www.softserveinc.com

    Если Ваши знания, умения и талант соответствуют тому, в чем мы нуждаемся - без колебаний присылайте нам свое резюме на hr@softservecom.com или звоните по тел. (032) 240-99-99.

    12. Lotus Notes/Domino Analyst

    Ты особенный! Присоединяйся к профессионалам!

    Все очень просто: компания - это ее сотрудники. В SoftServe, мы делаем все возможное, чтобы наши коллеги имели широкие перспективы для полной реализации их потенциала и мы это доказали: согласно результатам исследования, проведенного Hewitt Associates и HR Center, SoftServe является лучшим работодателем Украины 2010 и 2011 годов среди IT компаний.

    Мы - международная компания, предоставляющая IT услуги высочайшего качества и имеющая сильную концепцию развития мирового рынка в будущем.

    Мы предлагаем:

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    ∙ Конкурентоспособную зарплату и систему бонусов;
    ∙ Дружескую команду и гибкий график работы;
    ∙ Комфортное рабочее место;
    ∙ Социальный пакет и подарки на день рождения;
    ∙ Корпоративные празднования;
    ∙ Корпоративного врача;
    ∙ Дисконтную программу;
    ∙ Спортзалы и зоны для отдыха;
    ∙ Полностью оборудованные кухни.

    Мы ищем Lotus Notes/Domino Analyst с хорошими знаниями и рабочим опытом в:

    Особые знания:

    Банковская DWH-система:

    ∙ Опыт работы в сфере IT не менее 5-ти лет;
    ∙ Опыт по сбору и формализации требований, разработке технических заданий сопутствующей проектной
    ∙ документации, желательно крупных комплексных проектов автоматизации в

    Банковской сфере;

    ∙ Знания методологии проектирования хранилищ данных;
    ∙ Знания методологии проектирования ETL процедур;
    ∙ Умение работать с case-инструментом PowerDesigner 12.0.

    Lotus Notes/Domino:

    ∙ Знание платформы и архитектуры Lotus Notes/Domino;
    ∙ Знание сервисов и служб Lotus.

    www.softserve.ua, www.softserveinc.com

    Если Ваши знания, умения и талант соответствуют тому, в чем мы нуждаемся - без колебаний присылайте нам свое резюме на hr@softservecom.com или звоните по тел. (032) 240-99-99.

    Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами

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    В избранное о Lotus Notes/Domino В подготовке выпуска использовались материалы и знания
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