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ShellExecuteA API

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 535

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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (1)

A Personal Update | Blog

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (13)

Главный юрисконсульт
установил Lotus Domino, сейчас увидим,что с этого получиться #Lotus #Domino #LotusServer
Специалист по сопровождению Lotus Notes, Рязань - job-interview.ru/vacancy/545328
lotus notes скачать
В организации есть Lotus Domino 8… goo.gl/fb/bqgx5
Администрация Майкопа отказалась от СПО и купила продукты Microsoft
Администратор Lotus Notes:
Прощай Lotus Notes, прощай CRM, прощайте тупые клиенты, прощай Билайн.
Менеджер, управляющий
Разработчик приложений Lotus Notes /Domino, Москва - job-interview.ru/vacancy/544802
Менеджер по рекламе, маркетолог, pr
Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 527" от 27 ...
HTC Galaxy Lotus notes

Закладки о Lotus Notes (4)

ShellExecuteA API
Working with groups in LotusScript
VB and VBA - Lotus Notes Send Email from VB or VBA
Upgrade Cookbook: Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.1
Спонсоры рассылки:
Поиск по сайтам о Lotus Notes/Domino
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Хостинг на Lotus Domino

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  • Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. A Personal Update | Blog

    It's been a while since I posted anything of a personal nature on here. Last time I did, if I remember right, it was when I was down in the dumps, desperate for work and considering throwing the towel in.

    Assuming anybody still cares here's a quick update on work, family and this site.


    Work is going well at the moment. I've got enough of it to keep me busy and pay the bills (and, more importantly, the taxman!!).

    Mostly I'm still doing Lotus Domino work. Legacy and maintenance stuff though. Nothing particularly interesting. And no XPages. I'm still yet to hear a customer even mention XPages. I doubt they even know what it is.

    All of my Domino work is for 3 or 4 main customers. All of them are in the process of moving to SharePoint. As am I!

    When I first started Rockall 9 years ago Domino work was plentiful and it was an exciting time. It doesn't feel that way any longer. I've not had a new customer for ages now. There was a time when, each year, I'd get a handful of leads for prospective jobs come my way. As a self-employed company owner that's half the buzz - finding and winning business. That buzz has all but gone.

    A while back I had the crazy notion that I could carve out a future as a mobile app developer. I've given up on that. What I've come to realise is that money is more important (to me) than how much I enjoy the work. Not that I'm a money-mad mercenary or anything. I just want to earn as much as I can while I'm at my prime (now?) so that I can put as much as possible away for a half-decent retirement. I don't want to look back as a broke pensioner and think "Well, at least I got job satisfaction and respect from my peers". I want to look back and think "Thank God I milked it while I could".

    My plan is to aggressively chase a career as a SharePoint developer. Who knows where it will lead but at least it seems to have a much better immediate future than trying to stick it out with Domino.


    No matter what happens with work I'll always have my family and I'm blessed to have three lovely kids and a wonderful wife.

    Felix (5):


    Minnie (3):


    Evelyn (2):


    Quinn (17) is doing well too. She's got herself a job in admin at a structural engineers in the city centre (near the shops!) and has a steady relationship with a really nice lad, called Adam, whose now at a local university studying Computer Animation.

    Life is good really. I hope to remember this time and look back on it as the happiest in my life.


    What's the future for codestore?

    At points I've gotten very close to calling it a day with this site. I don't think I will yet though and will keep plodding along. I just have to get used to the idea it will never be what it once was.

    I still enjoy running this site and creating content, which is what matters really. I just have to stop dwelling on the past and look to the future.

    Expect more SharePoint!

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    Lotus Sandbox archived

    The Lotus Sandbox was closed to all new submissions in 2007. Downloads of previous submissions were still available as an archived resource following that closure, but effective September 2010, downloads from the Lotus Sandbox are no longer available.

    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

    If you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:

    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Главный юрисконсульт

    Опытный пользователь Windows‚ Word‚ Консультант-плюс‚ Гарант‚ Internet‚ Lotus Notes и другие программы.

    2. установил Lotus Domino, сейчас увидим,что с этого получиться #Lotus #Domino #LotusServer

    установил Lotus Domino, сейчас увидим,что с этого получиться #Lotus #Domino #LotusServer

    3. Специалист по сопровождению Lotus Notes, Рязань - job-interview.ru/vacancy/545328

    Специалист по сопровождению Lotus Notes, Рязань - job-interview.ru/vacancy/545328 #job_interview_ru

    4. lotus notes скачать

    5. В организации есть Lotus Domino 8… goo.gl/fb/bqgx5

    Удаление Пользователей Из Acl Баз Данных: Добрый день! В организации есть Lotus Domino 8… goo.gl/fb/bqgx5

    6. Администрация Майкопа отказалась от СПО и купила продукты Microsoft

    Как рассказал CNews руководитель Управления информатизации Администрации муниципального образования "Город Майкоп" Сергей Селин, информатизация городского парламента и муниципальных подразделений Майкопа началась в 2009 г. Был разработан план автоматизации, согласно которому в первую очередь были внедрены корпоративная электронная почта, интернет-сайт Администрации муниципального образования «Город Майкоп» с интегрированной в него системой размещения муниципального заказа (городских закупок) на платформе IBM Lotus Domino.

    7. Администратор Lotus Notes:

    Администратор Lotus Notes: Вакансия компании: Астана-финанс, АОСоздана: Регион: АстанаТребуемый опыт работы: Пре... bit.ly/J6cXit

    8. Прощай Lotus Notes, прощай CRM, прощайте тупые клиенты, прощай Билайн.

    Прощай Lotus Notes, прощай CRM, прощайте тупые клиенты, прощай Билайн. Скучать не буду.

    9. Менеджер, управляющий

    MS Office, Internet, Lotus Notes, MS Project, SAP BW, CRM, Corel Draw, Photoshop, 1С:Предприятие, 1С:Бухгалтерия, R-keeper, S-House, CMS (Системы управления интернет ресурсами).

    10. Разработчик приложений Lotus Notes /Domino, Москва - job-interview.ru/vacancy/544802

    Разработчик приложений Lotus Notes /Domino, Москва - job-interview.ru/vacancy/544802 #job_interview_ru

    11. Менеджер по рекламе, маркетолог, pr

    MS Office, Internet, Lotus Notes, MS Project, SAP BW, CRM, Corel Draw, Photoshop, 1С:Предприятие, 1С:Бухгалтерия, R-keeper, S-House, CMS (Системы управления интернет ресурсами).

    12. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 527" от 27 ...

    Специалист кредитного отдела * slurok lotus notes * Системный администратор * Программист Lotus Notes Domino, Москва, 75000руб. - job-interview.ru/vacancy/541997 * Программист Lotus Notes, Москва - job-interview.ru/vacancy/542023 #job_interview_ru * Coming Soon - Lotus Notes Support goo.gl/fb/fVTF9 #cloud #featuresservices #lotusnotes * Announcing Email Migration #Support for Lotus Notes goo.gl/fb/3XRFo #cloud #featuresservices * Lotus Notes?

    13. HTC Galaxy Lotus notes

    HTC Galaxy Lotus notes
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    Документация. YellowBook
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