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Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 487

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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (5)

Provide Offline Access to Domino Data from Mobile Applications Using Titanium
Preparing Your Domino Developer Brain (and Applications) for Mobile
Chasing the Cloud, Part 3 -- Migrating Your Users and Data
Calendar and Scheduling Tips -- 10 Ways to Save Time and Be More Productive
Make Users Happy with a Form to Extract Data from Lotus Notes to Symphony or OpenOffice

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (6)

Образец CV
Mobile Master Corporate Edition v7.9.10.3503 [L, ENG]
Я добавил новую бесплатную программу - Mobile Master 7.9.10 build 3502
Мне нравится Nokia E5-00 Black
Обзор функциональных возможностей комплекса «Дозор-Джет» “
Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 479" от 30 ...

Закладки о Lotus Notes (12)

IBM developerWorks : Lotus developer resources
IBM developerWorks : Lotus : Best Practice Makes Perfect
IBM developerWorks Japan : SE関のノーツ/ドミノ徒然草
Basics steps: Converting an IBM Lotus Notes application to use Lotus Notes 8 Java components
Lotus Notes Calendar and Scheduling explained!
NotesPeek 1.53 tool for viewing Notes databases on Notes 6.x and higher
Lotus notes.ini variables
notes.ini Reference - by alphabet
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Хостинг на Lotus Domino

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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Provide Offline Access to Domino Data from Mobile Applications Using Titanium

    Enable your users to access Domino data via their mobile devices when they're offline. Using the Appcelerator Titanium framework for iOS and Android, you can build native applications that get data from a Domino application and send new or updated data back to Domino. This introduction to using Titanium to synchronize data between Domino and mobile applications covers the basic concepts and important development decisions you need to understand before starting a project, and it walks you through the steps of developing an example application.

    2. Preparing Your Domino Developer Brain (and Applications) for Mobile

    Before adapting your Domino applications for use on mobile devices, find out how to judge whether an application is a good candidate for mobilization, the development approach that will work best, and the strategies for minimizing development work while maximizing performance for users.

    3. Chasing the Cloud, Part 3 -- Migrating Your Users and Data

    Solidify your understanding of cloud-based technology and how it affects you and your job. In part 1 of this three-part article, you learned the defining characteristics of clouds and their various service and deployment models, why it's prudent to at least consider a move to the cloud, and what it might mean for you and your career. In part 2, you learned about how to assess and prepare your Domino environment for a move to the cloud and how to select a vendor. Now, in part 3, get advice on migrating your data and users to the cloud and guidance on managing and monitoring your new cloud collaboration environment.

    4. Calendar and Scheduling Tips -- 10 Ways to Save Time and Be More Productive

    IBM Lotus Notes has many calendar-related features that can help you and your users to be more productive. Use these tips, tricks, and ideas for saving time and working more efficiently with Notes Calendar and Scheduling — and share them with your users.

    5. Make Users Happy with a Form to Extract Data from Lotus Notes to Symphony or OpenOffice

    Help users export Notes data to a Symphony or OpenOffice spreadsheet by supplying them with a query form for capturing the data they want and a button to export the data to a spreadsheet with a single click. Get guidance on writing the code for the export button and building the query form.

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    Lotus Sandbox archived

    The Lotus Sandbox was closed to all new submissions in 2007. Downloads of previous submissions were still available as an archived resource following that closure, but effective September 2010, downloads from the Lotus Sandbox are no longer available.

    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

    If you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:

    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Образец CV

    Lotus Notes

    2. Mobile Master Corporate Edition v7.9.10.3503 [L, ENG]

    Есть синхронизация данных с Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora ,Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes, и др., закачка музыки/картинок, работа с базами данных и телефонными книгами.

    3. Я добавил новую бесплатную программу - Mobile Master 7.9.10 build 3502

    С помощью программы можно также создавать резервные копии данных, восстанавливать удаленную из телефона информацию, копировать или перемещать файлы и синхронизировать заметки и контакты с такими программными продуктами, как Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora, Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes.

    4. Мне нравится Nokia E5-00 Black

    Обмен Сообщениями Получайте корпоративную электронную почту в режиме реального времени через Mail for Exchange и IBM Lotus Notes Traveler.

    5. Обзор функциональных возможностей комплекса «Дозор-Джет» “

    Отметим только, что реализовать это совсем несложно, причем как на серверах уровня предприятия, наподобие Microsoft Exchange или Lotus Notes, так и на относительно простых службах типа SendMail и Postfix.Второй вариант предполагает работу DLP-системы в режиме фильтрации.

    6. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 479" от 30 ...

    Converting an IBM Lotus Notes application to use Lotus Notes 8 Java components * User experience guidelines for IBM Lotus rich client applications and plug-ins * Lotus Notes Calendar and Scheduling explained! * Разрядность Lotus Domino * Zimbra:
    Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
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  • Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами

    "Красные книги" IBM

    Книги компании IBM по специализированным тематикам о Lotus Software. Основной язык - английский форматы pdf и html

    Книги компании "Интертраст"

    Для администраторов разработчиков и пользователей. Настройка и администрирование, разработка и программирование, пользование системой Lotus Notes
    Документация. YellowBook
    Оригинальная документация по продуктам Lotus Software. Язык англыйский. Форматы pdf html nsf
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    В избранное о Lotus Notes/Domino В подготовке выпуска использовались материалы и знания
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