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Новости о ПО Lotus Notes (1)

НОВОСТИ КОМПАНИЙ: Компания К-МИС анонсирует новый программный продукт: «Региональный информационный ресурс КМИС». - МедНовости.ру

Статьи. Публикации. Пресс-релизы (1)

Производительность IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Traveler

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (3)

Using Java Enumerations With Domino
Chasing the Cloud, Part 1 – What Domino Administrators and Managers Need to Know
Give Your XPages a Boost with the Repeat Control, Part 2 -- Nested Repeat Controls

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (13)

Он там "админил Lotus Domino", хотя там Mdaemon уж лет 5. =)
На работе только что удалил 140 не прочитанных писем в LOTUS NOTES - нафиг мне пишут
Куча / Говнокод #8162
Автор: Alexey Rubtsov
программирование модуля для ПО Company Media
Обсуждения программирования на Lotus Notes/Domino.
Разработка Модуля Для По Company Media
Разработка Модуля Для Сэд Company Media На Lotus Notes/domino
Касьян Варфаламеев #368772
Они в свое время заявляли о 150 млн установленных копий системы Lotus Notes, что
Август Лешутов #828613
Никон Гонтарук #511780
Рюрик Ежевикин #248448

Закладки о Lotus Notes (4)

Integrating IBM Lotus Domino data with Microsoft SharePoint Services
Home - IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
IBM Random hangs at startup or when accessing mail in Notes on Mac OS X 10.7
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  • Новости о ПО Lotus Notes

    1. НОВОСТИ КОМПАНИЙ: Компания К-МИС анонсирует новый программный продукт: «Региональный информационный ресурс КМИС». - МедНовости.ру

    НОВОСТИ КОМПАНИЙ: Компания К-МИС анонсирует новый программный продукт: «Региональный информационный ресурс КМИС».
    Почтовый сервер с мощной и одной из самых популярных в мире реализаций почтовой системы, поддерживающей работу как в толстом клиенте (IBM Lotus Notes), так и в тонком клиенте (поддерживаются все основные версии браузеров, включая Microsoft IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera и т.д. ...

    Статьи. Публикации. Пресс-релизы

    1. Производительность IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.2 Traveler

    В этой статье представлен отчет о результатах тестирования производительности IBM® Lotus® Notes® Traveler 8.5.2 для 64-разрядных операционных систем Microsoft Windows и Red Hat Linux.
    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Using Java Enumerations With Domino

    Recently I found myself writing a Java-based Agent in Domino for the first time in a year or more and found myself doing things I'd not thought possible the last time I did.

    Until two or three years ago the extent of my "programming" was that I could write Agents which contained simple where, while and if statements. Inside there I'd be calling some .replaceItemValue() and .save() methods. That was about as complicated as it got.

    Things only ever got any more complex than that if I stepped away from LotusScript and in to Java Agents. I'd do this only when I needed to. When I was creating PDFs, Zip files or generating images on the fly. Things got a bit more complicated then but all I'd ever be doing is figuring out how to use an existing API. Again, not what you'd call programming.

    I never felt like I did any actual programming until I stepped outside Domino and in to C# and ASP.NET development a few years back. Since using C# and reading a few books I'm starting to gain a better understanding and appreciation of the finer aspects of coding.

    One of the things I did in the Domino Java Agent was use as enumeration (enum). As an example let's use one to define the various workflow statuses a Notes document can pass through.

    Here's the enum definition:

     private enum WorkflowStatus {
        UNKNOWN("Unknown", "The document hasn't yet entered an approval cycle"),
        IN_PROCESS("Awaiting Approval", "There are still approvers in the loop"),
        APPROVED("Approved", "This document has been approved"),
        DECLINED("Declined", "This document was declined");
        private final String value;
        private final String detail;
        private WorkflowStatus(String value, String detail) {
            this.value = value;
            this.detail = detail;
        public static WorkflowStatus findByValue(String value) {
            if(value != null) {
                for(WorkflowStatus status : values()) {
                    if(status.value.equals(value)) {
                        return status;
            return TransactionStatus.UNKNOWN;
         * @return the value
        public String getFieldValue() {
            return value;
         * @return the detail
        public String getDetail() {
            return detail;

    You can use it in a WQS Agent's Java code like this:

    public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase {
     public void NotesMain() {
        Session session = getSession();
        AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
        Database database = session.getCurrentDatabase();
        Document document = agentContext.getDocumentContext();
        WorkflowStatus status = WorkflowStatus.findByValue(
        switch (status){
            case IN_PROCESS:
                if (document.getItemValueString("AwaitingApprovalBy").equals("")){
                    status = WorkflowStatus.APPROVED;
            case APPROVED:
                status = WorkflowStatus.DECLINED;
            case UNKNOWN:
                status = WorkflowStatus.IN_PROCESS;
        document.replaceItemValue("Status", status.getFieldValue());

    Obviously this isn't real code (it makes no sense to decline an approved document!). It's just to show how the code can utilise the enum.

    You could take this further and store a integer value in the backend document, so that you never actually store a string as the status. If you then need to change the definition of a status it becomes a lot easier.

    To a degree I've never known whether avoiding hard-coding is really worth it with Domino? More often than not a document is only ever saved and processed using the same WQS Agent. It's only when there's code in multiple places that something like the above enum becomes worth it.

    But still, it's all good practise. Using the code above feels a whole lot better than the alternative of scattering string representations of your statuses all over the code.

    Another thing I did in the Java Agent was move all strings to the top of the code (things like messages displayed to the user) and defined them as static constants. This way it's easier for me (and future developers) to come and make quick changes without having to sift through all the code.

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    2. Chasing the Cloud, Part 1 – What Domino Administrators and Managers Need to Know

    Solidify your understanding of cloud-based technology and how it affects you and your job. In part 1 of this three-part series, learn the defining characteristics of clouds and their various service and deployment models; find out why it's prudent to at least consider a move to the cloud; and come to terms with what it might mean for you and your career. Then, in part 2, get guidance on assessing your Domino environment for a move to the cloud and selecting a vendor. Part 3 provides advice on migrating your data and users to the cloud.

    3. Give Your XPages a Boost with the Repeat Control, Part 2 -- Nested Repeat Controls

    Discover how to use XPages repeat controls to build more functional applications. In part 1, learn the basics of working with repeat controls by following the steps to build an XPage where users can get names from a Domino Directory by clicking on an alphabetic pager. Then, in part 2, learn to harness the power of nested repeat controls to handle complex data relationships as you start to build a shopping application. Finally, in part 3, you'll see how use CSS to make your application pretty, how to let users order items, and how to build a simple shopping cart.

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    Lotus Sandbox archived

    The Lotus Sandbox was closed to all new submissions in 2007. Downloads of previous submissions were still available as an archived resource following that closure, but effective September 2010, downloads from the Lotus Sandbox are no longer available.

    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

    If you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:

    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Он там "админил Lotus Domino", хотя там Mdaemon уж лет 5. =)

    Он там "админил Lotus Domino", хотя там Mdaemon уж лет 5. =)

    2. На работе только что удалил 140 не прочитанных писем в LOTUS NOTES - нафиг мне пишут

    На работе только что удалил 140 не прочитанных писем в LOTUS NOTES - нафиг мне пишут вообще :) я не читаю и так работы валом :)

    3. Куча / Говнокод #8162

    Мало того что Lotus Notes сам по себе говно по сути и содержанию, так вот некоторые умельцы умудряются возвести это говно в степень так, что оно начинает глаза резать...

    4. Автор: Alexey Rubtsov

    Lotus Notes умирает, так что… ждем конкурентов.

    5. программирование модуля для ПО Company Media

    программирование модуля для Company Media на основе Lotus Notes

    6. Обсуждения программирования на Lotus Notes/Domino.

    Обсуждения программирования на Lotus Notes/Domino.

    7. Разработка Модуля Для По Company Media

    документооборота Company Media построенной на платформе IBM Lotus Notes/Domino.

    8. Разработка Модуля Для Сэд Company Media На Lotus Notes/domino

    документооборота Company Media построенное на платформе IBM Lotus Notes/Domino.

    9. Касьян Варфаламеев #368772


    10. Они в свое время заявляли о 150 млн установленных копий системы Lotus Notes, что

    Они в свое время заявляли о 150 млн установленных копий системы Lotus Notes, что означает нахождение этой программы на 1 из 8 компьютеров в мире.

    11. Август Лешутов #828613


    12. Никон Гонтарук #511780


    13. Рюрик Ежевикин #248448

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