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Achieving high availability with IBM Lotus iNotes

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 439

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Новости о ПО Lotus Notes (1)

«Ланк Системс» получила авторизацию по линейке продуктов «Lotus» IBM - IT World

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (3)

Survey: Is There a Future For Non-XPages Domino How-Tos?
Advanced XPages Charting with the xCharting Custom Control
Chasing the Cloud, Part 1 – What Domino Administrators and Managers Need to Know

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (33)

Ярослава Пищулев #627905865
Лидия Лаврив #768181142
Лайма Жаров #760430453
Леонтий Макунин #23260524
Эльдар Севернин #343205333
Матвей Ктитарев #159629943
Афанасий Шабров #123165083
Аврора Тяблов #298562581
Рубен Инородцев #21887370
Оксана Кубарев #342320412
Ольга Лопушанский #964236975
Приобретение серверов и установка структурной кабели для создания единой системы ...
Когда-то Lotus Domino владел миром.
Производительность IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 
Производительность сервера IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 для пользователей 
Некоторые способы работы с задачами Lotus Notes из конфигурации Террасофт
Нужен Программист Lotus (возможно обучение)
Опять про свой сервер и поисковики
ViolentOr: @
Осип Македонский #711576696
Аскольд Полетаев #216966738
Lotusphere 2011 Solutions Development Lab 02: Creating and deploying a Java Plugin for Notes and Symphony Part 5
Ванда Гордеев #112240883
Берта Коганович #911233242
Странный ты какой то, Lotus Notes =))
Капитолина Симушин #209643251
Almeza MultiSet Professional 6.2.0.Build 795 MLRUS
Хостинг почты IBM Lotus Domino
Уведомление о проведении закупочной процедуры
Lotus C Api и русские пути к базам...
Разработка приложений и баз данных Lotus Notes
Хостинг почты IBM Lotus Domino

Вакансии для специалистов (10)

Paralegal - Corporate Paralegal Experience, Lotus Notes
Software Engineer / Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Domino Software Engineer
SE - Lotus Notes Domino
Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF) Job
Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Job
Lotus Notes Administrator (OS-HMB-011) Job
Lotus Notes Administrator Job
Sr. Lotus Notes System/Network Administrator (MPD-CF 19) Job
Sr. Lotus Notes System/Network Administrator (MPD-CF 19) Job

Закладки о Lotus Notes (4)

Achieving high availability with IBM Lotus iNotes
ReservationsDB unisg
VB and VBA - Lotus Notes Send Email from VB or VBA
Welcome! | eProductivity
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  • Новости о ПО Lotus Notes

    1. «Ланк Системс» получила авторизацию по линейке продуктов «Lotus» IBM - IT World

    «Ланк Системс» получила авторизацию по линейке продуктов «Lotus» IBM
    IT World
    Для получения авторизации по продуктам линейки «IBM Lotus» специалисты компании «Ланк Системс» сдали экзамен для менеджеров по продажам «M198 IBM Lotus Notes & Domino Sales Mastery Test v1» и два экзамена для технических специалистов: «M38 IBM Lotus Notes & Domino Technical Sales Mastery Test ...

    и другие »
    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Survey: Is There a Future For Non-XPages Domino How-Tos?

    I've just finished plugging an e-commerce gateway in to an existing Domino website. To do this I added some fields to a standard Domino Form and then ran a Java WQS Agent when it saved to communicate directly, server-to-server, with Authorize.net.

    Nothing particularly ground-breaking in what I did, but there were a few gotchas, which made it tricky. Also, for the non-Java-heads it's would be a little harder than you might expect.

    A couple of years ago this would have been the kind of thing I'd have written a How-To article on. Now, I'm just not sure whether it's worth my time. It would take a good couple of hours (probably more) to write a decent-length how-to, complete with screenshots. Before I do that I need to know it's worth it.

    The thing that's making me wonder this is not just whether people still read this site, but whether there are still people doing old-school non-XPages Domino development out there.

    So, time for a survey:

    There is a survey running with this blog post. Please visit this site to in order to vote.

    Click here to post a response

    2. Advanced XPages Charting with the xCharting Custom Control

    Do more with Dojo charting in XPages. The free YouAtNotes xCharting custom control lets you enhance your charts and easily build dashboards by putting multiple charts on a page. Discover all of the things you can do with it and how to extend it to meet your own requirements. This article builds on the concepts, techniques, and examples presented in "Start Charting with XPages and Dojo" (THE VIEW, April 2011).

    3. Chasing the Cloud, Part 1 – What Domino Administrators and Managers Need to Know

    Solidify your understanding of cloud-based technology and how it affects you and your job. In part 1 of this three-part series, learn the defining characteristics of clouds and their various service and deployment models; find out why it's prudent to at least consider a move to the cloud; and come to terms with what it might mean for you and your career. Then, in part 2, get guidance on assessing your Domino environment for a move to the cloud and selecting a vendor. Part 3 provides advice on migrating your data and users to the cloud.

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    Lotus Sandbox archived

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    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

    If you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:

    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Ярослава Пищулев #627905865

    783538818 http://nohaialhrireo.500mb.net/lotus-notes-demoversiya-skachat.html

    2. Лидия Лаврив #768181142

    15869141 http://lefoottfsugvo.500mb.net/skachat-lotus-notes-65.html

    3. Лайма Жаров #760430453

    474945068 http://dygsulczwizza.500mb.net/skachat-lotus-notes-65.html

    4. Леонтий Макунин #23260524

    587921142 http://huduycncxiffe.500mb.net/lotus-notes-85-skachat.html

    5. Эльдар Севернин #343205333

    191558838 http://xaanyajcf5.500mb.net/skachat-videokurs-lotus-domino.html

    6. Матвей Ктитарев #159629943

    233581543 http://sefciyilr5.500mb.net/lotus-notes-85-skachat.html

    7. Афанасий Шабров #123165083

    77148438 http://qitkubzvm1.500mb.net/skachat-lotus-notes-65.html

    8. Аврора Тяблов #298562581

    45562745 http://buxpokabw1.500mb.net/prolog-na-baze-lotus-notes-skachat.html

    9. Рубен Инородцев #21887370

    294036865 http://vyepoyuqt3.500mb.net/skachat-lotus-notes-65.html

    10. Оксана Кубарев #342320412

    424774170 http://moieegmbd6.500mb.net/lotus-notes-demoversiya-skachat.html

    11. Ольга Лопушанский #964236975

    520874023 http://deskeirct8.500mb.net/skachat-videokurs-lotus-domino.html

    12. Приобретение серверов и установка структурной кабели для создания единой системы ...

    Приобретение серверов и установка структурной кабели для создания единой системы электронного документооборота в аппарате акима города и местных исполнительных органов города по модернизации программы «Lotus Notes» и внедрению электронного документооборота в структурных подразделениях.

    13. Когда-то Lotus Domino владел миром.

    Когда-то Lotus Domino владел миром.

    14. Производительность IBM Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1 

    15. Производительность сервера IBM Lotus Domino 8.5 для пользователей 

    16. Некоторые способы работы с задачами Lotus Notes из конфигурации Террасофт

    Создание записи в Lotus Notes

    17. Нужен Программист Lotus (возможно обучение)

    Опыт разработки web-приложений для IBM Lotus Notes & Domino

    18. Опять про свой сервер и поисковики

    поисковики, lotus domino


    (SAP R3, Lotus Notes).

    20. ViolentOr: @

    Если контора большая и серьезная, то с жабиром мозг тоже ебать не нужно, ибо есть Lotus Notes и Sametime

    21. Осип Македонский #711576696

    609863281 http://vurkusdkv2.500mb.net/skachat-videokurs-lotus-domino.html

    22. Аскольд Полетаев #216966738

    479949951 http://xiwkukbnx4.500mb.net/skachat-videokurs-lotus-domino.html

    23. Lotusphere 2011 Solutions Development Lab 02: Creating and deploying a Java Plugin for Notes and Symphony Part 5

    This is part 5 of a 5 part lab run at Lotusphere 2011 in the Solutions Development Lab on the Showcase floor. This lab detailed how to create a Java plugin for Lotus Notes or Symphony, and shows 3 methods for deploying the plugin. Part 5 documents how to deploy the plugin using a Widget in ...

    24. Ванда Гордеев #112240883

    280975342 http://joyrudgrh6.500mb.net/skachat-videokurs-lotus-domino.html

    25. Берта Коганович #911233242

    393920899 http://hylxoolvz3.500mb.net/lotus-notes-demoversiya-skachat.html

    26. Странный ты какой то, Lotus Notes =))

    Странный ты какой то, Lotus Notes =))

    27. Капитолина Симушин #209643251

    240997315 http://fyyeiejgp8.500mb.net/lotus-notes-skachat.html

    28. Almeza MultiSet Professional 6.2.0.Build 795 MLRUS

    Unix, Linux, Windows, eComStation, OS/2 and Lotus Notes administrators;∙

    29. Хостинг почты IBM Lotus Domino

    lotus хостинг, lotus domino, lotus notes

    30. Уведомление о проведении закупочной процедуры

    ОАО АФК «Система» объявляет о проведении открытого запроса цен на право заключения договора на продление технической поддержки программного обеспечения IBM Lotus Domino и приглашает юридических лиц и индивидуальных предпринимателей подавать свои предложения.

    31. Lotus C Api и русские пути к базам...

    Знаю что называть файлы по-русски плохо, но так "исторически сложилось"...

    Есть библиотека для получения Activity в базах, но она работает только с базами, созданных с английскими названиями файлов..
    Помогите, пожалуйста, поправить скрипт, чтобы можно было работать и с русскими..

    Option Public
    Option Explicit
    Private Const wAPIModule = "NNOTES" ' Windows/32

        Innard1 As Long
        Innard2 As Long
    End Type

        First As TIMEDATE
        Last As TIMEDATE
        Uses As Long
        Reads As Long
        Writes As Long
        PrevDayUses As Long
        PrevDayReads As Long
        PrevDayWrites As Long
        PrevWeekUses As Long
        PrevWeekReads As Long
        PrevWeekWrites As Long
        PrevMonthUses As Long
        PrevMonthReads As Long
        PrevMonthWrites As Long
    End Type

        Time As TIMEDATE
        Reads As Integer
        Writes As Integer
        UserNameOffset As Long
    End Type

    Declare Function W32_NSFDbOpen Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbOpen" ( Byval dbName As String, hDb As Long ) As Integer
    Declare Function W32_NSFDbClose Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbClose" ( Byval hDb As Long ) As Integer
    Declare Function W32_NSFDbGetUserActivity Lib wAPIModule Alias "NSFDbGetUserActivity" ( Byval hDB As Long, Byval flags As Long, retDbActivity As DBActivity, rethUserInfo As Long, retUserCount As Long ) As Integer
    Declare Function W32_OSLockObject Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSLockObject" ( Byval handle ) As Long
    Declare Sub OSUnlockObject Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSUnlockObject" ( Byval handle )
    Declare Sub W32_OSMemFree Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSMemFree" ( Byval handle )
    Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, Byval cbCopy As Long )
    Declare Sub CopyMemoryString Lib "KERNEL32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" ( Byval hpvDest As Lmbcs String, Byval hpvSource As Long, Byval cbCopy As Long )
    Declare Sub ConvertTIMEDATEToText Lib wAPIModule Alias "ConvertTIMEDATEToText" ( Byval IntlFormat As Long,Byval TextFormat As Long, actTIMEDATE As TIMEDATE, Byval retTextBuffer As String,Byval TextBufferLength As Integer,retTextLength As Integer )
    Declare Private Sub OSPathNetConstruct Lib wAPIModule Alias "OSPathNetConstruct" _
    ( Byval PortName As String, Byval ServerName As String,Byval FileName As String, Byval retPathName As String )

    Class NotesUserActivityEntry
        Public UserName As String
        Public Reads As Long
        Public Writes As Long
        Public Time As String
    End Class

    Class NotesUserActivity
        Private hDb As Long
        Private pDbActivity As DBACTIVITY
        Private rethUserInfo As Long
        Private retUserCount As Long
        Private prvdb As NotesDatabase
        Private flgHasActivity As Integer
        Sub Delete
            If Me.flgHasActivity Then Call W32_OSMemFree( rethUserInfo )
            If hDb <> 0 Then Call W32_NSFDbClose( hDb )
        End Sub
        Sub New( inpNotesDatabase As NotesDatabase )
            Dim sDatabase As String
            Dim rc As Integer
            Me.flgHasActivity = False
    'Get a valid NotesDatabase to the specified database
            If inpNotesDatabase Is Nothing Then
                Error 14101, "NotesUserActivity: Database Object is invalid"
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Set prvdb = New NotesDatabase( inpNotesDatabase.Server, inpNotesDatabase.FilePath )
            If prvdb.Server = "" Then
                sDatabase = prvdb.filepath
                sDatabase = String( 1024, " " )
                Call OSPathNetConstruct( Chr( 0 ), prvdb.server, prvdb.filepath, sDatabase )
            End If
            Me.flgHasActivity = False
    'Open the target database
            rc = W32_NSFDbOpen( sDatabase, Me.hDb )
            If rc = 0 Then
    'Get the Summary User information
                rc = W32_NSFDbGetUserActivity( Me.hDb, &h0, Me.pDbActivity, Me.rethUserInfo, Me.retUserCount )
                If rc = 0 Then Me.flgHasActivity = True
                Print "Open database failed"
            End If
        End Sub
    'Global Times
        Public Function First As String
            First = ConvertTIMEtoText( pDbActivity.First )
        End Function
        Public Function Last As String
            Last = ConvertTIMEtoText( pDbActivity.Last )
        End Function
    'Total summary
        Public Function Uses As Long
            Uses = pDbActivity.Uses
        End Function
        Public Function Reads As Long
            Reads = pDbActivity.Reads
        End Function
        Public Function Writes As Long
            Writes = pDbActivity.Writes
        End Function
    'Day summary
        Public Function PrevDayUses As Long
            PrevDayUses = pDbActivity.PrevDayUses
        End Function
        Public Function PrevDayReads As Long
            PrevDayReads = pDbActivity.PrevDayReads
        End Function
        Public Function PrevDayWrites As Long
            PrevDayWrites = pDbActivity.PrevDayReads
        End Function
    'Week summary
        Public Function PrevWeekUses As Long
            PrevWeekUses = pDbActivity.PrevWeekUses
        End Function
        Public Function PrevWeekReads As Long
            PrevWeekReads = pDbActivity.PrevWeekReads
        End Function
        Public Function PrevWeekWrites As Long
            PrevWeekWrites= pDbActivity.PrevWeekWrites
        End Function
    'Month summary
        Public Function PrevMonthUses As Long
            PrevMonthUses = pDbActivity.PrevMonthUses
        End Function
        Public Function PrevMonthReads As Long
            PrevMonthReads = pDbActivity.PrevMonthReads
        End Function
        Public Function PrevMonthWrites As Long
            PrevMonthWrites = pDbActivity.PrevMonthWrites
        End Function
        Public Function UserActivityCount As Long
            UserActivityCount = retUserCount
        End Function
        Public Function HasUserActivity As Integer
            HasUserActivity = Me.flgHasActivity
        End Function
        Public Function Parent As NotesDatabase
            Set Parent = prvdb
        End Function
        Public Function GetNthUserActivityEntry( inpEntry As Long ) As NotesUserActivityEntry
            Dim puActivity As Long
            Dim lEntry As Long
            Dim puActivityEntry As DBACTIVITY_ENTRY
            Dim StructureOffset As Long
            Dim UsernameOffset As Long
            Dim spUsername As String * 256
            Dim sUsername As String
            Dim nuae As New NotesUserActivityEntry
            lEntry = inpEntry - 1
            If Not Me.flgHasActivity Then Error 14104, "NotesUserActivity: No activity available"
            If lEntry > Me.retUserCount Or lEntry < 0 Then
                Error 14103, "NotesUserActivity: Subscript out of range."
            End If
    'Lock the structure get the required entry
            puActivity = W32_OSLockObject( Me.rethUserInfo )
            StructureOffset = puActivity + ( Lenb( puActivityEntry ) * lEntry )
            Call CopyMemory ( puActivityEntry, Byval StructureOffset, Lenb( puActivityEntry ) )
    'Load the User name for the Activity Structure
            UsernameOffset = puActivity + puActivityEntry.UserNameOffset
            spUsername = Space( 256 )
            Call CopyMemoryString( spUsername, UsernameOffset, Lenb( spUsername ) )
            sUserName = Left( spUsername, Instr( spUsername, Chr( 0 ) ) - 1 )
            With nuae
                .UserName = sUserName
                .Reads = puActivityEntry.Reads
                .Writes = puActivityEntry.Writes
                .Time = ConvertTIMEtoText( puActivityEntry.Time )
            End With
            Call OSUnlockObject( rethUserInfo )
            Set GetNthUserActivityEntry = nuae
        End Function
    End Class
    Function ConvertTIMEtoText(TIMESTRUCT As TIMEDATE) As String
        Dim spTime As String * MAXALPHATIMEDATE
        Dim retLength As Integer
        spTime = Space(MAXALPHATIMEDATE)
        Call ConvertTIMEDATEToText (&h0,&h0, TIMESTRUCT, spTime,MAXALPHATIMEDATE,retLength)
        ConvertTIMEtoText = Left(spTime,retLength)
    End Function

    32. Разработка приложений и баз данных Lotus Notes

    lotus domino, lotus notes

    33. Хостинг почты IBM Lotus Domino

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  • Вакансии для специалистов

    1. Paralegal - Corporate Paralegal Experience, Lotus Notes

    Paralegal - Corporate Paralegal Experience, Lotus Notes Posted on:08/12/11 Job Number: 300282-9237-17-284944   Add to Cart   Email to a Friend Location: Malvern, PA Description: Para...

    2. Software Engineer / Lotus Notes Developer

    Position Title Software Engineer / Lotus Notes Developer Location VA - VIENNA - N/A (VAC098) Clearance Required Yes - Final Required to Start Clearance Type Top Secret/SCI (TS/SCI) Daily Responsibilit...

    3. Lotus Notes Domino Software Engineer

    Position Title Lotus Notes Domino Software Engineer Location VA - HERNDON - N/A (VAC032) Clearance Required Yes - Final Required to Start Clearance Type Top Secret/SCI (TS/SCI) Daily Responsibilities ...

    4. SE - Lotus Notes Domino

    Position Title SE - Lotus Notes Domino Location VA - HERNDON - N/A (VAC032) Clearance Required Yes - Final Required to Start Clearance Type Top Secret/SCI (TS/SCI) Daily Responsibilities Provide LN Do...

    5. Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF) Job

    Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF) Full Time Regular posted 6/20/2011 Job Category: MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID: 202537 Able to obtain security clearance?TS/SCI with Polygraph Currently ...

    6. Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Job

    Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Full Time Regular posted 7/11/2011 Job Category: MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID: 204105 Able to obtain security clearance?None Currently possess security cl...

    7. Lotus Notes Administrator (OS-HMB-011) Job

    Lotus Notes Administrator (OS-HMB-011) Full Time Regular posted 8/1/2011 Job Category: MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID: 205558 Able to obtain security clearance?None Currently possess se...

    8. Lotus Notes Administrator Job

    Lotus Notes Administrator Full Time Regular posted 8/25/2011 Job Category: MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID: 207723 Able to obtain security clearance?None Currently possess security clear...

    9. Sr. Lotus Notes System/Network Administrator (MPD-CF 19) Job

    Sr. Lotus Notes System/Network Administrator (MPD-CF 19) Full Time Regular posted 8/29/2011 Job Category: MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID: 207625 Able to obtain security clearance?None C...

    10. Sr. Lotus Notes System/Network Administrator (MPD-CF 19) Job

    Sr. Lotus Notes System/Network Administrator (MPD-CF 19) Full Time Regular posted 8/29/2011 Job Category: MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID: 208011 Able to obtain security clearance?None C...

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