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Новости о ПО Lotus Notes (2)

Канада закроет 280 дата-центров - DOCflow
Канада закроет 280 дата-центров - ComNews.ru

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (3)

The Domino Web Form That Would Not Save
Mobilizing Domino Applications Using Teamstudio Unplugged
XPages Charting for Lotus Notes Applications

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (12)

Adobe Acrobat X Pro v ML RUS
Adobe Acrobat X Professional 10.0.2 (ENG/RUS)
Светозар 271544 Акдавлетов -
Специалист в области инвестиций, финансового моделирования и стратегии
Леонтий 697064 Глызин
Using the ruler to set margins and tabs in Notes documents
Осип(Иосиф) 1094582 Венгерский -
More help for printing calendar entries
Логи и бэкапы :)
Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 430
Хозяйке на заметку - если вы отреклись от Lotus Notes, но вам все еще нужен Sametime,
в lotus notes красивые иконки

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Специалист по разработке и внедрению ERP-систем
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  • Новости о ПО Lotus Notes

    1. Канада закроет 280 дата-центров - DOCflow

    Канада закроет 280 дата-центров
    Согласно официальному сообщению, в настоящее время в государственном аппарате используется более ста различных систем, включая Microsoft Outlook, которую использует 80% департаментов, Lotus Notes (15%) и Novell GroupWise (5%). Дополнительного снижения затрат планируется добиться путем ...

    и другие »

    2. Канада закроет 280 дата-центров - ComNews.ru

    Канада закроет 280 дата-центров
    Согласно официальному сообщению, в настоящее время в государственном аппарате используется более ста различных систем, включая Microsoft Outlook, которую использует 80% департаментов, Lotus Notes (15%) и Novell GroupWise (5%). Дополнительного снижения затрат планируется добиться путем ...

    и другие »
    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. The Domino Web Form That Would Not Save

    The other week I was asked to investigate some issues with a Domino-based website of which the original developer wanted nothing more to do.

    First issue was that a Form was "not working". So I took a look and, sure enough, it wouldn't save documents when submitted from the browser. Pressing the "Submit" button on the form POSTed the Form to the server and a response was received - with a URL ending in "&Seq=1", just like you'd expect.

    I'd even used HTTPWatch to sniff the traffic to make sure it was going between browser/server as it should. It did, but still, nothing got saved. The WQS Agent didn't run and no document was created. It all appeared normal but it did not save.

    Clutching at straws I assumed the Form might be corrupted and set about re-creating it, step-by-step. The new Form worked, up until a certain point when I added in the last part of the HTML. The mystery deepened.

    At this point - 3 hours in - I decided to do what I should have done first and starting working backwards. First I looked at the HTML source. The form's main button looked like this:

    <button id="btnFileSave">Submit</button>

    On it's own this won't do anything. It won't submit the form without something listening to the "on click" event. But the button did submit the form, so it must have had an onclick listener added to it at "runtime".

    In steps Chrome's Developer Tools. By right-clicking the button and choosing Inspect Element I can get a view on its Event Listeners (see right-hand column in window below):


    I normally only ever use this window to inspect the CSS styles for an element, but, as you can see, there's much more to it than that.

    As you can see from the image above, on line 21 of a JavaScript file called js_buttons an event listener is being added to the button. Here's the code in question:

    dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ dojo.query("#btnFileSave").connect( 'onclick', function(e){ submitButton( e , clickSave ); });

    This is using Dojo to look for the button (by ID) and then tells it to run a function called clickSave when clicked. This clickSave function was hidden away in some other JavaScript file and looked like this:

    function clickSave() { return _doClick('823576D5116358B0.232a6e4eafa86a298525632b0056bd8e/$Body/0.70',
    this, null); }

    Ouch. No wonder nothing worked. The function still had the Replica ID of the database from which this copy was made!

    Seasoned Domino developers will know what that is all about. Basically, it's an ugly hack to trick Domino in to thinking a standard Notes button was clicked -- a button which makes the server run @Functions such as FileSave and FileCloseWindow, which, in turn, trigger the WQS Agent. Not something you'd ever catch me doing!

    Changing the DB Replica ID portion of that function to the current database's RepID fixed the issue and the Form now saves when submitted from the browser.

    Lesson Learnt

    The lesson? Always work backwards when debugging! I should have started by looking at the button and not, like I did, at some point deeper, where I assumed the problem must lay.

    More importantly though, if you're ever going to need to pick-apart other people's websites know the tools available to you and what they're capable of. Chrome's Developer Tools is invaluable on occasions like this. Without it I would have been hunting for even longer than I already had just to find out how it worked.

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    2. Mobilizing Domino Applications Using Teamstudio Unplugged

    Discover how to use Teamstudio Unplugged to give mobile users access to your Notes and Domino applications from a mobile device. Get an overview of the platform's architecture and the Notes/Domino features it supports, and then learn the steps to follow when mobilizing an existing Notes or Domino application using Unplugged.

    3. XPages Charting for Lotus Notes Applications

    Learn how to embed XPages that contain charts into classic Lotus Notes applications — either in separate application tabs or even side-by-side with classic Notes elements. Following step-by-step instructions, use the free YouAtNotes xCharting custom control to visualize Notes data in charts that are seamlessly integrated into a Notes client application. This article builds on the concepts, techniques, and examples presented in "Start Charting with XPages and Dojo" (THE VIEW, April 2011) and"Advanced XPages Charting with the xCharting Custom Control" (THE VIEW, May 2011).

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    Lotus Sandbox archived

    The Lotus Sandbox was closed to all new submissions in 2007. Downloads of previous submissions were still available as an archived resource following that closure, but effective September 2010, downloads from the Lotus Sandbox are no longer available.

    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

    If you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:

    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Adobe Acrobat X Pro v ML RUS

    2745625 Reader crashes when choosing «Send» to desktop email application when returning filled form if email client is set to Lotus Notes, the distribution originated from Standard/Pro, and the file name is Unicode.

    2. Adobe Acrobat X Professional 10.0.2 (ENG/RUS)

    Create PDF documents from any application that prints, including one-button conversion from Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, and Access, as well as Firefox and Lotus Notes — without ever leaving your authoring application.∙

    3. Светозар 271544 Акдавлетов -

    sytes.net/iriver-soft-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-rusifikator-dlya-acdsee-pro-25-bez-registracii.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/simulyator-vojdeniya-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-forza-motorsport-3.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/lotus-notes-demoversiya-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-dj-tiesto-sneaky-sound-systemi-will-be-here-benny-benassy-rmx.html http://

    4. Специалист в области инвестиций, финансового моделирования и стратегии

    знание программ АИС Налог, СВОД, Lotus Notes СЭД, Консультант плюс, Гарант и др. ∙

    5. Леонтий 697064 Глызин

    sytes.net/iriver-soft-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-rusifikator-dlya-acdsee-pro-25-bez-registracii.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/simulyator-vojdeniya-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-forza-motorsport-3.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/lotus-notes-demoversiya-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-dj-tiesto-sneaky-sound-systemi-will-be-here-benny-benassy-rmx.html http://

    6. Using the ruler to set margins and tabs in Notes documents

    You can use the ruler to view and set margins. You use the triangles to set right and left margins for paragraphs and for the document itself. If you can't see the ruler, click View Ruler and it will appear. The ruler behaves the way most rulers do. Here are some functions you may not know ...

    7. Осип(Иосиф) 1094582 Венгерский -

    http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-extreme-paintbrawl-4.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/iriver-soft-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-rusifikator-dlya-acdsee-pro-25-bez-registracii.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/simulyator-vojdeniya-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/skachat-forza-motorsport-3.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/lotus-notes-demoversiya-skachat.html http://mtdedicg.sytes.net/

    8. More help for printing calendar entries

    This article tells you how to choose which information to print for each calendar entry, print only the first line of each calendar entry, increase the size of calendar entries (so more info can display), spread a week over 3 pages, or include a banner with the previous, current, and next month, ...

    9. Логи и бэкапы :)

    а во 1-х контроллер домена, во 2-х там Lotus Domino, а на этом лотусе и почтовые базы и документооборот с клиентами начиная с 2006 года (а клиентов-то более 100 000), и сайт....и не просто сайт а с привинченной к нему tomcatom и ораклей....и они как полагается на этом же сервере :)

    10. Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 430

    Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент.

    11. Хозяйке на заметку - если вы отреклись от Lotus Notes, но вам все еще нужен Sametime,

    Хозяйке на заметку - если вы отреклись от Lotus Notes, но вам все еще нужен Sametime, который под мак не достать - вас спасет Adium.

    12. в lotus notes красивые иконки

    в lotus notes красивые иконки
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    1. Специалист по разработке и внедрению ERP-систем


    - опыт разработки ПО на Basic, Pascal или C++)
    - опыт работы с Oracle
    - опыт внедрения ERP-систем (желательно Sunsystems)
    - опыт написание SQL-запросов, администрирование (желательно IBM Cognos ТМ1)
    - приветствуется опыт работы с Lotus Notes 7.0., 1С


    - участие в внедрении внедрения одной из ERP-систем (Sunsystems, Concorde, Axapta)
    - поддержка и развитие OLAP-систем, написание SQL-запросов, администрирование (желательно IBM Cognos ТМ1)
    - непосредственное участие в проектах разработки документооборота на базе Lotus Notes 7.0.
    - анализ и оптимизация существующих бизнес процессов
    - написание макросов, создание презентаций на базе MS Office

    Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами

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    Для администраторов разработчиков и пользователей. Настройка и администрирование, разработка и программирование, пользование системой Lotus Notes
    Документация. YellowBook
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