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Малинова Каролина Владиславовна ?

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 373

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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (7)

Is Domino Really So RAD?
The Five Minute Domino CRUD Website Challenge
Lotus Notes wiki
Lotus Domino wiki
IBM Lotus Quickr wiki
Mobilizing Domino Data Using Kryos Velocity AppXtender
Lotus Votes!<br />A Ready-Made Polling Function for Your Notes 8 Users

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (18)

Малинова Каролина Владиславовна 
Записки Сисадмина
Гусынина Ксения Руслановна
Селиверстова Ольга Валерьевна
Plasma exchange combined with chemotherapy for multiple myeloma clinical ...
Protea AntiVirus Tools, Avast! version 1.03.04
Fucking Lotus Notes!!!!!!! #fb
no subject)
Lotus & Excel
Lotus Notes - самая уродская программа, которую я когда-либо видел.
Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 372
MyPhoneExplorer, Alternatif Software Pendamping Android Agan
Причитал в Lotus Notes раздел Personal Journal как Personal Jesus.
Lotus Notes wiki
Lotus Domino wiki
IBM Lotus Quickr wiki
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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Is Domino Really So RAD?

    Last night I posted a screencast of me trying to build a Domino CRUD website in 5 minutes. I failed. This morning I tried again. I failed again.

    Here's what I'm trying to achieve in the 5 minutes:

    • Create a new site from scratch
    • Add a form to let me add, view, edit and delete Contact records
    • Add a view to let me see a list of all the Contact records
    • Add a new Contact record for myself
    • Edit that new contact record and change the phone number
    • Delete the record

    Easily done in 5 minutes, right? Seems not. Here's my second attempt:

    It's the fiddly bits like adding edit/delete links and adding all the columns to the view that take up most of the time.

    Maybe it can be done quicker? If you think so then please have a stab and records your efforts using Screenr.

    I'd also be very interested to see somebody do it using XPages too!! Not only because I'm interested to see how, but also to see whether it's any faster than Domino classic.

    A Quicker Way

    Here's me doing the same things in ASP.NET MVC 3 using Visual Studio and getting it all done in 2 minutes 30 seconds.

    All I needed to do was define the "fields" in my Model class and let MvcScaffolding do the rest. Without scaffolding then it would probably take the best part of a morning to hand-write all the code for this! The scaffolding code even created the backend database and table for me!

    You could argue that using a scaffolder is cheating, but the fact is, I got it done in half the time. If there were a way to scaffold the tedious parts of making this in Domino then I'd have used that too.

    And My Point Is?

    There's no real point to this. It's just a bit of fun really. Although I did want to introduce you to the concept of scaffolding and, in particular, its use with ASP.NET MVC. I already thought MVC "rocked" but now I can scaffold my apps it's just blown me away.

    More generally my point is: don't go thinking that Domino is the only RAD tool out there and that other platforms take forever.

    At the end of the day though this is all pointless. No real world solution is ever built in 5 minutes and nor should it be.

    Click here to post a response

    2. The Five Minute Domino CRUD Website Challenge

    We all know how quickly you can create a functioning website using Domino, right?

    But. Is there another platform that lets you create CRUD-like websites as quickly as Domino does? Well, you might be surprised to hear (I think) I can do it just as fast (perhaps faster?) in ASP.NET MVC!

    To prove the point I wanted to time myself doing a similar task in both environments. Then I decided it would make sense to try and record (and share) it with you. In steps Screenr.com, which lets you do screencasts without installing any software (apart from Java) and for free.

    Screenr has a time limit per screencast of 5 minutes, which should be ample and I've set that as the limit for how long it must take to build either site.

    The site I'm going to build is a simple store of contact documents. Each document will store the name, company, phone and email of the person. You should be able to view them all, edit each one as well as delete the entries.

    Using Screenr I managed to easily put this screencast online of a demo run:

    I need to work out why my mic isn't working properly.

    What surprised me was how quickly five minutes passes. After 5 minutes I hadn't added a way to edit or delete documents. On the next attempt I'll skip creating tables on the form and other bits not needed. I'm sure I can do it in 5 mins.

    But, anyway, over the next couple of days I hope to show two screencasts of creating the CRUD Contacts website - one with Domino and one with ASP.NET MVC.

    In the mean time why not time youself and see how quickly you can do it? If you know of another environment where you think you can do it as quickly then why not share a screencast of you doing that?

    * CRUD = Create, Read, Update and Delete

    Click here to post a response

    3. Lotus Notes wiki

    Learn how to use IBM Lotus Notes, contribute to its product knowledge base, and collaborate with others. Find IBM Product Documentation and Learning Center materials, including how-to videos and getting started materials, and supplemental articles written by Lotus community members.

    4. Lotus Domino wiki

    Learn how to use IBM Lotus Domino, contribute to its product knowledge base, and collaborate with others. Find IBM Product Documentation and Learning Center materials, including how-to videos and getting started materials, and supplemental articles written by Lotus community members.

    5. IBM Lotus Quickr wiki

    Learn how to use IBM Lotus Quickr, contribute to its product knowledge base, and collaborate with others. Find IBM Product Documentation and Learning Center materials, including how-to videos and getting started materials, and supplemental articles written by Lotus community members.

    6. Mobilizing Domino Data Using Kryos Velocity AppXtender

    Find out how to use Kryos Velocity AppXtender for Lotus Domino to give users access to your Notes applications from their mobile devices. Get an overview of the platform's architecture, the Notes features it supports, and a demonstration of the steps to follow when mobilizing an application with Velocity.

    7. Lotus Votes!<br />A Ready-Made Polling Function for Your Notes 8 Users

    Provide your Notes mail users with a quick, easy way to create a poll and track responses on the fly just like Outlook users do. Learn the key concepts underlying the QuickPoll solution, which is available for download, so you can better understand how it works and apply the same principles to solve other business needs where it would be helpful to programatically create elements in Notes documents.

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    Lotus Sandbox archived

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    If you need to contact us regarding the removal of the Lotus Sandbox, please use our feedback form.

    Resources for samples and templates

    If you are looking for samples and templates for use with Lotus products, please use these resources:

    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Малинова Каролина Владиславовна 

    IBM Lotus Notes, The Bat

    2. Записки Сисадмина

    Сказал ему, чтобы прекратил нытье, так как Lotus Notes выглядит одинаково как на монохромном мониторе, так и на цветном.

    3. тренинг-менеджер

    Microsoft Word‚ Access‚ Excel‚ Front Page‚ Field Explorer‚ Mathcad‚ Matlab‚ Electronics Workbench‚ Design Lab‚ Adobe Photoshop‚ Fine Reader‚ Corel Draw‚ Autocad; Outlook Express‚ Lotus Notes (Sametime Client)‚ Internet-технологий; -

    4. Гусынина Ксения Руслановна

    1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Банк-Клиент

    5. Селиверстова Ольга Валерьевна

    CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word

    6. Plasma exchange combined with chemotherapy for multiple myeloma clinical ...

    We use the 22 patients (1998-02-15 closing prayer tease lotus Biquan trial) Note:

    7. Protea AntiVirus Tools, Avast! version 1.03.04

    Антивирусный пакет Protea AntiVirus Tools for Lotus Domino предназначен для обеспечения защиты от вирусов в системе Lotus Domino.

    8. google

    Outlook Email Outlook Express Word Excel Powerpoint Internet Explorer AOL Instant Messenger Netscape Mail / Thunderbird Enterprise Edition also includes Lotus Notes Email Netscape / Firefox / Mozilla PDF Music Images Video QQ MSN Messenger, through the use of plug-ins, Google Desktop Search is also can support any kind of file, the premise is that you must have this file type plugin (whether Google developed

    9. Fucking Lotus Notes!!!!!!! #fb

    Fucking Lotus Notes!!!!!!! #fb

    10. no subject)

    Впрочем сегодня, пока докладчик вспоминал, как сделать календарный вид в Lotus Notes, я успел написать "Базу клиентов" с индесированным поиском и возможностью добавления событий.

    11. Lotus & Excel

    Всем привет!

    Постановка задачи:

    юзер, инициирует запрос к ораклу, после откривается ексель и данние из оракловских таблиц попадают в ексель. дальше юзер добавляет или изменяет Некоторие данние сохраняет документ. после етого нужно нажать на кнопку и данние из екселя попадают в документ лотуса.


    можна ли на скрипте(если можно вобще) вицепить когда юзер закрил ексель, и сразу запустить импорт из екселя в документ лотуса

    12. Lotus Notes - самая уродская программа, которую я когда-либо видел.

    Lotus Notes - самая уродская программа, которую я когда-либо видел.

    13. Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 372

    tns-counter.ru --> <!--/ tns-counter.ru --> Служба рассылок MailList.ru компании АГАВА Архив рассылки Lotus Notes/Domino.

    14. MyPhoneExplorer, Alternatif Software Pendamping Android Agan

    Adressbook - dengan sync langsung ke Outlook, GMail, kontak Windows, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Lotus Notes dan Tobit David-

    15. Причитал в Lotus Notes раздел Personal Journal как Personal Jesus.

    Причитал в Lotus Notes раздел Personal Journal как Personal Jesus.

    16. Lotus Notes wiki

    Learn how to use IBM Lotus Notes, contribute to its product knowledge base, and collaborate with others. Find IBM Product Documentation and Learning Center materials, including how-to videos and getting started materials, and supplemental articles written by Lotus community members.

    17. Lotus Domino wiki

    Learn how to use IBM Lotus Domino, contribute to its product knowledge base, and collaborate with others. Find IBM Product Documentation and Learning Center materials, including how-to videos and getting started materials, and supplemental articles written by Lotus community members.

    18. IBM Lotus Quickr wiki

    Learn how to use IBM Lotus Quickr, contribute to its product knowledge base, and collaborate with others. Find IBM Product Documentation and Learning Center materials, including how-to videos and getting started materials, and supplemental articles written by Lotus community members.
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