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Lotus Notes 8.5 Activities sidebar options greyed out when trying to configure the connection settings for Lotuslive Activities.

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 363

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CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (2)

Using AJAX Hashbangs With Domino Login Redirects
Version Control for Domino Designer, Part 2 -- A How-to Guide to the Basic Use Cases

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (15)

Fred Baker
Контра (cs 1.6)
eso4600 Уже лет 12 не работал с Lotus Notes...
Task Coach 1.1.3 + Portable
Руководство по безопасности в Lotus Notes Сетевая безопасность на основе серверных
Остробород Олег Анатольевич
Багрянцева Инна Альбертовна
Attachment Size limitation with Lotus Notes Traveler on Nokia devices
... 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, ...
Чавкин Даниил Семенович
Орданский Егор Григорьевич 
Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 362
Хостинг на домашнем компьютере - 6
Переподписать агент на Ls
Низкоус Афанасий Петрович

Вакансии для специалистов (10)

IBM Lotus Notes Traveler System Technical support
Lotus Notes Administrator
Software Engineer / Lotus Notes Developer
Systems Engineer / Lotus Notes Domino Engineer
Business Programmer/Analyst - Lotus Notes Emphasis
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes/Domino Developer
Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF)
Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF)
Lotus Notes Developer (MPD_CF)

Закладки о Lotus Notes (3)

Lotus Notes 8.5 Activities sidebar options greyed out when trying to configure the connection settings for Lotuslive Activities.
Main page | Skytus.com
docview.wss (application/pdf-Objekt)
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    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. Using AJAX Hashbangs With Domino Login Redirects

    What a title. Never thought I'd say "hash bang". In fact last week I said it out loud. To a person. Little surprise that they just stared back and said "You what?"

    The developer I was talking to has built a Domino-powered website that uses Ajax to load all the content. Putting aside the whys and wherefores for now, the big question I had was "How do you bookmark a page or send out emails with links to content?". Their answer: "Errm, we can't".

    They asked if I knew a way round not being able to "deep link" and that's when I said "hashbangs".

    What Is A Hashbang?

    Here's a URL to a page on Twitter that shows the nonsense I spout my tweets:


    I've highlighted the Hashbang part of it. It's the number/pound/hash sign (#) followed by an exclamation/bang sign (!).

    As I'm sure you know, the # symbol in a URL signifies the start of the anchor/hash region. It's the way you tell the browser which part of the page to jump to once it's loaded.

    The important point about URL hashes is that they do not get sent to the server. The server doesn't care what part of the page you want to jump to once it's been loaded back from the server.

    If you loaded the above Twitter URL and looked at the HTTP traffic you'd see the browser requested a GET for "http://twitter.com/" and nothing else. The server returns the content at the root of the site. Then, in the page's "onload" event, it uses JavaScript to examine the browser's URL to see what's in the location.hash property. If it starts with an exclamation mark then it knows to use Ajax to request more from the server.

    Why use an exclamation mark? I'm not sure, but I guess one reason is that it's not a legal character to use in an ID in the DOM, so it's not a legal anchor. The other reason is probably embedded in Unix/Perl geekery.

    So, that's how Twitter (and a few other sites) works. When you click on other Twitter-based URLs inside Twitter it just changes the URLs hash at the same time as it sends off an Ajax request. The whole page does not reload each time.

    Whether hashbangs are evil is a matter for debate and not something I want to get in to right now. What I want to talk about is how you can use them with Domino. In particular Domino sites that require the user logs in.

    Using HashBangs With Authenticated Domino Websites

    Hashbangs work with Domino. There's no reason they shouldn't. It doesn't matter what server you're using really, as it's all about the JavaScript.

    The problems start when your Domino site requires you login. If you click a URL that has a hashbang in it and Domino asks you to login, once you've logged in the hashbang will disappear from the URL.

    This happens because the Domino login form uses a hidden field called RedirectTo to store the URL to which a user is returned once authenticated and that field doesn't have the hashbang in it.

    Here's the standard "custom" login form from domcfg.nsf:


    Notice the RedirectTo field is "type=hidden". Remove that HTML tag so the field shows and you'll see something like this when accessing a Hashbang site that requires authentication:


    See how the hashbang is missing!! You get redirected to the URL minus the #! part.

    It's because the server doesn't know about the hashbang part of the URL because the browsers doesn't send that part along with the GET request.

    As a workaround you can add some JavaScript code immediately after the RedirectTo field, like so:


    This code adds the hashbang to the current value of the RedirectTo field. The server then returns the user to the right URL once logged in.

    You might be thinking "But, this won't work without JavaScript!". No, it won't. But then neither will the whole Hashbang approach or the whole site for that matter, so it's doesn't really matter in this case.

    Notice we didn't put this code in the page's onload event. Onload doesn't fire until all the images are loaded. If, for any reason, that takes longer than it takes the user to enter their credentials (maybe their browser remembers them and they just press enter) then the trick won't work. By putting the code inline with the HTML we "guarantee" it gets applied in time.

    Here's what we now see:


    Hey presto! Problem solved. Once they've logged in and arrived at your database (hashbang intact) you use the page's onload/domReady event to examine the URL and use Ajax to fetch the right bits.

    Click here to post a response

    2. Version Control for Domino Designer, Part 2 -- A How-to Guide to the Basic Use Cases

    Get the peace of mind that comes with having all versions of your code safely stored and readily accessible. Thanks to a new plug-in for IBM Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.2, you can now compare recent versions of your code with older versions and safely return to a working version of your code any time after making changes. In part 1, acquire a grounding in basic versioning concepts and step-by-step instructions for setting up your Designer environment to work with version-control software. Then, in part 2, learn to work with version control in most common scenarios.

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    Resources for samples and templates

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    • IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog
      The IBM Lotus and WebSphere Portal Business Solutions Catalog on Lotus Greenhouse is a rich, Web 2.0 style catalog designed to dynamically deliver widgets, plug-ins, portlets, and sample applications across the entire Lotus and WebSphere Portal software portfolio.
    • OpenNTF.org
      OpenNTF is devoted to enabling groups of individuals all over the world to collaborate on IBM Lotus Notes/Domino applications and release them as open source, providing a framework for the community so that open source applications may be freely distributed, using widely accepted licensing terms, and increasing the quality and quantity of templates, applications and samples that are shared by the community.
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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Fred Baker

    Много ремиксов были сделаны вместе под названием проекта «г-н Сэм» для подобных Шинейд О’Коннор, Corvin Dalek, Хану Праги, Мальчику Кругооборота, Тони Хэдли (исключая Балетом Шпандау), Todd Terry, Kay Cee, Miro, Niels van Gogh, Lotus, D-Note, Lost Witness, Amber, Laysia, Dj One Finger, Jaimy &, Urban Electro Squad, A Split Second, Zippora, Blank & Jones, к имени немногих.

    2. Контра (cs 1.6)

    По прошествии вот уже 14 лет разработок Wine хотя и получил большие возможности, но так и не стал удобным в офисных и иных приложений Windows, вроде Microsoft Office, Lotus Notes, Macromedia Dreamweaver и Flash MX, Adobe Photoshop, Apple iTunes и прочих, поддерживаются и некоторые игры (Half-Life, Counter-Strike, World of Warcraft).

    3. eso4600 Уже лет 12 не работал с Lotus Notes...

    eso4600 Уже лет 12 не работал с Lotus Notes...

    4. Task Coach 1.1.3 + Portable

    Программа появилась в результате неудовлетворенности доступными ныне менеджерами задач, например Outlook или Lotus Notes, которые не обладают инструментами для создания сложных задач.

    5. Руководство по безопасности в Lotus Notes Сетевая безопасность на основе серверных

    Руководство по безопасности в Lotus Notes Сетевая безопасность на основе серверных продуктов Microsoft

    6. Остробород Олег Анатольевич

    AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Outlook

    7. Багрянцева Инна Альбертовна

    1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office

    8. Attachment Size limitation with Lotus Notes Traveler on Nokia devices

    On Nokia Symbian devices running Lotus Notes Traveler, the size of attachments received in emails is limited to a maximum of 7MB of base64 encoding. This is approximately 5MB in actual size.

    9. ... 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, ...

    10. Чавкин Даниил Семенович

    AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word, The Bat

    11. Орданский Егор Григорьевич 

    IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, WebMoney

    12. Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 362

    tns-counter.ru --> <!--/ tns-counter.ru --> Служба рассылок MailList.ru компании АГАВА Архив рассылки Lotus Notes/Domino.

    13. Хостинг на домашнем компьютере - 6

    Например на тот же Lotus Domino.

    14. Переподписать агент на Ls

    Добрый день, уважаемые соучастники!

    Хочу выборочно переподписать серверным ID некоторые агенты в некоторых базах.
    Вариантов вижу два:
    1. административный (он же скучный, он же запасной) - сесть за консоль сервера, и в дизайнере под серверным ID переподписать нужные агенты;
    2. программный (он же интересный) - серверным агентом, работающим on behalf of Server, переподписать нужные агенты с помощью метода NotesAgent.Save.

    Ессно, пошел по п. 2 - сделал серверного агента, работает on behalf of server, runtime security level у него 3-ий, привилегии на подписание таких агентов на сервере у меня есть.
    Агент выполняется, ошибок никаких не выдает, одна беда - вызов метода NotesAgent.Save не переподписывает агент wacko.gif

    Буду рад любым советам!

    P.S. Вариант использовать инструмент "Sign" в Lotus Domino Administrator не предлагайте, ибо серверным ID он умеет переподписывать только всю базу целиком smile.gif

    15. Низкоус Афанасий Петрович

    Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, The Bat, Банк-Клиент
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  • Вакансии для специалистов

    1. IBM Lotus Notes Traveler System Technical support

    IBM Lotus Notes Traveler System Technical support Posted on:01/17/11 Job Number: 300793-8879-12-272866   Add to Cart   Email to a Friend Location: Mayfield Heights, OH Description: We...

    2. Lotus Notes Administrator

    Lotus Notes Administrator Posted on:01/18/11 Job Number: 300209-8968-12-272896   Add to Cart   Email to a Friend Location: Rock Hill, SC Description: Are you an experienced Lotus Note...

    3. Software Engineer / Lotus Notes Developer

    Position Title Software Engineer / Lotus Notes Developer Location VA - VIENNA-CLASSIFIED (VAC098) Clearance Required Yes - Required to Start Clearance Type TS/SCI with Lifestyle Poly Daily Responsibil...

    4. Systems Engineer / Lotus Notes Domino Engineer

    Position Title Systems Engineer / Lotus Notes Domino Engineer Location VA - VIENNA-CLASSIFIED (VAC098) Clearance Required Yes - Required to Start Clearance Type TS/SCI with Lifestyle Poly Daily Respon...

    5. Business Programmer/Analyst - Lotus Notes Emphasis

    Business Programmer/Analyst - Lotus Notes Emphasis Job Title: Business Programmer/Analyst - Lotus Notes Emphasis Job Type: Full-Time Location: Pullman, WA Job Description: The Opportunity:S...

    6. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 1/10/2011 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 191455 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security clearance...

    7. Lotus Notes/Domino Developer

    Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Full Time Regular posted 2/8/2011 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 193402 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security cle...

    8. Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF)

    Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF) Full Time Regular posted 4/8/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 171244 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security c...

    9. Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF)

    Lotus Notes Developer (MPD-CF) Full Time Regular posted 9/29/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 184769 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security ...

    10. Lotus Notes Developer (MPD_CF)

    Lotus Notes Developer (MPD_CF) Full Time Regular posted 10/4/2010 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 185108 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess security ...

    Закладки о Lotus Notes

    1. Lotus Notes 8.5 Activities sidebar options greyed out when trying to configure the connection settings for Lotuslive Activities.

    2. Main page | Skytus.com

    Skytus is a simple tool that improves communication and collaboration facilities for Lotus Notes users. It combines power features of both applications, Skype and IBM Lotus Notes. Lotus Notes users are typically have big number of corporate and private contacts in personal address books, in the same time they use Skype for direct communication with these contacts. It could be calls or chats, depending on current minute needs.

    3. docview.wss (application/pdf-Objekt)

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    Документация. YellowBook
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