Новейшие технологии распознавания ABBYY доступны в СЭД «MasterDOC» бесплатно Express-Release.com (пресс-релиз) Система электронного документооборота MasterDOC построена на программной платформе IBM Lotus Notes/Domino, которая является надежной, масштабируемой платформой для создания крупных информационных систем, ориентированных на работу с документами. Система электронного документооборота MasterDOC уже ...
Yesterday I started using TweetDeck instead of Twitter.com as a tool for reading/posting tweets and boy am I glad I did. If you're stilling using Twitter.com, stop!
Anyway, first thing I did was set up some search columns - two of which you can see below. On the left is a "real time" feed of tweets that have the word sharepoint in and on the right those that have the words lotus and domino in them.
The picture kind of speaks for itself -- there seems to be a tweet about SharePoint on average once a minute (if not more), whereas Domino tweets are about a dozen a day.
My point being that one of them seems a happening, buzz-filled place to be and the other doesn't.
Perhaps this isn't fair? It's hard to track down all of the Lotus Domino tweets via search, as searching for just Domino brings up too much other stuff, while looking for both "Lotus" and "Domino" undoubtedly misses out tweets about Domino which don't have both words in them. But, nonetheless, I think it speaks volumes. Not looking for a flame war (it's not like I'm firmly on either side or anything), just thought I'd mention it.
Going to have to remove the sharepoint search for now, as there are so many popup notifications that's it's a constant distraction.
Master the art of getting things done in your Domino Web applications with LotusScript agents. Find out what you can do with agents and learn how to build them. Use agents to write directly to the Web user's screen, send JavaScript code from your application to the browser, and enable fast-performing Web pages for users as part of an Ajax implementation. A demonstration database contains everything you need to follow along with the examples.
In many environments, it is necessary to use an existing Microsoft IIS server as the frontend Web server for transparently forwarding HTTP requests to a backend Domino web server, effectively allowing users to access Domino databases through IIS. This is a common scenario when the IIS server is ...
Добрый день, доводилось ли кому нибудь генерировать Xpages страницы программно, есть ли способ править их XMLину, или получить доступ к DOM уже отрендереного документа, но на стороне сервера?
Под системами электронного документооборота понимаются системы, как правило, разрабатываемые в рамках одной организации, обмен в которой осуществляется средствами реляционно-ориентированных СУБД типа DB2, Informix или средствами LotusNotesDomino.
The IBM Lotus iNotes Redirect database is an application that can be used to redirect a user's browser to their iNotes mailfile based on the credentials provided by the user. One of the options available when configuring this database is the ability to enable "Personal Options", which allows users ...
Задача простая: дать пользователям редактировать один и тот же документ как в Lotus клиенте, так и через браузер. С клиентом нет проблем, в браузере все поля в режиме только для чтения.
Где-то что-то недонастроено ...
Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
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