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Howard Stern uses Lotus Notes
Новости о ПО Lotus Notes1. Билет в облака от IBM за 200 долларов - iBusiness.ru
2. ИТ-ликбез. Полезные программы для интернет-пользователя - IT.TUT.BY
3. Компания Новософт приняла участие в семинаре продаж 1С - B2Blogger.com (пресс-релиз)
4. Simmbook: "облачный" нетбук за $190 - 3DNews
5. Разработчик СЭД, ОАО «Банкомсвязь» сообщает о дополнении системы электрооного документооборота MasterDoc новым модулем «Оптическое распознавание изображения». - B2Blogger.com (пресс-релиз)
6. Нетбук по цене менее 200 долларов - Астера - Новости ИТ-бизнеса
7. Simmbook – нетбук для африканцев - Компьютерный журнал F1CD
8. Нетбук за 190 долларов от IBM и Simmtronics - Открытые системы
9. Компания Simmtronics предлагает на развивающихся рынках нетбуки по цене ниже 200 долларов, снабженные программным обеспечением IBM и возможностью доступа к ... - mskIT.ru
10. IBM, Canonical и Simmtronics выпустили нетбук стоимостью $190 - Компьютерное Обозрение
Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны1. Getting started with DB2 Express-C for Lotus FoundationsIBM introduces DB2 Express-C for Lotus Foundations, which adds a fast and scalable database product to the Lotus Foundations family. This article provides an overview of the Lotus Foundations architecture and describes how the DB2 Add-on fits into this architecture. You'll also learn how to install and configure the Add-on.2. Lotus downloadsAccess Lotus downloads, including product trials, emerging technologies, updates, fixes, utilities and drivers.3. My Very First Adobe AIR Application | BlogLast week a friend (of a friend) called wanting advice on how to write a bit of software to fetch temperature readings from his log-fired boiler. What at first seemed like a bit of an odd request soon got the geek in me interested and I ended up tinkering with a "proof of concept" that led to me creating my first Adobe AIR application. Said friend lives in the sticks and heats his house using a log-fired burner and a huge tank of hot water. Both have thermometers on them which are connected to a 1-Wire system, which is connected to his router/LAN. This device has an IP address and hosts a web server. You can use an "API" to request certain URLs, passing in the addresses of the thermometers and it returns HTML tables of temperatures. What friend wanted was an easier way to monitor the temperatures. So I threw together a browser-based Flex app to request and parse the HTML. Although this worked locally with the test HTML I had, it didn't work for him when online. The reason it wouldn't work is that the Flash player (when in the browser) can't access data from a URL on a server that doesn't have the cross-domain policy file on it. Because the embedded server on his device didn't have one (and there was no way to add it) I had to give up on a web-based Flex solution. Instead I converted the Flex project to an AIR project. As the Flex code then runs from the desktop it isn't as paranoid as when in the browser and so it can request data over HTTP from servers without a policy file on them. This was the first time I'd created an AIR app and was amazed how easy it was. If you can create a Flex app you already know how to create an AIR app. All I did to migrate my un-workable Flex attempt over to AIR was create a new AIR project, paste the code over and re-compile it. The output from the AIR project, rather than being an .SWF file is an .AIR "package" (which has the SWF in it along with some other bits and bobs). You can then install this locally and/or distribute it to other people who have the AIR runtime installed by email or web download etc. Here's the app running on Mac OS X (just to prove a point about it being cross-platform): Notice how I've made the app fixed-size and disabled the maximize button. Two things you can't do with a web-app. Notice the pretty little transparent thermometer icon in the dock (a PNG file which I stole from Google Images). Again, not something you'd get with a web-based app. So, what's best? Flex in the web or in AIR? I'll talk more about this tomorrow and at some point hope to have an AIR app you can install that interacts with Domino, so you can decide for yourself. As always though, it's "horse for courses". 4. JavaScript for XPages: Writing Successful Client-Side CodeWorking with JavaScript in XPages is not the same as working with JavaScript in classic Notes and Domino, nor anywhere else for that matter. Discover the differences and learn techniques and concepts for writing client-side JavaScript in XPages. This is the first of a series of articles for Domino developers on adapting their JavaScript skills for XPages. Форумы о Lotus Notes/Domino:
Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы1. Quest InTrust!!!! вот ис дас?InTrust понимает достаточное количество форматов логов (к сожалению пока не научился читать форматы логов Lotus Notes, все равно надо с него мигрироваться на Microsoft Exchange Server) и список поддерживаемых приложений, девайсов и ОС очень не хилый.2. Шагина Христина ГеннадьевнаAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, The Bat3. Горбов Матвей РостиславовичIBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, QuarkXPress4. Трешникова Анна Даниловна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, MS Active Directory, Банк-Клиент5. Фасонов Дмитрий Федорович1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, QuarkXPress6. Островитинова Ксения Юрьевна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, The Bat, Консультант+7. Кокушкин Олег Львович1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat8. Очиров Яков Андреевич1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, WebMoney9. Корнякова Зоя Филипповна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, Банк-Клиент10. Себастьянская Алиса КирилловнаCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, QuarkXPress, The Bat, WebMoney11. Рыкунов Кирилл БогдановичAdobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, QuarkXPress, The Bat, WebMoney, Консультант+12. Хрущов Сергей ЛьвовичIBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel13. Данилюк Лев Романович1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Excel, QuarkXPress, Консультант+14. Валдаева Светлана ЯрославовнаIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, WebMoney, Банк-Клиент15. Шакловитов Лев ЯрославовичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress, WebMoney16. Туликов Денис ДанииловичAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Outlook17. Тарарышкина Жанна КонстантиновнаIBM Lotus Notes18. Туликов Артур ВадимовичIBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, The Bat19. Скуловатова Ева Егоровна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word, Outlook, QuarkXPress20. Нагой Максим Егорович1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress, WebMoney21. Пантеровская Зоя ДенисовнаAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook, QuarkXPress22. Линевич Олег КирилловичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress, WebMoney, Консультант+23. Самохвал Олег Игоревич1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint24. Фойницкий Леонид ЯковлевичAdobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Word, Outlook25. Федин Борис АртемовичIBM Lotus Notes, WebMoney26. Водолазко Мария Афанасьевна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook27. Банина Яна Ростиславовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, QuarkXPress, Банк-Клиент28. Цыбасова Олеся ФедоровнаIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Outlook29. Корзухина Валентина Артемовна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, The Bat30. Мелузова Галина Викторовна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, The Bat, WebMoney31. Хаврюшина Анжелика Ярославовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word32. Чернавский Сергей МихайловичIBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office33. Петрив Екатерина Алексеевна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office34. Безмалый Федор Игоревич1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint35. Северцов Федор ВитальевичAdobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes36. Петух Олеся Олеговна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, MS Active Directory, Консультант+37. Хлебодарова Полина Олеговна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Office, Outlook, The Bat38. Романкова Валентина Михайловна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, QuarkXPress, Банк-Клиент, Консультант+39. Химушкина Оксана Викторовна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access40. Курашов Николай ВячеславовичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, Банк-Клиент41. Мазицына Ирина Николаевна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Консультант+42. Лифанов Захар АнатольевичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel43. Борзов Антон Геннадьевич1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, The Bat44. Ганихина Анжелика Ефимовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access45. Пескина Таисия ВалерьевнаAdobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint, Консультант+46. Смердова Ульяна ДмитриевнаIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator47. Царенко Александра Леонидовна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel, Outlook, Банк-Клиент48. Могилат Карина КирилловнаAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Outlook49. Гундобин Максим Афанасьевич1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, Банк-Клиент50. Типикина Богдана Вячеславовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access51. Вьюрков Сергей РостиславовичIBM Lotus Notes52. Getting started with DB2 Express-C for Lotus FoundationsIBM introduces DB2 Express-C for Lotus Foundations, which adds a fast and scalable database product to the Lotus Foundations family. This article provides an overview of the Lotus Foundations architecture and describes how the DB2 Add-on fits into this architecture. You'll also learn how to install and configure the Add-on.53. Simmbook: «облачный» нетбук за $190В зависимости от варианта поставки, программный пакет нетбука может быть дополнен ПО Lotus Notes, Lotus Sametime и другими приложениями IBM Lotus для рабочего взаимодействия.54. Лучина Лилия Филипповна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Word, Outlook, WebMoney55. Чекшин Вячеслав ДмитриевичAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress, WebMoney56. Маланьина Евгения Павловна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, The Bat57. Телюкова Юлия Вадимовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress, WebMoney, Консультант+58. Свериденко Карина БогдановнаAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, QuarkXPress59. Дмитричева Раиса ГригорьевнаAdobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Банк-Клиент60. Цыпова Ирина ЕвгеньевнаIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat61. Омельков Яков Алексеевич1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress62. Янкин Константин БогдановичIBM Lotus Notes, The Bat63. Using Directory Links to access data outside the Notes\Data pathFor years, IBM has allowed Administrators to store data outside of the standard NotesData path, just many are not aware of it. If you are running out of space on your Domino servers, you may want to store your user mail files or Domino applications on cheaper storage devices, or if you are ...64. Getting started: Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.1New users Demo This demonstration shows how to install Lotus Notes Traveler on a Windows Mobile device. Get the Lotus Learning Widget Install the Lotus Learning widget for Lotus Notes Traveler in your sidebar. Put tours, tutorials, videos, reference cards, right at your elbow. ...65. Knowledge Collection: Known issues with Notes/Domino & BlackBerryTechnote 1159330 Knowledge Collection: Known issues with NotesDomino BlackBerry66. How do I view images in PDF files on my blackberry?Having retrieved the attachment to your BlackBerry and opened it for viewing, use the trackwheel to scroll through the document. If you see an image in the document, scrolling, while using the trackwheel will highlight the image in grey. When the image is highlighted, press the Trackwheel and ...67. Installing the Learning Widget into Lotus iNotes 8.5.1p The IBM® Lotus® Learning Widget is a widget that is used to view and filter learning materials inside your IBM Lotus iNotes client version 8.5.1.p Installing the Learning Widget Follow these steps to install the Learning Widget into Lotus iNotes. Open the Lotus iNotes client.brbr In ...68. Installing the Learning Widget into Lotus iNotes 8.5.1p The IBM® Lotus® Learning Widget is a widget that is used to view and filter learning materials inside your IBM Lotus iNotes client version 8.5.1.p Installing the Learning Widget Follow these steps to install the Learning Widget into Lotus iNotes. Open the Lotus iNotes client.brbr In ...69. Can I hide Lotus Notes sent mail in the BlackBerry Inbox?To change this, go into Messages on your BlackBerry, click the trackwheel and select Options from the menu and then General Options. Change the Hide Sent Messages option to Yes.70. How do I add a signature to outgoing messages on my BlackBerry?Answer: This procedure will allow you to include a signature on outgoing emails from your BlackBerry. You can set this up directly from your BlackBerry or through the BlackBerry Desktop Manager. Both options are described below. From your BlackBerry: 1. Go into your BlackBerry ...71. Blackberry Hidden Options For The AdminWe've all been there, a user calls the helpdesk saying that their blackberry isn't syncing emails properly. One solution is to wipe the blackberry and setup enterprise activation again but depending on the user and size of their mailbox this can be a long process so here are a few hints that I've ...72. Configuring Domino to run with BlackBerry Internet Service, BIS.After setting up your BlackBerry device and the account. Your next step is to determine which protocol is to be used to pull messages down to your device. To help determine which protocol to use contact your cell service provider. You can also review the technote 'IMAP VS. POP3' to get an ...73. BlackBerry Desktop SoftwareBlackBerry Desktop Manager: http:na.blackberry.comengservicesdesktop For PC: (Download) http:na.blackberry.comengsupportsoftwaredesktop.jsp (Documentation User Guide) ...74. Tips & Tricks: Wi-Fi on your BlackBerry SmartphoneAnswer: Connect to a WiFi network Note: Your smartphone tries to connect to WiFi networks based on the order in which they appear in your WiFi profile list. By default, new WiFi profiles appear at the bottom of your WiFi profile list. 1. On the Home screen or in the application list, ...75. What versions of BlackBerry Enterprise Server are supported with what versions of Domino?Looking for information on what versions of BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) are supported with what versions of Domino? You can find that information in the BlackBerry Enterprise Server for IBM Lotus Domino Compatibility Matrix provided by RIM. Depending on what you need, here are search tips ...76. Switching calendar views on your BlackBerry deviceAnswer: When using the calendar, you can switch views from Day , to Week , to Month , to Agenda by pressing the s key, which scrolls from view to view. To quickly go from week to week in the Month view, press the Alt key and roll the trackwheel either up or down. This will jump ...77. Sample Implementation: An possible procedure to handle meeting invitations and Accept or Decline messagesRecommended way to handle Accept Decline Messages: Create a folder on Lotus Notes and call it (for example) Calendar Items. Replicate Notes so the folder is pushed down to the BlackBerry device, assuming you are using wireless mail synchronization. Select an Accept or Decline message, and file ...78. Support information for RIM’s BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) for Notes/Domino 8.xLink to tech note: http:www01.ibm.comsupportdocview.wss?uidswg2126613879. General tips for BlackBerry devices (List created by IBMers who use BlackBerry’s against thier Notes Clients)General ALT is marked with a halfmoon, at the bottom left. CAP is also the RIGHT SHIFT key, to the right of the SPACE key. ALT+ E SCAPE displays the taskbar on any screen. ALT+CAP turns on CAPS lock , which is displayed as an arrow pointing up in the upper right corner of the screen. ...80. Do you want BlackBerry specific training? End users and Admins?BlackBerry Training: http:na.blackberry.comengsupportprogramstraining.jsp BlackBerry Training allows BlackBerry® Enterprise Server system administrators and BlackBerry smartphone users to learn how to better use and manage the advanced features and capabilities of BlackBerry smartphones ...81. Where are the RIM BlackBerry forums and knowledge base articles?BlackBerry Support Community Forums: http:supportforums.blackberry.com BlackBerry Technical Solution Center (knowledge articles): http:www.blackberry.combtscmicrositesmicrosite.do82. Setting up BlackBerry Smartphones with Demo’s!!BlackBerry Smartphone Demos http:na.blackberry.comengsupportblackberry101 Setting up BlackBerry Smartphones: http:na.blackberry.comengsupportblackberry101setup.jsp Product Documentation for each Smartphone: ...83. Tips and Tricks for the handheld devicesIf you are looking to get shortcuts unique to your smartphone model, check out this url on the BlackBerry RIM site http:na.blackberry.comengsupportblackberry101tips .84. Бараненков Виталий ЭдуардовичIBM Lotus Notes85. Магоня Жанна Арсениевна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook, QuarkXPress86. Батрак Надежда ЛьвовнаIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator87. Панчурина Лилия АркадьевнаIBM Lotus Notes, The Bat, WebMoney88. Шихирева Зинаида СтепановнаCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office89. Маковей Тамара Антоновна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel90. Сикетина Лилия Сергеевна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Outlook, WebMoney91. Верочкин Филипп Матвеевич1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access92. Дарзина Виолетта РомановнаAutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Outlook93. Путятин Григорий Дмитриевич1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, QuarkXPress94. Free Your Apps Using Your Domino Skills - and Teamstudio UnpluggedFrank, a Notes® developer, arrived at his office one morning, coffee in hand, ready to tackle the crisis of the moment: Investigating why one of his agents had generated millions of documents on the test server overnight. Suddenly, Frank’s email notification went off. It was his boss, ...95. Lotus Domino And Blackberry:Lotus Domino And Blackberry:96. Lotus Domino And BlackberryПодскажите пожалуйста где можно найти техническую информацию как пользователи blackberry работают с lotus dominoконечная цель разобраться как пользователи blackberry могут работать с domino cthdthjv 97. Lotus Domino And BlackberryПодскажите пожалуйста где можно найти техническую информацию как пользователи blackberry работают с lotus dominoконечная цель разобраться как пользователи blackberry могут работать с domino cthdthjv 98. В Lotus Notes есть такое, да, в Аутлуке не видал... там это, кажется, только меточка.В Lotus Notes есть такое, да, в Аутлуке не видал... там это, кажется, только меточка.99. Upgrading from Notes client single logon to Notes shared loginLotus Notes 8.5 supports both Notes client single logon (introduced in an earlier release) and Notes shared login (new in 8.5). Notes single logon is not a supported configuration if you use the ID vault. Therefore, if you use the ID vault, use Notes shared login instead, which is designed to work ...100. Коншин Виталий ЯрославовичIBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Консультант+101. NotesNoteCollection.SelectViews, nasty surprise!I always thought this property would tell the note collection to select all views .... Not so; it selects all views that are not hidden from the Notes client. ...102. Самойленко Виталина ЗахаровнаIBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, WebMoney, Банк-Клиент103. Грибунин Сергей КирилловичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word104. Ганиев Максим Иванович1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Банк-Клиент105. Летаев Владислав КонстантиновичIBM Lotus Notes106. Топорков Федор ФедоровичIBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word107. Симанкова Галина Антоновна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Excel, Outlook, The Bat, WebMoney, Банк-Клиент108. Рассохин Лев Альбертович1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes109. Dxl из БД большого размера.У меня есть база 5.8 гб, на ее основе создаю dxl файл,при его создании предварительно создается файл *.tmp, который доходит до 4 гб и дальше никак. По идеи он должен больше весить, я предполагаю, что в районе 7-10 гб. В результате dxl-файл содержит "errh: 4602: DOM parser operation failed" (вообщем пустой).Как настроить, чтобы размер временного файла (создается Lotus-ом) не ограничивался 4-мя гигами? Файловая система NTFS, вроде как она поддерживает файлы больше 4-ех. В настройках лотуса смотреть или он тут не причем? Может настройки notes.ini (MEM_AddressableMem, MEM_AddressableMemSizeMB или др.)? Блиц-опрос
Закладки о Lotus Notes1. Howard Stern uses Lotus Notes2. Outlook to Notes 851 Reference Card3. DOE Lotus Notes - Server Login4. Domino URL cheat sheet5. Carl Tyler's Blog :: A very useful undocumented Domino URL command6. THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase7. XPages Blog8. I Hate Lotus Notes9. OpenNTF.org - Open Source Community for Lotus Notes Domino10. Some Lessons Learned From The 8.5.1 getDocumentByKey Regression11. XPages Blog - The XPages Blog12. IBM developerWorks : Lotus : Best Practice Makes Perfect13. "Database.GetView() now returns private version of 'shared private on first use' folders and views." -> NOT fixed in 6.0.4 as stated14. GetView() - Private Views - Product Limitation15. Embedded view OR Shared, private on first use view16. How to force a Share Folder "Private on first use" to be create if it not exists ?17. Shared desktop private on first use18. How to get primary "Shared, private on first use" view and how to delete private views19. IBM - Switches to use with the Compact server task20. Domino Deployment Best Practices21. Understanding the IBM Lotus Notes 8.5.x client directory structure22. Upgrade Cookbook: Upgrading to Lotus Notes and Domino 8.5.123. NotesRing.com - icons24. Notes/Domino 6 and 7 Forum : delete private view25. Consultant In Your Pocket26. IBM Redbooks | IBM Lotus Domino Integration Using IBM Tivoli Directory IntegratorIn this IBM® Redpaper™ publication we take you step-by-step through a series of integration scenarios to help you start building your own solutions with IBM Tivoli® Directory Integrator. Once you have mastered basic skills you will quickly be wiring your IBM Lotus® Domino® applications (both the shrink-wrapped and home-grown varieties) more tightly into the infrastructure, and you will also be sharing data between Lotus Domino and other systems more simply and easily than you probably thought was possible.27. Domino is Not Dead: Why Now Is a Good Time to Consider a New Value Proposition, Part 1 > A Brief History of Domino28. Domino Is Not Dead: Why Now Is a Good Time to Consider a New Value Proposition, Part 2 > Services in the Box29. Tutorial: Introduction to XPagesThese workshop exercises are designed as an introduction to Lotus Domino's xPages functionality. To give you a complete learning experience, you will build a demo application in the course of completing the exercises. The result of a previous exercise will be needed as input for following exercises. Some of the exercises do not directly contribute to the sample application, since they are designed to highlight and explore functionality and capabilities of xPages not needed in the sample application in all variations. These exercises are typically followed by an exercise that implements a subset of the function in the sample application. Note: To be able to complete the exercises you will need to consult the documentation for Lotus Domino development since information given in the documentation is not duplicated in the exercises.30. IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center - Restricting administrator accessИсточники знаний. Сайты с книгами
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