Articles, Tips, and Code for Lotus Notes Developers and Domino Administrators | Ytria Tech Lab
Новости о ПО Lotus Notes1. IBM выбрала первого ASL-партнера в России - Открытые системы
2. Российские исследователи обнаружили критические уязвимости в браузере Firefox - Київ
3. Iron Mountain приобрела компанию Mimosa Systems - Компьюлента
4. В довели Chatter до стадии бета-версии - Открытые системы
Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны1. Setting up ID Vault operations in Notes/Domino 8.5Get the steps to set up an ID Vault and its operations, from storing new and existing user IDs to resetting users' passwords in Notes/Domino 8.5.2. Forums and communityThe Lotus forums & community page lists public and private discussion forums about Lotus and related software, blogs, RSS feeds, and user groups.3. Open Notes Document as XPage'/** ' * Opens a NotesDocument as an XPage. ' * From <a href=""> Code Bin</a>. ' * @param db NotesDatabase where the XPage (and presumably the document) resides. ' * @param strXPageName String name of the XPage, not including ".xsp" at the end. ' * @param strUNID Universal ID of the document. Can be blank for no document. ' * @param bNotes True if it should open within the Notes client, False if the XPage should open within the default web browser. ' * @param bEditMode True the XPage should open in edit mode, False if the XPage should open in read mode. ' */ Sub OpenDocAsXPage(db As NotesDatabase, ByVal strXPageName As String, ByVal strUNID As String, ByVal bNotes As Boolean, ByVal bEditMode As Boolean)Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace Dim astrURL(9) As String If bNotes Then astrURL(0) = "notes://" Else astrURL(0) = "http://" End If If db.Server <> "" Then Dim nn As New NotesName(db.Server) astrURL(1) = nn.Common End If astrURL(2) = "/" astrURL(3) = db.FilePath astrURL(4) = "/" astrURL(5) = strXPageName astrURL(6) = ".xsp?" If bNotes Then astrURL(7) = "OpenXPage&" End If If strUNID <> "" Then If bEditMode Then astrURL(8) = "action=editDocument&documentId=" Else astrURL(8) = "action=readDocument&documentId=" End If astrURL(9) = strUNID End If ws.URLOpen(Join(astrURL, "")) End Sub 4. Lotus QuickrFind technical resources for Lotus Quickr.5. Managing custom fields using the REST document service in IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1.1 services for WebSphere PortalThis article introduces the Representational State Transfer (REST) document service's custom field support in IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ 8.1.1 services for IBM WebSphere® Portal, also called the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) version of Lotus Quickr. We explain the concept of custom fields, discuss the programming model to manage custom fields with the Lotus Quickr REST document service, and demonstrate a business scenario for extending the core set of document attributes.6. Speed Up Your LotusScript Loops with the Custom statusBuffer ClassProviding updates to users on the progress of a code process has historically been an expensive operation. The statusBuffer class is a simple and easy way to minimize the number of screen updates and therefore improve the performance of your code. It allows you to achieve a balance between the competing requirements of code execution speed and keeping your end-user informed. Download the class and learn to how to use it from your LotusScript code. Форумы о Lotus Notes/Domino:
Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы1. Ушенин Аркадий Борисович1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint, Банк-Клиент2. Creating mail with Lotus Word Pro or Microsoft WordWhen you write mail in Lotus Notes, by default, you use the Notes editor, a word processor built into the Notes software. However, you can use Lotus Word Pro or Microsoft Word to create and edit mail messages. ==What it looks like== When Notes is set up to use Lotus Word Pro or Microsoft Word, ...3. Notes ID vault on-the-go: Integration with other programsThe Notes ID vault works wherever you are! Beginning in Lotus Domino 8.5.1, you can enable IBM Lotus Notes API programs, such as Lotus iNotes, Lotus Notes Traveler, and RIM Blackberry, to use an ID vault and take advantage of its ID management features. This feature can be enabled in the ID Vault ...4. Шишкова Елизавета Борисовна1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, QuarkXPress5. Повалишина Руслана Александровна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes6. Давыдовкий Николай Юрьевич1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, IBM Lotus Notes, InDesign, Microsoft PowerPoint, QuarkXPress7. Рымарева Мария Даниловна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, The Bat8. Горшков Арсений ЮрьевичIBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory9. Intensities of BlackLM - Lotus Moon: the Poetry of the Buddhist Nun Rengetsu, tr. and with notes10. Версия егиТеги перевода строки, заголовков, размера шрифта "шестёрка" воспроизводит верно.Теги, типа: <font color=#c41e3a> удалено</font> (красный цвет текста) или <hr size='5' color='green' align='center'/> (зеленая линия) клиент на LotusNotes 6 "не понимает": в первом случае слово выводится черным шрифтом, во втором - линия имеет прозрачный цвет. Такое впечатление, что затруднение у "шестёрки" вызывает именно слово "color". Клиент LotusNotes 7 воспроизводит цвета как они заданы. Кто-нибудь сталкивался и как решал? 11. Юрская Богдана Денисовна1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Банк-Клиент12. Гренадерова Марина РуслановнаAutoCAD, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Excel, QuarkXPress, WebMoney13. шери смотреть онлайн онлайн Outlook ExpressOutlook Express, а также Lotus Notes и Microsoft Outlook, топ-должность (Показать ответы новых к старым) по умолчанию.14. Наметкина Марина Романовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, QuarkXPress, WebMoney, Консультант+15. Lotus SymphonyКористувачі Lotus Notes можуть створювати, редагувати і публікувати документи, електронні таблиці та презентації за допомогою інтегрованої версії Lotus Symphony, яка вбудована в клієнт Lotus Notes.16. IBM удерживает лидерство в сфере инновацийКроме того, IBM заявила о выпуске программного обеспечения на базе Lotus Notes, которое поможет компаниям обеспечить глубокий анализ и эффективное управление патентными портфелями и интеллектуальной собственностью.17. How to Create a Wiki article and use MarkupThis video podcast from the NotesIn9 series gives a short overview on the Lotus Product Wiki's. It discusses navigating the Wiki's and why you might want to ad content to the wikis and then in the goes on to demonstrate how to add an article and get started making your articles look good by ...18. Тетерич Аркадий РомановичIBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat, Банк-Клиент19. Цаплин Даниил ВладиславовичAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint, Outlook, QuarkXPress20. IBM "Lotus Domino" & MS "Project Server" VS Я... Кто кого?IBM "Lotus Domino" & MS "Project Server" VS Я... Кто кого?21. Re: Как получить доступ к свойствам File->Prefereces->Mail?Спасибо. Я поизучаю.Если кому нибуть будет интересно я так же нашол вот такую полезную статью. 22. Installing Lotus Notes spelling dictionariesThere are two kinds of dictionaries available for Lotus Notes users -- traditional .dic dictionaries and Java XTAF dictionaries. In an English Lotus Notes installation, English and Canadian French traditional and XTAF dictionaries are installed. The English language Notes install kit installs the ...23. РабочееВ связи с тотальным внедрением Lotus Notes на работе в итоге пришлось перейти с freebsd на linux ubuntu.24. Mobile Master Pro 7.5.7 PortableЕсть синхронизация данных с Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora ,Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes, и др., закачка музыки/картинок, работа с базами данных и телефонными книгами.25. Батищена Александра Кирилловна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Microsoft Access, Outlook, Консультант+26. Окатов Денис Васильевич1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes27. Малюк Степан Юрьевич1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel, QuarkXPress, WebMoney28. Re: Как получить доступ к свойствам File->Prefereces->Mail?Это профайл базы данных. 29. Пашаев Семен Евгеньевич1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, QuarkXPress, The Bat, Банк-Клиент30. Битюгина Валентина Тарасовна1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Банк-Клиент31. aim: @RiZN куда там... он так и остаётся единственным вменяемым PIM на сегодня. ну не считая IBM Lotus Notes...32. Installing Domino on AIX platform33. Обновляюсь теперь кошерно со всякими Lotus Notes и Sametime :)Обновляюсь теперь кошерно со всякими Lotus Notes и Sametime :)34. Domino 301 redirect for ->, improve your search rankingSomeone asked me how do you redirect users to the address if they just entered in the browser. It seems the search engines will see the two as different sites and not combine the ranking's. Since the web is all about the ranking and not the content, I will describe how ...35. Моржеретов Евгений Эдуардович1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, QuarkXPress36. Чвырева Евгения МихайловнаIBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Банк-Клиент37. Кобельков Андрей МихайловичСоздание/администрирование доменов NT4/WIN2000/WIN2003(AD), MS Exchange, Lotus Domino.38. Описание одной ИСОписание: в клиенте Lotus Notes всё круто шифровалось, реплицировалось и кастомизировалось.39. Managing custom fields using the REST document service in IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1.1 services for WebSphere PortalThis article introduces the Representational State Transfer (REST) document service's custom field support in IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ 8.1.1 services for IBM WebSphere® Portal, also called the Java™ 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) version of Lotus Quickr. We explain the concept of custom fields, discuss the programming model to manage custom fields with the Lotus Quickr REST document service, and demonstrate a business scenario for extending the core set of document attributes.40. Массачусетс откажется от Microsoft Office, если Microsoft не поддержит открытые ...Отмечается, что штат также осматривает возможность отказа на этом же основании от иных используемых офисных технологий, работающих лишь с проприетарными форматами – а именно, величаются продукты Lotus Notes и WordPerfect компании IBM.41. victorian perfection from joyaperfect for a light spring day! if you’re more of a complex floral girl, i suspect you’ll fall for the orb’s “potion” scent, with notes of lotus, lavender, and amber.42. Перлов Павел ВитальевичAutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Office43. Яфаров Николай Русланович1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, InDesign, Microsoft Access44. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 208" от 22 ...Lotus Notes / Blackberry Helpdesk Professional * Lotus Notes Developer * Field Operations/Processing Support - SAP, Lotus Notes * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes/Domino Developer * Sr.45. Как получить доступ к свойствам File->Prefereces->Mail?Здраствуйте.... 46. Глаголев Тарас Михайлович1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, MS Active Directory, Банк-Клиент, Консультант+47. Адамов Степан АртемовичIBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel48. Смурыгин Артем ИгоревичIBM Lotus Notes49. Максаров Юрий Александрович1C 7.7 Бухгалтерия, 1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes50. Холдеев Эдуард Романович1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, 1C 8.0 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, MS Active Directory, Microsoft PowerPoint, The Bat Блиц-опрос
Закладки о Lotus Notes1. Articles, Tips, and Code for Lotus Notes Developers and Domino Administrators | Ytria Tech Lab2. IBM Lotus iNotes - Bring the enterprise to your Apple iPhone3. Transaction Logging on the Notes Client4. "Lotus Notes was conceived before Mark Zuckerberg" - broadstuff 25th February 20105. Gateway Support - Tutorials6. Lotus Notes/Domino FAQ7. IBM developerWorks : Training8. HOWTO: Install & setup Lotus Notes for Linux - Ubuntu Forums9. [ubuntu] Lotus Notes 8.5.1 on 9.10 - Ubuntu Forums10. Domino R5: Domain Search11. Aufbau einer Lotus Notes Ansicht für den Einsatz einer Website-Navigation12. anw_lotus.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)13. Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Aktions-Hotspots erstellenAktions-Hotspots erstellen14. NotesDesign: Lotus Notes development - tips & techniques15. NotesDesign - Notes Tutorial16. Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Seiten gestalten17. Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Homepage für eine Anwendung erstellenHomepage für eine Anwendung erstellen18. Lotus Domino Designer 7 Hilfe - Verknüpfungen erstellenANWENDUNGSGESTALTUNG Verknüpfungen erstellen19. Lotus Notes Domino - Public Access use in web applications20. Notes Public Access21. John's Blog | XPages Dynamic View Custom Control - on OpenNTF.org22. IBM Lotus KnowsLotus knows Marketingkampagne23. IBM - Notes.ini parameters for network port compression and encryption24. Archivdatenbank nutzen in Notes - Lotus Notes & Domino - administrator25. Step-By-Step: Archiving documents in Lotus Notes26. Notes Design BlogSince Notes 8.0, we've had a sidebar, and it has had 3 states. You can manipulate those states by using the menu items on the View menu or by clicking the sidebar splitter, as shown in the following picture.27. Notes Design BlogOne of the most useful things about this search toolbar is that you can be in one application (like your home-gown app), and search another without going to it, opening the correct view, and starting the search.28. Notes Design BlogThe Sidebar has panels (many of you have also heard it called a "sideshelf" or just a "shelf." This is because the API for controlling the sidebar panels calls them "shelves," but the official documentation refers to them as panels. A panel can be: Maximized Minimized to a Title bar Minimized to an icon Restored Hidden Opened in a new window29. Notes Design BlogThis post explains how to add a widget from the Lotus Greenhouse catalog, Specifically, how to track local gas prices in a sidebar panel.30. Notes Design Blogin this post, I explain how to add a web app that requires authentication to your sidebar. This includes web apps like gmail, twitter and so on.31. Notes Design BlogIn this post I explain how to add a web page to the sidebar.32. IBM developerWorks : Lotus : Lotus Notes 8.x TipsOne of the much improved features in Notes 8.5.1 is the way that we handle hyperlinks. It's much easier to add a hyperlink to an email or any Notes document.33. IBM developerWorks : Lotus : Lotus Notes 8.x TipsIn Notes 8.5.1, it's easier to change text color in e-mails (or other Notes documents), with a new toolbar icon!34. IBM developerWorks : Lotus : Lotus Notes 8.x TipsOne of the best things about Notes 8 and above is the ability to customize it through plug-ins. I can add widgets to my sidebar that help me to work more efficiently. I've got widgets for Twitter, Quickr, Tungle, LinkedIn and IBM Lotus Learning, just to name a few. These help me to keep track of my network and my documents, schedule meetings with people outside of IBM and figure out how to do something in IBM Lotus Symphony. Widgets are so easy to add. I can, literally, drag them from the Greenhouse Catalog and drop them into my Notes sidebar.35. IBM developerWorks : Lotus : Lotus Notes 8.x TipsIn order to keep my Inbox cleaner, I set a preference to remove meeting notices after I process them. Now, once I respond to a meeting invitation, it gets removed from my Inbox. That way, I don't need to remove it myself, which I like :) However, because of this preference, if I decline a meeting and then need to go back and accept it, it can be hard to find it again. So, how do you find a meeting invitation that you have declined or delegated?36. Lotus Notes/Domino Server38. Skylights, Open Skies, Aplicaciones a medida, Navitaire, Consultoría ITIL | ASM Web Services39. Lotus Greenhouse40. Couchioouchio Ope41. Domino Blog42. nsftools - Tools - delstubs43. Easy2Share~eRoom Migration To SharePoint44. Interface | matters: Sweet Drag and Drop Actions In the Lotus Notes ClientИсточники знаний. Сайты с книгами
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