David Allen: Transforming a senior executive's productivity
Новости о ПО Lotus Notes1. ФинСовет перешел на «автомат» - B2Blogger.com (пресс-релиз)
2. IBM представила новые разработки для Android, iPhone и Symbian - СайберCекьюрити.Ру
3. «АРМ руководителя»: новый модуль СЭД «БОСС-Референт» поступил в продажу - CNews.ru
4. Сотрудничество на «Вулкане» - Открытые системы
5. IBM представила свое видение будущего систем совместной работы - Открытые системы
6. IBM выпустит Lotus Notes для Android - iToday.ru - онлайн-газета о сети и IT
7. Новософт выпустил Handy Backup 6.5 – решение для резервного копирования на предприятиях - CNews.ru (пресс-релиз)
8. IBM выпускает Lotus Notes для iPhone. Android будет следующим - Технично.Ру
9. IBM: новое видение систем коллективной работы для Разумной планеты - CIO
10. IBM разработала прототип системы коллективной работы Vulcan - ITC Online
11. «Пьер Фабр» автоматизирует троговую деятельность - Intelligent Enterprise
Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны1. Speed Up Your LotusScript Loops with the Custom statusBuffer ClassProviding updates to users on the progress of a code process has historically been an expensive operation. The statusBuffer class is a simple and easy way to minimize the number of screen updates and therefore improve the performance of your code. It allows you to achieve a balance between the competing requirements of code execution speed and keeping your end-user informed. Download the class and learn to how to use it from your LotusScript code.2. Build a Sametime Resolver Load Test Tool to Accurately Assess PerformanceResolver, a core component of the IBM Lotus Sametime server, resolves thousands of user names so that you may display their presence status anywhere — for example, on a buddy list, in an inbox, or within a Web page. But how do you know if your Sametime Resolver and Directory servers are up for handling the load? I'll show you how to create and use a test tool to put Sametime Resolver under a calculated load.3. Lotus Notes documentationFind documentation for Lotus Notes version 8.5.x4. Lotus Domino documentationFind documentation for Lotus Domino version 8.5.x5. My One-on-One .Net Training Day | BlogOn Monday, as LotusSphere 2010 got under way and lots of you waited eagerly(?) to see what's new with Domino, I on the other hand spent the whole day immersed in .Net development. Read in to that what you will, but the timing is purely coincidental. Karen's friend's husband, Mitul, who also runs his own web development in Nottingham, came and spent the whole day walking me through developing a web application in Visual Studio. We decided to start from scratch and build a blog template. First off we created some SQL tables. We then created some CRUD-based Stored Procedures for accessing the tables, before adding some Table Adapters to access the procedures from our code. With the "data layer" in place we then created some custom classes to represent the data. The main class we worked on was called BlogItem and had properties such as Title, Content and Author. It also had methods, such as Save(), which would commit changes back SQL. This was all very new to me and I immediately saw the benefits of the approach. Most of my (traditional) web development experience (outside of Notes/Domino) has been LAMP-based. In PHP I'm used to just building a SQL string within the PHP, executing the query and then using a For() to loop all the results. Using a data layer to abstract away from this approach has obvious benefits. Starting with a Master.Template file we then built the foundation of all our pages and before long we had a web page which listed a set of blog entries, on which you could click to read each one -- both pages having common header/footers etc. Taking it further we went on to add a class called User and added a login form to the application, which was based on a custom control element. This control included an Authenticate method which added an object, based on the User class, in to the user's session variables. At any point we can then refer to this User object and its methods such as User.hasRole("Admin") to handle the role-based security. There were a couple of other bits we covered, such as how to output just XML, but I think we did quite a bit and covered everything I wanted to, considering we only had 8 hours in which to do it. Although the end product isn't anywhere near a complete blog template, what it is is a good starting point for me to take it further and learn at my own pace. Now I'm over the first hurdle I'll find it much easier to continue developing. While paying somebody to teach me a new technology isn't something I've done before or really wanted to do, it was definitely worth it. Instead of trying to find an hour here and there to learn, which was never going to work, having somebody with me for a day forced me to spend the whole day learning, which is always the best way to go. Most importantly, what I came away with is a desire to learn more. I liked what I saw and look forward to working on the potential projects I have coming up, which might suit .Net better than they would Domino. 6. Lotus MashupsIBM Lotus Mashups provides a lightweight mashup environment for assembling personal, enterprise and Web content into simple, flexible, and dynamic applications. IBM Lotus Mashups is a core component of the IBM Mashup Center, and is complementary to other IBM offerings, including the assembly of new widgets that can be deployed to products such as WebSphere Portal 6.1 and Lotus Connections 2.0.7. LotusphereWelcome to the developerWorks Lotus page for Lotusphere, the premier event for IBM Lotus and the enterprise collaboration community. This page offers links to conference information and news along with attendees' and presenters' blogs, podcasts, photos and videos in the Community tab.8. Lotus Connections -- Secrets of a Successful PilotA pilot installation of IBM Lotus Connections lets you evaluate the impact of Connections on your organization. Discover strategies for implementing a successful pilot, starting with the planning and decision-making stages. Then, get tips on successfully installing your pilot and learn the basic principles of administering, troubleshooting, and performance monitoring the default WebSphere Application Server running it.9. DAOS Quick Reference -- Configuration, Performance Tuning, and TroubleshootingMaximize the disk space savings provided by Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS) and ensure that your environment is properly configured for best performance with this feature. This one-stop quick reference includes the best practices for upgrading your databases, configuring DAOS on the server, and performance tuning the DAOS repository, transaction logs, and mail.boxes. It also provides a troubleshooting checklist and instructions for sending a database that has objects stored in the DAOS repository to IBM Support. Форумы о Lotus Notes/Domino:
Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы1. Mash active and archived data using IBM Mashup Center and OptimFor cost, operational efficiency, and regulatory requirements, enterprises are required to archive transactional data. But that data might still be useful for reporting purposes. This article shows how easily you can use IBM Mashup Center to modify a reporting mashup to combine data from a DB2(R) relational database with data that was archived using the Optim(TM) Data Growth Solution.2. Хостинг Lotus Domino, есть ли в России/СНГ ?Может кто знает? Версия пока значения не имеет, но чем больше тем лучше.3. IBM Mashup Center: OpenSocial interoperabilityThis article describes how you can extend IBM® Mashup Center to use and interoperate with other widget component models, such as OpenSocial gadgets.4. Re: рабочий стол Лотус нотес 8Если хотите 7-ую версию for win то запустите ее под wine и будет вам 7-ая версия на Linux5. Нужен ли Lotus Domino Designer 8.5.1Хотелось бы узнать ваше мнение.У постоянного заказчика (банк) часть серверов на Lotus Domino 8.5.1, остальные на 7.0.3 (к весне все будут на 8.5.1.). Базы мы разрабатываем в седьмом дизайнере, т.к. изначально все было на 7ке. Дизайнер 7ки меня лично мало устраивает (кто пишет на java в eclipse/idea меня поймут), вопрос – если я поставлю себе дизайнер 8.5.1 и пока полностью не перейдут все базы на 8ку (тут более важно, что бы клиент был на 8.5.1, а не старый в будущем) буду писать код, не используя новшеств 8ки. Не будет ли каких коллизий, ошибок и тп.??? Ведь у каждой версии бд своя ods. Хотелось бы узнать, кто на какой версии дизайнера пишет. Спасибо! 6. Re: Lotus Notes и сканеры с функцией scan to emailЯ точно не уверен, но если попробовать сделать почтовый клиент по умолчанию Lotus Notes ?7. Щекотихин Анатолий Максимович1C 7.7 Торговля и склад, IBM Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, QuarkXPress, Банк-Клиент, Консультант+8. Понарин Захар СтепановичCorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Outlook, The Bat9. Безпрозванный Григорий Альбертович1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, CorelDraw, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, The Bat, Банк-Клиент10. Семенюта Наталья Антоновна1C 8.0 Бухгалтерия, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Access11. Буханова Екатерина МатвеевнаAdobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, IBM Lotus Notes, Illustrator, Microsoft Access, Консультант+12. Вохменцев Анатолий ВасильевичIBM Lotus Notes, MS Active Directory, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, WebMoney13. IBM Lotus Notes открывайся.......IBM Lotus Notes открывайся.......14. Г» — это не «гугль»Не люблю я монстров типа календарь-планировщик-блокнот-и-до-кучи-почта в одном флаконе, лимит терпения исчерпан Outlook’ом и Lotus Notes.15. Re: looking for SUN system engeneerLotus Notes (администрирование) >16. Установить иксы на сервер UbuntuИ как вариант ничего не изучая (наш метод тыка) в Lotus необходимо при установке админ-клиента выбрать установку приложения "Remote Server Setup" - соответственно без Хсов произвести установку Domino на свой сервер выбрав в одном из предложенных меню Remote Server Setup закончить первый этап инсталяции и затем продолжить с установленного админ-клиента- запустив "Remote Server Setup" а дальше всё должно быть понятно... Блиц-опрос
Вакансии для специалистов1. Начальник отдела разработки и внедрения ПОНачальник отдела разработки и внедрения ПОТребования: Высшее образование в области IT ( АСУ или системное программирование) Мужчина (желательно), до 35 лет; опыт работы с системами 1С7.7 и 1С8.0 не менее 2 лет ( конфигурирование и администрирование), опыт работы на руководящей должности не менее 1 года знание встроенного языка систем 1С7.7 и 1С8.0 знание основ сетевого аппаратного и программного обеспечения знание основ настройки ПК в операционных системах Win XP, Windows 2003 приветствуется знание SQL Server, Lotus Domino Обязанности: Организация работы отдела ( 4 человека) Формирование бизнес процессов отдела Сопровождение и поддержка существующих систем учёта, работающих на платформах 1С7.7, 1С8.1 и др. Внедрение новых систем учёта при необходимости Регламентирование работы всех учётных баз Постановка задач, составление ТЗ Внедрение автоматизированной системы учёта заявок на доработку и внедрение ПО Составление отчётности по отделу Личные качества: Нацеленность на результат, Коммуникабельность; Пунктуальность; Ответственность. Мы предлагаем конкурентоспособную заработную плату возможность получения профессионального и карьерного роста стабильность и социальную защищенность Тел. В Донецке 8- 062-387-91-33; 8-095-290-44-23 Уважаемые специалисты, Ваше резюме мы ждем по адресу: rabota@parallel.ua В теме письма укажите, пожалуйста, должность. Закладки о Lotus Notes1. YouTube - Adding an RSS feed froma blog to Lotus Notes 8.52. Date Format in Regional Settings : Lotus Notes3. jmp206 - Lotus Domino Web Services Jumpstart4. Consuming an external Web service with Domino 65. IBM Lotus CTO Demos IBM Project Vulcan - Application Development from eWeekThe future of Lotus Notes6. Tungle.me - Scheduling made EasyGet your personal profile and custom URL to display your availability, and let others schedule meetings with you (without having to sign up). Choose your availability, who you share your page with and when meetings get booked. No more back and forth.7. The 10 Best, Must Watch Enterprise 2.0 Videos/Presentations of the Month | CloudAve8. Gapps.me » Tungle does it again… Tungle launches support for Lotus Notes.9. Top tech » Blog Archive » Tungle.me gets Lotus Notes integration10. DailyTech - IBM Releases Lotus Notes for iPhone; Android is up Next11. http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Messaging-and-Collaboration/IBMs-Project-Vulcan-is-Google-Wave-Meets-Facebook-Meets-BI-494240/?kc=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RSS%2Ftech+%28eWEEK+Technology+News%29Project Vulcan is IBM's stab at integrating its Lotus messaging and collaboration suites with CRM and ERP business applications, and providing reports on the data with its own Cognos business analytics. The kicker is that IBM is striving to do this from a single platform, blending on-premises applications with cloud computing apps and extending these to the mobile enterprise.12. Easy Way To Manage ACL or Advanced Properties For a Folder13. Master Table of Contents for Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.114. http://www.readwriteweb.com/enterprise/2010/01/ibm-vs-microsoft-will-the-open-web-change.php15. Tungle Targets 300m Lotus Notes Users | Web2 and More16. heise online - Lotusphere: Neue Anwendungen für Android, BlackBerry und iPhone17. Troubleshooting Lotus Notes/Domino 7 applications18. SNTT: How to set INI parameters from console and view a list of configuration parameters admin , domino , lotus , notes , sntt , server19. IBM's Project Vulcan: The Next Generation of Lotus Notes and a Rival To Google Wave - ReadWriteEnterprise20. IBM Lotus Business Solutions Catalog21. Master Table of Contents for Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.122. New Redbook: Building Domino Web Applications using Domino 8.5.1 | Per Henrik Lausten23. Create an ODBC connection to a Lotus Notes database - Architect - Database - Builder AU(DSN), in the normal way; your application will use this object to connect to the Lotus Notes database, as shown in Figure C. You can use the ODBC connection object in your code in the same way as you would use an ODBC connection to any other database, such as SQL Server or Oracle.24. IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center25. Gmail 2010 = Lotus Notes 1995? | PC Pro blog26. Theo's Blog27. The healing processThe healing process is started by sharing your thoughts. Release your pain by sharing your experiences of Lotus Notes with me and the others here using the form below. Constructive criticism is of course encouraged (maybe we can stumble over some go28. I Hate Lotus NotesИсточники знаний. Сайты с книгами
Lotus Notes. Видео и изображения1. David Allen: Transforming a senior executive's productivity![]()
Author: eProductivity 2. Tungle for Lotus Notes![]()
Author: TungleRocks
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