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I Hate Lotus Notes

Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 187

Поиск по сайтам о Lotus Notes


Новости о ПО Lotus Notes (2)

Дальсвязь оптимизировала управление офисом - IT World
WAN-оптимизаторы. Удар по информационному бездорожью - Intelligent Enterprise

CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны (1)

DAOS Quick Reference -- Configuration, Performance Tuning, and Troubleshooting

Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы (20)

Задело фраза: думаю, процентов 80 корпоративного софта написано на ABAP, Excel/Access/VBA,
Mobile Master Pro 7.5.6 Build 3160 , http
Big4 - KPMG (бред продолжается)
Digimemo Handwriting Recogniti
А что под Lotus Notes?
Mobile Master Pro 7.5.6 Build 3160
Mobile Master Pro 7.5.6 Build 3160
Mobile Master v7.5.6 Build 3160
Более того, я думаю, процентов 80 корпоративного софта написано на ABAP, Excel/Access/VBA,
Сертифицированный специалист по Lotus Domino...
Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 182" от 18 ...
Программа для нахождения забытых паролей
проблема со связкой ervice
Требуется Программист Lotus!
http://twitpic.com/tzmdh мягко говоря странные функции lotus domino notes
persibiz я тоже ненавижу Lotus Notes!
Записки программиста на Lotus Notes/Domino - Выпуск рассылки ...
Customer + Mac + Lotus Notes = Happy Life http://ff.im/d2cUZ
lotus notes - это 1с по западному?
Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 181" от 17 ...

Вакансии для специалистов (10)

Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes/Domino Developer
Lotus Notes Developer (CF)
Lotus Notes/Domino Developer
Lotus Notes & Domino Specialist
Lotus Notes Developer
Lotus Notes Developer

Закладки о Lotus Notes (1)

I Hate Lotus Notes
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Поиск по сайтам о Lotus Notes/Domino
Полнотекстовый поиск по тематическим сайтам о Lotus Notes
Хостинг на Lotus Domino

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(голосование возможно только из письма рассылки)
  • Нормально. Могу читать
  • Не годиться. Хочу только на русском
  • Новости о ПО Lotus Notes

    1. Дальсвязь оптимизировала управление офисом - IT World

    Дальсвязь оптимизировала управление офисом
    IT World
    ЗАО «Компания «ИнтерТраст» — российский разработчик системы электронного документооборота и автоматизации бизнес-процессов на базе платформы IBM Lotus Notes/Domino – CompanyMedia. За 15-ти летний срок развития компании, система была установлена и успешно эксплуатируется более чем у 3500 ...

    2. WAN-оптимизаторы. Удар по информационному бездорожью - Intelligent Enterprise

    WAN-оптимизаторы. Удар по информационному бездорожью
    Intelligent Enterprise
    ... улучшение характеристик транспортного протокола; оптимизация настроек корпоративных приложений (серверы баз данных, Microsoft Exchange, Oracle e-Business Suite, Lotus Notes/Domino, SAP R/3); кеширование и оптимизация настроек HTTP/HTTPS; обработка трафика в соответствии с концепциями CoS/QoS ...

    Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino

    CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны

    1. DAOS Quick Reference -- Configuration, Performance Tuning, and Troubleshooting

    Maximize the disk space savings provided by Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS) and ensure that your environment is properly configured for best performance with this feature. This one-stop quick reference includes the best practices for upgrading your databases, configuring DAOS on the server, and performance tuning the DAOS repository, transaction logs, and mail.boxes. It also provides a troubleshooting checklist and instructions for sending a database that has objects stored in the DAOS repository to IBM Support.

    developerWorks  >  Lotus  >  Forums & community  >  Lotus Sandbox

    Lotus Sandbox


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    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/349636f5bd64583785256c5c00482cd1?OpenDocument>2 Extended Attachment Editio2 Extended Attachment Edition
    Edit and handle Attachments in Notes 4 the same way as in Notes 6
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/71c7bb2310a15bc385256d17005a6d68?OpenDocument>A new Approach - Web-based DA new Approach - Web-based Date Picker
    Web-based date picker that displays company sponsored holidays
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e808c6e7f2abc6585256d17005a701f?OpenDocument>A new approach - Web-based NA new approach - Web-based NAB
    A Web-based NAB with simple search function
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/67f76112ed2e136c852571db0054f760?OpenDocument>A self-guided tour of DominoA self-guided tour of Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM)
    The attached presentation (ddm.ppt) is a self-guided tour of Domino Domain Monitoring (DDM).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ccb30b2fead6c2288525690a0048c83b?OpenDocument>A simple method to use File A simple method to use File Upload Controls on the Web.
    For identifying/using file upload controls on the Web.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/255e4fcdbd8a951385256c940075e28e?OpenDocument>Access Level</a>][<br>]DisplAccess Level
    Displays User Access Level in DB - no need to know your group membership.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ae043110f5e4e7338525688d006a5081?OpenDocument>Accidents Reports</a>][<br>]Accidents Reports
    Simple application for reporting and monitoring industrial accidents.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/fe6574162e6c1b6a852567ca006e79f1?OpenDocument>Account Manager</a>][<br>]MaAccount Manager
    Manages accounts, profiles, and contacts.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/11f736c9d472b15885256996006d7458?OpenDocument>ACL Audit Tool</a>][<br>]TooACL Audit Tool
    Tool to perform an ACL audit of databases/templates on a Domino server.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/81deffed8f49e561852568d4006c98e4?OpenDocument>ACL backup and restore functACL backup and restore functions in LotusScript
    LotusScript agents saving ACLs in NotesDocuments and restoring them back to DBs ACL
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/9290c5e7654f34ea85256a1e0050bc55?OpenDocument>ACL Scanner</a>][<br>]CreateACL Scanner
    Creates reports about ACLs on all databases on one server, and recurses groups.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ac1ba5645421b7e285256c940075ef53?OpenDocument>ACL Setter</a>][<br>]Allows ACL Setter
    Allows you to modify a database ACL without manager access on a server.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/80a0129b9d0b965485256a700048ae65?OpenDocument>ACL &quot;Modificator&quot; ACL "Modificator" 1.0
    Add ACL entries in multiple databases.
    Acme Standard Interface and Acme News databases
    Sample databases from the Iris Today article Building standard interfaces without changing your applications.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/d8bd2253eef9d9918525684a006d1c5a?OpenDocument>Acme.nsf and Zippy.nsf</a>][Acme.nsf and Zippy.nsf
    Sample databases Acme.nsf and Zippy.nsf referenced in the Iris Today article "Exercising XML with Domino Designer."
    Action button to initiate replication on server
    This Action code uses defined Connection documents to start immediate replication through remote console on source server
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0a41daba7017450685256a3e00524375?OpenDocument>Action Button to set InterneAction Button to set Internet Password
    Action Button to set Internet Password
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0e3afa9908928a378525699e004e8fc8?OpenDocument>Add business holidays to theAdd business holidays to the user's calendar
    Quick and dirty code to add business holidays to the user's calendar using front end classes.
    Add sound to a Notes form
    Add Sound Recorder to your e-mail template.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/d94d651dcd540b2485256949006e27db?OpenDocument>Add System DBs</a>][<br>]AddAdd System DBs
    Adds MAIL.BOX, SMTP.BOX, LOG.NSF, etc. from every available server to your workspace.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/69008d904a1ca3ab85256c940075f963?OpenDocument>Address Book Servlet v1.0</aAddress Book Servlet v1.0
    Address Book servlet provides an interface similar to address book dialog box in Lotus Notes client
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/95afbd0f93c19c858525688d006a57b5?OpenDocument>Admin-Dev Tools 2.0</a>][<brAdmin-Dev Tools 2.0
    Tools for day to day admin tasks. Updated from the original version.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f51807e42918e33e00256c090044738f?OpenDocument>Admin ACL 2</a>][<br>]AdminAAdmin ACL 2
    AdminACL is an application that allows you to add any ACL entry with any level to any database you want even if you do not have access to it.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/ca69e90dbf829253852567f3007c4b70?OpenDocument>Admin Helper</a>][<br>]Find Admin Helper
    Find Orphan mail files, check the Out of Office agent owner and the Calendar Profile owner of mail file for existing users.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/80beb21669da8d3185256b1400745b63?OpenDocument>AdminACL</a>][<br>]This toolAdminACL
    This tool allows you, the administrator, to add any group, user, and server to any databases in you organization (in one agent).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7147feda3a9094ed85256b9f00725761?OpenDocument>Advanced Settings sample datAdvanced Settings sample database
    This database includes an advanced version of the Application Settings tool described in the Iris Today article "Application settings tool: an alternative to profiles" by Jonathan Coombs.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/530cf440b8deb01300256bde0031a0ff?OpenDocument>Advanced View Techniques</a>Advanced View Techniques
    Interesting ways to display views using applets & print selected documents from View Applet
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/770532e1a86fbf1385256f0a00637edc?OpenDocument>Advanced XML for Notes</a>][Advanced XML for Notes
    Advanced XML techniques with Domino using data binding and Notes queries
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b1176bb4b31fada8852567f300753b47?OpenDocument>Advertising server</a>][<br>Advertising server
    Serves advertisements from an internally maintained list.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0385bf0f95d0c98885256989005a29dc?OpenDocument>Agent to Compare 2 DocumentsAgent to Compare 2 Documents in R5
    Agent to Compare 2 Documents in R5 (works with RTF fields, too).
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f38057887f500e43852567c300660362?OpenDocument>Agentless thread map databasAgentless thread map database sample
    Demonstrates a technique for generating thread maps in an application without the use of a background agent.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7967df8d95f585a485256c940076012b?OpenDocument>agentShowInternetHeaders</a>agentShowInternetHeaders
    LotusScript agent to show Internet "received" headers
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/70f703dd400f97d500256bd000318722?OpenDocument>Alarm/Reminder setting from Alarm/Reminder setting from another application
    Set an alarm or reminders in a user's calendar from another application
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f710dcdf7214e953852569e60054fe7a?OpenDocument>Alex & Dilbert Cartoon RetriAlex & Dilbert Cartoon Retrieval Agent
    Database to retrieve and email Dilbert and Alex Cartoons
    Allow value not in list
    To improve Allow value not in list on the WEB
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7b7eff84bd6eeff600256bd8003960e8?OpenDocument>Allow values not in list comAllow values not in list combo for web
    Combo box with allow values not in list for IE5 and above, Netscape 6 and above
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/98176455ff90e2d500256c38004a5f0c?OpenDocument>Alternate Color Rows View inAlternate Color Rows View in a Web Browser - Version 3
    Alternate Color Rows View Version 3 - More features
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/78ad87650e8e6d8085256818007202c2?OpenDocument>AntiSpamFilter Agent</a>][<bAntiSpamFilter Agent
    Anti-spam agent and design elements to enhance spam mail filtering in the standard Notes mail template.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/b376f26b8cbd9f1b8525694d004e24c3?OpenDocument>API Goodies for Lotus Notes<API Goodies for Lotus Notes
    Control various Win API settings from inside Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/e6621c730727e8a3852567f4007eaba1?OpenDocument>AppleScript code examples foAppleScript code examples for Notes
    This database contains additional programming examples for AppleScript in Notes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/7d55dec173045350852568a4005d0497?OpenDocument>Application Development DocuApplication Development Documentation Library
    Allows developers of a systems group to store their documentation.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/0af99983727460a000256bd4003996c6?OpenDocument>Archive on CD-ROM</a>][<br>]Archive on CD-ROM
    Agent to archive on CD-ROM.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/9dc708521fd73a43852568a40069cf02?OpenDocument>Archive Options</a>][<br>]ArArchive Options
    Archive your mail db by dates or by sizes.
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/86cf1eb52622488f85256d51004eeb72?OpenDocument>ArraySort</a>][<br>]An arrayArraySort
    An array sort using a fast shell sort algorthim
    Article "Notes application strategies: Document rating" sample database
    Sample database that accompanies the article, "Notes application strategies: Document rating"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/f5da0954a65348b985256e39004d1583?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Interactive search" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Interactive search."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/2e00b11f20d7446b85256e47006624c1?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article, "Notes application strategies: Mail Processor."
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/a687d600ae1001e985256e550058c84e?OpenDocument>Article &quot;Notes applicatArticle "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking" sample database
    Sample database to accompany the article "Notes application strategies: User activity tracking"
    Show details for [<a href=/ldd/sandbox.nsf/PrintView/1d9d9dd534b1491288256ae3006a997c?OpenDocument>ASP SendMail for Notes/DominASP SendMail for Notes/Domino
    Very simple program in VBScript that sends mail in ASP / WSH natively through Notes/Domino
    Audio CD Tracking
    Keeps track of 100 CD changer and CD collection

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    Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы

    1. Задело фраза: думаю, процентов 80 корпоративного софта написано на ABAP, Excel/Access/VBA,

    Задело фраза: думаю, процентов 80 корпоративного софта написано на ABAP, Excel/Access/VBA, 1C и Lotus Notes

    2. Mobile Master Pro 7.5.6 Build 3160 , http

    Есть синхронизация данных с Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora ,Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes, и др., закачка музыки/картинок, работа с базами данных и телефонными книгами.

    3. Big4 - KPMG (бред продолжается)

    Именно эти стандартные программы обладают необходимыми функциями для ведения нормального аудиторского файла: синхронизация и "подцепление" расчётных таблиц Excel, сканированных первичных документов и т.п. Т.е. вместо использования стандартных функций (кстати, в PwC до лета 2009 г. использовались именно стандартные функции Lotus Notes для ведения аудита, и только летом 2009 г. произошёл переход на специализированную программу Aura) решили изобрести велосипед, который жрёт ресурсы

    4. Digimemo Handwriting Recogniti

    ACECAD DigiMemo Handwriting Recognition is the handy software that converts your handwritten notes from ACECAD DigiMemo into digital text for further use in the applications such as Microsoft Word, Outlook or Lotus Notes.

    5. А что под Lotus Notes?

    А что под Lotus Notes?

    6. Mobile Master Pro 7.5.6 Build 3160

    Есть синхронизация данных с Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora ,Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes, и др., закачка музыки/картинок, работа с базами данных и телефонными книгами.

    7. Mobile Master Pro 7.5.6 Build 3160

    Есть синхронизация данных с Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora ,Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes, и др., закачка музыки/картинок, работа с базами данных и телефонными книгами.

    8. Mobile Master v7.5.6 Build 3160

    Есть синхронизация данных с Outlook, Lotus Notes, The Bat, Eudora ,Outlook Express, Google calendar, Palm Desktop, Novell Groupwise, iTunes, и др., закачка музыки/картинок, работа с базами данных и телефонными книгами.

    9. Более того, я думаю, процентов 80 корпоративного софта написано на ABAP, Excel/Access/VBA,

    Более того, я думаю, процентов 80 корпоративного софта написано на ABAP, Excel/Access/VBA, 1C и Lotus Notes.

    10. Сертифицированный специалист по Lotus Domino...

    Сертифицированный специалист по Lotus Domino...

    11. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 182" от 18 ...

    Вышел новый выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент.

    12. Программа для нахождения забытых паролей

    ID файлы Lotus Notes *

    13. проблема со связкой ervice

    Добрый день!!

    Я хочу из лотуса вызвать сторонний web-service. Написал агента, он нормально работал. Потом на сервере,на котором запускается web-service поставили галку,чтобы запуск web-service был под определённым пользователем.

    Вот так я передаю логин и пароль пользователя:

    Set Client =CreateObject("MSOSOAP.SoapClient30")
    Client.ConnectorProperty("AuthUser") = login
    Client.ConnectorProperty("AuthPassword") =password

    Но при отработке агента возникает следующая ошибка :

    Объект WSDLReader: Объект WSDLReader:Сбой в работе XML-анализатора. Строка 0, позиция 0. Причина: Access is denied.
    HRESULT=0x1: Incorrect function.
    - Объект WSDLReader:Сбой при загрузке WSDL-файла HRESULT=0x80070057: The parameter is incorrect.
    - Client:Один из указанных параметров является недопустимым. HRESULT=0x80070057: The parameter is incorrect.

    Если я же через браузер захожу под этим пользователем на wsdl, то всё работает нормально.

    Не подскажите, как решить проблему?

    14. Требуется Программист Lotus!

    Необходим опыт разработки web-приложений для IBM Lotus Notes & Domino

    15. http://twitpic.com/tzmdh мягко говоря странные функции lotus domino notes

    http://twitpic.com/tzmdh мягко говоря странные функции lotus domino notes

    16. persibiz я тоже ненавижу Lotus Notes!

    persibiz я тоже ненавижу Lotus Notes!

    17. Записки программиста на Lotus Notes/Domino - Выпуск рассылки ...

    Lotus Notes & Domino Specialist * Lotus Notes Administrator * Lotus Notes/ Domino Developer 3 * Lotus Notes Email Support Co-op * Lotus Notes Support Technician * Lotus Notes Developer - Requires Polygraph * Lotus Notes Admin/Engr ...

    18. Customer + Mac + Lotus Notes = Happy Life http://ff.im/d2cUZ

    Customer + Mac + Lotus Notes = Happy Life http://ff.im/d2cUZ

    19. lotus notes - это 1с по западному?

    20. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 181" от 17 ...

    Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes/Domino Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes & Domino Specialist * Analyst Programmer with FileNet and Lotus Notes Domino * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes Developer * Lotus Notes & Domino Specialist * Lotus Notes Administrator * Lotus Notes/ Domino Developer 3 * Lotus Notes Email Support Co-op * Lotus Notes Support Technician * Lotus Notes Developer - Requires Polygraph * Lotus Notes Admin/Engr - TS/
    Давай знакомиться. В каких отношениях с Lotus Notes?
    (голосование возможно только из письма рассылки)
  • Lotus Администратор
  • Lotus Программист
  • Lotus Пользователь
  • С Lotus Note не знаком
  • Хочу познакомиться с Lotus Notes/Domino
  • Вакансии для специалистов

    1. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Req. ID: 5980 # Positions: 1 Location: US-IN-Carmel Posted Date: 12/4/2009 Position Type: Full Time Apply for this career opportunity: * Apply for this opportunityonline * R...

    2. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/16/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 159027 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    3. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/14/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 158834 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    4. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Full Time Regular posted 10/13/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 158730 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently possess ...

    5. Lotus Notes/Domino Developer

    Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Full Time Regular posted 11/23/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 161695 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently p...

    6. Lotus Notes Developer (CF)

    Lotus Notes Developer (CF) Full Time Regular posted 4/6/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 144349 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently posse...

    7. Lotus Notes/Domino Developer

    Lotus Notes/Domino Developer Full Time Regular posted 12/8/2009 Job Category MIS - Info Tech / Telecommunications Req ID 158386 Able to obtain security clearance? None Currently po...

    8. Lotus Notes & Domino Specialist

    Lotus Notes & Domino Specialist All applicants applying for U.S. job openings must be authorized to work in the United States. All applicants applying for Canadian job openings must be authorized to...

    9. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Our client is currently interviewing for a Developer with Lotus Notes development experience and a strong VB.NET background. The correct candidate will have a minimum of 5 years...

    10. Lotus Notes Developer

    Lotus Notes Developer Job Code: 1072 Location: GREENVILLE, SC US Travel Involved: Job Type: Temp. to Hire Job Level: Experienced (Non-Manager) over 5 yrs. Education: Bachelor's Degree Skills: Infor...

    Источники знаний. Сайты с книгами

    "Красные книги" IBM

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