Every now and then I get asked about adding a "remember me" feature to a Domino login page so that the user doesn't need to remember/enter their name/password each time. Each time I explain that it's not possible with Domino and, even if it were, it's not advisable.
On occasion I'll go on to to suggest that most current browsers give the user the option to remember the form details anyway. Normally this suffices.
Now though I have a user who really wants this feature, whatever the cost (in terms of actual cost to implement and in terms of lost security). I need to advise just what the cost is on both sides of the coin.
The question is -- is this even possible?
Having spent some time thinking about it I've got a few ideas floating about in my head. Whether they'd work or not I don't know until I've tried them out. What I need to do is find which would be the least insecure.
What I wondered was if anybody else had tackled this already? If so, how?
Find out how building IBM Lotus Sametime bots can improve and automate your access to information and assistance -- enhancing productivity and efficiency, and satisfying end users. Learn about three types of bots, see their business value through real-world examples, and get sample code for building a bot.
IBM LotusNotes Traveler осигурява мобилна поддръжка на IBM LotusNotes и IBM LotusDomino Web Access потребители.
Новата версия 8.5 на LotusNotes и допълнението Lotus iNotes Ultralite улесняват достъпа до e-мейл, календар, задачи, контакти и други приложения за съвместна работа от популярния смартфон iPhone.
Технологическую основу LotusLive Engage составляют различные компоненты платформы LotusNotes (электронная почта), Quickr (совместная работа с документами), Sametime (мгновенный обмен сообщениями и проведение Web-конференций), Lotus Forms (работа с электронными формами), Connections (поддержка социальных сетей).
This article describes how a fictitious home improvement company, Renovations, plans for and deploys the Notes ID vault. It describes the questions its IT staff answers during the ID vault planning ph
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