Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 65
Новости о ПО Lotus Notes1. ПО 2008: предкризисный трамплин? - ITC Online
2. Кабмин потратит более 17 млн. грн. на легальное … - АИН
3. Nokia представила два новых устройства - Омский городской портал Город55.ру
4. Nokia представила два новых смартфона - DP.RU (подписка)
Статьи. Публикации. Пресс-релизы1. Просмотр сайта developerWorks Lotus в его родном формате NotesВ данной статье приводятся инструкции по пошаговому подключению к базам данных сайта, а также предлагаются советы по разрешению проблем при подключении. Компания ПУЛ - разработка приложений на Lotus Notes/Domino CodeStore. Коды Примеры Шаблоны1. What is Notes 8.5's DAOS (Domino Attachment and Object Storage) feature?Get an introduction to DAOS (Domino Attachment Object Storage), a new feature in Lotus Notes 8.5 that preserves disk space by transferring attachments to a file system in your server, leaving you with tickets that reference the attachments, making them easily accessible. You'll learn the components it is made up of, what you'll need to run it, and why it's important to know all about it.2. What is Notes 8.5's DAOS (Domino Attachment and Object Storage) feature?Get an introduction to DAOS (Domino Attachment Object Storage), a new feature in Lotus Notes 8.5 that preserves disk space by transferring attachments to a file system in your server, leaving you with tickets that reference the attachments, making them easily accessible. You'll learn the components it is made up of, what you'll need to run it, and why it's important to know all about it.3. Moving from Microsoft Outlook to IBM Lotus Notes for end usersThis white paper is intended for former Microsoft Outlook users who have moved to IBM Lotus Notes 8. It describes the functionalities of Lotus Notes, mapping these features from those of Microsoft Outlook and describing how to customize Lotus Notes to deliver a user experience comparable with that of Microsoft Outlook.4. Administering IBM Lotus Quickr Services for Lotus DominoThis white paper explains how to use the various utilities of IBM Lotus Quickr Version 8.1 Services for Lotus Domino to administer the product. Learn how to manage places, how to use the QPTool to manage your Quickr environment, and how to obtain and apply a hot fix. It is intended for anyone who is a Quickr Domino Server Administrator.5. Using Server.Load to evaluate and enhance IBM Lotus Domino server performanceThe purpose of this white paper is to provide a method for using the IBM Lotus Domino Server.Load utility to evaluate and improve Domino Server performance for a given workload. Included are performance considerations for running Lotus Domino on Linux. Also presented is a detailed procedure for running the utility to evaluate the performance of Lotus Domino on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, for simulated workloads of 600 and 1200 users.6. Get a Dial Tone in Sametime in No Time: Intro to TCSPIDevelopers have many toolkit choices to integrate IBM Lotus Sametime with a telephony system, but the Telephony Conferencing Service Provider Interface (TCSPI) is becoming the preferred option for Web conferencing applications. Follow this step-by-step tutorial to set up and experiment with building TCSPI telephony solutions outside of your production system.7. Working with components in IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1, part 3: Exposing components as a custom Atom feedThis article, the third in a three-part series, demonstrates how to expose the IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ content (items) as a custom Atom feed. The new Atom feed can be used to fetch Lotus Quickr content from components such as task or announcement across all teamplaces to which the user belongs. The content can also be filtered based on any option field of the component, such as the priority field of the task component or the type field of the announcement component.8. LotusScript button updates email addresses in Lotus Notes PABSend Lotus Notes users an email message that contains this LotusScript-coded button. This button will allow them to easily update an email in the location document of their Personal Address Books (PABs). The button automatically notifies the administrator once the address has been updated.9. LotusScript button updates email addresses in Lotus Notes PABSend Lotus Notes users an email message that contains this LotusScript-coded button. This button will allow them to easily update an email in the location document of their Personal Address Books (PABs). The button automatically notifies the administrator once the address has been updated.10. Widgets and Live Text — Powerful, Customized Searching from Notes in Two Easy StepsLearn how to develop custom search widgets that use the IBM Lotus Notes 8.0.1 Live Text feature. Live Text provides a way to convert text in Notes applications (phone numbers, addresses, site URLs, and the like) into text that you can wire to widgets used by the Notes client. Форумы о Lotus Notes/Domino:
Интенет эфир о Lotus Notes. Блоги и форумы1. Your newest Celine Dion source @ Celine Dion FanConcocted by Patricia Choux of Symrise, Chic has top notes of aquatic greens and watermelon; a heart of peony, drenched gardenia, lotus flower and green violet, and a drydown of blond woods, sandalwood, amber and musk.2. Он был назван в честь одной нашей программы с рыжей эмблемой (Lotus Notes).Надо сказать, что вся моя жизнь сейчас укладывается в три простых слова: работа ...3. Два простых правила продуктивностиВам осталось только выделить самую приоритетную задачу (с помощью плана, органайзера или to-do-программ типа MS Outlook, Lotus Notes, плагина для GMail - Tasks (который можно найти в разделе Labs) и прочих) и четко соблюдать эти правила.4. Рахметов Дастан, Юрист, Risk manager, Trader, , Алматы,The BAT 3.85, Outlook Express, Lotus notes. dzza@mail.ru Четверг, 26 Февраля 15:59 2009г.5. ПО 2008: предкризисный трамплин?Но еще, пожалуй, важнее, что к проекту OpenOffice.org присоединилась IBM, не только поделившаяся с сообществом рядом наработок, в том числе в вопросах интеграции с Lotus Notes, но и выпустившая собственный пакет Lotus Symphony с оригинальным интерфейсом на базе среды Eclipse.6. Держу вайн на рабочем компе только из за 2Gis и Lotus Notes/CompanyMedia, дома ...Держу вайн на рабочем компе только из за 2Gis и Lotus Notes/CompanyMedia, дома ...7. Назад в будущее с Lotus LiveДвадцать лет назад в 1989 г. оду, великолепный разработчик ПО по имени Рэй Оззи запустил футуристическую платформу для совместной работы, названную им Lotus Notes. Партнерство с Salesforce.com особенно ЧЧЧ, с учетом того что Lotus Notes всегда отмечалась как неуправляемая, очень дорогая система стандартов работы, которую как раз и призваны были заменить все эти SaaS-продукты, такие как Force.com.8. Меню почтового ящикаЗдравствуйте! Подскажите пожалуйста установила Lotus Notes 5.0.9 ru. Затем захожу в свой почтовый ящик, а названия "Почта" и менюшка(Создать записку, переслать) отображаются каракулями. Все остальное нормально. В чем может быть проблема и что надо...9. Eset Smart Security Business GOLD v3.0.684NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microbill windows, through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microbill Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers.10. СинхронСегодня анонсировано ПО Google Apps Directory Sync, которое позволяет осуществлять синхронизацию с LDAP, включая MS AD и Lotus Domino. Инструмент бесплатен и доступен для всех редакций Google Apps, кроме Standard Edition.11. Монастырев Евгений, менеджер, Алматы,MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point ), Lotus Notes 6.5, Internet - Вождение:12. Lotus Notes Standard Fix Pack 1 Client Cumulative Client Hotfix 1 (FP1CCH1) for ...Для Lotus Notes версии 8.0.2 доступен новый хотфикс (FP1CCH1), больше информации тут: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=899&uid=swg2137564013. Re: [недоумевает]ну, во 1х, как ты, наверное, знаешь, Lotus Notes у меня стоит :14. Дистрибутив ОС - GentooРабочая среда - ... клиент - ctorrentКлиент Lotus Domino ...Дистрибутив ОС - GentooРабочая среда - xmonadТерминальная программа ...15. gorobets: Gmail, Lotus Notes, Conversations - Как оказалось, часть моих ...gorobets: Gmail, Lotus Notes, Conversations - Как оказалось, часть моих ...16. Digital Activity: Софт, который я использую каждый деньКлиент Lotus Domino - Lotus Notes17. Moving from Microsoft Outlook to IBM Lotus Notes for end usersThis white paper is intended for former Microsoft Outlook users who have moved to IBM Lotus Notes 8. It describes the functionalities of Lotus Notes, mapping these features from those of Microsoft Outlook and describing how to customize Lotus Notes to deliver a user experience comparable with that of Microsoft Outlook.18. Administering IBM Lotus Quickr Services for Lotus DominoThis white paper explains how to use the various utilities of IBM Lotus Quickr Version 8.1 Services for Lotus Domino to administer the product. Learn how to manage places, how to use the QPTool to manage your Quickr environment, and how to obtain and apply a hot fix. It is intended for anyone who is a Quickr Domino Server Administrator.19. Using Server.Load to evaluate and enhance IBM Lotus Domino server performanceThe purpose of this white paper is to provide a method for using the IBM Lotus Domino Server.Load utility to evaluate and improve Domino Server performance for a given workload. Included are performance considerations for running Lotus Domino on Linux. Also presented is a detailed procedure for running the utility to evaluate the performance of Lotus Domino on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, for simulated workloads of 600 and 1200 users.20. Digital Activity " runix: Софт, который я использую каждый деньКлиент Lotus Domino - Lotus Notes21. Re: составление отчета в LotusА чем не подходит в администрировании закладка File, folder mail ? )22. Добавить строки в таблицу формыПомогите!!!!!!!... 23. Lotus notesПосле трех дней тесного общения с Lotus Notes так нежно любимая мной TFS начинает казаться просто шедевром программистского зодчества.24. составление отчета в LotusЯ новичок в Lotus-e.Мне нужно создать отчет в виде формы ,или хотя бы типа Excell-овского файла(что то вроде того)о состоянии почтовых ящиков пользователей.25. Кабмин потратит более 17 млн. грн. на легальное ПО для таможниЕщё 800 тыс.грн. уйдет на закупку ПО Lotus Notes, а 5,688 млн. грн. - на ПО для мониторинга работы единой информационной системы таможни.26. Кабмин потратит более 17 млн. грн. действительно очень сильно легальное ...Ещё 800 тыс.грн. уйдет славу закупку ОЧЕНЬ ПОСЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬНО Lotus Notes, и 5,688 млн. грн. - усердствовать ВОЛШЕБСТВУ формы мониторинга работы единой информационной системы таможни.27. Мастер-класс Глеба Архангельского "Тайм-менеджмент для топ-менеджеров: как ...Обзор корпоративных решений: как по-максимуму использовать возможности планирования в корпоративных Outlook / Lotus Notes / SharePoint / MindManager28. IBM releases WebSphere Portal Document Manager migration toolGood news! If you are an existing WebSpere Portal 5.1 or 6.0 customer, then you can use this new migration tool to easily migrate your Portal Document Manager library content to IBM Lotus® Quickr T ...29. Working with components in IBM Lotus Quickr 8.1, part 3: Exposing components as a custom Atom feedThis article, the third in a three-part series, demonstrates how to expose the IBM® Lotus® Quickr™ content (items) as a custom Atom feed. The new Atom feed can be used to fetch Lotus Quickr content from components such as task or announcement across all teamplaces to which the user belongs. The content can also be filtered based on any option field of the component, such as the priority field of the task component or the type field of the announcement component.30. Why enterprise software is so shockingly bad(Not that IBM is alone in this-it"s just that I"m having flashbacks right now to when I was forced to use Lotus Notes.)31. Win Ralph Lauren Romance & Always Yours SetThe Sensual Floral Chypre unites celebratory top notes of Sun Goddess Rose, Yellow Freesia and Ginger; with elevated mid-notes of Lotus Flower, White Violet and Fresh Daylily; and enduring base notes of Patchouli Concentrate, Creamy Sensual Musk and Oakmoss.32. Re: Помогите с Check passwords on Notes IDsЕсли бы в реплике АК используемой DA был дайджест не верный, то тема бы не подымалась. Там все верно, в том то вся и фишка.33. abulgakov: Блин, еще и Lotus Notes Domino 6.5 Server Windows перестали раздавать ...abulgakov: Блин, еще и Lotus Notes Domino 6.5 Server Windows перестали раздавать ...34. Я, откровенно говоря, этого феномена Lotus Notes не понимаю.Я, откровенно говоря, этого феномена Lotus Notes не понимаю. А контора ваша ...35. Р"С"РїСгСГРє СѬР°СГСГС"Р"РєРё "Lotus Notes/Domino -- РїСѬРѭРґСгРєС" Рё РёРѬСГС ...Р"С"СРѭР" РѬРѭРІС"Р№ РІС"РїСгСГРє СѬР°СГСГС"Р"РєРё "Lotus Notes/Domino -- РїСѬРѭРґСгРєС" Рё РёРѬСГС"СѬСгРѭРѭРѬС".36. Выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент. Выпуск: 60 ...Вышел новый выпуск рассылки "Lotus Notes/Domino -- продукт и инструмент.37. Re: Перенос (миграция) клиента LN (версия 6.5.2) с машины на машинуМожно просто скопировать папку Lotus, но с сохранением всех путей, либо коректировать в notes.ini, но при условии, если это Single User установка.... 38. Covering beginner topics for the Designer wikiI haven't been adding much technical content to this blog recently, because the little time I have available for that kind of thing has been going toward the Designer wiki. My most recent article the ...39. Re: Перенос (миграция) клиента LN (версия 6.5.2) с машины на машинуМожно просто скопировать папку Lotus, но с сохранением всех путей, либо коректировать в notes.ini, но при условии, если это Single User установка.... Блиц-опрос
Вакансии для специалистов1. Lotus Notes Administrator--Description-- Responsibilities: This position works on both side of Notes. It is not a development position; but an understanding of Lotus Notes development and administration would be a plus. The p...2. Lotus Notes Developer with Java and DB2Position: Lotus Notes Developer with Java and DB2Location: Newark, NJRate: Best HourlyDuration: Long Term1. Health Insurance industry claims and benefit expertise 2. Sarbanes-Oxley compliance tracking...3. Lotus Notes - Domino - AdministratorMinimum Required Skills: Lotus notes administrator, domino administrator, domino admin, notes administrator, notes admin, Certified Lotus Professional, Lotus Notes, Systems Engineer, Systems Administr...4. Lotus Notes AdministratorOur client is looking for Lotus Notes Support with a concentration on Blackberry BES support Tier II & III.RESPONSIBILITIES:* Isolate, diagnose and troubleshoot problems as they occur* Perform statist...5. Lotus Notes - Domino - AdministratorMinimum Required Skills: Lotus notes administrator, domino administrator, domino admin, notes administrator, notes admin, Certified Lotus Professional, Lotus Notes, Systems Engineer, Systems Administr...6. Lotus Notes AdminThe ideal candidate will provide technical services and engineering support to a federal client on all aspects of the Lotus Notes/Domino Messaging and Collaboration System (LN/DS) infrastructure. This...7. Network Engineer Asc - Lotus NotesDescription: The individual is a Tier 3 Helpdesk resource utilizing Lotus Notes and Intranet Quorum to track all customer support related issues including installation of new equipment. Strong oral an...8. Active Directory / Lotus Notes AdminstratorDescription:We have a Domino Server Environment, Web Browser users who access a Domino Web application are authenticated against Active Directory using LDAP.We are experiencing slow server performance...9. Lotus Notes Administrator** Email resumes to dpatel@brooksource.com or call 312-243-2675 if you are qualified and interested in this Lotus Notes Administrator opportunity***In this position you will install, configure, and ma...10. Lotus Notes AdministratorWe are currently looking for an Experienced Email Administrator for our client located in the Chicago Land Area. The ideal candidate we are looking for is an experienced and certified Domino Email Adm...Закладки о Lotus Notes1. BuzzNotes2. IBM General webcast event - Lotusphere 2009 Opening General Session - 15 jan 20093. Repcat for Notes4. LotusLive5. Andrei's Blog about Lotus Domino and other things: POST data to Domino agent using AJAX6. IBM Redbooks | Building Composite Applications7. Format der .NDL-Dateien (Notes DocLink) | Sonstiges | www.madicon.de8. DominoForum - Dominoforum intern - Domino 8.5 certified for Windows 2008 - News9. IBM developerWorks : Lotus developer resources10. Das Notes Forum - Index11. Lotus Domino documentation: White papers, Redbooks, and more12. Lotus Domino Administrator 6 Help13. Breaking Par Consulting Inc.http://www.breakingpar.com/14. E L S U A ~ A KM Blog Thinking Outside The Inbox by Luis Suarez " Social Networking - The Twitterverse DebatesIBM uses BlueTwit internally and Lotus Notes has a twitter plugin15. nsftools.com - The February 2009 Blog16. Generic Composite Application Containers and Utilities17. IBM Software Support: Lotus product lifecycle dates18. Why Upgrade to Lotus Notes 819. Michael Brown - Blogging for Dominos20. FOROS GRUPO GPYME: Lotus Notes / Domino21. IBM Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center22. Lotus Notes documentation: Version 8.523. Integra4Notes: Lotus Notes Reporting with Word and Excel24. Notes/Domino 6 and 7 Forum : XML/SWF Charts & Domino25. BizzyBee's BizzyThoughts " Blog Archive " Even better looking charts from your data with Fusioncharts26. BizzyBee's BizzyThoughts " Blog Archive " Even better looking charts from your data with Fusioncharts27. BizzyBee's BizzyThoughts28. Frank Cseh's Lotus Notes Page29. Ytria Français - Outils pour développeurs et administrateurs Lotus Notes Domino30. Developing a composite application in IBM Lotus Notes to integrate Lotus Notes and Google calendars31. Domino Error Messages32. Determine If A Private View Is Out Of Date33. Export OUTLOOK vers LOTUS NOTES34. Exporter une base courrier lotus notes *.nsf vers outlook??? - Logiciels - Windows & Software - FORUM HardWare.fr35. lotus domino designer ☼ CodeS-SourceS.com | CodeS-SourceS | 39487 VB, VB.NET, C#, C++, ASP, ASP.NET, PHP, Java, ColdFusion, Javascript, DHTML, Delphi, Flash, IRC, Graphisme etc...36. "LNMAIL2PST" LOTUS NOTES/OUTLOOK lotusnotes, outlook, pst, nfs, progressbar, Source N°4280037. [AVIS] De la différence philosophique entre Lotus Notes et SharePoint 2007. , The Mit's Blogwhy using MOSS200738. Lotus Notes Sidebar Apps and Plugins / Lotus39. BCC - Give your Notes client a free FACE LIFT40. Domino Blog - Making Notes ROCK on CitrixИсточники знаний. Сайты с книгами
Lotus Notes. Видео и изображения1. Lotus Notes Address Book Groups TipDesktop efficiency tip in Lotus Notes with the usage of the address book groups Author: MarsISTrendSpotting 2. Comment syncrhroniser vos contacts outlook ou lotus ...Apprenez en 5 minutes comment utiliser le logiciel Phone Suite pour la synchro avec Outlook et Lotus Notes Author: glverrier 3. What a of load bollocks!http://st1.rivettassociates.com/Web/Vaughans.nsf/ Download trial copy http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/downloads/ls/lfoundation/learn.html This video goes to show how upset I am about the software released by IBM called Lotus Foundations. It may mean that I will not be able to make as much money on simple every day tasks like I have been able to in the past. I have been a Lotus Notes Consultant based in Auckland, New Zealand for quite a number of years. Now I have something great to work with. Author: vrivett 4. Lotus Foundations - How to register a userClick here for a link to my blog: http://st1.rivettassociates.com/Web/Vaughans.nsf/ Click here to follow me on twittr: http://www.twitter.com/vrivett This video shows you how to register a user in Louts Foundations. Lotus Foundations is a product from IBM which can give you the ability to set up a server on your network which will configure itself based on what it can find already on your network. It also comes with and enterprise ready application called Louts Domino Server which allows you to access email using Microsoft Outlook , Lotus Notes, POP Mail etc. My names is Vaughan Rivett and I am a consultant based in Auckland, New Zealand Author: vrivett
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