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Purchase Emsisoft for Mom and Donate to Save the Children

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Purchase Emsisoft for Mom and Donate to Save the Children
2014-05-09 14:06

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Purchase Emsisoft for Mom and Donate to Save the Children

Mother’s Day Alert!


For those of you who might have forgotten, Mother’s Day is this Sunday. That means it’s your turn to help clean up the kitchen, the laundry room, and maybe even Mom’s malware ridden computer. Well, hopefully not the last one, but if that happens to be the case you’re in luck because Emsisoft is running a Mother’s Day Deal.

Purchase Emsisoft Anti-Malware or Emsisoft Internet Security (1 year or more) for Mom by May 16th, 2014, and for every order you place Emsisoft will donate 1 baby blanket to the Save the Children Foundation.

You know, cause blankets help Moms protect kids – and protecting kids is what Moms do.



Purchase will also include 1 EMSISOFT CERTIFICATE OF MOM-EXCELLENCE to let her know how much you appreciate everything she’s done. On top of that, you’ll also receive a pre-written letter which you can give to Mom to help her understand why you bought her an awarding-winning security software instead of flowers.

Letter comes attached to Mom-Excellence Certificate and is completely customizable, so bust out those finger paints and macaroni noodles to let her know you REALLY care.



This Mother’s Day, Save MOM from MALWARE! Give her the BEST, and we’ll GIVE BACK to Moms and kids who need it most! [Offer applies to renewals too, so if your Mom is already running Emsisoft on her PC...well then your Mom is pretty awesome.]

Purchase Emsisoft Anti-Malware or Emsisoft Internet Security (1 year or more)  for Mom and Donate to Save the Children!

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