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Базовый элемент защиты: <<Лаборатория Касперского>> на страже виртуальных и физических IT-ресурсов компании <<Элемент Лизинг>>

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Базовый элемент защиты: «Лаборатория Касперского» на страже виртуальных и физических IT-ресурсов компании «Элемент Лизинг»
2014-03-26 15:19

KMM поделился ссылкой

Базовый элемент защиты: «Лаборатория Касперского» на страже виртуальных и физических IT-ресурсов компании «Элемент Лизинг»

Виртуальная IT-инфраструктура компании «Элемент Лизинг», одного из лидеров на российском рынке лизинга коммерческого автотранспорта, получила комплексную защиту от всего спектра актуальных киберугроз — Kaspersky Security для виртуальных сред.

Show us Why you Party with Emsisoft – Illustration Contest
2014-03-26 17:20

KMM поделился ссылкой

Show us Why you Party with Emsisoft – Illustration Contest

Nothing kills a good party like malware. That’s why Emsisoft’s got your back.

We turned 10 years, and to celebrate a decade of accomplishments we’ve decided to hold a contest.  Our initial plan was pin-the-tail on the donkey, but it just isn’t the same on the computer. We then wanted to do musical chairs and a piñata, but since we’re a virtual company we don’t really have the space. And since we’re only 10, a bar crawl is out of the question.

So we want you to Show us Why you Party with Emsisoft.

Submit a self-crafted illustration of any kind or a short video (30sec max) showing us why Emsisoft is your Anti-Malware of Choice. When the music stops, we’ll pick our favorite submissions and hand out some prizes.

What you can win: Prizes worth over 2000€ !

Top 3 Submissions
3×1 brand new Google Nexus 7


incl. Emsisoft Mobile Security license (1 year)
incl. Emsisoft Anti-Malware (3PC license, 1 year)


Further prizes

10×1 Emsisoft Anti-Malware (3 PCs, 1 year)
20×1 Emsisoft Anti-Malware (1 PC, 1 year)


Some Ideas to Get You Started

Cool signboard flip tricks with Emsisoft Anti-Malware


From the COMSS.RU Why Emsisoft is Awesome Contest








Submission Guidelines

How to enter

  • Contest entry to be sent as an image attachment (.jpg or .png) OR link to video on Youtube to contest@emsisoft.com, including full name of the contestant and country of origin.
  • Email subject line must be “Emsisoft is Awesome – My Contest Submission 2014″.
  • Entry to be sent by April 9th, 2014 before 23:59


Contest timeline

  • Submissions between March 26th – April 9th, 2014
  • Selection of nominees by Emsisoft jury and presentation in the Emsisoft blog until April 16th, 2014
  • Public vote between April 16th – April 30th,2014 (to be announced)
  • Final selection of winners of both user vore and jury selection by the Emsisoft team on May 2nd, 2014


The fine print

Like any competition, the Emsisoft Illustration Contest isn’t without a few rules. In order for everything to go above board, we have put some effort into phrasing the rules as clearly as possible. By submitting a draft to the Emsisoft Illustration Contest, contestants expressly agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. A valid Emsisoft license is explicitly not required to participate.
  2. By submitting my entry, I agree to participate in the Emsisoft Illustration Contest. The entry can be in the form of a drawing, a storyboard, a painting, an illustration, a video or the like. In order to claim rights to participation, the draft must be received by Emsisoft no later than 9 April 23:59.
  3. By submitting my entry, I assure Emsisoft that it has been shot, drawn or created and produced either all by myself or that any persons involved in its creation have agreed to irrevocably grant me all rights of use of the draft as an exclusive, non-limited right, which means that I can make unrestricted use of it.
  4. If my entry violates any third parties’ rights, Emsisoft reserves the right to disqualify me from participation, and I pledge myself to maintain Emsisoft free of any claims as well as costs and damages that may result therefrom.
  5. By submitting my work, I am aware of it being made publicly available, distributed, presented for others to comment on or evaluate and, if applicable, download, in case of it being awarded a prize.
  6. My entry may not have any contents that represent racism, physical violence of any kind, sexual abuse of any group or violations of any third parties’ rights (such as trademark or personal rights).
  7. I allow Emsisoft to store and use the data submitted with my entry (name, e-mail) for the purpose of this contest and during its term. No data will be transferred to third parties not involved in organizing this contest. I can revoke this agreement at any time in writing, which will prevent me from any further participation in this contest.
  8. I agree, irrevocably, to have my name and entry published and used for the purpose of advertising if I turn out to be among the winners.
  9. By the deadline of this contest, Emsisoft will nominate in its sole discretion several entries that the fans of Emsisoft will be able to vote for in a public voting on Emsisoft’s blog in order to find a winner. There is no claim as to being awarded any prizes.
  10. Winners are nominated by Emsisoft by the deadline of this contest and will be individually notified. The presentation of awarded works is not the same as and may differ from the actual winners. Emsisoft reserves the right to award participants and their entries as remarkable in the future as well.
  11. Emsisoft is entitled to exclude individual persons from this contest if there is legitimate reason to do so, such as violation of eligibility requirements, illegal interference with this contest or the like.
  12. There is no recourse to legal action. Non-cash prizes cannot be paid out or transferred to others.
  13. If any provision within this agreement is invalid, it shall not invalidate this agreement or any other provisions therein; the provision in question shall instead be replaced by a new one that corresponds to its intended purpose and is permitted by law.
  14. Emsisoft employees and those affiliated with the contest are not allowed to enter to win. This includes family members.


Alert! Monster.com Serving Gameover Zeus
2014-03-27 03:37

KMM поделился ссылкой

Alert! Monster.com Serving Gameover Zeus


Researchers have discovered a new variant of the financial Trojan Gameover Zeus that specifically targets the worldwide employment website Monster.com. Users who are infected by this variant are at risk of having their Monster.com log-in credentials compromised.

How it Works

Gameover Zeus has long been known for its prowess as a financial Trojan. The malware usually spreads through targeted phishing emails, and once installed it can be used to perform fraudulent banking transactions and to connect users to botnets for DDOS attacks.

This new variant of the Trojan uses Man-in-the-Browser techniques to inject a fraudulent sign-in button and form into Monster.com’s sign-in page.

Users who click the fake sign-in button send their Monster.com username and password to the attacker. They are then redirected to a form with a series of fake security questions, such as “In what City / Town does your nearest sibling live?” and “What are the last 5 digits / letters of your driver’s license number?”

Why this is a Threat

In 2013, Zeus’s Gameover variant was responsible for approximately one-third of all computerized attacks on financial institutions.  Early last year, Zeus was also found connecting to LinkedIn, and just last month it was found circulating Salesforce.com. Zeus is dangerous because it enables direct, covert, theft of funds. In comparison, the collection of user log-in credentials and random facts gathered through fake security questions may seem trivial, but it is not.

  • Someone who has stolen your Monster.com log-in credentials can log-on to your Monster.com account from anywhere, as the site does not feature two-factor authentication by default.
  • If your Monster.com credentials have been reused on other websites, an attacker can log-on to those accounts too.
  • Answers provided to fake security questions can be used to bypass legitimate security questions at other websites, to aid identity theft.

Threat Mitigation

Gameover Zeus usually spreads through targeted phishing emails. As such, if an email contains a suspicious attachment, don’t open it. In this regard, hiring managers with active Monster.com accounts are most at risk because they likely receive numerous emails with attached resumes on a daily basis and likely have a lot of information about a lot of people on their Monster.com account. Regardless, anyone with a Monster account is at risk.

If you are worried that your computer may be infected by this latest variant, our experts in the Help, my PC is infected! Emsisoft Forum are always ready and willing to help. Our removal service is free, even if you are not an Emsisoft customer yet.

Those running Emsisoft Anti-Malware are automatically protected from this threat. Although this is indeed a new variant of Zeus with a new signature, our Behavior Blocking Technology  can identify novel threats based on the way they interact with your computer.

Have a Great (Monster Malware-Free) Day!

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