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Набор макросов для придания эффекта тексту (Pure AQUA 6)
Набор кистей с потертой и помятой бумагой (paper)
Казуальная игра: Age Of Japan 2
Видеофайл: Паразиты: Туберкулез
Видеофайл: Воздействие медитации на человека
Видеофайл: Выводим человека из равновесия - воздействие на голову

Скачать новости дня одним архивом

Веб и дизайн

(JPG, 3576x2343)
2010-09-30 13:16 parad0x

Скачать с: 
(JPG, 3576x2343)
2343 пикселя(ей)
3576 пикселя(ей)
1853 Кбайт
Картинкой поделились: 

(JPG, 3102x3215)
2010-09-30 13:16 parad0x

Скачать с: 
(JPG, 3102x3215)
3215 пикселя(ей)
3102 пикселя(ей)
2513 Кбайт
Картинкой поделились: 

Выпущен Vextractor 5.30
2010-09-30 05:57 parad0x



Вышла новая библиотека xFrogPlants Flowers 3 Library
2010-09-30 05:57 parad0x



Обновление для Adobe Media Encoder CS5 5.0.1
2010-09-30 05:57 parad0x



Вышла новая версия VizUp 3.7.3
2010-09-30 05:57 parad0x



Сборник клипарта: рамки в виде картинных рам
2010-09-30 17:57 parad0x

Сборник клипарта: рамки в виде картинных рам
2123 Кбайт
Скачать с: 

В сборник входит 30 черно-белых изображений в формате PNG24 (с прозрачностью, размер 1111x1111 пикселей) с рамками в виде картинных рам.

Набор стилей (1315_styles_61)
2010-09-30 17:57 parad0x

Набор стилей (1315_styles_61)
4355 Кбайт
Скачать с: 

В набор входит 8 стилей.

Набор кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой (rons_wings_of_wings_3)
2010-09-30 17:57 parad0x

Набор кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой (rons_wings_of_wings_3)
2019 Кбайт
Скачать с: 

В набор входит 6 кистей с брызгами, дождем и водой. Минимальный размер кисти в наборе — 249. Максимальный размер кисти в наборе — 2125.

2010-09-30 17:57 parad0x

1157 Кбайт
Скачать с: 

Набор фигур с драконами и волком (dragon_wolf)
2010-09-30 17:57 parad0x

Набор фигур с драконами и волком (dragon_wolf)
1197 Кбайт
Скачать с: 

В набор входит 4 фигуры с драконами и волком.

Набор макросов для придания эффекта тексту (Jaguar_GB)
2010-09-30 17:57 parad0x

Набор макросов для придания эффекта тексту (Jaguar_GB)
1090 Кбайт
Скачать с: 

В набор входит 1 макрос для придания эффекта тексту. Запустите макрос, он создаст документ и текстовый слой, после чего предложит ввести нужный текст. После ввода текста снова запустите макрос. Через некоторое время он предложит вам провести подходящий градиент. После этого снова запустите макрос.

Выпущена новая версия Pixelmator 1.6.1
2010-10-01 02:57 parad0x



Модуль: Panels Dashboard
2010-09-30 05:59 parad0x

Allows users to locally rearrange and roll up panes on the panel and save state per account. Global state of panel is not modified in the process.


jQuery UI

If you're using non standard, custom layout template, please ensure that .panel-display class is present on root div of your panel layout template.


Download the module, place it in your modules directory and enable it in Drupal. After doing so, Dashboard option should appear as available renderer under General tab of panel variant you want to render as Dashboard. Tick this option and enjoy!

After installing, you may want to tweak provided CSS (not very attractive) to match your own theme.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsGist Input Filter
By theunraveler on the 29th of September, 2010

This module provides an input filter to add a gist (from Github) anywhere input filters are accepted. You have the option of replacing the filter tag with a link to the gist or embedding the gist itself.

In case you aren't aware, "Gist is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are git repositories, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable as a git repository". (from Github)

To add a gist to a post, simply add the code [gist:#####] where ##### is the number of your gist.



Модуль: Previewable email templates
2010-09-30 05:59 parad0x

The Previewable Email Template (PET) module lets you create email templates, with token substitution, which can be previewed by the user before sending. The emails can be sent to one or many email addresses in a flexible way, and the recipients may or may not be Drupal account holders (users).

PET stores templates in a db table, not the variables table, so there is none of the memory usage which goes with the latter.

Required Modules



Copy the pet directory to the modules folder in your installation.
Enable the module using Administer -> Modules (/admin/build/modules)


Configure (create, edit, delete) the templates for your site at Administer -> Site Building -> Previewable email templates (/admin/build/pets)

Name - Machine name for the template. This is used when adding the template to your code.
Title - A descriptive title for the template.
Subject - The email subject. May contain tokens (see below).
Body - The email body. May contain tokens (see below).
Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsRemove "Add New Comment" link from node teasersBy armsch6 on the 29th of September, 2010

This is a simple module that removes the "Add New Comment" link from any teaser.

For the more technically inclined, it simply invokes the link_alter hook to remove $links['comment_add'] if it is present for any non-node page. Here is what the module does:

The module has no menu or modifiable settings. If you want these please submit a patch and I'll be happy to add it. For now the module can be found at


Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsLoginazon
By cwebster on the 29th of September, 2010

Enables an "Amazon.com-style" login page for Drupal.

Requires the Email Registration module.



Модуль: Drush Make Builder
2010-09-30 05:59 parad0x

This module provides an interface for creating, storing, combining and sharing your drush make files. See the README file for more information.

Written and maintained by:

Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk

Sponsored by:

CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFlag Classes
By mooffie on the 29th of September, 2010

This module, to be used with the Flag module, wraps flagged items with useful CSS classes. For example, a bookmarked node will be wrapped with a node-flagged-bookmarks-self.


Classes are added and removed dynamically, through JavaScript, when the AJAX flagging links are used. No page refresh is necessary.
Rows in views styled as tables (and lists) are also assigned these CSS classes.


This module has just been started (2010-09-29) and it's mostly a copy-paste from the handbook page "How to add CSS classes to nodes, based on flags set". It's in alpha stage. The development is happening on github.com.


You can download the module here.


Add the following to your stylesheet:

.node-flagged-bookmarks-self {
  background-color: pink !important;

This will paint in pink bookmarked nodes. See the screenshot at the top of this page: nodes at the front page, and rows in a view, are now painted.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsMeSH VocabularyBy erikwebb on the 28th of September, 2010

The MeSH module allows sites to utilize the large Medical Subject Headings vocabulary provided by the National Library of Medicine. Because this vocabulary is exceptionally large (currently 50k+ terms), special considerations have to be made in order to import and work with this data set.

This module replaces the taxonomy dropdown form on node edit pages with a CTools-based modal browser for easy insertion of terms. In addition, the import process is handled via an upload form, using the tree format of the MeSH database.


Chaos Tools Suite module
Taxonomy module
MeSH database in the tree format (not included)


Test with restricted memory limits (should work at 96M+)
Manage updates to MeSH database
Abstract taxonomy browser to use for any large vocabulary
Work correctly with Vertical Tabs value preview

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsComment Time TrackerBy Dane Powell on the 28th of September, 2010

A bare-bones reduction of Yet Another Time Tracker that simply adds a field to any comment form allowing users to enter a time value. Also provides Views handlers to show times associated with comments.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFeeds JSONPath ParserBy twistor on the 28th of September, 2010Features

This is a parser for the Feeds module that allows parsing JSON using JSONPath. It is very similar to the Feeds XPath Parser module.


The file jsonpath-0.8.1.php must be downloaded and put in the module folder.


Documentation can be found at http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/, and http://code.google.com/p/jsonpath/wiki/PHP.


Starting with the JSON document:

{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95



Модуль: Loginazon
2010-09-30 05:59 parad0x

Enables an "Amazon.com-style" login page for Drupal.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsDrush Make Builder
By greg.harvey on the 29th of September, 2010

This module provides an interface for creating, storing, combining and sharing your drush make files. See the README file for more information.

Written and maintained by:

Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk

Sponsored by:

CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFlag Classes
By mooffie on the 29th of September, 2010

This module, to be used with the Flag module, wraps flagged items with useful CSS classes. For example, a bookmarked node will be wrapped with a node-flagged-bookmarks-self.


Classes are added and removed dynamically, through JavaScript, when the AJAX flagging links are used. No page refresh is necessary.
Rows in views styled as tables (and lists) are also assigned these CSS classes.


This module has just been started (2010-09-29) and it's mostly a copy-paste from the handbook page "How to add CSS classes to nodes, based on flags set". It's in alpha stage. The development is happening on github.com.


You can download the module here.


Add the following to your stylesheet:

.node-flagged-bookmarks-self {
  background-color: pink !important;

This will paint in pink bookmarked nodes. See the screenshot at the top of this page: nodes at the front page, and rows in a view, are now painted.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsMeSH VocabularyBy erikwebb on the 28th of September, 2010

The MeSH module allows sites to utilize the large Medical Subject Headings vocabulary provided by the National Library of Medicine. Because this vocabulary is exceptionally large (currently 50k+ terms), special considerations have to be made in order to import and work with this data set.

This module replaces the taxonomy dropdown form on node edit pages with a CTools-based modal browser for easy insertion of terms. In addition, the import process is handled via an upload form, using the tree format of the MeSH database.


Chaos Tools Suite module
Taxonomy module
MeSH database in the tree format (not included)


Test with restricted memory limits (should work at 96M+)
Manage updates to MeSH database
Abstract taxonomy browser to use for any large vocabulary
Work correctly with Vertical Tabs value preview

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsComment Time TrackerBy Dane Powell on the 28th of September, 2010

A bare-bones reduction of Yet Another Time Tracker that simply adds a field to any comment form allowing users to enter a time value. Also provides Views handlers to show times associated with comments.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFeeds JSONPath ParserBy twistor on the 28th of September, 2010Features

This is a parser for the Feeds module that allows parsing JSON using JSONPath. It is very similar to the Feeds XPath Parser module.


The file jsonpath-0.8.1.php must be downloaded and put in the module folder.


Documentation can be found at http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/, and http://code.google.com/p/jsonpath/wiki/PHP.


Starting with the JSON document:

{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95



Модуль: Remove "Add New Comment" link from node teasers
2010-09-30 05:59 parad0x

This is a simple module that removes the "Add New Comment" link from any teaser.

For the more technically inclined, it simply invokes the link_alter hook to remove $links['comment_add'] if it is present for any non-node page. Here is what the module does:

The module has no menu or modifiable settings. If you want these please submit a patch and I'll be happy to add it. For now the module can be found at


Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsLoginazon
By cwebster on the 29th of September, 2010

Enables an "Amazon.com-style" login page for Drupal.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsDrush Make Builder
By greg.harvey on the 29th of September, 2010

This module provides an interface for creating, storing, combining and sharing your drush make files. See the README file for more information.

Written and maintained by:

Greg Harvey: http://www.drupaler.co.uk

Sponsored by:

CMS Professionals: http://www.cmspros.co.uk

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFlag Classes
By mooffie on the 29th of September, 2010

This module, to be used with the Flag module, wraps flagged items with useful CSS classes. For example, a bookmarked node will be wrapped with a node-flagged-bookmarks-self.


Classes are added and removed dynamically, through JavaScript, when the AJAX flagging links are used. No page refresh is necessary.
Rows in views styled as tables (and lists) are also assigned these CSS classes.


This module has just been started (2010-09-29) and it's mostly a copy-paste from the handbook page "How to add CSS classes to nodes, based on flags set". It's in alpha stage. The development is happening on github.com.


You can download the module here.


Add the following to your stylesheet:

.node-flagged-bookmarks-self {
  background-color: pink !important;

This will paint in pink bookmarked nodes. See the screenshot at the top of this page: nodes at the front page, and rows in a view, are now painted.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsMeSH VocabularyBy erikwebb on the 28th of September, 2010

The MeSH module allows sites to utilize the large Medical Subject Headings vocabulary provided by the National Library of Medicine. Because this vocabulary is exceptionally large (currently 50k+ terms), special considerations have to be made in order to import and work with this data set.

This module replaces the taxonomy dropdown form on node edit pages with a CTools-based modal browser for easy insertion of terms. In addition, the import process is handled via an upload form, using the tree format of the MeSH database.


Chaos Tools Suite module
Taxonomy module
MeSH database in the tree format (not included)


Test with restricted memory limits (should work at 96M+)
Manage updates to MeSH database
Abstract taxonomy browser to use for any large vocabulary
Work correctly with Vertical Tabs value preview

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsComment Time TrackerBy Dane Powell on the 28th of September, 2010

A bare-bones reduction of Yet Another Time Tracker that simply adds a field to any comment form allowing users to enter a time value. Also provides Views handlers to show times associated with comments.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFeeds JSONPath ParserBy twistor on the 28th of September, 2010Features

This is a parser for the Feeds module that allows parsing JSON using JSONPath. It is very similar to the Feeds XPath Parser module.


The file jsonpath-0.8.1.php must be downloaded and put in the module folder.


Documentation can be found at http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/, and http://code.google.com/p/jsonpath/wiki/PHP.


Starting with the JSON document:

{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95



Модуль: How to add CSS classes to nodes, based on flags set
2010-09-30 05:59 parad0x

The MeSH module allows sites to utilize the large Medical Subject Headings vocabulary provided by the National Library of Medicine. Because this vocabulary is exceptionally large (currently 50k+ terms), special considerations have to be made in order to import and work with this data set.

This module replaces the taxonomy dropdown form on node edit pages with a CTools-based modal browser for easy insertion of terms. In addition, the import process is handled via an upload form, using the tree format of the MeSH database.


Chaos Tools Suite module
Taxonomy module
MeSH database in the tree format (not included)


Test with restricted memory limits (should work at 96M+)
Manage updates to MeSH database
Abstract taxonomy browser to use for any large vocabulary
Work correctly with Vertical Tabs value preview

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsComment Time TrackerBy Dane Powell on the 28th of September, 2010

A bare-bones reduction of Yet Another Time Tracker that simply adds a field to any comment form allowing users to enter a time value. Also provides Views handlers to show times associated with comments.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFeeds JSONPath ParserBy twistor on the 28th of September, 2010Features

This is a parser for the Feeds module that allows parsing JSON using JSONPath. It is very similar to the Feeds XPath Parser module.


The file jsonpath-0.8.1.php must be downloaded and put in the module folder.


Documentation can be found at http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/, and http://code.google.com/p/jsonpath/wiki/PHP.


Starting with the JSON document:

{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95


Модуль: Flag Classes
2010-09-30 05:59 parad0x

This module, to be used with the Flag module, wraps flagged items with useful CSS classes. For example, a bookmarked node will be wrapped with a node-flagged-bookmarks-self.


Classes are added and removed dynamically, through JavaScript, when the AJAX flagging links are used.
Rows in views styled as tables (and lists) too are assigned these CSS classes.


This module has just been started (2010-09-29) and it's mostly a copy-paste from the handbook page "How to add CSS classes to nodes, based on flags set". The development is happening on github.com and there's not yet a release (come back soon).

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsMeSH VocabularyBy erikwebb on the 28th of September, 2010

The MeSH module allows sites to utilize the large Medical Subject Headings vocabulary provided by the National Library of Medicine. Because this vocabulary is exceptionally large (currently 50k+ terms), special considerations have to be made in order to import and work with this data set.

This module replaces the taxonomy dropdown form on node edit pages with a CTools-based modal browser for easy insertion of terms. In addition, the import process is handled via an upload form, using the tree format of the MeSH database.


Chaos Tools Suite module
Taxonomy module
MeSH database in the tree format (not included)


Test with restricted memory limits (should work at 96M+)
Manage updates to MeSH database
Abstract taxonomy browser to use for any large vocabulary
Work correctly with Vertical Tabs value preview

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsComment Time TrackerBy Dane Powell on the 28th of September, 2010

A bare-bones reduction of Yet Another Time Tracker that simply adds a field to any comment form allowing users to enter a time value. Also provides Views handlers to show times associated with comments.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsFeeds JSONPath ParserBy twistor on the 28th of September, 2010Features

This is a parser for the Feeds module that allows parsing JSON using JSONPath. It is very similar to the Feeds XPath Parser module.


The file jsonpath-0.8.1.php must be downloaded and put in the module folder.


Documentation can be found at http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/, and http://code.google.com/p/jsonpath/wiki/PHP.


Starting with the JSON document:

{ "store": {
"book": [
{ "category": "reference",
"author": "Nigel Rees",
"title": "Sayings of the Century",
"price": 8.95
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Evelyn Waugh",
"title": "Sword of Honour",
"price": 12.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "Herman Melville",
"title": "Moby Dick",
"isbn": "0-553-21311-3",
"price": 8.99
{ "category": "fiction",
"author": "J. R. R. Tolkien",
"title": "The Lord of the Rings",
"isbn": "0-395-19395-8",
"price": 22.99
"bicycle": {
"color": "red",
"price": 19.95



Взламываем Facebook.com (видео)
2010-09-30 20:59 parad0x

25000 Кбайт
Скачать с: 

Ролик демонстрирует наличие уязвимостей класса SQL-injection в одной из крупнейших социальных сетей мира Facebook. Правда, основные ошибки, с помощью которых был осуществлен основной взлом, внимательные админы устранили практически моментально.


Модуль: Page view block
2010-09-30 20:59 parad0x

This module blocks the page view of nodes as defined in the node_form. All nodes are still accessible in lists created by views or other modules.

It should only be used if you want to hide the page where the full node is visibele. E.g. you have a content type called 'links', you want to display the various links on a page or in a block, but never as a single link.

Of course it is possible to just not link to the full page node, but it would still be accessible by typing node/ in the address bar.

It also possible to choose a redirect page if a user was to go to the page anyway. If the field is left blank, Drupal will redirect to the default 404 page, or the frontpage if no 404 page is defined.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsLT4LBy somanyfish on the 30th of September, 2010

The LT4L module provides a connection between the tagging of Drupal content and items in a library's catalog. LibraryThing for Libraries allows libraries to set up accounts and upload information about their catalog. LibraryThing enables the tagging of items in a library's catalog. When a library patron views an item in the online catalog, LibraryThing for Libraries can present an iframe with related content via tags. This module uses a LibraryThing for Libraries script to gather a list of items in a library catalog related to a given Drupal node, for display in a block on a single node page.

This module is intended for use on a single node page. The module gathers terms used for the node and then queries LibraryThing for Libraries. The query includes the library's LibraryThing for Libraries id, which is entered in this modules settings page. The module first attempts to retrieve the desired number of items which are tagged with all of the tags in use by this node. If enough results are not achieved, the list is completed with a random assortment of items tagged with only one of the node's terms.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsReviser
By univate on the 30th of September, 2010

Reviser is an inline wysiwyg editor, meaning you can edit the node body content without going to the edit page. Just click anywhere on the node body and start editing. Since you are actually editing the HTML DOM on the same page where the content is actually viewed all changes you make will appear exactly the same when you hit save. A true what-you-see-is-what-you-get experience that a wysiwyg editor should provide

This really is finally a wysiwyg editor that you will want to use. There is no need to go between the edit and view pages to make sure everything looks right. Just edit away until it 100% correct, hit save and then you are done.

At the moment this editor does not replace any existing editors on the node create or edit pages it only works inline when viewing a pages that contains node content. There are also some other issues to be resolved like links in the node body are not accessible to users using this features.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPanels DashboardBy bdziewierz on the 29th of September, 2010

Allows users to locally rearrange and roll up panes on the panel and save state per account. Global state of panel is not modified in the process.


jQuery UI

If you're using non standard, custom layout template, please ensure that .panel-display class is present on root div of your panel layout template.


Download the module, place it in your modules directory and enable it in Drupal. After doing so, Dashboard option should appear as available renderer under General tab of panel variant you want to render as Dashboard. Tick this option and enjoy!

After installing, you may want to tweak provided CSS (not very attractive) to match your own theme.



Модуль: Core
2010-09-30 20:59 parad0x

Everything that actually should be in Drupal core but was rejected for strange reasons (release cycle stage although still in alpha?), and which can be altered in.

The core development rules are applied. All patches have to go through regular peer-reviews. No API change once we hit a stable, though of course, this module is able to release new major versions.

Detailed list follows.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPage view blockBy maartendeblock on the 30th of September, 2010

This module blocks the page view of nodes as defined in the node_form. All nodes are still accessible in lists created by views or other modules.

It should only be used if you want to hide the page where the full node is visibele. E.g. you have a content type called 'links', you want to display the various links on a page or in a block, but never as a single link.

Of course it is possible to just not link to the full page node, but it would still be accessible by typing node/ in the address bar.

It also possible to choose a redirect page if a user was to go to the page anyway. If the field is left blank, Drupal will redirect to the default 404 page, or the frontpage if no 404 page is defined.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsLT4LBy somanyfish on the 30th of September, 2010

The LT4L module provides a connection between the tagging of Drupal content and items in a library's catalog. LibraryThing for Libraries allows libraries to set up accounts and upload information about their catalog. LibraryThing enables the tagging of items in a library's catalog. When a library patron views an item in the online catalog, LibraryThing for Libraries can present an iframe with related content via tags. This module uses a LibraryThing for Libraries script to gather a list of items in a library catalog related to a given Drupal node, for display in a block on a single node page.

This module is intended for use on a single node page. The module gathers terms used for the node and then queries LibraryThing for Libraries. The query includes the library's LibraryThing for Libraries id, which is entered in this modules settings page. The module first attempts to retrieve the desired number of items which are tagged with all of the tags in use by this node. If enough results are not achieved, the list is completed with a random assortment of items tagged with only one of the node's terms.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsReviser
By univate on the 30th of September, 2010

Reviser is an inline wysiwyg editor, meaning you can edit the node body content without going to the edit page. Just click anywhere on the node body and start editing. Since you are actually editing the HTML DOM on the same page where the content is actually viewed all changes you make will appear exactly the same when you hit save. A true what-you-see-is-what-you-get experience that a wysiwyg editor should provide

This really is finally a wysiwyg editor that you will want to use. There is no need to go between the edit and view pages to make sure everything looks right. Just edit away until it 100% correct, hit save and then you are done.

At the moment this editor does not replace any existing editors on the node create or edit pages it only works inline when viewing a pages that contains node content. There are also some other issues to be resolved like links in the node body are not accessible to users using this features.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPanels DashboardBy bdziewierz on the 29th of September, 2010

Allows users to locally rearrange and roll up panes on the panel and save state per account. Global state of panel is not modified in the process.


jQuery UI

If you're using non standard, custom layout template, please ensure that .panel-display class is present on root div of your panel layout template.


Download the module, place it in your modules directory and enable it in Drupal. After doing so, Dashboard option should appear as available renderer under General tab of panel variant you want to render as Dashboard. Tick this option and enjoy!

After installing, you may want to tweak provided CSS (not very attractive) to match your own theme.



Модуль: LT4L
2010-09-30 20:59 parad0x

The LT4L module provides a connection between the tagging of Drupal content and items in a library's catalog. LibraryThing for Libraries allows libraries to set up accounts and upload information about their catalog. LibraryThing enables the tagging of items in a library's catalog. When a library patron views an item in the online catalog, LibraryThing for Libraries can present an iframe with related content via tags. This module uses a LibraryThing for Libraries script to gather a list of items in a library catalog related to a given Drupal node, for display in a block on a single node page.

This module is intended for use on a single node page. The module gathers terms used for the node and then queries LibraryThing for Libraries. The query includes the library's LibraryThing for Libraries id, which is entered in this modules settings page. The module first attempts to retrieve the desired number of items which are tagged with all of the tags in use by this node. If enough results are not achieved, the list is completed with a random assortment of items tagged with only one of the node's terms.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsReviser
By univate on the 30th of September, 2010

Reviser is an inline wysiwyg editor, meaning you can edit the node body content without going to the edit page. Just click anywhere on the node body and start editing. Since you are actually editing the HTML DOM all changes you make will appear exactly the same when you hit save.

This really is finally a wysiwyg editor that you will want to use. There is no need to go between the edit and view pages to make sure everything looks right. Just edit away until it looks 100%, hit save and then you are done.

At the moment this editor does not replace any existing editors on the node create or edit pages it only works inline when viewing a pages that contains node content. There are also some other issues to be resolved like links in the node body are not accessible to users using this features.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPanels DashboardBy bdziewierz on the 29th of September, 2010

Allows users to locally rearrange and roll up panes on the panel and save state per account. Global state of panel is not modified in the process.


jQuery UI

If you're using non standard, custom layout template, please ensure that .panel-display class is present on root div of your panel layout template.


Download the module, place it in your modules directory and enable it in Drupal. After doing so, Dashboard option should appear as available renderer under General tab of panel variant you want to render as Dashboard. Tick this option and enjoy!

After installing, you may want to tweak provided CSS (not very attractive) to match your own theme.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsGist Input Filter
By theunraveler on the 29th of September, 2010

This module provides an input filter to add a gist (from Github) anywhere input filters are accepted. You have the option of replacing the filter tag with a link to the gist or embedding the gist itself.

In case you aren't aware, "Gist is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are git repositories, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable as a git repository". (from Github)

To add a gist to a post, simply add the code [gist:#####] where ##### is the number of your gist.



Модуль: Reviser
2010-09-30 20:59 parad0x

Reviser is an inline wysiwyg editor, meaning you can edit the node body content without going to the edit page. Just click anywhere on the node body and start editing. Since you are actually editing the HTML DOM all changes you make will appear exactly the same when you hit save.

This really is finally a wysiwyg editor that you will want to use. There is no need to go between the edit and view pages to make sure everything looks right. Just edit away until it looks 100%, hit save and then you are done.

At the moment this editor does not replace any existing editors on the node create or edit pages it only works inline when viewing a pages that contains node content. There are also some other issues to be resolved like links in the node body are not accessible to users using this features.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsPanels DashboardBy bdziewierz on the 29th of September, 2010

Allows users to locally rearrange and roll up panes on the panel and save state per account. Global state of panel is not modified in the process.


jQuery UI

If you're using non standard, custom layout template, please ensure that .panel-display class is present on root div of your panel layout template.


Download the module, place it in your modules directory and enable it in Drupal. After doing so, Dashboard option should appear as available renderer under General tab of panel variant you want to render as Dashboard. Tick this option and enjoy!

After installing, you may want to tweak provided CSS (not very attractive) to match your own theme.

Find out more · Bugs and feature requestsGist Input Filter
By theunraveler on the 29th of September, 2010

This module provides an input filter to add a gist (from Github) anywhere input filters are accepted. You have the option of replacing the filter tag with a link to the gist or embedding the gist itself.

In case you aren't aware, "Gist is a simple way to share snippets and pastes with others. All gists are git repositories, so they are automatically versioned, forkable and usable as a git repository". (from Github)

To add a gist to a post, simply add the code [gist:#####] where ##### is the number of your gist.



Взламываем Facebook.com (видео)
2010-09-30 21:17 parad0x

25000 Кбайт
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Ролик демонстрирует наличие уязвимостей класса SQL-injection в одной из крупнейших социальных сетей мира Facebook. Правда, основные ошибки, с помощью которых был осуществлен основной взлом, внимательные админы устранили практически моментально.

Спорт и здоровье

В данный момент в ленте "Все массаже" новостей нет.

В данный момент в ленте "Все о йоге" новостей нет.

Дети влияют на то, как питаются их родители
2010-09-30 07:03 parad0x

Известно, что родители кормят детей так, как считают нужным. Однако впервые доказано, что и дети влияют на то, как питаются их родители.

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 03:04:04 +0300


Утренние пробежки могут привести к астме
2010-09-30 07:03 parad0x

Утренние пробежки, как выяснилось, могут причинить больше вреда, чем пользы для здоровья. Из-за плохой экологии частый кросс по утрам может привести к развитию астмы.

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 00:04:18 +0300


Контрацепция: вопрос жизни
2010-09-30 07:03 parad0x

Все, что вы хотели знать по поводу при­менения противозачаточных средств.

Дата: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 22:03:54 +0300


Выявлены факторы риска внутричерепного кровоизлияния при тромболизисе
2010-09-30 07:03 parad0x

Американские ученые выявили факторы риска развития внутричерепного кровоизлияния после тромболизиса.

Дата: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 22:29:35 +0300


Пути распространения цитомегаловируса
2010-09-30 07:03 parad0x

Цитомегаловирусом рано или поздно заражается большинство людей, однако эпидемиология этой инфекции сложна и возраст инфицирования значительно колеблется в зависимости от места проживания, социально-экономического положения, культурных факторов и особенностей ухода за детьми.

Дата: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 22:42:40 +0300


Акне в вопросах и ответах
2010-09-30 07:03 parad0x

Что такое акне? При неправильном функционировании сальных желез происходит закупорка пор кожным салом.

Дата: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 19:49:24 +0300


Катаракта: «мутный глаз» подлежит замене
2010-09-30 07:03 parad0x

95% информации о мире мы получаем благодаря зрению. С возрастом оно часто слабеет, потому и многие глазные болезни дают о себе знать уже после сорока лет. Одним из самых тяжелых по последствиям заболеваний остается катаракта. Именно из-за нее человек может полностью потерять зрение.

Дата: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 20:09:27 +0300


В данный момент в ленте "Все о бодибилдинге" новостей нет.

Техника охотницкого боя, часть 2
2010-09-30 18:06 parad0x

17701 Кбайт
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Техника охотницкого боя, часть 2

В видео показана техника охотницкого боя (бой, при котором нужно как можно быстрее вывести противника из строя).

Техника охотницкого боя, часть 2
2010-09-30 18:06 parad0x
Техника охотницкого боя, часть 2


В данный момент в ленте "Воспитание ребенка" новостей нет.

Рыба: выбираем натуральную рыбу (видео)
2010-09-30 22:13 parad0x

Рыба: выбираем натуральную рыбу (видео)
3761 Кбайт
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В видео рассказывается, как выбрать натуральную замороженную рыбу, без всякой химии. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.

Покупаем косметику: что такое нанокосметика (видео)
2010-09-30 22:13 parad0x

Покупаем косметику: что такое нанокосметика (видео)
12944 Кбайт
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В видео рассказывается, что такое нанокосметика на самом деле, и существует ли она вообще. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.


В данный момент в ленте "Как узнать характер человека по чертам его лица" новостей нет.

Знаменитости: Екатерина Великая (аудио)
2010-09-30 23:15 parad0x

В данный момент в ленте "Магия и гадания (рассылка)" новостей нет.


Знаменитости: Екатерина Великая (аудио)
2010-09-30 18:16 parad0x

5994 Кбайт
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Рассказ о жизни и смерти русской царицы Екатерины Великой.

Задорнов, Заметки филолога (аудио)
2010-09-30 18:16 parad0x

2046 Кбайт
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Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Заметки филолога'.

Задорнов, Заметки филолога (аудио)
2010-09-30 17:14 parad0x

2046 Кбайт
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Данный аудиофайл является выступлением Задорнова, номер 'Заметки филолога'.


Следуя современным тенденциям - Seagate Barracuda
2010-09-30 22:52 parad0x


По информации производителя, накопители специальной серии Seagate Barracuda LP отличаются высокой энергоэффективностью и в то же время способны продемонстрировать высокую производительность. Проверим это на практике.

Дата: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 00:00:00 +0000


Windows Ribbon в .NET-приложениях (ч.4)
2010-09-30 22:52 parad0x


Под конец очередного рабочего дня свежая статья для разработчиков. В предыдущей статье мы научились создавать на ленте вкладки с группами, кнопку справки, а также рассмотрели элементы управления счётчик и раскрывающийся (выпадающий) список. Также я упомянул об ошибке в обработке значений счётчика, поэтому если у вас возникли проблемы при работе со счётчиком, загляните в заключение предыдущей статьи.

Читать статью>>>

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:23:57 +0400


Microsoft выпустила второй пакет сервисных обновлений для SQL Server 2008
2010-09-30 22:52 parad0x


Вчера вечером компания Microsoft представила второй пакет сервисных обновлений к SQL Server 2008. Microsoft заявляет, что SP2 позволит обеспечить совместимость с текущей версией базы данных SQL (речь о Server 2008 R2), которая была выпущена в апреле этого года.

Читать дальше>>>

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 20:43:00 +0400


Microsoft выпустила финальную версию Windows Live Essentials 2011
2010-09-30 22:52 parad0x


Свершилось то, чего мы давно ждали: компания Microsoft выпустила финальную версию пакета приложений Windows Live Essentials 2011.

Читать дальше>>>

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 21:31:56 +0400


Пользователи Symbian и Blackberry под атакой банковского троянца
2010-09-30 22:52 parad0x


По данным компании Fortinet, киберпреступники начали использовать мобильные устройства под управлением операционных систем Symbian и BlackBerry для преодоления мультифакторных систем аутентификации, используемых для защиты рядом банков. Со

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 15:49:14 GMT


Работаем с Hyper-V (видео)
2010-09-30 22:52 parad0x

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27000 Кбайт

Hyper-V - мощное средство виртуализации, обладающее высокой производительностью и масштабируемостью. Поставляется как компонент некоторых версий операционной системы Windows Server 2008 и работает только на 64 битных процессорах.


Толковая инструкция на русском языке к программе аудиоредактору Audacity http://goo.gl/W1sv #ru_lh
2010-09-30 22:52 parad0x


No Tags]]>


Пришла беда, нашему другу нужна помощь
Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:47:27 +0000
Булаев Сергей


Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 12:01:51 +0000

Курсы валют НБУ на 30.09.2010
2010-10-01 02:11 parad0x

Нацбанк Украины установил на 30 сентября официальные курсы валют на уровне:791,3500 грн. за $100;1077,1065 грн. за 100 евро;2,6029 грн. за 10 руб. РФ.Напомним, на 29 сентября Нацбанком Украины были установлены следующие официальные курсы валют:791,3500...

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 07:30:00 +0300


Официальные курсы банковских металлов на 30.09.2010
2010-10-01 02:11 parad0x

Нацбанк Украины установил на 30 сентября следующие официальные (учетные) курсы банковских металлов за 10 тройских унций:золото - 103469,01 грн.серебро - 1730,68 грн.платина - 130177,08 грн.палладий - 44790,41 грн.Напомним,...

Дата: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 07:35:00 +0300


Citroen Lacoste выйдет в серийное производство
2010-09-30 06:13 parad0x

Накануне открытия автосалона в Париже Авто@Mail.ru провел онлайн-голосование, в котором приняли участие более 10 000 пользователей. Люди отвечали на вопрос: какую новинку Парижского автосалона 2010 они ждали больше всего.

Каталог авто | Автомобили



Citroen Lacoste выйдет в сериное производство
2010-09-30 06:13 parad0x

Накануне открытия автосалона в Париже Авто@Mail.ru провел онлайн-голосование, в котором приняли участие более 10 000 пользователей. Люди отвечали на вопрос: какую новинку Парижского автосалона 2010 они ждали больше всего.

Каталог авто | Автомобили



Рейтинг самых ожидаемых новинок Парижского автосалона
2010-09-30 06:13 parad0x

Французский сайт blogautomobile.fr опубликовал первое полное изображение нового суперкара от Lamborghini, премьера которого состоится на Парижском международном автосалоне 30 сентября.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Lamborghini



Представлено первое полное изображение новой Lamborghini
2010-09-30 06:13 parad0x

Изображение было представлено на церемонии открытия дилерского центра Infiniti на Пиккадилли в Лондоне.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Infiniti



Volkswagen представил в Париже седьмое поколение Passat
2010-09-30 16:13 parad0x

Компания Citroen объявила о намерении запустить в серию к 2013 году свою новую модель Lacoste, созданную в сотрудничестве с известной маркой одежды.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Citroen



У Range Rover Evoque появится пятидверная версия
2010-09-30 21:14 parad0x

На автосалоне в Париже в четверг компания Jaguar представила концептуальный суперкар C-X75 на электрической тяге с увеличенным запасом хода.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Jaguar



Электромобиль Renault будет стоить не больше, чем скутер
2010-09-30 21:14 parad0x

В четверг на Парижском международном автосалоне Ford представил новый раллийный автомобиль Fiesta WRC. В следующем году он заменит Ford Focus RS WRC в чемпионате мира по ралли.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Ford



Мировая премьера BMW X3 прошла в Париже
2010-09-30 21:14 parad0x

На Международном автосалоне в Париже компания Kia презентовала в Европе абсолютно новый среднегабаритный седан Optima.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Kia



Audi представила гибридный спайдер e-tron
2010-09-30 21:14 parad0x

Компания Nissan представила на Парижском автосалоне концепт электромобиля, получивший название Townpod. В этой модели использована та же технология нулевых вредных выбросов, что и в модели Nissan LEAF.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Nissan



Jaguar презентовал суперкар C-X75
2010-09-30 21:14 parad0x

Помимо четвертого Speedster, Porsche привез во Францию еще две мировые премьеры: Coupe и Cabriolet 911 - новый модельный ряд Garrera GTS с кузовом «wide body» и задним приводом с широкой базой.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Porsche



Ford представил новый раллийный автомобиль
2010-09-30 21:14 parad0x

На Парижском международном автосалоне генеральный директор компании Land Rover Фил Пофэм заявил о намерении производить пятидверную версию автомобиля Range Rover Evoque.

Каталог авто | Автомобили



Kia презентовала в Париже новый седан Optima
2010-09-30 21:14 parad0x

Компания Renault представила в четверг в Париже компактный электромобиль Twizy. Это необычное двухместное транспортное средство предназначено для того, чтобы виртуозно объезжать автомобильные заторы.

Каталог авто | Автомобили | Renault



Стройматериалы: насколько безопасны для человека (видео)
2010-09-30 17:15 parad0x

Стройматериалы: насколько безопасны для человека (видео)
18670 Кбайт
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В видео рассказывается, насколько безопасно для человека проживание в квартирах, в которых применяются различные стройматериалы. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.

За файл скажите спасибо: 
издательству "Питер"

Стройматериалы: коммерческий линолеум (видео)
2010-09-30 17:15 parad0x

Стройматериалы: коммерческий линолеум (видео)
15020 Кбайт
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В видео рассказывается, для чего предназначен коммерческий линолеум и насколько он может быть опасен в жилом помещении. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.

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Рыба: выбираем натуральную рыбу (видео)
2010-09-30 18:17 parad0x

Рыба: выбираем натуральную рыбу (видео)
3761 Кбайт
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В видео рассказывается, как выбрать натуральную замороженную рыбу, без всякой химии. Данный видеоматериал является вырезкой из передачи 'Среда обитания'.

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