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IT Report

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IT Report



Фанаты напечатали бюст Джобса на трехмерном принтере

Steve Jobs pixel bust - Want to spruce up your desk at work? Well, apart from having the usual family photos adoring various corners of your cubicle, why not complement the MacBook that you're using with this 8-bit inspired Steve Jobs pixel bust? Just...

В США из-за обилия мобильных устройств заканчиваются IP-адреса

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States could run out of unique Internet addresses to assign to new devices by the end of next year, a telecommunications official said on Tuesday. Internet Protocol version

4chan раскрыл посетителей порносайтов


Гик залез в сделанного им R2D2

Sometimes geeks get inspired and get down and dirty with their DIY prowess to make some awesome stuff. A great example is the dude last week that made his own

OpenOffice.org попытается отделиться от Oracle

Новый продукт получит название LibreOffice.

YouTube - семизначное число показов, шестизначные суммы

Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal, the 32-year-old comedians known professionally as Rhett & Link, wanted to be television stars. They were on the verge three years ago when The CW network canceled their variety show after four episodes.

37 совета по повышению производительности труда

These days, your office is your laptop, whether you're in a cubicle, a coffee shop, or on a plane. We asked professionals for their best advice on getting things done no matter where you work.

Бета Angry Birds на Android: миллион скачиваний

Just over three weeks ago, Rovio Mobile released a beta version of the massively popular Angry Birds game on Android, and it seems that the game is a huge hit with Android users. Rovio Mobile has announced that Angry Birds Beat for Android has been downloaded over one million times since it was made available, and Rovio are saying that this is the biggest mobile beta test ever.

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