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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов friday, 2 april 2004 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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friday, 2 april 2004

02:53 Gateway axes 2,500 jobs, closes US stores © The Register
04:59 War on Culture's victims face Penitentiary Blues © The Register
05:39 Classless Reg hack is void of humor © The Register
09:38 Blair puts compulsory ID card on fast track for UK © The Register
09:49 AOL UK blows £20m on ad campaign © The Register
09:54 You get paid to write this garbage? © The Register
10:19 BT fire: Everything should be sorted by Monday © The Register
10:33 Nokia 6600 smart phone © The Register
10:40 FreeMove mounts its challenge to Vodafone © The Register
10:48 CDMA450 threatens universal GSM © The Register
10:56 Nildram unveils broadband home move details © The Register
10:56 IBM lights Candle © The Register
11:08 Porn and the handset © The Register
11:09 Wippit offers pay-by-SMS digital music downloads © The Register
11:18 EC: implement e-privacy directive - or else © The Register
11:26 Severed cable plunges NTL punters into digital darkness © The Register
11:36 Sharp ships Linux Wi-Fi PDA in US © The Register
11:38 Telecom World fair bids au revoir to pricey Geneva © The Register
11:48 England Rugby World Cup winning sod auctioned for charity © The Register
11:49 Sony sues Kodak in digicam patents clash © The Register
12:09 Internet rape fantasy 'game' goes horribly wrong © The Register
13:09 OD2 clocks up 1m downloads in Q1 © The Register
13:22 Virtual CEO launches Vodafone 3G © The Register
13:27 PeopleSoft dumps poison pill rebate © The Register
13:30 Sony talks up PS3 © The Register
13:38 Sun settles with MS for $2bn (ish) © The Register
13:47 Pipex acquires Host Europe for £31m © The Register
13:52 Oz music download sites declare price war © The Register
14:02 Sun waves goodbye to 3,300 staff © The Register
14:24 Bull mourns dead chairman © The Register
14:50 Orlando court orders record companies to File lawsuits against filesharers © CDR-Info
14:50 Samsung debuts 90-nm NAND © CDR-Info
14:50 Legal song downloads rise tenfold © CDR-Info
14:50 Imation launches new USB flash drives © CDR-Info
14:50 Samsung, Toshiba launch optical storage JV © CDR-Info
14:50 Pioneer introduces high precision Electron Beam Recorder for high-density/Blu-ray Disc manufacturing © CDR-Info
14:50 Teac announces new 16x DVD-ROM drive © CDR-Info
14:50 New Blu-Ray drives available by Sony in May © CDR-Info
14:50 Set-top boxes may put a lid on rewritable DVDs © CDR-Info
15:01 MSN UK shuts Member Directory over paedo fears © The Register
16:22 Glastonbury online ticket sales fiasco © The Register

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