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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов friday, 27 february 2004 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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friday, 27 february 2004

10:08 MyDoom and Netsky cause chaos © The Register
10:10 VMware’s virtual software gets ever more real © The Register
10:18 WebTV 911 'hacker' charged with cyberterrorism © The Register
10:22 IBM not guilty of knowingly poisoning workers © The Register
10:40 Memory makers hit by price-fixing claims © The Register
10:44 CeBIT promises Linksys 11g goodies © The Register
11:04 Rosetta still earthbound © The Register
11:21 DVD Forum 'approves' rewriteable HD-DVD spec. © The Register
11:21 DVD Forum 'approves' rewriteable HD-DVD spec © The Register
11:31 Spam villains: named and shamed © The Register
11:35 Wiltshire chucks £7m at broadband © The Register
11:45 German police drop iBook power rustling charge © The Register
11:56 IR591: the number of the beast © The Register
12:32 Sendo launches 5x zoom camera phone © The Register
12:58 Dell adds Bluetooth to Axim X3i Wi-Fi Pocket PC © The Register
12:59 Bargain Basement reopens for business © The Register
13:25 Nvidia's phone chips as the camcorder, console killer © The Register
13:41 BT in 118 500 price hike © The Register
14:03 T-Mobile to offer 'seamless' 3G, Wi-Fi data service © The Register
14:43 Does your business have the tools to evaluate and implement change? © The Register
14:44 US porn typosquatter banged up © The Register
14:50 Intersil announces new dual laser diode driver for multi-standard CD/DVD drives © CDR-Info
15:14 DVD X Copy re-issued without ripper © The Register
16:26 Could DoCoMo be the saviour of MMO2? © The Register
16:28 Judge denies MS attempt to re-define 'card' © The Register
16:43 Open source punch-up surrounds mobile Java upgrade © The Register
16:50 Government Gateway gets first local recruit © The Register
16:50 EU competition authorities meet next month on Microsoft © CDR-Info
16:50 M-Systems to provide high capacity flash memory for Xbox 2 © CDR-Info
16:50 Sony enables 8x DVD-R recording for DRU-530A © CDR-Info
16:50 DVD Forum approves HD-DVD format © CDR-Info
16:50 DivXNetworks opens UK office © CDR-Info
17:37 Server vendors cheer strong Q4 © The Register
17:45 El Reg hacks' linguistic shame © The Register
17:46 Softbank rocked by giant data leak © The Register
17:56 Counting the cost of cybergeddon © The Register
18:13 F-inSecure mailing list spreads Netsky-B virus © The Register
18:50 Rise of optical disk production in Taiwan © CDR-Info
19:42 South Korea mulls spam curfew regulations © The Register
20:59 EMC confirms low-end storage charge © The Register

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