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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 14 january 2004 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 14 january 2004

03:39 SCO targets Novell, steps into new legal trouble © The Register
06:17 Big Blue tempts Big Pharma with massive Opteron server sale © The Register
08:40 Police given power to lock up your data © The Register
08:48 New: ADSL per minute © The Register
08:56 US Supreme Court refuses to hear Fax.com appeal © The Register
09:40 No relief from Microsoft phishing bug © The Register
09:48 CA and Linux © The Register
10:25 Larry Ellison marries romantic novelist © The Register
11:11 Dixons records Christmas cracker © The Register
11:16 Fallling prices hit Computacenter revenues © The Register
11:16 Falling prices hit Computacenter revenues © The Register
12:01 Lastminute.com reports 'strong' trading © The Register
13:04 Stob: Why men buy blue pills © The Register
13:57 Multimedia vulns pose severe risk © The Register
14:49 Mobile phones safe - report © The Register
15:27 ISS buys Cobion for €26m © The Register
15:36 UK firms give online recruitment the boot © The Register
15:42 EU recycles Lexmark ink cartridge probe © The Register
16:24 BT works broadband miracle © The Register
16:44 Intel rethinking RFID? © The Register
16:50 UK song-swappers 'could be sued' © CDR-Info
16:50 Kodak to top seslling traditional cameras in U.S. © CDR-Info
16:50 USB flash drives amass support © CDR-Info
16:50 Nintendo says GameCube sales target within reach © CDR-Info
16:50 Sony announces portable hard disk player "USB Audio" under AIWA brand © CDR-Info
16:50 TDK introduces 8x INDI DVD multiformat burner at CES © CDR-Info
16:50 Teac releases 52x CD-RW burner © CDR-Info
17:49 Booming CES marks death of Comdex © The Register
18:46 MP probes British tech 'sweat shop' death © The Register
20:13 Anonymous TCP/IP to debut at CodeCon © The Register
21:03 IBM releases C++, Fortran for Mac OS X © The Register
21:34 Net activism and the future of domains © The Register
21:52 Haiti kisses ICANN ring, rewarded with control over own domain © The Register
22:02 US players to shake up Europe's pricey WiFi scene © The Register
22:49 Apple quality control mars bullish results © The Register
22:50 CDRInfo presents Pacific Digital 8x Dual DVD recorder review © CDR-Info
22:50 Fujifilm announces organic dye that allows DVD recording up to 16x and for BluRay discs © CDR-Info
23:25 Cingular eyes AT&T Wireless for mobile mega merger © The Register
23:27 Intel sets revenue record in Q4 © The Register

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