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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 19 november 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 19 november 2003

00:09 Sun and AOL form StarOffice pact for cheap desktops © The Register
06:50 Infodisc to spin off DVD production © CDR-Info
06:50 Nintendo talks up GameCube success © CDR-Info
06:50 China unveils its own video format © CDR-Info
06:50 Nine major electronics companies announce U.S. launch of the RAM Promotion Group © CDR-Info
06:50 NEC to ship 8x recordable DVD drives for PCs in December © CDR-Info
06:50 Lite-On IT begins production of 4x slim DVD+RW burners © CDR-Info
08:29 Belgian watchdog fumes over Nokia battery statement © The Register
08:50 Cyberdrive announces 8x DVD+RW burner © CDR-Info
08:50 MSI announces 8x dual DVD recorder with HD-BURN support © CDR-Info
08:50 JVC demonstrates new compact-sized HD player with HDV support at BBE 2003, Japan © CDR-Info
09:32 Competitive broadband could add £22bn to UK economy © The Register
10:27 Hynix appeals against EU DRAM tax © The Register
10:27 Hynix appeals against Europe's 35% DRAM levy © The Register
10:32 US loses 500k+ tech jobs in 2002 © The Register
10:43 Apple preps second Panther OS update © The Register
10:48 Aussie students escape jail for online music piracy © The Register
12:08 Net Porn addict claims unfair dismissal © The Register
12:21 Tarantella backs SuSE and Red Hat © The Register
12:30 MS TCO study fails to dislodge OSS trials from Newham council © The Register
12:33 Freeserve strikes ad blow against AOL, Tiscali © The Register
12:50 Ahead launches Nero Recode 2 © CDR-Info
12:50 Fraunhofer IIS releases evaluation version of MPEG-4 encoder © CDR-Info
12:56 Slim Devices ships Squeezebox networked MP3 player © The Register
13:21 MI5 takes charge of online terror tips © The Register
14:17 Virgin and T-Mobile squabble over divorce terms © The Register
14:17 Stuff Bush with your mobile © The Register
14:20 Freeserve dismisses rebranding reports © The Register
15:20 Mobile phones could cripple - boffins © The Register
15:44 EU sets up Euro-security agency © The Register
15:51 'Don't shoot the MP3.com archive,' pleads founder Robertson © The Register
16:36 Complaints? About ISPs? Surely not! © The Register
17:43 ISS launches first hardware appliance © The Register
19:30 EDGE everywhere by mid-2004 - AT&T Wireless © The Register

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