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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов tuesday, 30 september 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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tuesday, 30 september 2003

07:49 Westcoast to buy Actebis © The Register
08:16 NTL preps $1bn rights issue © The Register
08:20 VeriSign sued again for domain cock-up © The Register
08:25 New edition PS2 comes to the UK © The Register
09:19 World chip sales rise 4% in August © The Register
09:21 Numbers don't add up for Telcos © The Register
09:38 Telewest offers free broadband installs © The Register
09:42 Dual-core Opteron to ship late 2005 © The Register
10:36 Kids flock online © The Register
10:44 IBM boffins boost combo computing, wireless chips © The Register
10:53 NAI offers $70m to settle class action suit © The Register
11:10 Ingram Micro Europe restructures © The Register
11:32 Kazaa owner back for another bite at content conspiracy © The Register
11:35 Vodafone tops games content for Live! with Lara Croft exclusive © The Register
12:13 Dell x3 PDA details emerge © The Register
12:25 Code Blue featured at Optical Storage Symposium - 2003 © CDR-Info
12:35 Man invades .mil nets, tells hacks, lands in jail © The Register
12:35 Man invades US.mil networks, tells hacks, lands in jail © The Register
12:43 MS issues take-down to Lindows, redefines 'guilt' © The Register
13:22 November hearing mooted for MS-EU antitrust case © The Register
13:30 Attrition.org bans Verizon © The Register
13:42 SuSE speaks of sneak peek for Linux geeks © The Register
14:31 Music biz should shift to flat-fee, P2P model - exec © The Register
15:00 Forgotten war dialling risk leaves networks in peril © The Register
15:00 Forgotten war driving risk leaves networks in peril © The Register
15:33 PCCW buys Red Spectrum - sources © The Register
16:22 Investors shed Sun shares © The Register
16:25 Smarte Solutions to protect Microsoft software © CDR-Info
16:25 P2P software suppliers team to fight RIAA and piracy © CDR-Info
16:26 52 piracy suits settled © CDR-Info
16:26 BenQ lowers optical storage drive shipment target © CDR-Info
16:26 New US MP3 service debuts © CDR-Info
16:26 Taiwan Mediatek says wins injunction vs VIA © CDR-Info
16:26 Establishment of HDV Format that realizes consumer High-Definition Digital Video Recording © CDR-Info
16:26 Sharp announced new IC for 16X DVD recording © CDR-Info
16:46 ID cards protect civil liberties - Blair © The Register
17:19 IBM expands virtual server pool to entire server line © The Register
18:08 BSA imagines open source policy, attacks mass.gov © The Register
18:54 Google buys search engine - PageRank™ RIP? © The Register
19:37 Verizon launches 600 kbit/s 'real 3G' network © The Register

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