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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов wednesday, 27 august 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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wednesday, 27 august 2003

06:28 McData: buying its way into SAN niches © The Register
07:36 Standalone PDA days 'are numbered' © The Register
08:37 NEC cedes Hiroshima fab control to Elpida © The Register
08:39 Amazon.com cracks down on spoofers © The Register
09:00 Intel adds $375m to Asia-Pacific investment tally © The Register
09:04 China to form anti-spam task force © The Register
09:26 Intel 'may be guilty' of over hyping Wi-Fi © The Register
09:49 Cellphones will sport Wi-Fi, say industry execs © The Register
09:49 Cellphones will sport Wi-Fi, says industry execs © The Register
10:50 Silicon Valley to get US' first Wi-Fi train © The Register
11:16 HP beefs up low-end iPaq © The Register
11:40 UK corporates unconvinced by Wi-Fi © The Register
12:00 Why Sobig is bad for privacy and AV vendors © The Register
12:03 Zippo extinguishes flaming trick Web site © The Register
12:20 Symantec takes the Hilgraeve hit © The Register
12:56 Small.biz gets flogging online © The Register
13:32 Softline agrees Sage bid © The Register
14:08 Passport biometric trials point way for ID cards © The Register
14:41 The incredible shrinking IT industry © The Register
15:58 Want to visit Britain? Join the fingerprint queue © The Register
16:25 SRS Labs' Circle Surround continues to gain momentum in Surround music industry © CDR-Info
16:47 TI dribbles out UltraSPARC IV details © The Register
18:29 Oklahoma AG takes aim at WorldCom, Ebbers © The Register
20:53 Intel wants to tune your cluster © The Register

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