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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов tuesday, 27 may 2003 : PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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PCNEWS.RU / Foreign news

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tuesday, 27 may 2003

07:16 E-Plus offers i-mode handset - for €1 © The Register
07:23 Why enterprise WLANs need wireless gateways © The Register
07:25 Getting a grip on WLAN futures © The Register
07:32 World wakes up to true speed of WiFi © The Register
08:01 Enter the Matrix games sells a million © The Register
09:45 AMD cuts Athlon XP prices by up to 31.8 per cent © The Register
09:51 Anti-Dixons blogger gets TV back © The Register
10:01 Linux heats up the enterprise apps space © The Register
10:10 Elpida cuts mobile DDR power drain by 90 per cent © The Register
10:38 Memix launches 128MB Flash drive watch © The Register
10:44 Paris moots city-wide Wi-Fi © The Register
11:04 Vodafone loss narrows © The Register
11:38 Adobe ships Acrobat 6.0 © The Register
11:58 CSC wins £450m Marconi outsourcing gig © The Register
12:13 Free Wi-Fi punted to pubs and hotels © The Register
12:13 Free WiFi punted to pubs and hotels © The Register
12:58 ATI admits it 'optimised' drivers for 3DMark 03 © The Register
13:07 Critics set up anti-SPEWS Web site © The Register
13:11 Olympus to ship 512Mb xD-Picture Cards © Digit-Life
13:12 Photo of the day: Socket 754 Soltek K8AV-R mobo at work © Digit-Life
13:12 Xoxide UV Cold Cathode 80mm Fans @ Bjorn3D © Digit-Life
13:13 GEIL introduces PC3500 DDR 433 Ultra modules, CL=2-6-3-3 © Digit-Life
13:14 MSI offers its own Personal Cinema FX5200 solutions © Digit-Life
13:15 ASUS announces V9950 graphics cards on GeForce FX 5900 © Digit-Life
13:16 S/U/M/A releases ALL-IN-WONDER 9000 PRO © Digit-Life
13:22 The near-future Centrino prices © Digit-Life
14:15 Church gives blessing for phone masts © The Register
15:19 Operators falling short of ambitious Wi-Fi roll-out plans © The Register
15:27 DRM-less MP3s from $3.99 © The Register
16:23 Data retention: Irish DP rep threatens to sue over secret order © The Register
16:25 Major brand hard drive vendors recall defective products produced in China © CDR-Info
16:27 Backroom deal selects unknown for Euro data 'supervisor' © The Register
16:56 IBM injects Power4+ into low-end © The Register
17:01 WCs meet PCs: converged tech toilets show promise © The Register
17:07 Broadband by blimp idea floated © The Register
20:50 Itanic: Enron's Golden Albatross © The Register
22:25 Primera announces Software Developer's Kit (SDK) and network software for its BravoT disc publisher © CDR-Info

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