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06:33 Intel targets Sun with Itanium 2 benchmarks [The Register]
06:35 Handspring launches Color Treo [The Register]
06:42 Vodafone sees picture emails as killer app [The Register]
07:19 Vulture Central SETI@Home team [The Register]
08:55 Samsung cranks up 1066 RDRAM [The Register]
09:19 Marine Corps Use Rolling Robo-Spy [TwoMobile]
09:33 Nikon Announces the Coolpix 5700 [TwoMobile]
09:37 FBI's Carnivore-lies may have blown bin Laden inquiry [The Register]
09:41 Handspring Adds Color Treo 90 PDA and Treo 270 Communicator [TwoMobile]
10:32 Market pans MMO2 results [The Register]
10:35 Tennis star aces MS over faked nude pix [The Register]
11:11 Sun offers free Solaris 8/9 OE on DVD [The Register]
11:22 Knock-down Unix mouth-waterer from IT-minds [The Register]
11:51 BT hi-speed sat trial kicks off [The Register]
12:15 Royal Mail pulls plug on ViaCode digital certificate [The Register]
13:23 Sony announces "Postscribed ID" technology for CD-ROM discs [CDR-Info]
13:41 Red card for Mac and Linux users on World Cup clips site [The Register]
14:11 Europe to throw cash at broadband rollout [The Register]
15:24 CD-R Prices predicted to rebound in second half... [CDR-Info]
15:24 BenQ to showcase 52x recorder in COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2002! [CDR-Info]
15:46 Intel and BTo join hands to push broadband [The Register]
16:09 UK gets new E-minister [The Register]
16:23 Sanyo enters the DVD format with CRD-DV1 [CDR-Info]
17:05 Protocol builds bridges from phones to the Net [The Register]
18:05 Linux distros to unite [The Register]
21:38 Nokia goes direct with US smartphone [The Register]
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