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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 25.07.2001

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Foreign News
- News from 25.07.2001

00:37 Microsoft under pressure on Windows XP [Electic]
10:42 Microsoft opens CE for 'non-commercial' use [eeTimes]
10:54 Motorola to sell blueprint of mobile phone [eeTimes]
15:11 Weekly CPU Prices [SharkyExtreme]
15:12 Adaptec & HP iSCSI Initiative [SharkyExtreme]
15:13 Pioneer Lowers Prices [SharkyExtreme]
15:14 ATI Interview [SharkyExtreme]
15:15 Macworld Record Crowd [SharkyExtreme]
15:22 AT&T, AOL discuss cable merger [Electic]
17:03 Content viewed as key to DTV transition [eeTimes]
17:37 Wal-Mart and Kmart to reel in sites [Electic]
17:39 SOYO Unleashes its SY-K7V DRAGON Motherboard With VIA KT266 Chipset [Electic]
17:44 Yahoo launches new service [Electic]
17:46 Napster namers new CEO [Electic]
17:48 Rambus Touts That More Than 300 RDRAM-based Systems Available Worldwide [Electic]
17:49 Memorex to Ship 185MB/21 Minute 'Pocket' CD-R and CD-RW Media in 10 Pack Versions and a 50 Pack CD-R Spindle Package [Electic]
17:51 Oki bets on Bluetooth growth with system solution [eeTimes]
17:51 Microsoft: No need for Senate hearing [Electic]
17:52 AMD, API Networks, Apple, Cisco, NVIDIA, PMC-Sierra, SUN Microsystems, Transmeta Form HyperTransport Technology Consortium [Electic]
17:58 TV to double as digital-photo frame [Electic]
18:19 AOL To Buy Amazon? [Electic]
18:21 Pioneer Announces New, Lower Prices for DVD-R and DVD-RW Media [Electic]
19:25 STMicro chief predicts fourth-quarter upturn [eeTimes]
19:28 Foreign PC makers fail to dominate Indian market [eeTimes]
19:33 Copper proposals tout Ethernet versus ADSL [eeTimes]
20:50 Judge concludes Avanti case, co-founder exits in handcuffs [eeTimes]
21:43 NEC backs radical nitridation over high-k to 70 nm [eeTimes]

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