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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 03.04.2001

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Foreign News
- News from 03.04.2001

01:07 Avant! settles stockholder lawsuits [eeTimes]
03:46 Microsoft shuts Windows on Bluetooth support [eeTimes]
07:09 KT266 BIOS + IDE Driver [SharkyExtreme]
07:12 ASUS CUV266 [SharkyExtreme]
07:14 OrangeUSB PCI Board [SharkyExtreme]
07:22 The New Quantum [SharkyExtreme]
11:56 Avanti settles stockholder lawsuits [eeTimes]
12:33 Rival plans stir rumors of post-PCI bus war [eeTimes]
12:36 ArrayComm buys unpaired spectrum in Australia auction [eeTimes]
12:54 Jennic aims error-correction core at 40-Gbit optical systems [eeTimes]
13:26 RealNetworks, music labels ally on subscription-based delivery platform [eeTimes]
13:51 PCI waveform digitizers hit 50 Msamples/second [eeTimes]
13:54 Integration drives transformers [eeTimes]
13:56 Power system fits 2U format [eeTimes]
13:58 Converters eye points-of-load [eeTimes]
14:00 Inverter/charger touts low price [eeTimes]
14:02 MOSFETs carry high radiation hardness [eeTimes]
14:05 Battery charger mobilizes 24-V vehicles [eeTimes]
14:07 BCD power chip eases switch-mode jobs [eeTimes]
14:39 Toshiba, Hitachi spin-off processor units [eeTimes]
15:16 Atek Electronics выпустила в продажу новую мышь практически для любой поверхности [Компьюлента]
16:21 Conexant cancels Mindspeed IPO [eeTimes]
16:49 CMOS design challenges high-end sensor market [eeTimes]
17:33 Reports set up showdown on spectrum-sharing issues [eeTimes]
17:44 Slump sends DSL carrier to buyers' market [eeTimes]
17:58 DRAM inventories fall, but prices still uncertain [eeTimes]
19:15 Consequences of shift to customer-owned tooling weighed [eeTimes]
19:33 Japan academics, IC makers form R&D units [eeTimes]
20:12 Design conference sharpens embedded focus [eeTimes]
21:26 First 0.13-micron CPU from Intel [iXBT-Labs]
21:43 Two New FIC Mainboards Announced [iXBT-Labs]
22:49 Leadtek Launched 5 New Mainboards! [iXBT-Labs]
22:55 RET will change chip design, speakers say [eeTimes]
23:44 Protel buy links embedded, EDA worlds [eeTimes]

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