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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 18.01.2001

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Foreign News
- News from 18.01.2001

The sirs, after the long moving which has been concurrent to New year, the serviceability of a site is completely restored.

We hope, that you too well have had a rest:)

So we wait for you, it is pleasant to you!

02:45 AMD Announces Earnigns [Electic]
03:09 Supplier says flash memory gate may need to change [eeTimes]
03:15 Optical components proposed for viable quantum computer [eeTimes]
07:19 Mainboard Manufacturers Expect the Sales Volumes to Grow [iXBT-Labs]
07:34 New Products from MSI [iXBT-Labs]
07:42 Intel 815EP Based Mainboard from Transcend [iXBT-Labs]
07:56 Elitegroup's Plans Update [iXBT-Labs]
14:35 Carrier turmoil to hit several segments, keynoter says [eeTimes]
16:21 AeA backs U.S. privacy legislation [eeTimes]
16:28 Lucent rolls out soft switch based on 7 R/E [eeTimes]
17:36 TI locates 3G wireless center in India [eeTimes]
17:43 PSi assumes lead role for Philippines electronics players [eeTimes]
19:35 NextNet demos broadband fixed wireless system [eeTimes]
19:56 USBid, Yahoo! sign components pact [eeTimes]

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