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Железные новости с лучших зарубежных сайтов News from 01.11.2000

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Foreign News
- News from 01.11.2000

02:50 Toshiba Reaches a New Production Threshold in Flash Technology [Electic]
03:15 Rainfinity adds Internet reliability software modules [eeTimes]
03:23 Chartered preps RF CMOS process for production [eeTimes]
09:14 Matrox Scores A Deal With Dell [Electic]
09:16 Microsoft Delivers First Beta Release of Next Version of Windows, Code-Named "Whistler" [Electic]
10:16 Dell: any colour so long as it's midnight grey [TheRegister]
12:12 Seagate lands bigger Barracuda [TheRegister]
13:44 Readers go for Bush [eeTimes]
17:27 National's flagship design finds home in iPaq [eeTimes]
17:56 Hyundai looking at the end of the DRAM cycle [eeTimes]
17:58 Qualcomm chip sets support 2.4-Mbit/s wireless transfers [eeTimes]
18:34 Joint venture targets TV-based datacast platform [eeTimes]
18:36 Sage points display processor at consumer markets [eeTimes]
22:13 Samsung Signs Deal With Rambus [Electic]
22:16 S3 Changes Name to SONICblue (Official) [Electic]

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