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Бесплатные экзамены Microsoft

Компании Thomson Prometric, VUE и Microsoft объявили о начале действия специальной акции, в рамках которой кандидаты могут бесплатно сдать два экзамена Microsoft в любом авторизованном центре тестирования Prometric.

Во время действия программы кандидатам предлагается вместо платных экзаменов:

70-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
70-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server

бесплатно сдать экзамены:

76-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (до 28 мая)
76-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (до 2 июня).

Экзамены взаимозаменяемы, то есть сданные экзамены серии 76 будут зачтены так же, как и экзамены серии 70.

Бесплатные экзамены будут содержать большее количество вопросов, но все эти вопросы будут соответсвовать темам рассматриваемым в платных экзаменах. Продолжительность экзаменов серии 76 - 4 часа каждый. Допускается одна попытка сдачи бесплатного экзамена; в случае неудачи можно сдавать платные экзамены по обычным правилам.

По имеющейся информации, большинство центров тестирования предоставляет экзамены за дополнительную плату (около 5$). На момент написания новости было известно, что два центра предлагали экзамены бесплатно - это Inventa и САМАН-МАТИ.

Обсуждение этой новости на форуме Клуба вы можете найти по адресу: www.certification.ru/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?action=thread&id=4819

Дополнительную информацию Вы можете прочитать в этом письме:

April 30, 2003
                         NOTICE TO SPECIFIED
                         AUTHORIZED PROMETRIC
                         TESTING CENTERS
To:   ALL APTC's EXCEPT - India, China, Pakistan and Japan
Re: FREE Microsoft Exam!

Microsoft knows that maintaining the value of the MCP credential is
as important to their candidates as it is to them. They take many
steps to protect the investment candidates make through Microsoft
certification.  As part of its ongoing and regular exam development
process, Microsoft is offering a “refresh” version of the 070-210 ENU
and 070-215 ENU exams.

-There is NO charge to take the refresh exam.
-The seat time for the refresh exam is four hours.
-The refresh exam will count fully toward certification (same as the
070-210 ENU and 070-215 ENU exams).
-Scoring will take place immediately (same as the 070-210 ENU and
070-215 ENU exams).
-Candidates will have a choice to take this exam if they are
interested, but they are not required to.
-The 076-210 ENU and 076-215 ENU exams are available on a first
come first serve basis beginning on May 12, 2003.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How is the refresh exam different from the live version?
A. The refresh and the live versions of these exams cover the same
topics in the same proportions; the refresh versions are longer and
contain more questions. The refresh versions contain new question
types which present a more realistic visual representation of the
products candidates are being tested on. This is to ensure the exam
experience more consistently reflects the tasks candidates might
perform on the job. For more details about the new exam question
types, refer to the Microsoft Web site

Q. Is the refresh exam like a beta exam?
A. Yes, the beta and the refresh processes are similar. Microsoft
will perform a statistical analysis of all responses to verify the
validity of the refresh and beta exam questions and to determine
which questions will continue to be used for the certification exams.
An important difference, however, is that the refresh exams will be
scored immediately – you will not have to wait for results like you
do with a beta exam.

Q. Do I have to take the refresh exam?
A. No. Candidates are provided a choice as to whether or not they
would like to participate in the refresh process by taking the
alternate exam. Both exams will count toward certification, and
both will be scored immediately. The difference is that the refresh
exam has a longer seat time and is offered at no cost.

Q. Why has the seat time increased to four hours?
A. The refresh versions are longer because they have more questions
and therefore the seat time has been extended.

Q. Why do the refresh exams begin with ’76-’ instead of the usual ’70-’?
A. Exam prefixes such as 70, 76 and 71 are internal Microsoft
designations and are used only for tracking purposes. As far as
candidates are concerned, both 70- and 76- exams will count fully
toward certifications.

Q. How long will the refresh process last?
A. Exam 76-210 is available 5/12-5/28, 2003, and exam 76-215 is
available 5/12-6/2, 2003.

Q. Why would I want to take a longer exam?
A. Microsoft understands the time commitment involved with the refresh
exam and is offering it for free to customers as an incentive to
participate in the refresh process.

Q. If I don’t pass, can I take it again for free?
A. Similar to standard beta exams, Microsoft will allow a given candidate
to take the refresh exam only a single time without cost.

Q. How many people need to take the refresh exams?
A. Microsoft does not disclose this information. Microsoft follows
testing industry standards to make sure its MCP exams meet or exceed
accepted reliability and other statistical measures.

Q. Are the refresh exams being offered world-wide?
A. Yes, with the exception of India, Pakistan, China and Japan.

Q. Will this happen again in the future?
A. MCP exams are periodically and continually refreshed with new
content and technologies by Microsoft to ensure the highest quality and
relevance for customers.

Q. What else does Microsoft do to increase exam security?
A. Microsoft knows that maintaining the value of the MCP credential is
as important to you as it is to them. They take many steps to protect
the investment you are making through Microsoft certification. These
steps include deployment of progressive testing technologies that
discourage rote memorization of exam items, regular exam item replacement,
tighter security at testing centers, and the revised exam retake policy.

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