Trading Signals
2018-01-02 12:01
Hello, traders, let's find out how the interbank compares with the technicals on this first trading day of the year.
There's green across the table for the Euro/Dollar, which sees 7 buy prompts in the short-term and 6 green models in both the mid and long-term, and the technicals indeed are in line with the more than 17% long interbank.
The Cable also has bullish models prevailing on all three time ranges, with 7 green models on both its 1 and 4-hour charts and 6 bullish signals on its 24-hour scale, but, in contrast, the interbank is neutral at less than 5% short.
Neutral models dominate on Dollar/Yen's hourly chart. The mid and long-term scales see 5 and 4 bearish signals, respectively, but the interbank points in the other direction, being bullish at more than 17% long.
Pound/Yen sees exactly 7 buy prompts on its short, mid and long-term charts, but the remarkably bullish technicals are not supported by the interbank, which is neutral at less than 8% short.
And Euro/Yen also is overwhelmingly bullish in all three time ranges, with 7 green signals in the short, mid and long-term. The interbank is strongly bullish as well at more than 40% long, and it matches the technicals.
These were the Primary Daily Trading Signals for Tuesday. I'm ____ and we'll be updating these data throughout the day, so check back.
2018-01-02 13:23
Бизнес между Швейцарией и Бразилией. Томас Бон, исполнительный директор GGBa.
Spike Controller
2018-01-02 13:29
Dukascopy TV Team is back with the first Spike Controller for 2018, so you can keep checking the fairness of your broker as trading resumes.
Point 39 pips is the long term average spread for the Euro/Dollar. Peak separation has been 3.4 pips.
The pair has surged above the 1 20 level, gaining point 58% or 70 pips in a sharp rise.
Spreads were slightly increased yesterday minutes after 11 PM GMT, but 3.4 pips is the line that shouldn’t have been crossed.
The Cable’s daily average spread is 1.29 pips and both of the sides were a considerable 18.2 pips apart yesterday.
Pound/Dollar has moved steeply up, gaining point 53% or 72 pips.
Spreads were above their usual level for a while yesterday at 11 PM GMT, but 18.2 pips is the most you should have been charged.
And last up is the Dollar/Yen, which has long term average and maximum spreads of point 63 and 3.3 pips respectively.
A steep decline of point 49% has defined the daily high and low difference of 55 pips.
Spreads were slightly bumpy yesterday shortly after 11 PM GMT, but you shouldn’t have seen a separation bigger than 3.3 pips.
I’m Jack Everitt and that’s it for Tuesday’s Dukascopy Spike Controller. Goodbye for now.
Прямые переговоры двух Корей
2018-01-02 13:45
Южная Корея предложила КНДР переговоры. Попытка отделиться от Испании стоила Каталонии миллиард евро.
Boats In The Sharing Economy
2018-01-02 14:03
How do people trust each other on a marketplace like Airbnb or Boataffair? Adrian Walker, Boataffair.
Что ждать от цифровых валют в 2018-м?
2018-01-02 14:19
Единая цифровая валюта может появиться у стран БРИКС и Евразийского экономического союза. Такую идею прорабатывают в российском Центробанке. При этом финансовый регулятор не готов признать криптовалюты платежным средством. Как биткоин стал самым обсуждаемым явлением года и что ждать от цифровых активов?
Английский криптофунт
2018-01-02 14:24
Закон о криптовалютах в России. Биткоин-мошенники из Индии.
Английский криптофунт.
Китай и сталь
2018-01-02 14:32
Китай планирует изменить подход к экспорту стали. Чего нам стоит ожидать в 2018 году? Алекс Гриффитс, Wood Mackenzie.
Бензин в Саудовской Аравии стал дороже более чем в 2 раза
2018-01-02 15:17
Рост цен связан с намерением властей обеспечить более эффективное использование энергии. Он также вписывается в амбициозный план по увеличению доходов и уменьшению зависимости страны от продажи нефти. 95-й бензин подорожал на 126%. Теперь он стоит 54 американских цента за литр. Стоимость дизельного топлива не изменилась.
Midday Snapshot
2018-01-02 16:33
The morning session is over on this Tuesday, so it's time for the first edition of the2018 Dukascopy Midday Snapshot.
Euro/Dollar has been on a rise and the pair stands point 41% in the green at 12 o’clock. Traded volume is high and bearish sentiment of the traders is leaning towards the short side by 18%. Uptrend has brought risks for investors.
Pound/Dollar’s uptrend puts the pair point 3% in the positive territory at noon. The Cable sees 24% less than typical funds and neutral sentiment is just 3% long. Uptrend makes a successful morning session more likely for those who had long positions.
Dollar/Yen took a slide and it has resulted in a loss of point 48%. Traded volume is average and neutral sentiment of the market players is leaning towards the short side by 12%. Steep decline was good news for the small majority of the traders that were short.
Pound/Yen declined by 65 pips after 8 AM and a loss of point 18% was posted t 12 o’clock. This pair sees less than half of the monthly average funds and most of them have been driven by bullish expectations. Late decline has brought risks, but losses should be cushioned by the slow trading approach.
Euro/Yen’s day has been slow — rate movement is flat and trading has been passive. Most of the traders have been forecasting the pair to head lower, but both the passive trading and flat rate movement are limiting factors.
I'm Jack Everitt and you've been watching the Midday Snapshot for Tuesday.
Новости о слияниях
2018-01-02 17:03
Компания Sibanye-Stillwater заполучила долю в 38% в компании DRDGOLD. The канадская компания Copper Mountain купила все выпущенные акции Altona Mining с премией в размере 41%, а GoldMining закрыла покупку проекта Crucero у компании Lupaka Gold. Йохен Штайгер, CEO и основатель Swiss Resource Capital AG.
Movers and Shakers
2018-01-02 18:35
It’s 3 PM GMT on the 2nd of January and time for the first edition of the 2018 FX Movers and Shakers.
Dollar/Yen’s gradual decline was followed by a slide, which puts the pair point 51% in the red to mark the top move.
US stocks have opened higher, but a safe-haven Yen leads the advancers and decliners table as Japan enjoys a market holiday.
China Caixin Manufacturing PMI increased more than expected and Australian Dollar is just slightly North of the New Zealand Dollar.
UK Manufacturing PMI disappointed and Sterling is level with both the Kiwi Dollar and the Single currency. There were no revisions to final Euro Zone Manufacturing PMI.
Berchtold’s Day holiday is observed in some of the Swiss Cantons and Swissie is almost even with the Canadian Dollar.
Greenbacks’ bearish performance has carried on from 2017 and it’s the most bearish major on the table.
Euro/Dollar’s recent bullish run puts in top of the weekly advancers table with a gain of 1.73%. Dollar/Canada leads the bearish section and it’s 1.88% in the red.
Australia/Yen has appreciated the most over the past month and it’s 3.55% in the green. 2.58% is the top decline and it’s posted by Dollar/Canada.
I’m Jack Everitt and that’s all for now, but do click back tomorrow when the next overview will be available. Goodbye.
Литий и кобальт в 2018
2018-01-02 19:35
Компания Swiss Resource Capital AG выпустила новый отчет о литие 2018. Спрос на литий сейчас очень высокий благодаря производству батарей для электромобилей и для хранения энергии. Стоимость кобальта достигла рекордного максимума на уровне 62 тысяч долларов и она может повыситься еще больше. Йохен Штайгер, CEO и основатель Swiss Resource Capital AG.
Economic Calendar
2018-01-03 09:00
Let's see which news releases could move the currency markets on Wednesday, the 3rd of January. This is the Economic Calendar.
Swiss Manufacturing PMI for December is up first at half past 8 in the morning. November data surprised strongly on the upside as the Index soared to its highest level in 7 years.
The closely watched German Labour Report follows at 9, and the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate has stood at the same low level for the past 3 months.
UK Construction PMI for December is out at half past 9. The Index picked up speed in November, rising to a 6-month high.
Coming up next at noon GMT are the highly anticipated minutes of Fed's December meeting which brought the highly anticipated rate hike.
The high importance US ISM Manufacturing PMI for December will be available at 3. The Index inched lower in November but it remains well in the positive territory.
US Construction Spending for November is out at the same time. October data came in stronger than expected as spending saw the fastest growth since March.
Australian Performance of Service Index for December follows at half past 10. The Index recovered some ground in November, having slipped to a 8-month low a month ago.
And Chinese Caixin Services PMI for December is scheduled at 1:45 AM. The Index continued to grow in November as new orders and employment both went up.
That's all for Wednesday's Economic Calendar. I'm ____ and we'll be back with the next overview of news releases for Thursday. See you then.
Экономический календарь
2018-01-03 09:00
Давайте посмотрим, какие события и публикации могут повлиять на валютные рынки в среду, 3го января. Вы смотрите свежий выпуск экономического календаря.
Первыми, в 8:30 утра выйдут данные промышленного индекса PMI Швейцарии за декабрь. В ноябре данные этого индекса превысили ожидания, так как он достиг максимального уровня за 7 лет.
Ожидаемый отчет о рынке труда Германии будет опубликован в 9 часов. Уровень безработицы с учетом сезонных факторов находится на таком же низком уровне уже на протяжении 3 месяцев.
В 9:30 выйдут данные индекса PMI в строительной сфере Англии за декабрь. В ноябре индекс повысился и достиг полугодового максимума.
Далее в полдень будут представлены ожидаемые протоколы декабрьского заседания Федерального Резерва, в ходе которого были повышены процентные ставки, как и ожидалось.
Важнейшие данные промышленного индекса PMI США от ISM за декабрь выйдут в 3 часа. В ноябре индекс понизился, но при этом он все еще находится в положительной зоне.
В это же время будут представлены данные о расходах на строительство в США за ноябрь. В октябре эти данные превысили ожидания, был зафиксирован максимальный рост расходов с марта.
В 10:30 выйдут данные индекса сферы услуг Австралии за декабрь. В ноябре индекс восстановился, хотя в предыдущем месяце он достиг 8-месячного минимума.
В 1:45 будут представлены данные индекса PMI в сфере услуг Китая от Caixin за декабрь. В ноябре индекс продолжал расти, поскольку увеличилось количество новых заказов и повысился уровень занятости.
Вы смотрели экономический календарь на среду. С вами был Джек Эверитт. В следующем выпуске мы расскажем вам о ключевых событиях четверга. Всего доброго.