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Материалы к воскресному English Speaking Club 03.04.11

+7 (812) 605-34-05
тел. +7 (905) 267-13-89
"Infinitive" - курсы английского Петербург (СПб)

Level: Elementary-Pre-Intermediate

Topic: Stereotypes

Leader: Andre



o   value freedom – ценить свободу

o   mean – жадный

o   canny – умный, проницательный

o   shrewdness – проницательность

o   probity – честность, неподкупность

o   generous – щедрый

o   ingenuity – избирательность, находчивость

o   self confidence – самоуверенность

o   belief in the value of education – верить в ценность образования

o   Punctual пунктуальный

o   tolerant - терпимый

o   romantic - романтичный

o   respectful - вежливый

o   hard-working - трудолюбивый

o   emotional - эмоциональный

o   outgoing - общительный

o   nationalistic - националистический

o   well-dressedхорошо одетый

o   humorous - юмористический

o   lazy - ленивый

o   sophisticated  - изысканный

o   hospitable - гостеприимный

o   talkative - болтливый

o   sociable - общительный

o   serious - серьезный

o   quiet - спокойный

o   formal - формальный

o   aggressive - агрессивный

o   polite - вежливый

o   rude - грубый

o   arrogant - высокомерный

o   ignorant - невежественный

o   casual - обычный


Questions for Discussion

o   What are some stereotypes?

o   How is your country stereotyped?

o   Do you stereotype people?

o   Does stereotyping help you in some way?

o   Why do you think people stereotype?

o   How can stereotypes be damaging?

o   Do you think that it is a good idea to stereotype people?

o   How are various nationalities stereotyped?

o   How can being stereotyped hurt your job opportunities?

o   What is the difference between stereotypes and prejudices?

o   Are stereotypes offensive?

o   Funny?

o   Realistic?



Level: Intermediate-Advanced

Topic: Character

Leader: Anna


Some Questions

Ø What are good qualities in a friend? (continued from last Sunday)

Ø What kind of character traits do we usually find in a hero (on television, in movies, in books)?

Ø What character traits are typical for a heroine? A villain?

Ø Can you think of any famous fictional (or non-fictional) heroes who do not have these traits?

Ø What about heroines and villains?



 o   Adventurous - willing to try new or difficult things, or exciting and often dangerous

o   Charming - pleasant and attractive

o   Cheerful - happy and positive

o   Confident - having confidence

o   Curious - interested in learning about people or things around you

o   Decisive - able to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality

o   Diligent - careful and using a lot of effort

o   Hopeful - having hope, giving hope

o   Modest - not large in size or amount, or not expensive

o   Outgoing -  (of a person) friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others

o   Patient - a person who is receiving medical care, or who is cared for by a particular doctor or dentist when necessary

o   Absent-minded - describes someone who often forgets things or does not pay attention to what is happening near them because they are thinking about other things

o   Arrogant - unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other people

o   Blunt - describes a pencil, knife, etc. that is not sharp, and therefore not able to write, cut, etc. well

o   Bossy - describes someone who is always telling people what to do

o   Clumsy - describes someone who often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way

o   Cowardly - a person who is too eager to avoid danger, difficulty or pain

o   Ignorant - not having enough knowledge, understanding or information about something

o   Obnoxious - very unpleasant or rude

o   Secretive - People who are secretive hide their feelings, thoughts, intentions and actions from other people

o   Sly - deceiving people in a clever way in order to get what you want

o   Stingy - unwilling to spend money

o   Hard-headed - not influenced by emotions

o   Quick-tempered - to become angry very easily

o   Straightforward - easy to understand or simple

o   Trustworthy - able to be trusted

o   Uncaring - not worrying about other people's troubles or doing anything to help them


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