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<<Спичечные коробки>> для отдыхающих в Таиланде
«Спичечные коробки» для отдыхающих в Таиланде 2015-05-26 23:25 kralan Жаркая погода и экзотика Таиланда сделали эту страну любимым местом проведения отпуска множества туристов. Отдыхающие с восторгом отзываются о приятной теплоте моря, и о качественном обслуживании приезжих в местных отелях. Турфирмы год от года предлагают своим клиентам все больше вариантов эксклюзивного времяпрепровождения в этой стране. Совсем недавно число таких необычных мест для отдыхающих пополнил еще один проект: для гостей Таиланда открыл свои двери комплекс вилл Naka Phuket Resort. По материалам designboom.com Чешская архитектурная «ящерица» 2015-05-26 23:30 kralan Чего только не придумают архитекторы и дизайнеры, дабы их творение отличалось от иных архитектурных выдумок. Конечно же, для каждого творца «муза» облачается в определенный наряд и приобретает свою неповторимую форму. Так, по-видимому, случилось и при создании современного загородного дома, располагающегося в предместье Праги. По материалам archdaily.com Спонсор статьи: ООО «Мастер-Пласт» — предлагает своим клиентам окна, двери, ворота и другие изделия в наличии и под заказ. Окна в Балахне и Нижнем Новгороде теперь без проблем можно заказать в надежной компании. Политех во Флориде – новое архитектурное творение Сантьяго Калатравы 2015-05-27 23:22 kralan Сантьяго Калатрава – гордость не только испанской, но и всей современной мировой архитектуры. Любой его проект – это шедевр, имеющий характерные, присущие только творчеству Калатравы отличительные черты: воздушность как бы летящих конструкций, множество элементов из стекла, бетона и традиционно белый цвет строений. Такими являются комплекс Город искусств и наук в Валенсии, аэропорты Денвера и Бильбао. По материалам en.wikipedia.org Спонсор статьи: группа компаний «ВСЛ» — возводит деревянные дома самых разнообразных проектов. ЗАО «ТАМАК», обеспечивающее полный цикл переработки древесины, является поставщиком клееного бруса для «ВСЛ». Найти Тамак на карте не составит труда! Белоснежный дом посреди калифорнийского пляжа 2015-05-30 15:08 kralan На одном из калифорнийских пляжей можно встретить необычный дом с белоснежными стенами. Не заметить его сложно, так как он своей белизной резко контрастирует с внешним фоном. Еще одной особенностью постройки можно назвать множество фигурных проемов в ее конструкции. По материалам archdaily.com Геометрия дизайна: особняк Casa ST56 2015-05-30 23:05 kralan Простота геометрических форм, обличенных в архитектурные сооружения, способна привнести оригинальную изюминку, если у автора есть дизайнерский талант. Это высказывание напрямую относится к сотрудникам Epstein Arquitectos. По материалам pinterest.com Дом в виде кривого зеркала 2015-06-02 23:47 kralan В одном из небольших немецких городков, расположенных недалеко от Штутгарта, есть здание, похожее на большое кривое зеркало. Дом этот построен еще в середине прошлого века и является жилым. Необычные работы по внешней отделке были произведены сравнительно недавно – в рамках реконструкции сооружения. По материалам dezeen.com Новая Вавилонская башня по-японски 2015-06-03 00:00 kralan В городе Ниигата, Япония, не так давно было закончено строительство нового культурного центра Akiha Word Cultural Center. Строительство этого центра осуществлялось по проекту, разработанному сотрудниками бюро архитектурного проектирования Chiaki Arai Urban and Architecture Design. По материалам archdaily.com Футуристический торговый центр построят в Китае 2015-06-03 00:12 kralan Стремительное расширение китайского города Shenzhen и резкое увеличение населения в нем потребовало строительства нового торгового центра. По материалам designboom.com Спонсор статьи: компания «Мир ворот» — работает на украинском рынке более 5 лет и предлагает своим клиентам гаражные ворота стоимость которых отличается в выгодную сторону, по сравнению с конкурентами. Два в одном: голландская практичность и оригинальность 2015-06-03 00:23 kralan Среди множества оригинальных и необычных архитектурных комплексов стоит отметить голландское жилищно-рыночное гибридное творение (оно было принято в эксплуатацию в октябре 2014 г.), объединяющее в себе как жилые апартаменты, так и огромный крытый рынок. По материалам dezeen.com Спонсор статьи: компания TRIALLI — специализируется на производстве запчастей так называемых «aftermarket» для легковых и грузовых автомобилей. У дилеров компании можно приобрести широкий ассортимент продукции, в том числе и внешний шрус 2108 купить будет не проблема. Венгерский стадион Pancho Arena – пример дизайнерского чуда 2015-06-05 00:32 kralan Насколько совместимы такие понятия, как «футбольное поле» и «старинный замок? Оказывается, в описании одного очень красивого спортивного комплекса эти словосочетания органично уживаются рядом. По материалам archdaily.com Спонсор статьи: Компания LUZAR — с 2003 года успешно занимается производством радиаторов и других деталей системы охлаждения для разных отечественных и импортных легковых и легко-грузовых автомобилей, в том числе у компании можно приобрести масляный насос ваз 2110 цена которого вполне конкурентная! Офис-мечта «белого воротничка» 2015-06-06 16:52 kralan Австрийская фирма FOB, занимающаяся проектированием фасадов зданий, решила заказать строительство своего офиса в Бургенланде венскому архитектурному бюро Heri & Salli. По материалам dezeen.com «Крылатый» торговый комплекс в России 2015-06-06 18:17 kralan Стандартный вид любого торгового центра представляет собой прямоугольник, но иногда архитекторы используют и необычные формы. Спонсор статьи: компания «ЕвроПласт» — предлагает своим клиентам изготовить и установить пластиковые окна в Московской области. Окна ПВХ сейчас бесспорно прочно вошли в нашу жизнь. «Металлический» штрих, придавший современный вид 2015-06-06 18:19 kralan Нельзя возражать, что часто перед дизайнерами и архитекторами заказчики ставят стандартные несложные задания по «освежению» внешнего вида зданий и помещений. По материалам designboom.com Культурный комплекс, как воплощение прошлого, настоящего и будущего 2015-06-18 00:30 kralan Как известно, власти Китая придают большое значение духовному развитию жителей страны. Именно поэтому в последнее время не наблюдается снижения темпов строительства в культурной инфраструктуре Поднебесной. По материалам designboom.com Оригинальный дизайн нового промышленного узла в исполнении французских архитекторов 2015-06-18 00:36 kralan В одном из современных районов Парижа, рядом с автострадой, появилось новое промышленное сооружение. Автором необычного здания является фирма Vib architecture. Спонсор статьи: компания «Всё элементарно» — это крупный интернет-магазин с широким ассортиментом видеотехники, оргтехники и аксессуаров для офиса и дома. Приобрести в фирме можно и проектор benq — подробнее читайте на сайте. Стеклянный дом: наедине с природой… 2015-06-18 00:45 kralan Для каждого человека дом является олицетворением комфорта и особого уюта, которые позволяют чувствовать себя свободным от окружающих глаз и помогают расслабиться после трудовых будней. Исключением можно считать только дом со стеклянными стенами – здесь от внимания посторонних спрятаться не удастся. По материалам homedsgn.com Спонсор статьи: строительная компания «Сервисзем проект» — возмодит различную недвижимость в Киевской области. Один из ее комплексов — ЖК Ирпенские Липки. Более подробную информацию можно увидеть на http://newirpen.com.ua/. Квартира в сказочной башне 2015-06-21 22:56 kralan Архитектурные творения Захи Хадид постоянно удивляют своей оригинальностью, именно неординарный взгляд на проектирование жилых и нежилых зданий принес дизайнеру мировую известность. По материалам designboom.com Самый дорогой объект недвижимости в мире: 5-этажный пентхаус в Монако 2015-06-21 23:12 kralan В Монако завершается реализация проекта по строительству самого высокого небоскреба, который получил название The Tour Odeon. По материалам dailymail.co.uk fake oakleys cheap wholesale oakleys 0637 2015-06-22 13:16 kralan Youtube You may not be familiar with the world of Let Plays but they are Yesterday two of the most
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Новый аэропорт Мехико 2015-06-23 00:34 kralan Как известно, на сегодняшний день единственный столичный мексиканский международный аэропорт имени Бенито Хуареса, принимающий гостей со всех уголков мира, уже исчерпал свой потенциал и не может соответствовать современным требованиям. Ведь данный воздушный узел располагает только двумя взлетными полосами, принимающими на себя максимальную нагрузку в 97,3% от всех текущих ресурсов взлетно-посадочных полос. По материалам e-architect.co.uk Michael Kors handbags | cheap Michael Kors 7714 2015-06-23 11:05 kralan The true cost of cheap holiday deals It’s still not too late for a last minute family break. But families looking to snatch a cheap getaway are being warned to check Most charge up to a And from October, Ryanair will hit passengers who check A survey by consumer watchdog Which? found Ryanair was consistently the most expensive for add ons. While Ryanair, easyJet, Flybe and Monarch do not charge customers who use Visa The largest extra is airline food with a sarnie, hot drink, wine and water costing between 9.75 14.50. Which? says: "Restrictions on liquids are still in place at UK airports, so you can’t carry more than 100ml in your hand luggage, though you can take on board any liquids bought in the departure lounge. "To save money on
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cheap Michael Kors outlet | 4010 2015-06-23 11:07 kralan The Truth About Secret Societies That we are all searching for enlightenment in our own way, and that each person finds it in different ways hence the need for so many kinds of secret organisations. This has been called a void that we need to somehow fill, an emptiness within each one of us that calls out for a higher being or state of consciousness. Some psychologists believe that this is an evolutionary aspect of our lives, that within us there is a constant urge to improve and a deep rooted hope. This hope makes us strive for more and thus we become the strongest and fittest of the species hence evolution. But, there is a truth in this that has missed many. There is a void within us, quite literally. This void is the lack of the true enlightenment experience. There actually is a higher state of consciousness. If it were not so, then the feeling and emotions which drive people towards re discovering it would not be so strong and so universal. It is not and I have to state this each time the kundalini, which itself is a troubled and yet beautiful human electro bio chemical reaction. To follow this ancient Hindu concept to the letter is in the first instance next to impossible because texts do not exist, and secondly it is highly dangerous and can easily lead to psychosis and other forms of mental problems. It is one aspect of the true inner wisdom, but not the aspect only. The secret societies, and indeed, some religions of the globe have attempted over the millennia to bring us back to this state of consciousness, but they have more often than not utilised it for their own gain power. How do we know this? A quick study of the secret societies of the globe will show that the enlightenment experience has been used in every single occasion to draw people in and keep them. From In one famous statement, Hasan, son of Sabah, the Sheikh of the Mountains and leader of the Assassins said to an official of the Emperors court, "You see that devotee standing guard on yonder turret top? Watch!" The Sheikh made a signal and immediately the devotee threw himself off the mountain top precipice to his death. "I have seventy thousand men and women throughout Asia, each one of them ready to do my bidding." In the first instance this is amazing control over the mind of another individual. In the second it implies that the Assassins were much older than this early appearance, with seventy thousand devotees cast throughout Asia. No society can set up seventy thousand devotees over night, it would take many years to cultivate this kind of following and it would also take a lot of convincing unless there were an easier method of control that is! As if to mimic or indeed follow an older institution the Assassins went through a cycle of initiation based upon seven levels. This relates entirely to the seven chakra points of initiation in the close by Hindu tradition. A tradition based around the energy of the serpent. It was at the seventh level that the Assassins reached the great secret, that all mankind and all of creation were one and that everything was part of the whole. This great The Assassins are always linked, and rightly, to the Knights Templar. Both groups had dealings and a mutual respect. There are even monetary dealings between the two groups. Could it be that the Templars understood this greater secret and brought this "Holy Grail" of enlightenment back to Europe with them? The whole process certainly relates to the serpent energy or fire of the ancients around the world, which as I already knew was related to the serpent cults I revealed in The Serpent Grail. But there is another piece of evidence, which relates to this. In the time of the second grand master, Buzurg Umid (Great Promise), was situated at Alamut, otherwise known as the Viper Nest. And there are further links to the Templars in that Buzurg Umid actually made a deal with King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, a man closely connected to the Templars. Indeed in 1129 the Templars and The secret rituals of the Templars and the accusations made against them would relate entirely to the cult of the Assassins. The question has to be asked, did the Templars utilise the same mind controlling techniques as the Assassins? There is in fact evidence to suggest that the Templars, in connection with the Assassins actually understood the use of drugs, especially for the relief of pain. Robert Anton Wilson in his book Sex and Drugs, indicated his belief that the Templars in fact used Hashish, and learned the use from the Assassins. This is not an unreasonable assumption, given the links. There are links to be found in the Templar rituals and beliefs with much of the Middle Eastern religions. There is Sufi influence with the Golden Head of the Sufi Also, the initiate ritual of the Sufi involved passing through a doorway of two pillars. This entrance symbolised the portal into a world of illumination, knowledge and enlightenment. If it is true that the Freemasons emerged from a font of Templar knowledge, then this could indeed be one of the origins for the twin pillars of the Mason guilds. It is also similar to the twin pillars that pilgrims to Mecca must pass through (Safa and Marwa). Parsi (Persian Zoroastrianism) influence is also seen in the Kusti ritual where each day they would tie a sacred cord around their waist. The fact that the Templars were accused of holding a ritual with a sacred cord closely resembling the practice of the Zoroastrian Kusti, indicates a tradition of knowledge going back through thousands of years. These traditions can also be seen in that great Roman religion of Mithraism where the initiate was marked with the sign of the cross of the forehead. This was to signify the sun and the place of illumination, the very same as that of the Hindu ancient Egyptians and tribal American to name a few. Much of this ancient and supposedly secret teaching was passed eventually in what is known as Gnosticism. All Gnostics cannot be drawn into one bag, but there is a general theme that of illumination and enlightenment. The methods are now familiar to us. Many believed that through a frenzy they could achieve the ultimate state and others that by fasting and mediation they would be drawn closer to god. The results were the same; a deeper understanding of themselves and the belief that they were in touch with god. This ecstasy would invigorate, and like being in a Nexus, the initiate would constantly want to re achieve this state, thus keeping him in the fold. The experience being so very real to the religious mind that they truly believed they were in communion with god. And this is why I constantly draw a line at the kundalini, because it has dangers that its proponents not only refuse to see, but can see because of its very nature! The various methods used to access this altered state are very ancient. The ritual abstinence from food was as old as man. Practiced in the rituals of Eleusis the initiate would undergo a As Aristotle himself wrote, "Those who are being initiated do not so much learn anything, as experience certain emotions, and are thrown into a special state of mind." This "special state of mind" was a plasticity of the initiate that the priests could bend and manipulate to their own ends; just as the Old Man of the Mountain manipulated the Assassins. The initiate truly believed he or she had visited other worlds. All these methods and means to manipulation were passed on through time into all manner of modern secret societies. In the High Priesthood of Thebes, a society first revealed in Germany in the 18th century, it was written of the initiate, "He was led to two high pillars between which stood a griffin driving a wheel before him. The pillars symbolised east and west, the griffin the sun and the wheel the four spokes of the four seasons. He was taught the use of the level and instructed in geometry and architecture. He received a rod, entwined by serpents and the password Heve (serpent), and was told the story of the fall of man." The symbols within this initiation are now obvious and ancient. In the initiations and rituals of Witches similar themes are found. Whirling, dancing and a general build up to frenzy, would bring the participant into a general trance state known today as catharsis. This was helped along with drugs, such as the "ointment" used by the Witches to help them fly and which contained hyoscine. The leader would then guide them through a set piece ritual of words and incantations leading to complete mind control. Such control indeed, that like many religions, the participant would often give up their own family and friends. This is the origin of what we call in modern times a cult and it can now be realised just how hard it is to cult break. This awakening of the mind through ecstasy is on the one hand a release from the norm and a breakthrough for the mind into a freedom state, but on the other hand it is a dangerous tool, used by many cults, secret societies and in fact mainstream religion to control and manipulate the masses for their own ends. It may be that some have nothing but good intentions at heart, but history has shown repeatedly that greed is all powerful and can take the soul of many well meant groups. The lesson is, be careful in what and whom you believe. He can be seen on TV, heard on radio and has written for hundreds of magazines around the world.Articles Connexes:
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discount ray bans | cheap ray ban outlet 6652 2015-06-23 15:40 kralan Featured Articles about Andy Sipowicz By Steve Rosenbloom March 3, 1999Was fined $7,500 for criticizing some typically lame NBA officials, but you know the motto of Mr. ACLU Himself, David Stern: The truth shall set you back. "Never in my wildest dreams did I think the show would be around this long," he said. As it turns out, Franz’s hard nosed, hot tempered Sipowicz has been the show’s anchor. During its lengthy run, "NYPD Blue" has experienced many cast changes, but Sipowicz always has been there. Then a new executive producer, Gloria Monty, came up with what turned out to be a lifesaving plotline. She took one of the show’s child stars, Genie Francis, and
fake ray bans | cheap ray bans 9949 2015-06-23 15:42 kralan Minority Business Assistance Charlottesville Office of Economic DevelopmentThe Office of Economic Development works to expand the Charlottesville tax base and to provide quality job opportunities for its citizens through new business development, retention/expansion initiatives, and workforce training. The following services are available to any City resident who owns a business or is interested in starting one.Resource Referrals If our office does not have an answer to your question, we will help you find the agency that does.Demographic/Market Data Research We can provide you with information about the City and its residents.Small Business Start Up Assistance Our office offers an interactive CD on how to start your business in Charlottesville. We also offer start up packages that include basic information on the following topics: writing a business plan, obtaining financing, registering your business with the federal, state and local government, etc. Please to request these materials.Business First Visitation Program If your business is located in the City, we would like to learn more about your operation and how we can better serve you. Please call 434 970 3110 to set up a visitation with a representative from our office.Site Selection Assistance Our website offers a searchable database of available sites in the City. We can also meet with you to determine a location in the City that will best suit your business needs.Business Education Programs We sponsor/support business workshops throughout the year for entrepreneurs. Please click onUPCOMING EVENTSfor future opportunities.For more information about what our office can do for you, call 434 970 3110 or .Central Virginia Small Business Development Center (SBDC)The CV SBDC provides area businesses with professional, one on one management counseling in a variety of financial, marketing, and operational areas as well as through sponsorship of training seminars. The CV SBDC also assists pre venture and existing businesses in developing their business plans which include market analyses, creating financial projections, and identifying capital needs. provides free consulting services to both start up and existing small businesses in the City of Charlottesville and counties of Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene, Culpeper, Louisa, Madison, Nelson, and Orange. has more than 20 counselors, all of whom have many years of business experience in various fields such as restaurants, retail stores, construction, etc. DMBE is responsible for the administration of the Small, Women and Minority owned Business certification under Virginia’s "SWaM" Procurement Initiative. In 2006, Governor Kaine set forth a 40% goal of purchases from SWaMs for the Commonwealth and established a Small Business Set Aside Program to enhance SWaM participation in procurement activities. Becoming SWaM certified includes you in the SWaM Vendor Directory, which is the listing used by state procurement officials to locate SWaM certified vendors and therefore increases your opportunity to be selected as a supplier for state agencies.The DMBE also administers the Federal
cheap ray bans | 8084 2015-06-23 15:44 kralan 2 Styles Of Slim Fit Mens Shirts To Wear For Summer The best slim fit shirts for men in the UK are the ones which have been produced to not only fit well, but also look great in a number of different situations. We’ve found that one of the most important steps that people take to make their shirts look great, we’ve found that you need to be able to match the shirt with the style of clothing that you’re really looking to apply. To do this, we’ve found that you need to be able to use the type of clothing that will really ensure you the best way to work, and this can be done by using the styles outlined in this article, and then attempting to match them with the styles of other garments that you may like. The shirts you’ll like are the ones which have been produced by a large number of companies to help ensure that your style is able to suffice for the particular situation that you The casual flannel look is where you really "dress down" and wear a checkered / flannel shirt, and some nice cargo shorts. This, again, is a classic look which can be worn to any kind of social event, allowing you to look your
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