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А в т о м и р 2 0 1 3 No 9 ( У к р а и н а )

Знания - автомобилистам и мотолюбителям. Автолитература.
Выпуск No470

Автолегенды СССР



Всего изданий: 3

1. А в т о м и р 2 0 1 3 № 9 ( У к р а и н а )
2013-03-15 05:00

«Автомир» — первый еженедельный автомобильный журнал, который предоставляет самую разнообразную информацию из мира автомобилей: от репортажей с международных автосалонов до сравнительных тестов автомобильных шин и масел различных фирм.
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Размер: 30,82 Мб

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2. S t r e e t R o d d e r 2 0 1 3 # 4
2013-03-15 05:10

STREET RODDER is the #1 authoritative source for how to and technical information, event coverage, the latest features and emerging trends all devoted to the world of street rodding.
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Размер: 146,18 Мб

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3. N Z V 8 2 0 1 3 # 3
2013-03-15 05:20

NZV8 Magazine was conceived when the passionate muscle car scene was in need of an authority. Thanks to a large population of baby boomers, muscle car and V8 culture is starting to boom again in New Zealand. NZV8 is not only riding that wave, but leading the way by providing world class magazine that features the cars, events and people that make the scene so exciting. NZV8 covers an extensive range of high-performance V8-engine vehicles. Wherever the local ground shakes to the beat of a tuned eight-cylinder machine, NZV8 is part of the action.
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Размер: 91,51 Мб

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