14 декабря SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute) опубликовал ТОП-100 сотни крупнейших мировых производителей вооружений и услуг в денежном выражении, что на первый взгляд не столь интересно, как количество единиц, однако при сопоставлении с известными фактами и другими данными... ))
Чуть издалека - рынок экспорта-импорта от них же но ранее, отдельно по годам что-то не нашёл:
Уже из релиза: Доли мирового производства оружия и снова же услуг.
Почитаем, что пишут создатели доклада:
Несмотря на ухудшившиеся национальные экономические условия, доля выручки русских компаний из топ-100 увеличилась до 10,2% по сравнению с 7,6% в 2013. Одиннадцать российских компаний в настоящее время в Топ-100 по сравнению с девятью в 2013 году.
Данные внутренних сделок собираются в местной валюте. Для преобразования из местных валют в доллары США, используется среднегодовые данные МВФ.
Теперь коротко о понятиях:
В военные товары не включены товары общего назначения такие как офисное оборудование, обмундирование.
Военные услуги включают в себя технические услуги, такие как информационные технологии, техническое обслуживание, текущий и капитальный ремонт, и оперативная поддержка. Услуги, связанные с эксплуатацией ВС, такие как сбор информации(?) intellegence, обучение, логистика и управление военных объектов, вооруженная охрана в конфликтных зонах.
Не включают в себя предоставление в мирное время чисто гражданских услуг, таких как лечение, уборка, питание и транспорт, но услуги оперативного развертывания сил(?) включены.
Там же внятно объяснены трудности получения информации подобного рода.
Непонятно, включены ли в услуги упомянутые в статье "EPIC FAIL: Here's Why Most US Weapons Systems are Worse than Russia's" 10 миллиардные PowerPoint овские презентации для Пентагона или программа "Солдат будущего" зачатая в 2003 и тихо почившая меж 2012 и 2014 унеся с собой 20 млрд долларов и оставив о себе на память 13-ти килограммовый "пылесос славы". и прочие примеры распила денег в США из этой статьи.
Если внимательно вглядеться в ТОП и поскладывать-пораскладывать цифры и сопоставить с вышеприведёнными первыми двумя таблицами, то получится, что этим ТОПом можно проиллюстрировать вышеуказанную статью. ))
Кому надо, раз уж под рукой исправленный вытащенный из PDF:
Although several Chinese arms-producing companies are large enough to rank among the SIPRI Top 100, it has not been pos-sible to include them because of lack of comparable and sufficiently accurate data.
Companies are ranked according to the value of their arms sales in 2014. An S denotes a subsidiary company. A dash (–) indicates that the company did not rank among the SIPRI Top 100 for 2013. Company names and structures are listed as they were on 31 Dec.2014. Information about subsequent changes is provided in these notes. The 2013 ranks may differ from those published in SIPRI Ye a rb o o k 2 015 and elsewhere owing to continual revision of data, most often because of changes reported by the company itself and sometimes because of improved estimations. Major revisions are explained in these notes.
When the names of subsidiaries and operational companies owned by a holding or investment company appear, the name of the parent company is given in parentheses along with its country, where it differs.
As of Jan. 2014, the company previously known as EADS started operating as Airbus Group. Airbus Group’s main production facilities are based in France and Germany.
Arms sales figures for these companies are estimates and are subject to a high degree of uncertainty.
United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation (UIMC) and High Precision Systems are included for the first time. UIMC and High Precision Systems are the result of mergers as part of the consolidation process of the Russian arms industry into large, state-controlled, sector-based conglomerates. High Precision Systems has existed for several years but data only became available in 2014 and therefore no ranking for 2013 can be given. It is likely that the arms sales of this company in 2013 would have been sufficient to allow for its inclusion in the 2013 list. From 2014, UIMC included Sozvezdie, which ranked 85th in 2013. Arms sales figures for these
companies are estimates and are subject to a high degree of uncertainty.
In September 2013, Science Applications International Corporation spun off its technical, engineering and IT services business. The spun-off business retained the original Science Applications International Corporation company name. The parent company was renamed Leidos Holdings.
The signifi cant increase in AECOM’s arms sales in 2014 compared to 2013 is the result of its acquisition of URS Corporation in 2014.
Sales figures for these companies are based on data on US prime contract awards from USAspending.gov. They may be underestimated because awards from classified US contracts and certain exports are not included in this data.
Alliant Techsystems underwent a significant restructuring in late 2014 and early 2015. It acquired the activities of Orbital, a space and missile specialist, and spun off its sporting ammunition business. This explains the significant increase in the share of arms sales for this company.
Arms sales figures for Hewlett-Packard are based on data on US prime contract awards from USAspending.gov plus sales to the British Ministry of Defence from UK Defence Statistics. They may be underestimated because awards from classified contracts are not included in the US data.
The major increase in arms sales for Polish Armaments Group (PGZ) was largely due to the consolidation by the Polish Government of the large majority of its arms production, maintenance and repair facilities into a single company. PGZ is treated as the successor to Polski Holding Obronny.
CNH Industrial was formed from the merger in 2013 of Fiat Industrial SpA (which was separated from Fiat SpA) and CNH Global NV. The arms sales of CNH Industrial for 2013 are those of IVECO, which is based in Italy, but the company has production facilities in several countries, is registered in the Netherlands, and has its headquarters in the UK. It is treated as a Trans-European company for statistical purposes.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) runs federally funded research and development (R&D) centres, including the Lincoln Laboratory, which conducts R&D projects funded by the US Federal Government, including the Department of Defense (DOD). The arms sales of MIT refer to R&D activities funded by the DOD.
Sales for Patria for 2014 include its 50% participation in Finnish–Norwegian ammunition maker Nammo.
Trans-European refers to companies whose ownership and control structure are based in more than one European country.
Подобные данные за 2002-2014 (Excel)
Данные о военный расходах стран НАТО с 1949 (Excel)
Все страны 1988-2014 Military Expenditure Database for all countries from 1988-2014 as an Excel spreadsheet (Last updated November 2015)
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