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Экстренная помощь уставшим от жары. Радикальная :))


"А мне всегда чего-то не хватает: зимою - лета, осенью - весны..." (с)


Let it snow

❄ Winter Wonderland ❄ this is a GIF - Animated Pin ❄ Please click on the play button to view ❄



Lantern in the snow ~A collection of CLICK ON THE PICTURE (gif) AN WATCH IT COME TO LIFE. ....♡♥♡♥♡♥Love★it


Moomin House, Naantali, Finland:


Snow Lights ...♥♥...:


The Merchant’s House Museum in New York City blizzard - February 12, 2006:


double-decker bus ~ England | http://adventuretravels.hubpages.com/hub/adventure-travel-shop:


NYC. Winter night, East 9th Street, East Village - This is what I wish every Christmas Eve would bring:


Christmas eve lighting:


house in the snow:


Silhouettes in the land of snow.:


Winter fairy tail, Kiev, Ukraine:






#cabin #logcabin #winter #snow #woods:


Winter ~ in the garden:




Cold dawn in Rossiya, Russia • photo: Andrey Jitkov on Photosight:


Park Zheleznovodsk, Stavropol, North Caucasus, Russia:




by Roman Kargapolov:


Chester Walls in the snow by Mark Carline, via Flickr, the most complete Roman walls in the UK:


A Winter Walk:


The beauty of winter:






snow cat:


Не благодарите :))

Это интересно

Администратор 16.08.2016 , обновлено  16.08.2016
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