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Приглашаю окунуться в море ярких цветочных красок. И форм :)



Crassula Capitella....love this succulent Rare or Odd Flowers www.facebook.com/flowerofworld www.flowerhomes.blogspot.com:


Voodoo Lily:

Striped Lilies. Cont Flowers Garden Love:

Bromeliad Flowers, Italy – Amazing Pictures - Amazing Travel Pictures with Maps for All Around the World:




Purple Cloeme -:


Aquilegia by Marlies Prieckaerts:

~~ Tibetan blue poppy ~~:

Oleander (Nerium oleander) by injica:

"Floral Flamenco" Gloriosa Lily ~ By Claude Fletcher:

Exotic flower from Myanmar Burma:

Persian cornflower (Centaurea dealbata) flower bud...:

Corkscrew wine:

Stenocarpus sinuatus, known as the Firewheel Tree is an Australian rainforest tree:

Oxalis versicolor:

Red Columbine - Aquilegia canadensis:

Orange Pincushion from the Protea Specie:

South African Star Flower.:

King protea, Protea cynaroides, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, Cape Town, South Africa - Cris Figueired♥:

Ice Cream Tulips:

Teddy bear Sunflowers:

Magic Dogwood (Cornus florida subsp. urbiniana) is a rare Mexican version of the common American Dogwood tree:

What a Beautiful flower !:

Dragon Fruit flower:

Passiflora triloba:

~~ schlumbergera pro Flowers Garden Love:

Dahlias and Chrysanthemums:

**Centaurea jacaea:

Passion flower.:

Purple spider flower:

Trichosanthes cucmerina:

Passion Flower buds Beautiful gorgeous amazing:

purple clematis:

Clematis Josephine:

Это интересно

Администратор 24.07.2016
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