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Powder Coating

The preparation process of a powder coating line is an important step in the overall process of coating and finishing parts and components. It is important that the parts and components are properly prepared before they can be coated, as the quality and durability of the end product is heavily dependent on the quality of the preparation process. 

Below is a detailed breakdown of the preparation process on a powder coating line:

• Wash the parts and components to be coated: This is done to remove any dust, dirt, grease, or other contaminates that may be present on the surface of the component. This is usually done with a de-greasing solution, hot water, and a high-pressure spray.

• Rinse the parts and components: After being washed, the parts and components must be rinsed with clean water to remove any of the degreasing solution. This also removes any remaining dust, dirt, and other particulates that may have been left on the component.

• Dry the parts and components: Once the components have been washed and rinsed, they must be dried. This is done using hot, dry air.

• Remove any existing coatings and rust: If the component has any existing coatings or rust, it must be removed. This can be done through chemical stripping, sandblasting, or media blasting.

• Apply a primer coat: After any existing coatings or rust have been removed, a primer coat can be applied to the component. This helps to ensure that the powder coating adheres properly to the component and helps to protect the component from corrosion.

• Inspect the component: The component must be inspected to make sure that there are no imperfections or issues with the surface. Any imperfections or issues must be addressed before the component can move on to the next step in the process.

• Mask off any areas that do not need to be coated: This is done to ensure that any areas that do not need to be coated are not affected by the coating process.

Website: https://powder.equipment/
Phone: +971 58 593 1811
E-mail: info@powder.equipment

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