Honest news Chinese phones and not only ... More recently, rumors about the poor quality of Chinese electronics were narrow-minded views of conventional wisdom. But now manufacturers from China can boast the actual quality of its gadgets. About what novelties devices surprise us Chinese brands, you will always find on our portal, highlights the latest news of the Chinese smartphone. From our news site, we try to show you the best Chinese phones, and smartphones that became a complete failure for developers. Without any prejudice, we tell you where and how you can buy a "smart-Chinese" with low savings. On the site you can always find out "hot" news Chinese phones today. Rest assured, we will certainly tell you which phones from China are noteworthy, and some manufacturers of smartphones in something deceive the consumer. Chinese phones - the latest news: honest and fun We have already said that we are preparing for you the news of Chinese smartphones today because we do really interesting and it's our hobby? Then we have forgotten to tell you that our project - not a commercial, and the main value for us - it is you - our readers! Therefore, making a regular review of the smartphone, preparing the next piece of news or video, our team tries to submit information as honestly and "Panorama", and most importantly - with a positive. If you read or watch the material, then you should be really interesting. Remember - we do not create http://bad-android.com/ material "for show". What you will learn in the bad android that you get pleasure from our portal, bad android team gets to you only the latest news of Chinese smartphones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, drones and other gadgets worthy of attention from manufacturers from China. In addition, for you, a special service channel on Youtube where the video reviews of Chinese electronics are added regularly, and where you can find accurate information about the updates of smartphones. We also invite everyone in our group VKontakte, with which you can get the latest information from the portal on your smartphone or other Android devices. In addition to news about the Chinese phones and various gadgets on badandroid you will always find: Reviews of Chinese phones; Analytical materials; Video gadget reviews; For information about the prices on Chinese phones for the convenience of online bad android we always make a selection on the most popular content, and the most interesting in the last week. And further. We are always open to your suggestions, comments and observations. If you want to participate in our project - we are always looking for new and interesting ideas about Chinese phones, as well as about other Android devices come from China!
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